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08-16 投稿


faceting 中文意思翻译




faceting 词性/词形变化,faceting变形


faceting 短语词组

1、faceting rough ─── 刻面粗糙

2、faceting 101 ─── 刻面101

3、faceting arm ─── 切割臂

4、faceting designs online ─── 在线刻面设计

5、faceting designs ─── 镶嵌面设计

6、faceting asl ─── 镶嵌面asl

faceting 相似词语短语

1、acetin ─── n.[食品]醋精;[生化]乙酸甘油酯;甘油醋酸酯

2、racketing ─── n.球拍;吵闹,喧闹;vt.过着花天酒地的生活;vi.过着花天酒地的生活

3、taceting ─── 默契

4、acetins ─── n.[食品]醋精;[生化]乙酸甘油酯;甘油醋酸酯

5、jacketing ─── n.外套;鞭打;v.给…穿短上衣(jacket的ing形式)

6、facing ─── v.面朝;朝;(士兵)朝特定方向转身;面对;面临;(难题等)直逼(某人);涂抹;交谈(face的现在分词);n.(建筑物的)饰面;(衣服的)贴边;饰面材料;adj.面朝……的;对面的

7、facetiae ─── n.黄色小说;诙谐妙语;滑稽文章

8、flacketing ─── 剥落

9、facetting ─── 刻面

faceting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The prevalence of persistent neck pain, secondary to involvement of cervical facet or zygapophysial joints, has been described in controlled studies as varying from 39% to 67%. ─── 在对照研究中,颈椎小关节或关节突关节持续性颈部疼痛的患病率在39%-67%范围变化。

2、In lumbar spondylosis, facet joint osteophytes may contribute to nere root compression, which may induce radiculopathy. ─── 在腰椎退变患者,突间关节骨赘可能导致神经根压迫,从而诱发神经根病。

3、Monoclonal antibodies have had an astonishing impact on almost every facet of biology. ─── 单克隆抗体对几乎所有生物学领域都发生了惊人的影响。

4、Fish-eye marks were always observed around the interior inclusions on the fracture surfaces and a granular bright facet (GBF) was observed in the vicinity around the inclusion. ─── 在夹杂物周围存在一个粗造的粒状亮区(GBF)。

5、No other facet of his leadership could be more impressive. ─── 他其他方面的领导才能都不是很突出。

6、We calculate per-vertex normals on the poly model by averaging connected facet normals on each vertex. ─── 我们藉由平均分配在相连网面上每一个顶点计算出在多边型模型上每一个顶点的法向线。

7、Only a few eldrith giants typically dwell in the same place, drawn together by shared interest in specialized or esoteric knowledge about one facet of arcane magic. ─── 一般来说,只有少数邪术巨人会定居在同一个地方,聚在一起分享它们在奥术的某个领域中专门或者深奥的知识的兴趣。

8、The strong lion stands on a three-pieced cut mahogany granite base.In clear crystal, the asymmetrical faceting accentuates its power and charisma. ─── 强壮的身躯站在由三块花岗岩组成的基座上,与透明水晶形成鲜明对比,更凸现出了王者气魄。

9、Why do we go on and on about individuality being the very essence of who we are, and then accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every facet of out lives? ─── 我们为什么一味追求个性,认为这是生命的本质,继而又大言不惭地承认,几乎在生命的每一个方面,我们都存在共性呢?

10、A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone. ─── 切平面在一颗宝石的顶部切出的平面

11、Ruby on Rails is just one facet of what makes Ruby great, just like EJB is only part of the Java enterprise platform. ─── Ruby on Rails只是使Ruby非常强大的方面之一,就像EJB只是Java企业平台的一部分一样。

12、He has perfected himself in every facet of his job. ─── 他已使自己对工作的各个方面都得心应手。

13、XML Schema regular expressions are used with the pattern facet to provide constraints or restrictions on a string of characters that conform to the defined pattern. ─── XML架构正则表达式与pattern方面一起使用,提供对符合定义的模式的字符串的约束或限制。

14、For all studied minerals the best orientation of faceting is recommended. ─── 对所研究的矿物均提出了最佳的加工定向方案。

15、The filter cache is used for faceting in some cases. ─── 过滤器缓存是用于在某些情况下,小面。

16、In fact, every facet of daily life is so politicized in China, that crosstalk performers actually find themselves avoiding indigenous Chinese subject matter for their routines. ─── 实际上,中国人的日常生活的方方面面与政治息息相关,相声演员事实上在表演时避免跟中国本土的事件相联系。

17、Current Chinese OTH-B and OTH-SW developments are clearly an important facet of any future conflict. ─── 当前中国OTH-B和OTH-SW的研制显然是在为未来的冲突做重要的准备。

18、Another facet of your system's vulnerability would relate to the communications protocol being used and what security mechanisms it supports. ─── 您的系统的弱点另一个小平面与使用的通信协议将关连,并且什么安全机制它支持。

19、The expressions for the incident and reflected power flux over the SIL facet are then used to calculate the transmissivity. ─── 在稳相近似下得到入射到SIL底面以及反射的光能积分表达式,从而求出SIL的透过率。

20、Exciting: the interplay of fine faceting of the edges and the ellipse as a background design element. ─── 令人兴奋的:细小面的边缘和作为背景的椭圆设计元素的相互作用。

21、In learning Chinese I try to employ a variety of methods available to me to improve every facet of my language learning experience. ─── 在学习中文的过程中,我努力采用很多不同的方法,一些对于我来说有用得方法来提高我语言的各个方面。

22、I love catching glimpses of every new facet you share with me. And the more you do that... the more I can't help but adore what I see. ─── 我喜欢看看你与我分享的每一个新事物。你展现给我的越多......我就越情不自禁的爱上我所看到的一切。

23、They beat us in every facet of the game. ─── 他们在比赛的每个小层面都打败了我们。

24、In the first blank row of the grid, click in the first cell and choose the facet you want to set from the drop-down list box. ─── 在网格的第一个空白行中,单击第一个单元格,并从下拉列表框中选择要设置的方面。

25、Finally, are you going to be faceting, sorting, and scoring on the location features, rather than just use them for filtering? ─── 最后,您是不是对位置特性进行分类、排序和记录,而不是仅将它们用于过滤?

26、The facet of the gem was examined. ─── 宝石的琢面检查过了。

27、The righter by comparison with the facet of their subject、object and compositive characters, further dissertated and analyzed about the differences of them. ─── 对此,笔者通过合同诈编罪与民事欺诈行为在构成特征、主观和客观方面的比较,对两者的区别作了进一步的探讨和分析。

28、The machines' artificial intelligence could be seen in every facet of society, including the creation of new and better AI. ─── 在这个社会中,人工智能无处不在。最终,更新更优良的智能机器人诞生了。

29、However, many researchers think marketers are overestimating the extent to which Americans want digital control over every facet of their lives. ─── 但是,许多研究人员认为市场营销人员过高估计了美国人对生活方方面面进行数字化控制的需求程度。

30、Second, facet division and its approximation as well as the shading algorithm are discussed on Faceting Approach. ─── 还讨论了面元划分及其近似方法,分析了遮挡处理算法。

31、The XSD pattern facet allows for the restriction of the lexical space of simple types. ─── XSD模式方面允许对简单类型的词法空间进行限制。

32、Element specifies one such facet. ─── 元素指定了一个这样的方面。

33、In the first blank row of the grid, click the cell below the name box and choose a facet from the drop-down list. ─── 在网格的第一个空白行中,单击名称框下面的单元格,并从下拉列表中选择一个方面。

34、The machine's artificial intelligence could be seen in every facet of society, including the creation of new and better AI. ─── 在这个社会中,人工智能无处不在,更新更优良的智能机器人被制造出来。

35、The head-neck complex was modeled according to human anatomy structure.The model consists of head, vertebras, discs, facet joints, ligaments and muscles. ─── 头颈部有限元模型按人体解剖学结构建立,其中包括头骨、7块椎骨、椎间盘、小关节、韧带、肌肉和软骨。

36、Facet like the ones in the second line should be avoided. ─── 盡量避免如第二排的塊面組成。

37、A flat facet cut acrossthe top of a precious stone. ─── 切平面在一颗宝石的顶部切出的平面。

38、Today fuels not only heat our homes and move our cars but are absolutely necessary for every facet of modern technology. ─── 今天燃料不只加热我们的家而且移动我们的汽车也成为现代技术的每个方面完全必需。

39、Crafting in DnL will be a vital facet and has a complex system to keep players active as they create items for their fellow players. ─── 在黑暗与光明游戏中,对物品的制造有非常生动的刻画。物品制造有着一个复杂的系统以使玩家能够持续为同伴制作物品。

40、CT inter-rater reliability showed substantial agreement for diagnoses of both normal and ankylosis and fair agreement for lesser degrees of facet arthrosis. ─── 可靠的CT相互评价者显示无论是正常还是关节强硬的诊断实际上一致的,分级较低的小关节突性关节炎中等一致。

41、Women are smashing through age-old barriers in every conceivable facet of life. ─── 女人正从生活的各个层面打破多年构筑的藩篱。

42、Bixbite suitable for faceting is extremely rare and is typically small in size (under 0.5 carat). ─── 可以切割成形的红绿宝石更是少之甚少,通常个体重量微小(0.5克拉以下)。

43、The management on imperial harem can be divided into two facets. One facet is that the state has a charge of people in the imperial harem . ─── 后宫的管理可分为两大方面,一是国家对后宫人员的管理,汉代后宫人员庞杂,不同的人员有不同的管理制度。

44、His unstrained design refuses to fit in any pigeonholes but absorbs anything he feels good to enhance the simultaneous facet of his state of mind. ─── 他的设计也很随心所欲,只要是他觉得好的东西都会用在自己的设计中,以表达自己随时随地的思想状态,所以他的设计没有固定风格。

45、Each human upon Earth holds a different facet of truth that when put together creates the gem of overall truth inherent in the human experience. ─── 地球上的每个人都持有真相不同的一个方面,当被组合在一起时,就在人类经历中创造了全部固有真相的宝石。

46、Conclusions1. The lumbar facet joint is innervated mainly by NGF-dependent neurons from the ipsilateral L1-L5 DRGs, multisegmentally. ─── 大鼠L5/6小关节是由以NGF依赖性神经元为主的同侧L1-L5DRG神经元多节段支配的。

47、We used Fuji film to measure the stress distribution of lumbar facet joints.The information from the film was analyzed by this system.Results ob... ─── 我们用压敏片测量了腰椎小关节的接触应力分布,并利用这套系统进行了分析,结果令人满意。

48、Since that time Brom has been working feverishly for every facet of the genre, from novels (Michael Moorcock, Terry Brooks, R.A.Salvatore, E.R. ─── 在他早期的记忆中,一直被奇怪的、怪兽般的或美丽的东西所吸引,他总是为一些视觉效果特别的作品所震动。

49、Before faceting of the largest piece began, work was started on the 14 fragments that had been sawn from the rough stone. ─── 在打磨最大一块石头之前,首先的工作是将14个碎片从原石上锯下来。

50、There are many examples in the Word of the conquering facet of the Holy Spirit. And this we know: We are more than conquerors in Him. ─── 在圣经中有许多例子提到圣灵得胜的面向,并且我们知道,我们在祂里面不仅是得胜者而已。

51、I am relatively open-minded and enjoy exploring every facet of life. ─── 我喜欢运动,从小接收乒乓球专业训练,也喜欢游泳。

52、Etching vertical and smooth grating facet is the basic of the fabrication of EDG. ─── 制作垂直、光滑的光栅槽面是制作EDG的关键。

53、It's the world largest integrated oil-and-gas company, and participates in almost every facet of the business. ─── 它是全球最大的综合性石油-天然气公司,并且几乎参与了市场的各个层面。

54、In 2001 Brian Taba, a doctoral student in my lab, built a chip modeled on this facet of the brain's developmental process. ─── 2001年我实验室的博士班学生塔巴,利用脑发育过程的这个面向,制造了一个晶片。

55、Good communication skills are an asset in every facet of your life. ─── 交流能力在你生活的每一个方面都是一种财富。

56、Cactus in faceted Peridot crystal with blossom in facet Light Siam crystal; pot in faceted clear crystal. ─── 仙人掌面橄榄石晶体花面暹光晶体;一锅面清晰的晶体。

57、He says international students should know that these canal faceting this can affect them in the future if they try to enter in you nght staesre-enter the United States. ─── 唐桑说少数违规情况甚至会保留在学生固定的移民分数上,同时他还提到留学生应该知道这将会影响到他以后再次重返美国的事情。

58、Cryptography is a huge field, but only one facet of software security. ─── 密码学是一个巨大的领域,但又只是软体安全性的一个方面。

59、The development of information retrieval language from the theory of facet classification by Ranganathan, S. R. ─── 从阮冈纳赞的分面分类理论看情报检索语言的发展。

60、First, in the geometry modeling of complex target, the Grid Model used in the faceting approach, the Parametric Surface Approach and the decompounding approach are introduced. ─── 在目标几何建模方法中,分别论述了面元网格法、参数曲面法和部件分解法。

61、Facet to be applied to any simple type except. ─── 以外的任何简单类型。

62、Intra-articular injections, medial branch nerve blocks, and neurolysis of medial branch nerves have been described in managing chronic neck pain of facet joint origin. ─── 关节内注射,内侧支神经阻滞,内侧支神经松解术也可以用于治疗颈椎小关节源性慢性疼痛。

63、MRI can also detect facet joint effusion;howeer, there has not been a study specifically addressing the association of facet fluid signal to degeneratie spondylolisthesis (DS). ─── 但是,目前还没有关于MRI上关节液信号与退行性滑脱之间关系的研究。

64、Students will be encouraged to find opportunities to spend more than 100 hours serving some facet of their community. ─── 学生将被鼓励发现机会度过超过100个小时为他们的社区服务某一小平面。

65、Patients in the experimental group received annular cauterization of zygapophysial joint capule using electro-knife and their articular facet was destroyed. ─── 其中实验组术中电刀环状烧灼小关节囊,破坏关节面;

66、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Lumbar facet joint angle and pathological changes through CR, digital radiophotography and CT. ─── 主要观察指标:两种腰椎滑脱椎小关节面的角度,椎小关节在影像学上的病理改变。

67、Due to the adsorption of amino acid, the modification of morphology such as variation of reconstruction or faceting may happen on the entire metal surface. ─── 吸附了氨基酸的金属表面会发生诸如重构改变或小面化等形貌的变化,但这些变化在吸附了氨基酸的全部金属表面都能够发生。

68、S1. 772 facet joint angles (386 lower lumbar levels of 136 patients) were measured on coronal CT scans by transverse interfacet-joint angle (TIFA). ─── 共观察136例患者386个下腰椎间隙的CT影像,采用横切关节面角度(TIFA)测量法,测量了772个下腰椎小关节角度。

69、It is well established that facet damage is caused by the optical flux density at the laser facet and that it is not a function of the operating current. ─── 业已明确肯定,端面损伤是由激光器端面的光流密度引起的,并且不是工作电流的函数。

70、As founder and head of Film Workshop, he is involved in every facet of filmmaking, including the business end. ─── 徐克创立电影工作室,参与电影制作每一环节,甚至亦顾及商业需要。

71、There is significantly more warping, faceting, and animation. ─── 有明显的变形,小面,和动画。

72、And running and proved to be better in every facet: clever triangulated passes, counterattacks, audacious moves and blistering shots. ─── 三角短传、反击、大胆扯动、精彩射门。

73、A data model named DTO(Data and Tool Object) is offered to characterize a design object which is identified by four aspects: ObjectClass-id, Method, Versionand Facet. ─── 它采用一个数据模型(称为DTO模型)刻划设计对象,由四个基本参量(设计对象类,设计方法,历史版本,等价视图)唯一确定。

74、Why do we go on and on about individuality being the very essence of we are, and then accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every facet of our lives? ─── 我们为什么一味追求个性,认为这是生命的本质,继而又大言不惭地承认,几乎在生命的每一个方面,我们都存在共性呢?

75、The skills in the fashing of corundum including cut designing,dividing(sawing),preforming(shaping),cutting(faceting) and polishing are studied ... ─── 从定向、琢型、比例、对称程度和抛光修饰度等方面探讨了刚玉宝石的切工质量评价标准。

76、Returns a row per facet (restriction) of an xml-type definition (corresponds to sys. Xml_types). ─── 对于xml类型定义的每个方面(限制)(对应于sys.xml_types),相应地返回一行。

77、The Bush administration's unilateralism therefore has deep roots in one facet of American foreign policy, but its crudeness and violence are unprecedented. ─── 因此,布什政府的单边主义深深扎根于美国外交政策的某一方面,但其粗暴却是史无前例的。

78、There was abnormal ossification of the facet joints and the ligaments of the odontoid. ─── 另外,在齿状缘还存在关节面以及韧带的异常骨化。

79、Our products include all kinds of semi-precious stone beads, faceting, carving, dyed products, pendants, necklace, etc. ─── 主要生产各种半宝石、兼营玻璃珠、木珠、胶珠、养珠、首饰金属及纯银配件、贝壳类、骨珠等以至多款成品。

80、He banks heavily on their advice and opinions in every facet of his life. ─── 在生活的方方面面,他都非常地信赖他们的建议与意见。

81、FACET: Families and Centers Empowered Together, State of Delaware, Federal grant. ─── 家庭与中心携手共进,特拉华州及联邦政府资助

82、Corresponding devices demonstrate that the maximum kink-free power per facet reaches 50 mW and the sidemode suppression ratio is 36 dB. ─── 在此基础上制作的器件功率达到了单面50mW,边模抑制比为36dB.

83、We should grasp the significance of science as one facet of man's total experience. ─── 我们应该抓住科学作为人类全部经验的一个侧面的重要性。

84、The composition analyses on the interface (such as cleavage facet or grain boundary) in the rail steel have been carried out by AES technique. ─── 利用俄歇能谱(AES)分析技术,对钢轨钢的界面(解理面、晶界面)进行成分分析。

85、The components of the DLC include the intervertebral disc, anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, interspinous ligaments, facet capsules, and ligamentum flavum. ─── DLC的结构包括椎间盘、前后纵韧带、棘突间韧带、关节囊和黄韧带,这些软组织结构的完整性直接影响了脊柱的稳定。

86、Ebony sex is fragile, do not suit to carve, otherwise facet is common small explode mouth. ─── 乌木性脆,不适合雕刻,否则刻面常见小爆口。

87、Title: The development of information retrieval language from the theory of facet classification by Ranganathan, S. R. ─── 关键词:阮冈纳赞;分面分类理论;分面组配式分类法;主题法;情报检索语言

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