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08-16 投稿


bisected 发音

英:[ba??sekt?d]  美:[ba??sekt?d]

英:  美:

bisected 中文意思翻译



bisected 短语词组

1、bisected definition ─── 对分定义

2、bisected xword ─── 一分为二的单词

3、bisected hrnet ─── 等分hrnet

4、bisected cell ─── 对分单元格

5、bisected synonym ─── 等分同义词

6、bisected conformation ─── 对分构象

7、bisected glycan ─── 二等分聚糖

8、bisected crossword clue ─── 等分纵横字谜线索

9、bisected crossword ─── 等分纵横填字游戏

10、bisected meaning ─── 平分意义

bisected 词性/词形变化,bisected变形

动词第三人称单数: bisects |动词过去分词: bisected |动词过去式: bisected |形容词: bisectional |动词现在分词: bisecting |副词: bisectionally |名词: bisection |

bisected 相似词语短语

1、bisector ─── n.[数]二等分线;二等分物

2、dissected ─── adj.切开的,分开的;多裂的;v.解剖;仔细检查(dissect的过去分词)

3、bisect ─── vt.平分;二等分;vi.横贯;一分为二

4、directed ─── adj.定向的;经指导的;被控制的;v.指导;管理(direct的过去式和过去分词)

5、exsected ─── vt.切去;根除

6、trisected ─── adj.三全裂的;三分裂的;三剖面的;v.把…切成三部分;把…三等分(trisect的过去式和过去分词)

7、disjected ─── vt.使散开;撕开

8、misacted ─── 误动作

9、bisects ─── vt.平分;二等分;vi.横贯;一分为二

bisected 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thus,this is our fate: One head,twice bisected. ─── 这是我们的命:一个头,被一分为二。

2、Jets bisect the lobes emanating from the central star. ─── 喷流将从中央恒星抛出的气体瓣切成两半。

3、It is half land half water, bisected by river channels, dotted with ponds and swamps. ─── 这里水陆各占一半,由一条河床分开两半,池塘和沼泽星罗棋布地夹杂其间。

4、Equilateral triangle that appears to be carved into marble. The triangle contains a circle; both are bisected vertically. ─── 像是镌刻在大理石上的等边三角形。三角形中有一个内接圆;圆和三角形都被竖直等分。

5、The portals of the great western front are bisected by square pillars. ─── 正西那些大门都由方柱拦成两半。

6、The West Lake is bisected by the Su Causeway and the Bai Causeway which look like two green ribbons floating gracefully on the blue waters . ─── 苏堤和白堤把西湖一分为二,仿佛两条绿色的绸缎,飘逸于碧波之上。

7、Use your compass to bisect an angle. ─── 用圆规把一个角二等分。

8、The landing aircraft had bisected their own runway. ─── 正在着陆的飞机从横里切过他们的跑道。

9、These lines are bisected by x-and t-axes. ─── 这些直线被x轴和t轴所等分。

10、Bisected two way mirror triangle, 1998. ─── 分为两个三角形的方式镜子, 1998年。

11、The floor is sprinkled with signs of the zodiac and bisected by a line of white marble onto which a sun ray falls each day at noon. ─── 地板上散布着十二星座,每天中午都有阳光洒落的的白色大理石条纹把地板一分为二。

12、Although people bisect matchs.. ─── 尽管人们对分配...

13、Shanghai faces the East China Sea (part of the Pacific Ocean), and is bisected by the Huangpu River. ─── 上海濒临中国东海(太平洋的一部分),黄浦江把上海一分为二。

14、Away from the world of bisected cows and video installations, Chinese auction houses have emerged as big players. ─── 远离被切割的奶牛和视频安装,中国拍卖行以大玩家身份出现。

15、We'll bisect his trail in sixty seconds. Look for the red paint! ─── 六十秒钟之后我们就会找到他的行踪,注意找红油漆记号!

16、The landing aircraft had bisected their own runway . ─── 正在着陆的飞机从横里切过他们的跑道。

17、It is furnished with altogether 11 bisect four-color and five-color print... ─── 拥有多台全新海德堡,原装日本小森,日本三菱对开四色,五色印刷机.共11台.

18、I think it doesn't hurt to place the barns slight lower to be bisected by the lower horizontal line. ─── 我划了些线条看看作者的意图,似乎可以将谷仓放低些少,会更佳。

19、The new road will bisect the town. ─── 新马路将把城市分成两部分。

20、The survival ratio of bisected embryo is influenced by many factors. ─── 有多方面因素影响分割胚胎的成活率。

21、at last is bisected by first eight mark of halo of generation. ─── 终于存在经过前八记号的晕的产生一分为二。

22、A circle is bisected by any diameter. ─── 圆被任一直径二等分。

23、The match was bisected a lot and there was few effective time played. ─── 这场比赛状况马上分出,我们只有少数有效的攻势。

24、The lines bisect each other. ─── 这些线条互相穿过。

25、A city of southwest Switzerland located on Lake Geneva and bisected by the Rhone River. ─── 日内瓦:瑞士西南日内瓦湖上的一座城市,被罗讷河一分为二。

26、Bisected two way mirror triangle, 1998. ─── 分为两个三角形的方式镜子,1998年。

27、The city is girded with ring roads and bisected by a grand, wide boulevard. ─── 这座城市被环城路围绕,被宽阔宏伟的林荫大道(长安街)一分为二。

28、The portals of the great western front are bisected by square pillars. ─── 正西那些大门都由方柱拦成两半。

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