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08-16 投稿


unaccented 发音

英:[?n??ksent?d]  美:[?n??ksent?d]

英:  美:

unaccented 中文意思翻译



unaccented 网络释义

adj. 无重音的;无抑扬的;非重音的

unaccented 短语词组

1、unaccented passing note ─── 弱经过音

2、unaccented beat ─── 弱拍

3、unaccented syllable ─── 无重音音节

4、unaccented octave ─── 无音色八度

unaccented 相似词语短语

1、unaccentuated ─── 不带重音的

2、unaccepted ─── adj.未被接纳的;被拒绝的;不承担的

3、reaccented ─── 重新集中

4、unaugmented ─── 未升级

5、unscented ─── adj.无香味的;无气味的

6、unaccredited ─── adj.未经授权的;未被接受的

7、unaccounted ─── adj.未说明解释的;未包括在某数目中的;行踪不明的

8、accented ─── adj.带…口音的;v.重读(accent的过去分词)

9、unalienated ─── 未让渡的

unaccented 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables. ─── 二短音步一种有节奏的步伐,上有两个短或无重音的音节

2、A trisyllabic metrical foot having one accented or long syllable between two unaccented or short syllables, as in the word remember. ─── 短长短三音节音步一种三音节音步,在两个非重读音节或短音节中间夹着一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember

3、If not selected, Analysis Services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be equal. ─── 如果不选择此选项,AnalysisServices将认为重音与相应的非重音字母是等价的。

4、unaccented stock ─── 未经同意的证券

5、A metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented or of one long syllable followed by two short, as in flattery. ─── 扬抑抑格诗韵的韵脚,由一个重音节紧接两个非重音节或一个长音节接两个短音节组成,如在flattery中

6、The short or unaccented part of a metrical foot,especially in quantitative verse. ─── 弱音节音步中短的或非重读的部分,尤指在长短步诗中。

7、Analysis Services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes. ─── 就排序而言,AnalysisServices将重音字母和非重音字母视为相同。

8、A simple, regular, recurring pattern with a pulse of accented and unaccented beats is called the meter. ─── 节拍,是指一种重音与非重音循环出现的,简单而固定的律动音型。

9、Distinguishes between accented and unaccented characters. ─── 区分重音字符和非重音字符。

10、unaccented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable. ─── 重读的在发音或诗节中不重读的。

11、Some cant get over the fact that there are English-language schools in China, while others dont understand why there are Chinese children in China speaking perfect, unaccented English. ─── 有些人吃惊地无法相信中国还有英语学校,而有些人则不明白为什么这里还有中国孩子能说一口地道的英语。

12、(music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllable ─── (音乐或诗歌)以非重音结尾的

13、If not selected, Analysis Services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be equal. ─── 如果不选择此选项,Analysis Services将认为重音与相应的非重音字母是等价的。

14、an unaccented beat (especially the last beat of a measure). ─── 小节中非重音的拍子(特指小节的最后一拍)。

15、In practice, there are several factors that affect the English rhythm: the balance of the rhythm, the unaccented pronunciation and the psychological motive. ─── 在实际中影响英语节奏的因素有词类、节奏平衡、弱读和心理动机。

16、have both accented beats and unaccented beats in a bar; rhythmical; measured; orderly ─── 有板有眼

17、An unaccented beat in a measure. ─── 拍子是每小节四拍。

18、an unaccented beat (especially the last beat of a measure). ─── 小节中非重音的拍子(特指小节的最后一拍)。

19、Analysis Services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes. ─── 就排序而言,Analysis Services将重音字母和非重音字母视为相同。

20、Does not distinguish between accented and unaccented characters. ─── 不区分重音字符和非重音字符。

21、Select this option to sort and compare data based on the dictionary rules provided for the associated language or alphabet, and to distinguish between accented and unaccented characters. ─── 选择此选项可以根据为相关语言或字母表提供的字典规则对数据进行排序和比较,并区分重音和非重音字符。

22、(prosody) used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively long duration ─── (韵律学)用于音节的,有较长的持续时间

23、An unaccented beat in a measure. ─── 弱拍节拍中被不重击的拍节

24、Her English is unaccented. ─── 她的英语是无重音的。

25、(prosody) used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively long duration. ─── (韵律学)用于音节的,有较长的持续时间。

26、(Music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllable. ─── (音乐或诗歌)以非重音。

27、music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllable. ─── (音乐或诗歌)以非重音结尾的。

28、The upbeat or unaccented part of a measure. ─── 弱拍弱拍或小节中弱唱的部分

29、a metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables ─── 一种有两个短或无重音的音步

30、The vowel change of -ae- to -i- in Latin is due to a Latin phonetic rule involving unaccented syllables in compounds. ─── 在拉丁语中,元音-ae-变成-i-,这是在复合词中非重读音节的语音规则。

31、a trisyllabic metrical foot having one accented or long syllable between two unaccented or short syllables,as in the word remember ─── 音步一种三音节音步,在两个非重读音节或短音节中间夹着一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember

32、one accented beat and three unaccented beats in a bar ─── 一板三眼

33、These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse. ─── 当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、说或韵文中,它们有所区别。

34、A word, syllable, or sound that is unaccented. ─── 无重读音节不重读的单词、音节或单音

35、accented and unaccented beats in traditional Chinese music; measure; time ─── 板眼

36、The unaccented or short part of a metrical foot, especially in accentual verse. ─── 尤指在扬音诗中韵脚的非重读或短的部分

37、exclaimed Gerhardt, his excitement growing under the strain he was enduring, and speaking almost unaccented English in consequence. ─── 葛哈德嚷道;他因熬忍得过分紧张,以致激动得更加厉害,连他说的英语也不成腔了。

38、Unstressed or unaccented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable. ─── 非重读的在发音或诗节中不重读的。用于一个词或音节

39、"dactyl:a metrical foot consisting of one accented syllable followed by two unaccented or of one long syllable followed by two short, as in flattery." ─── "扬抑抑格:诗韵的韵脚,由一个重音节紧接两个非重音节或一个长音节接两个短音节组成,如在flattery中."

40、The short or unaccented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse. ─── 弱音节音步中短的或非重读的部分,尤指在长短步诗中

41、(prosody) used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively brief duration. ─── (韵律学)音节不发重音或持续时间相对较短。

42、(prosody) used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively brief duration ─── (韵律学)音节不发重音或持续时间相对较短

43、If this option is not selected, Analysis Services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes. ─── 如果未选择此项,在排序时,Analysis Services将把字母的重音形式和非重音形式视为相同。

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