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08-16 投稿


condoling 发音


英:  美:

condoling 中文意思翻译



condoling 短语词组

1、condoling synonym ─── 宽恕同义词

2、condoling antonym ─── 宽恕反义词

3、condoling meaning ─── 吊唁意义

4、condoling definition ─── 宽恕的定义

5、condoling def ─── 吊唁

6、condoling mean ─── 宽恕的意思

condoling 词性/词形变化,condoling变形

形容词: condolatory |名词: condoler |动词过去分词: condoled |动词现在分词: condoling |动词第三人称单数: condoles |动词过去式: condoled |

condoling 相似词语短语

1、cooling ─── adj.凉快的,凉爽的;冷却的;n.冷却,降温;n.(Cooling)(英、美)库林(人名)

2、consolingly ─── 感到安慰地(consoling的副词形式)

3、condoning ─── v.宽恕,饶恕;纵容,包容,容忍;(勉强地)同意,批准(condone的现在分词)

4、condolent ─── adj.哀悼的;吊慰的

5、condiddling ─── 条件

6、condolingly ─── 表示哀悼。

7、controlling ─── adj.控制欲强的(含贬义);v.控制;管理(control的现在分词)

8、consoling ─── adj.安慰的;v.安慰;慰问(console的现在分词)

9、conducing ─── vi.导致;有益,有贡献于

condoling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The People condoling the Red Army ─── 乡亲慰问红军

2、strictly condoling the burning system in burning process. ─── 制定合理的烧成制度。

3、In the third time it's Balu army that came back,and was busy condoling villagers,helping them building new houses,cleaning yards! ─── 第三轮是亲人八路军回来了,忙着慰问乡亲们,帮助老乡盖房子,挑水扫院子!

4、American readers are usually surprised by the sentiment of condoling the homeland with high frequency when they read translated Chinese works.They may be even bored of this sometimes. ─── 美国读者在阅读中国诗歌的译著时往往会惊诧于诗中频繁出现的哀悼故土的感伤之情,有时甚至会对此感到厌烦。

5、A fresh wind from the sea ruffled our clothes and a spray showered the ground at our feet with a soft hiss, as if condoling with us. ─── 这时,拂拂的海风吹着我们的衣襟,一卷一卷浪花拍到我们的脚下,发出柔和的音响,好像在为我们惋惜。

7、 双语使用场景

8、Condoling when the comfortlessness come,care and help when got hurt,has become a ordinary thing.Coming and ldaving together had become a habit. ─── 不舒服时的慰问,受伤时的关心与帮助,已经变成了再正常不过的事情,同出同进变成了一种习惯。

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