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08-16 投稿


obstruction 发音

英:[?b'str?k?(?)n]  美:[?b?str?k?(?)n]

英:  美:

obstruction 中文意思翻译



obstruction 词性/词形变化,obstruction变形

动词过去式: obstructed |副词: obstructively |形容词: obstructive |动词第三人称单数: obstructs |动词现在分词: obstructing |动词过去分词: obstructed |名词: obstructer |

obstruction 反义词

free | help

obstruction 同义词

frustrate | prevent | block | clog | jam | check | prohibit | bar | occlude | blockade | complicate | stymie | obturate | hold up | hamper | plug | close up | delay | stem | inhibit |hinder | prejudice | impede | stymy | embarrass | thwart | stop | barricade | abort | ban | retard

obstruction 短语词组

1、obstruction factor ─── 障碍因子

2、obstruction balloon ─── 阻塞气球

3、aortic obstruction ─── [医] 主动脉梗阻

4、chscrnic aorto-iliac obstruction ─── [医] 慢性主动脉髂动脉梗阻

5、mitral obstruction ─── [医] 二尖瓣梗阻, 僧帽瓣梗阻

6、obstruction lamp ─── 障碍物标志灯

7、obstruction set ─── 阻碍集

8、obstruction buoy ─── 障碍物浮标,沉船浮筒

9、ureteral obstruction ─── [医] 输尿管梗阻

10、intestinal obstruction ─── [医] 肠梗阻

11、urinary obstruction ─── [医] 尿路梗阻

12、false colonic obstruction ─── [医] 假结肠梗阻, 奥吉耳维氏综合征

13、obstruction of justice ─── 阻碍司法

14、partial obstruction ─── [医] 部分性梗阻(不完全梗阻)

15、obstruction method ─── 障碍法

16、pyloric obstruction ─── [医] 幽门梗阻

17、obstruction of police ─── [法] 妨害警察执行任务

18、obstruction menses ─── [医] 经血滞留

19、obstruction class ─── 阻碍类

obstruction 相似词语短语

1、construction ─── n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句

2、substruction ─── n.基础;下部结构;地下建筑

3、abstriction ─── n.缢离作用;断裂作用

4、obstructional ─── 阻塞的

5、abstraction ─── n.抽象;提取;抽象概念;空想;心不在焉

6、obstrictions ─── 淫秽

7、destruction ─── n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁

8、obstructions ─── n.障碍(obstruction的复数);妨碍物

9、obstriction ─── 妇产科

obstruction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One patient with TAPVD was performed reoperation because of pulmonary vein obstruction. ─── 心内型TAPVD术后因残余肺静脉回流梗阻再手术1例。

2、Opacity: Degree of obstruction to transmission or reflection of light. ─── 不透明度:阻碍光线透过的程度。

3、No difficulty can ever obstruct the advance of the people. ─── 任何困难都阻挡不住人民的前进。

4、No difficulty can ever obstruct the advance of the Chinese people. ─── 任何困难都阻挡不住中国人民的前进。

5、Even thousands of mountains and rivers cannot oBstruct our close friendship. ─── 即使相隔千山万水,不能阻挡我们的深情厚谊。

6、Obstruction near the start of the small intestine often causes vomiting. ─── 小肠起端的梗阻往往造成呕吐

7、No organizations or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何组织和个人不得阻挠和限制。

8、Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive. ─── 党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削弱性质和招致反效果的

9、Overflow incontinence is often caused by a blockage or obstruction to your bladder. ─── 溢出性尿失禁往往造成的阻塞或阻碍你的膀胱。

10、She had to have surgery to remove an obstruction from her throat. ─── 为去除咽喉里的堵塞物,她不得不接受手术。

11、They do not obstruct most individuals who use patented products. ─── 他们不会妨碍个人使用专利产品。

12、VCB supporting bracket obstruct the VCB when moving to test position. ─── 当移向测试位时,VCB的支撑托架阻碍VCB.

13、The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure. ─── 尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。

14、Seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. ─── 其种子会导致肠阻塞及肠炎。

15、Emotional and bombastioc are only can obstruct you to pursue the truth. ─── 感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。

16、It is often difficult radiographicallly to distinguish paralytic ileus from mechanical obstruction. ─── 用x光片鉴别麻痹性肠梗阻和机械性肠梗阻通常很难。

17、Unilateral cases may involve obstruction of the foramen of Monro. ─── 也有特例是蒙罗氏小孔阻塞引起的。

18、Lobar emphysema may result from partial bronchial obstruction. ─── 大叶性肺气肿可由于局部小支气管梗阻所引起。

19、Obstruction with stasis also led to the formation of the yellow-brown calculus (stone). ─── 伴有尿液郁积的阻塞还能导致黄褐色的结石(石头)形成。

20、A few other conditions are in high intestinal obstruction. ─── 其它少数情况是高位肠梗阻。

21、Your car is causing an obstruction. ─── 你的汽车挡道了。

22、Ejaculatory duct obstruction is a rare but important cause of male infertility. ─── 射精管梗阻是一种罕见现象,但却是男性不育的重要原因。

23、He's already charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and misconduct. ─── 再次之前,他已被指控作伪证、妨碍司法公正和渎职。

24、Detouring the only obstruction,shadow wall,it is courtyard. ─── 只有一墙之隔,转过影壁,就是院子。

25、The signal transmitted between the end facilities is relayed around the obstruction by the repeater. ─── 从一个端设备发送的信号由中继站绕过障碍物转发到另一个端设备。

26、Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. ─── 党羽的政治阴谋常是良好政府的阻碍。

27、Digitalisation Processing Technique for Interference Pattern with Obstruct[J]. ─── 引用该论文 葛爱明,陈磊,陈进榜,朱日宏.

28、Stupid bureaucrat, obstruct the productivity development! ─── 愚蠢的官僚,阻碍生产力发展!

29、He expects measures to slow, but not obstruct, flows of foreign portfolio investment. ─── 他希望当局采取的措施不会阻止但能减缓外国投资的涌入。

30、Any unit and individual shall provide convenience for fire alarm reporting gratis and shall not obstruct the reporting. ─── 任何单位、个人都应当无偿为报警提供便利,不得阻拦报警。

31、Total planning seems to obstruct growth in direct proportion to the scale of the economy. ─── 全面规划似乎阻碍了经济规模与增长成正比例的发展。

32、After going to the hospital, it was discovered that there was partial necrosis of her retina due to an acute retinal artery obstruction. ─── 就医后才发现,是因为急性视网膜动脉阻塞,造成视网膜部分坏死的现象。

33、The headwind kept them low to seek the least obstruction of the wind. ─── 强力的顶风使鸽子降低了飞行速度。

34、The Ascaris adults may perforate a suture line or cause a bile or pancreatic duct obstruction. ─── 成虫可穿破缝线或引起胆管或胰腺管阻塞。

35、A channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction. ─── 一种来运输多余水分或沿着堤坝或其他障碍的渠道。

36、I saw an obstruction in the road. ─── 我发现路上有一障碍物。

37、Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system. ─── 可能导致消化系统堵塞甚至破裂。

38、Your interference is an obstruction of justice. ─── 你的干预阻碍了正义。

39、He became still more dissatisfied for it and secretly did everything in his power to obstruct it. ─── 他对此更不满意, 尽在暗里使绊子。

40、Fire escape, asked to be cleared off obstruction. ─── 安全出口,请保持通畅

41、Don't obstruct the lens with your finger . ─── 别让手指遮住镜头。

42、The fallen trees obstruct the road . ─── 倒下的树将路堵住了。

43、Flag sellers are not to cause annoyance or obstruction in public places. ─── 賣旗時不得阻礙他人或造成滋擾/阻塞。

44、This method is quite effective for infertility due to tubal obstruction. ─── 峻竣煎结合中药灌肠治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕疗效确切。

45、A forbidden sign on the road yet to spread, an obstruction or redemption? ─── 前路纷繁复杂,一个禁止符号骤然在眼前。是阻碍,还是拯救?

46、The boy was suffering from a bowel obstruction. ─── 那男孩当时在受肠梗阻之苦。

47、So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose; perversely. ─── 以便对抗,阻碍,或反对地; 任性地

48、Is a pattern of obstruction, one of the nonblocking mode. ─── 包含两个chat程序,功能一样。一个是阻塞模式下的,一个是非阻塞模式下的。便于比较和学习。

49、These propositions of the Chinese government met with obstruction by the U.S. government. ─── 中国政府的上述主张受到当时美国政府的阻挠。

50、Symptoms of high gastrointestinal obstruction were severe, with bilious and large amounts of nasogastric effluent. ─── 大量含胆汁的胃引流物表示有高度的肠道阻塞。

51、He was arrested for obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty. ─── 他因妨碍警察执行公务而被逮捕。

52、Five colors bewilder our eyes and obstruct our insights. ─── 五种变化多端的颜色,迷惑我们的眼睛,妨碍我们的洞察力。

53、The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed. ─── 临床常以鼻塞流脓涕及鼻衄为主要症状。

54、In addition to bronchioles obstruction,it was related to contusion of lu... ─── CT是外伤性肺不张有效的检查手段,对临床具有指导意义。

55、A bend in a pipe, bar, or other straight continuous piece made to allow it to pass around an obstruction. ─── 弯管,接头管管子、杆或其他直而长的东西的一个弯,使得它能避开一障碍物

56、The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureaucratic obstruction. ─── 寻求政治庇护的人得不断地应付官僚主义的层层阻挠。

57、But for 15 years our concessions have been matched by obstruction. ─── 十五年来,我们虽一再让步但却备受阻挠。

58、Mps attempt to obstruct the passage of the bill . ─── 下院议员企图阻止议案的通过。

59、In acute bowel obstruction, patients have colicky abdominal pain with vomiting. ─── 急性肠梗阻的病人出现腹部绞痛和呕吐。

60、No units or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何单位和个人不得限制和阻挠。

61、Do not let anything obstruct the lens. ─── 别让任何东西挡住镜头。

62、The occurrence of duodenal obstruction after HDJS or CJS was 29.3%. ─── 单纯胆肠吻合术十二指肠梗阻发生率为29.3%。

63、Do not go beyond or vandalize the obstruction sign. ─── 切勿超越防撞牌或恣意破坏防撞牌。

64、And for those of you who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over. ─── 对于你们中想阻挠这些的人,我们已经做好了将他拒之门外的准备。”

65、He had an operation to remove an obstruction in his throat. ─── 他做了手术,取出喉头的阻塞物。

66、It is a crime for the President to obstruct justice. ─── 总统阻挠司法是犯罪。

67、Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. ─── 党羽的政治阴谋常是良好政府的阻碍。

68、Ejaculatory duct obstruction. ─── 射精管梗阻。

69、In such a position as not to obstruct, hinder, or interfere. ─── 不挡道处在不挡道、不碍事或不干涉的位置之上

70、The complications of duodenal ulcer that require surgical management are hemorrhage, perforation, obstruction, and intractability. ─── 十二指肠溃疡需外科治疗的并发症是出血、穿孔、梗阻和顽固性。

71、The main clinical findings included cheese-like tenacious discharge, nasal obstruction, and nasal region pain. ─── 主要临床表现包括奶酪状黏涕、鼻阻塞感及鼻区痛。

72、Large trees may obstruct the passage of light. ─── 大树可能阻止光线穿过。

73、Obstruction in the feed roller movement. ─── 喂入罗拉装置运行阻塞。

74、Those who render useful service in this connection will be rewarded; those who obstruct or sabotage will be punished. ─── 保护有功者奖,怠工破坏者罚。

75、Something that impedes; a hindrance or an obstruction. ─── 妨碍物;阻碍或障碍

76、Fire escape to be clear of obstruction. ─── 安全出口,保持通畅。

77、Specify the functions of the various objects as they relate to the fluid (an inlet, or outlet, or obstruction, etc. ─── 为不同的物体指定不同的流体功能(一个进水口,或出水头或障碍物,等等。

78、This plaque will cause an obstruction that interferes with the man's ability to get an erection. ─── 影 响 男 性 的 勃 起 能 力 。

79、John was irritated by drivers parking near his house and causing an obstruction. ─── 约翰被众司机在他房子附近停车而造成阻塞所激怒。

80、He had an operation to remove an obstruction in his throat. ─── 他做了手术,取出喉头的阻塞物。

81、So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose;perversely. ─── 以便对抗,阻碍,或反对地;

82、The only thing that seems to relieve the obstruction is more of the medicine, but the medication's effect lasts shorter lengths of time. ─── 唯一似乎解除梗阻的药物,但药物的效果持续时间较短的时间长度。

83、The lorry had been parked on the pavement, causing an obstruction. ─── 卡车停在人行道上,引起了堵塞。

84、Obstruction of the sigmoid colon is often caused by malignancy, but sometimes other causes must be considered. ─── 阻挠乙状结肠往往是因为恶性肿瘤,但有时其他原因必须加以考虑。

85、Here we present a case of afferent loop obstruction diagnosed by sonography. ─── 我们在此报告一例用腹部超音波检查来诊断输入端肠阻塞造成之急性胰脏炎。

86、Obstruction of the ileum by stone leads to distinct clinical pictures. ─── 回肠胆结石梗阻可引起各种明显的临床征象。

87、We believe that this patient's airway obstruction was likely secondary to laryngospasm rather than laryngeal edema. ─── 我们认为,该例患者的气道阻塞很可能是继发性喉痉挛,而不是喉头水肿。

88、He was found guilty of obstruction. ─── 他被判阻挡犯规。

89、Opacity Degree of obstruction to transmission or reflection of light. ─── 不透明度阻碍光线透过的程度。



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