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08-16 投稿


substituted 发音

英:[?s?bst?tjut?d]  美:[?s?bst?tju:t?d]

英:  美:

substituted 中文意思翻译




substituted 词性/词形变化,substituted变形

过去分词:substituted 原型:substitute

substituted 短语词组

1、nucleus substituted ─── [化] 环上取代的

2、be substituted for ─── 替代

3、basic substituted ─── [机] 碱性基取代了的

4、substituted acid ─── [化] 取代酸

5、substituted food ─── 替代食品

6、substituted benzene ─── [化] 取代苯; 苯的同系物

7、substituted phenol ─── [化] 取代酚

8、alkyl substituted ─── [机] 烷基取代了的

9、twice substituted ─── [化] 二取代了的

10、nuclear substituted ─── [化] 环上取代的

11、substituted executor ─── [法] 代位执行人

12、substituted service ─── [法] 代替送达

13、substituted securities ─── [经] 代替证券, 信托投资证券

14、substituted service of writ ─── [法] 代理送达令状

15、substituted compound ─── [化] 取代化合物

16、substituted indoles ─── 取代吲哚

17、substituted expense ─── [经] 替代费用

18、ring substituted ─── [化] 环上取代的

19、N-substituted amide ─── [化] N-取代酰胺

substituted 常用词组

be substituted for ─── 替代

substituted 相似词语短语

1、constituted ─── vt.组成,构成;建立;任命

2、instituted ─── v.创立;设置(institute的过去分词)

3、trisubstituted ─── adj.三元取代的;三代的

4、disubstituted ─── adj.双取代的;二基取代的

5、substitution ─── n.代替;[数]置换;代替物

6、substituting ─── n.取代;[数]代入;v.代替,取代(substitute的现在分词形式)

7、substitute ─── n.代用品;代替者;vi.替代;vt.代替

8、substitutive ─── adj.代用的;代替的;代理的

9、substitutes ─── n.替代品;替补(substitute的复数);v.用…代替;由…接替(substitute的第三人称单数形式)

substituted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An array of types to be substituted for the type parameters of the current generic type definition. ─── 一个类型数组,用于取代当前泛型类型定义的类型参数。

2、The name of the first beneficiary may be substituted for that of the applicant in the credit. ─── 可以用第一受益人的名称替换原信用证中申请人的名称。

3、A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code. ─── 密码一种密码系统,其中固定长度的明文里的单元,通常为字母,被任意倒置或按事先确定的符号系统替换

4、She substituted margarine for butter. ─── 她用人造的奶油代替黄油。

5、Elimination of an alkyl chain substituted on an aromatic ring results in the appearance of free radicals. ─── 在一芳香环上一个取代烷链的消失,结果出现自由基。

6、The method of management in the past time of industry economic is doomed to be substituted by new digital integration. ─── 以往工业经济时代科学的管理模式必然会逐渐被新型的数字化集成管理所代替。

7、Therefore, individual-preference curves should be substituted for statistical probabilities in decision trees. ─── 因此,在决策树中个人的偏好曲线应当取代统计机率。

8、He wanted something for his cough but I couldn't find the cough syrup. I substituted Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once. ─── 他想治咳嗽,但我找不到止咳糖浆。我就用泻药代替了,还告诉他要一次全喝下。

9、Volunteers could supplement but could not be substituted for regular employees. ─── 志愿者可以辅助,但不能代替正式员工。

10、The Chelsea striker snubbed his manager after being substituted during the 1-0 win at Manchester City last night. ─── 在昨晚1-0战胜曼城的比赛中,切尔西射手被换下时,理都没理他的主帅。

11、then , people did not know that the beautiful sounds of the music from the amplifiers made of the electric tubes could not be substituted. ─── 那个时候,人们不知道电子管放大器营造的靓声是不可能被替代的。

12、He might have landed the wrong way, I don't know. I will have to see it again. Straight away he wanted to be substituted. ─── 他可能落地的时候发生了意外,我不太清楚,我会继续了解的,我只知道他当时马上就示意他不能继续比赛,我们需要找人替换他下场。

13、A SCR (silicon controlled rectifier) or thyrister can also be substituted for the contactor. ─── 也可以用可控硅整流器或者是半导体闸流管。

14、The understudy is substituted when the leading actor falls ill. ─── 主角演员患病,由替角代替演出。

15、Therefore, P should be substituted by a response surface for each genotype. ─── 因此,p必须被各个基因型的反应面所代替。

16、Ink-jet printer substituted offsctdruckereien seihan, thermal transfer proofing McFadden. ─── 喷不朱打印机代替胶印制版打样、冷迁徙打样已成定局。

17、Money paying substituted labor rent and Hegu occurred in the middle of Tang Dynasty. ─── 唐代中期牧场出现了纳资代役与和雇现象。

18、Ducklings may follow a basketball or a briefcase if these are substituted for the mother duck at the time when imprinting occurs. ─── 如果一个篮球或公文包在印记发生的时候代替母鸭,小鸭子可能会跟随它们。

19、The activities of palladium catalysed cross coupling reactions of substituted bromobenzenes were studied. ─── 分析了温度、化剂、同取代基团对取代溴苯发生钯催化偶联反应活性的影响。

20、They don't like potatoes, so we substituted rice. ─── 他们不喜欢土豆,所以我们以大米代之。

21、One element may be substituted for another in a compound, the substituted element being set free. ─── 在一种化合物里,一种元素可以取代另一种元素,而被取代的元素就被释出。

22、Alternate ID Type a value to be substituted at connect time for the current schema. ─── Alternate ID键入一个用于在连接时替换当前模式的值。

23、Hexachlorophene-containing skin cleanser is substituted when allergy to shellfish or iodine is present or suspected. ─── 在怀疑或患者确实存在对碘及贝类动物过敏时,可以改用含有六氯酚的皮肤消毒液。

24、Last season, he substituted Pirlo because we didn’t have one but this year we have Vogel. ─── 上赛季他是皮尔洛的替补,因为我们没有其他选项,但本赛季我们有了沃格尔。”

25、With unbroken will, he had stood by his position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostility. ─── 他坚守着这种不可动摇的对她的信念,用怜悯取代他所有的敌意。

26、And he substituted the word "God" for "truth". ─── 他用“上帝”这个词代替了“真理”。

27、For some applications, the Model 6487 Picoammeter/Voltage Source may be substituted for the Model 6517A. ─── 在某些测量工作中,可以使用6487皮安计电压源代替6517A静电计进行测量。

28、The format of the schedule attribute on the object %1 is unrecognizable. A default schedule will be substituted. ─── 对象%1的计划程序属性格式不能确认。将会使用默认计划程序。

29、They substituted milk for cream. ─── 他们用牛奶代替乳脂。

30、Chelsea lost more rhythm when Deco was substituted for a youngster, Miroslav Stoch. ─── 德科被斯托奇替换之后,切尔西更加找不到节奏了。

31、She substituted for the worker who was ill. ─── 她替代病员工作。

32、Shiva then brought his own son there and substituted his head with that of Gajasura. ─── 湿婆然后把他的儿子带来,套上了加杰修罗的头。

33、Alkyl substituted PPPs are synthesized for improving the compatibility of PPP and PU blend materials. ─── 为了改善聚苯撑与聚氨酯的相容性,对聚苯撑进行烷基化改性,然后使之再与聚氨酯共混,从而提高聚氨酯材料的力学性能和耐热性能。

34、One element may be substituted for another in a compound. ─── 在化合物里,一种元素可以取代另一种元素。

35、Mules are universally substituted for horses on the farms. ─── 在这些农庄,普遍地以骡代马。

36、He substituted as the typist in the office. ─── 他代替做这个办公室的打字员。

37、Nowadays most people have substituted cell phones for their pagers. ─── 如今大多数人已经用手机替代了他们的传呼机。

38、The square operating nut can be substituted for the reqular handwheel when an N.R.S. valve is to be installed in an inaccessible location. ─── 如果阀门暗杆安装在难于接近的地方,则四角操作螺母能够替代普通手轮。

39、Under the optimum conditions,N-alkyl substituted enamines can be obtained with good purity and high yield. ─── 在优化的工艺条件下,能获得纯度较好,收率较高的N-烷基取代烯胺。

40、A type can be substituted for the generic type parameter only if it has a parameterless constructor. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

41、A free system of administration was substituted for an official system. ─── 一个自由的行政系统替换了一个官方系统。

42、Solid acid catalyst can be substituted for sulphuric acid as esterification catalyst. ─── 固体酸催化剂是能够代替硫酸作为酯化的催化剂。

43、Dayton was substituted for Williams in the second half of the match. ─── 下半场比赛由戴顿代替威廉上场。

44、He was substituted for another midfielder because of his injury. ─── 他因受伤,而被另一名中场球员替换下场。

45、About 20 or 30 years ago, the electric tubes were almost substituted by semi-conductor and almost eliminated. ─── 20-30年以前,电子管基本上被晶体管所替代了,也基本上被淘汰了。

46、I'm afraid the item you substituted didn't work. ─── 你这代替品恐怕不能用。

47、If watermelon is unavailable, grapes can be substituted in an equivalent amount. ─── 如果西瓜难以获得,用相等数量的葡萄来代替。

48、In the case of roller bearings, the rolling friction is substituted for sliding friction. ─── 就滚柱轴承而论,滚动摩擦代替了滑动摩擦。

49、We substituted fish for meat several times a week. ─── 一个星期之中有几天我们用鱼代替吃肉。

50、So in some special refrigeration condition, it can"t be substituted by other refrigeration technology. ─── 因而在一些特殊制冷(热)条件,具有其他制冷形式无法替代的优势。

51、Mr. Xi substituted for the teacher who was in hospital. ─── 席先生代替了生病住院的那位老师。

52、The substantial part of the constitution about the institution of institutes is substituted. ─── 宪法中有关设立协会的实质性部分被替换。

53、Truly RMT logging tool has the unique performance which could not be substituted by any other logging tool. ─── RMT测井在油藏监测和科学管理方面,具有其它测井方法不可替代的优势。

54、Midfielder Claudio Marchisio is definitely out of the match on Saturday after being substituted off in Tuesday's game. ─── 中场克劳迪奥.马尔基西奥在周二的比赛受伤下场后基本肯定将无缘星期六的比赛。

55、He substituted for the teacher who was ill. ─── 他给生病的老师代课。

56、The process was more economic in which the iodomethane is substituted to the bromoethane in the second reaction. ─── 在原文献的基础上,作了一些改进,最主要的是第三步的烷基化试剂由溴乙烷替代碘甲烷,降低了工业成本,使本工艺易于工业化。

57、Plastics can be substituted for metals in some parts of the machine. ─── 在机器的某些零件中可以用塑料代替金属。

58、Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe. ─── 做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。

59、Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe. ─── 这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。

60、Dorman J L and Nogues M.Magnetic structures of substituted ferrites[J].Joumal of Physics Condense matter,1990,(2):1223. ─── 张立德,牟季美.开拓原子和物质的中间领域-纳米微粒与纳米固体[J].物理,1992,21(3):167.

61、In the state of Red Carnival, "body" deploring is substituted by the revolutionary romantic passion. ─── 在“红色狂欢”的受难姿态中“身体”的痛感为一种信仰道义充斥的革命浪漫激情所替代。

62、But substituted players cannot re-enter the game. ─── 但是替补队员不能第二次上场比赛。

63、He substituted for the driver who was ill. ─── 他替那个生病司机的班。

64、When the regular television program didn't come on,a jerry-built program was substituted at the last minute. ─── 当正常的电视节目被取消之后,最后一刻临时拼凑了一个节目作为替代。

65、He substituted for the worker who was ill. ─── 他顶替患病的工人干活。

66、They substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice. ─── 他们用红色球代替蓝色球,看看婴儿是否注意到了。

67、His second, a poacher's goal from close-range, arrived just moments before he was substituted. ─── 他的第二个进球来自近距离,此后不久他就被换下。

68、We had to eat some potatoes substituted as a meal. ─── 我们只得吃了几个马铃薯充饥。

69、Specialized elements can be substituted for elements in the base content model. ─── 可以用专门化的元素替换基本内容模型内的元素。

70、Special characters in the value of the name property are substituted with '_', the rest is converted to lower case. ─── 属性name中的特殊字符将使用‘_’替换,而其它字符则转换成小写。

71、She was dancing while someone substituted at the piano. ─── 她在跳舞,别人代她弹钢琴。

72、Desserts can be substituted by a portion of fresh fruit. ─── 甜点可以替换成一份新鲜水果。

73、A semi-empirical LCAO-MO-AM 1 calculation is performed for some substituted pyridine N-oxide. ─── 在LCAO-MO-AM1水平上计算了取代氧化吡啶的气相质子化能.

74、The name of the first beneficiary may be substituted for that of the applicant in the credit. ─── 可以用第一受益人的名称替换原信用证中申请人的名称。

75、Crystal Structure and Conformational Analysis of a Substituted Tricyclic 1,5 - Benzodiazepine. ─── 一个取代的三环1,5-苯并二氮杂(艹卓)的晶体结构和构象分析.

76、However, he was substituted off before El Guaje's hat-trick, trudging off 54 minutes in. ─── 但是他在第54分钟被换下,比利亚上演帽子戏法他没有在场上。

77、With lots of insurmountable disadvantages, the papyrus is substituted by parchment and paper at last. ─── 但纸莎草纸也具有自身不可克服的诸多局限性,其最终被羊皮纸和纸所代替,更是一种历史的必然和进步。

78、With unbroken will, he had stood by his position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostility. ─── 他坚守着这种不可动摇的对她的信念,用怜悯取代他所有的敌意。

79、The understudy was substituted when the leading actor fell ill . ─── 主角演员患病, 由替角代替演出.

80、PHBV and PLGA were completely degraded at the 10th and 12th weeks, and substituted by collagen fibers. ─── 10周聚羟基丁酸/聚羟基戊酸共聚物材料完全吸收,12周聚乙醇酸/聚乳酸共聚物材料完全吸收,均为胶原纤维所代替。

81、He substituted for the worker who was iii. ─── 他顶替了那位生病的工人。

82、A striker was substituted for a midfield player in the last half - hour of play. ─── 在比赛的最后30分钟里,一个中场运动员被一个强攻手替换了下去。

83、If the full public key is known, then PublicKey may be substituted for StrongName. ─── 如果已知完整的公钥,则可以用PublicKey替换StrongName。

84、He substituted cunning for their simplicity. ─── 他以奸滑代替了他们的直率。

85、Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones. ─── 国产零件取代进口零件。

86、Why was SNTV directly substituted? ─── 为何直接被替换?

87、In the past few years, this factory has substituted plastics for wood in order to reduce cost. ─── 在过去的几年里,这家工厂用塑料来代替木头降低成本。

88、We substituted friendship for love. ─── 我们用友情来代替爱情.

89、We substituted tea for wine at the banquet. ─── 我们在宴会上以茶代酒。

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