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08-16 投稿


fizzed 发音

英:[f?zd]  美:[f?zd]

英:  美:

fizzed 中文意思翻译




fizzed 短语词组

1、fizzed meaning ─── 嘶 ─── 嘶的意思

2、fizzed definition ─── 模糊的定义

fizzed 词性/词形变化,fizzed变形

形容词: fizzy |动词第三人称单数: fizzes |动词过去式: fizzed |动词过去分词: fizzed |动词现在分词: fizzing |

fizzed 相似词语短语

1、fizzier ─── adj.起泡沫的;嘶嘶作响的(fizzy的变形)

2、fizzers ─── n.嘶嘶声(计算机病毒)

3、fizzes ─── v.发嘶嘶声;起泡沫;劈啪作响;有活力,显示兴奋;n.气泡;嘶嘶声;劈啪声;充气饮料;兴奋,活力

4、zizzed ─── n.打盹;瞌睡

5、fezzed ─── 狂热的

6、fizzled ─── vi.失败;发嘶嘶声;萎靡;n.失败;嘶嘶声

7、fuzzed ─── n.绒毛;模糊;细毛;警员;vi.作绒毛状飞散;变成绒毛状;变得模糊;vt.使模糊;起毛

8、frizzed ─── v.使(头发)鬈曲;将(头发)卷紧;用浮石修整(frizz的过去式和过去分词)

9、fizzer ─── n.嘶嘶声(计算机病毒)

fizzed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This brought an immediate improvement, as within five minutes Kalou miskicked when he should have scored, and then Didier Drogba fizzed a 30 yard volley toward goal, but Navarrete was equal to it. ─── 这马上带来了改进,5分钟内卡劳在他该得分的时候射偏了,然后在30码处试图得分,不过Navarrete处于同样的机会上。

2、He called for a gin fizz and weinies. ─── 他要了杜松子香槟酒和红肠。

3、You could hear the liquid fizz as she poured it out of the bottle. ─── 她将液体倒出瓶子时,可以听到它嘶嘶冒泡声。

4、Barton looked the man most likely to get City back in the contest and he fizzed a shot just wide of the far post on 38 minutes. ─── 巴顿试图去唤醒他的队友,他一个人带球往禁区里带,但是在马克莱莱的干扰下摔倒,他向主裁韦利申诉应该判罚点球,但主裁拒与理会

5、The pop of opening cork, the sigh of release of gas, and the gentle, alluring fizz as the glass fills.What could go better with a candlelit dinner just for two on Valentine's Day? ─── 开启酒瓶时软木塞的砰然声,气体释放时的咝咝声,倒入酒杯时诱人的嘶嘶声,还有什么可以配得上两人世界的情人节烛光晚宴呢?

6、Get into the real stories of Beijing because this article was simply the fizz off of your "red bull". ─── 去了解真正的北京,因为这篇文章只不过您“红牛”的气泡罢了。

7、4.Our bar serves a number of cocktails, such as Martini, Pink Ladies, and Gin Fizz. ─── 我们酒吧供应多种鸡尾酒,如马提尼、红粉佳人、金菲士等。

8、Cider, Ginger Fizz, Praline, Cherry, Frosty Blast, Icy Lavender ... ─── 款水晶唇彩装在精美的金色礼盒中, 十足的品味!

9、This lemonade has lost its fizz ─── 这汽水跑气了.

10、A country that has become accustomed to reasonably fast growth and frothy affluence will probably have to adjust to slower growth and less retail fizz. ─── 美国人已经习惯于较为快速的增长和相当泡沫的富裕,以后将可能不得不体验适应经济增长放缓,零售消费减少。

11、Pinot Noir also makes good sparkling wine. It's one of the grapes in the Champagne blend, and is planted in most countries where winemakers want to make really good fizz. ─── 黑比诺也可以生产良好的气酒。这是葡萄中的香槟混合,并且酿酒师想得到它良好的起泡效果而被种植在大多数国家.

12、It has no carbon dioxide gas added to make it fizz, and it is brewed only from barley, hops and pure clear water. ─── 这种啤酒不用添加二氧化碳使它冒泡,完全是用大麦、啤酒花与纯净水酿造而成。

13、fizz it is essential that the grapes are not too ripe and the acidity remains refreshingly high. ─── 要酿造优质的起泡葡萄酒,葡萄不能熟过头,酸度要要够高、够劲。

14、put fizz into ─── 使 ... 更有趣

15、To drink we have a choice of either milk or a hot orange-flavored tea that tastes like Alka-Seltzer without the fizz. ─── 饮料我们可以选择牛奶或者热橘子味的茶,味道就像没有气泡的消食片。

16、He found Malfoy sitting in a lounge chair with a champagne glass full of Bucks Fizz in one hand and a book in the other. ─── 他看到Malfoy坐在一把躺椅上,一只手里拿着斟满了Bucks Fizz的玻璃酒杯,另一只手拿着本书。

17、It says just add to water and watch it 10)fizz . ─── 上面说只要加水,看它嘶嘶起泡就可以了。

18、The fizz made my nipples ache with lust and I even let a few pours dribble over my pussy, which my man licked up expertly. ─── 我躺在地毯上,他使用经典的传教式和我举行周公之礼,我紧紧地箍住他,渴望深入,再深入,永远不够。

19、the fizz of a firework ─── 烟火的嘶嘶声

20、After a while their mother was back, holding a tray of glasses that fizzed. ─── 一会儿他们的母亲回来了,端着一托盘嘶嘶冒泡的玻璃杯。

21、Gin Fizz ─── 杜松子汽水酒

22、This mode redirects the exhaust gases to travel a longer path so that by the time they reach their destination they have lost much of their fizz and throaty sound. ─── 这种模式重定向废气旅行更长的道路,这样,当他们到达其目的地,他们失去了很多啸和喉音的声音。

23、And then walking loses fizz. -I'm sorry, what? I'm being told that I'm losing fizz by carrying it? -Right. ─── 走动会失去泡泡。-对不起。什么?有人告诉我因为我拿着它走动,所以泡泡少了?-是的。

24、I suggest use royal fizz to rust it,it is easy to distinguish its Wuzi veins' character. ─── 不妨用稀柠檬汁蚀一块出来,乌兹花纹的特征即易辨认.

25、Don't use fresh, fizzy Coke as this could irritate the condition. (Take the fizz out by adding a little sugar, if you need to. ─── 注意不要使用新打开的还在嘶嘶作响的可乐,它会让你的胃口变得更糟。

26、The Beijing project, started before the 2008 Summer Olympics, traps a fraction of the carbon dioxide emitted by the plant, purifying and selling it for use in food packaging and for the fizz in sodas. ─── 在2008年奥运会开幕前就已建成的北京高碑店项目捕捉了该工厂排放的部分二氧化碳,在对其进行提纯后卖给了食品包装企业及碳酸饮料厂家。

27、Buck rs Fizz ─── 巴克鸡尾酒

28、The acid is firm and wonderfully refreshing, and combined with the low alcohol, it is perfectly balanced with a touch of sweetness and a lively tingle of fizz. ─── 它较低的酒精度,甜美的口味又有点让味蕾有麻痹的顽皮触感,更让人迷恋。

29、The match fizzed. ─── 火柴发出嘶嘶声。

30、Bring me a Gin Fizz, please. ─── 来杯琴酒加汽水的鸡尾酒。

31、You felt as old as Methuselah , and yet the thing fizzed somehow, and didn't let you be comfortable. ─── 你觉得象麦修彻拉一样老,而这青春却沸腾着,使你坐寐不安。

32、golden fizz ─── n. 金色饮料

33、The fizz has gone out of the market. ─── 市场已杳无生气。

34、He popped the cork and the champagne fizzed out over the bottle. ─── 他“砰”的一声打开瓶塞,香槟酒从瓶中喷出。

35、Afellay: 6.0 - Sent on as Holland chased a goal.Certainly got involved and fizzed a low shot wide but couldn’t provide the threat required. ─── 阿费莱: 6.0 - 一球落后时被范巴斯滕换上加强进攻,但是没能给对手造成足够的威胁。

36、hiss; fizz; fizzle; sizzle ─── 嘶嘶声

37、Fizz gas ─── 速度泡沫

38、2.The match fizzed. ─── 火柴发出嘶嘶声.

39、The in-form midfielder's shot did not lack power but it fizzed over the crossbar, albeit by no more than a few inches. ─── 尽管这位状态正佳的中场球员的射门并不缺少力量,不过球却稍稍高出了横梁几英寸。

40、Well, that’s busy eating away at the sugar, producing bubbles of 15)carbon dioxide and that’s where the fizz comes from. ─── 嗯,酵母在急剧侵蚀蔗糖,会释放二氧化碳气体,所以会有气泡。

41、On the palate fine bubbles burst and fizz, releasing beautiful fruit flavours and creating excitement in the mouth. ─── 当饮用的时候,气泡在舌尖“呲呲”跳动,散发出各种香味,使人非常兴奋。

42、The stuff that gives soda its fizz is a gas, carbon dioxide. ─── 让苏打水出那么多泡泡的是一种气体 二氧化碳

43、The bottle opened with a fizz. ─── 扑哧一声, 瓶子打开了。

44、They often held some back, feeding speculation and preventing champagne houses such as Veuve Clicquot and Laurent-Perrier from making as much fizz as they wanted to. ─── 他们过去经常有所保留,他们心怀猜忌,不让凯歌香槟和罗兰百悦这样的香槟酒商拿到他们想要的葡萄数量。

45、2. The lemonade fizzed up. ─── 柠檬水嘶嘶直起泡。

46、fizz burn ─── 沸腾燃烧

47、In 2008 producers of the fizz shipped 4.8% less than the year before. ─── 2008年香槟出口比一年前减少了4.8%。

48、Blackburn's first chance of note did not arrive until the half hour mark when Andrew Haworth fizzed a dangerous free-kick narrowly wide of Jacob's far post. ─── 布莱克本才缓过气了,他们的机会出现在第30分钟,哈沃斯主罚的任意球差点飞进雅各布把守球门的远角。

49、If too high polymer-coated temperature adjustment, Fizz. ─── 如果覆膜温度调节过高,就会起泡。

50、Ronaldo played the ball in to the former Everton favourite who thumped in a low shot which fizzed past Liverpool keeper Jerzy Dudek and into the net. ─── Ronaldo在右路带球传给Rooney,前埃弗顿球星的一脚低射穿越了利物浦门将Dudek,球进!

51、Several of Europe's housing markets are more overpriced, but have lost only a little of their fizz in the past year. ─── 欧洲几国房地产市场的房价更高,但是过去一年只出现了零星的震荡。

52、Our most consistent performer this season, Ron has netted six Premiership goals, including a scorching free-kick that fizzed past Pompey's David James from almost 30 yards. ─── 罗纳尔多本赛季已经打进12球,包括30码外的任意球射穿詹姆斯的十指关。

53、3. Would you like some gin fizz ? ─── 想要点杜松子汽酒吗?

54、Africa's cities, largely excluded from this phenomenon, are winning relatively little investment, trade or entrepreneurial fizz from foreigners. ─── 而非洲城市,大多与这些无缘,它们从国外赢得的投资和贸易相对很少,也难以提起外国企业家的兴趣。

55、14 Burton sipped his gin fizz. ─── 伯顿抿了一口杜松子汽酒。

56、This lemonade has lost its fizz. ─── 这柠檬汽水跑气了。

57、Last week, as Cokemen surveyed their empire, on which the sun never sets, their blood almost audibly fizzed with pride. ─── 上周,当可口可乐人审视着他们的日不落帝国的时候,他们的血液几乎因骄傲而沸腾。

58、They fizzed when they hit the liquor.“Thousand-year-old air!” ─── “这里面的空气有几千年的历史啦!”

59、irritate the condition. (Take the fizz out by adding a little sugar, if you need to. ─── 可乐可以帮助改善胃口。注意不要使用新打开的还在嘶嘶作响的可乐,它会让你的胃口变得更糟。(放入

60、For variety, make lemonade, squeeze limes on melon, add grapefruit to salad, and instead of drinking soda, fizz up OJ with sparkling water. ─── 其实有很多的品种,拿些柠檬水,榨些酸橙汁到甜瓜里,将葡萄柚添加到沙拉里,用这些来代替喝苏打水,橙汁加到苏打水里也可以。

61、This rebound may come with little fizz. ─── 这种反弹也许带有些微的泡沫。

62、Fresh mint tea is an excellent pick-me-up and elderflower fizz - cordial, fizzy water, a fat wedge of lemon and a sprig of cooling mint - is a wonderfully refreshing drink. ─── 新鲜薄荷茶是一种极好的提神泡沫果汁;汽水,一块肥的契形柠檬与一小枝冷薄荷--简直是一种美妙的清凉型饮料。

63、There is plenty of fizz and sparkle in the show. ─── 演出精彩,妙趣横生。

64、Without breaking his stride, the tricky winger fizzed a fine ball into the box and Marsh buried a half volley into the roof of the net. ─── 这名寂静的边锋没有选择大步突破,而是把球传入禁区。马什抽射入网。

65、He started to fizz with enthusiasm. ─── 他开始热情奔放起来。

66、' Anchoring its economic renaissance has been the king of fizz, Coca Cola. ─── 完成它的经济复兴的是可口可乐王国的国王。

67、Gundersen,50,later admitted that the free beer flowing from her faucets did not taste all that good since it lacked its fizz (carbon dioxide). ─── 50岁的甘德森稍后坦承,从她水龙头流出的免费啤酒味道不怎麽好,因为没有气泡(二氧化碳)。

68、However much Britons may be lifting the economic gloom by reaching for the fizz, it is the French who are the real winners. ─── 无论多少英国人在经济危机中通过汽酒提神解气,法国人才是真正的赢家。

69、Cristiano Ronaldo is a great champion, but in my opinion he has a bad memory or made it up to add a bit of fizz to his book. ─── 罗纳尔多是一位优秀的冠军球员,但在我看来,他记性很不好,或者说他有意在书中增添一些不属实的东西。”

70、gold fizz ─── 金黄起泡酒

71、fizz network ─── 活跃网络

72、The company is profiting by selling carbon dioxide to beverage companies to add fizz to their drinks. ─── 目前,华能公司通过向饮料公司出售添加到饮料中增加气泡的二氧化碳盈利。

73、And that market has less fizz than it did. ─── 而且,可乐市场的势头已经有所减弱。

74、Why Does Soda Pop Fizz ─── 苏打饮料为什么会起泡

75、Likewise, New World fizz producers use the same design. ─── 同样新世界的酒商也用这种设计。

76、Industrial carbonation is the source of the fizz in soda drinks. ─── 但是汽水之类的饮料之所以会发出嘶嘶声,则是工厂将之碳酸化的结果。

77、His imagination fizzed away like a bottle of the Big Friendly Giant's frobscottle, sending whizzpoppers of delight through his young readers. ─── 他的想象力行云流水得犹如《吹梦巨人》里的瓶子,送给年轻的读者喜悦的肠胃气胀。

78、It has a lot of fizz. ─── 发出嘶嘶声。

79、The lemonade fizzed up ─── 柠檬汁冒出来了。

80、Bulante (W.C.Bryant) claim in another articles the forbidden area that he visited an island to go up when ramble, extend of a maneating tree leaves come, leaf gives out fizz. ─── 布兰特在另一篇文章里声称他在漫步时走入了岛上的禁地,一棵食人树伸展开来,叶子发出嘶嘶声。

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