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precipitous 发音

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英:  美:

precipitous 中文意思翻译



precipitous 网络释义

adj. 险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的

precipitous 词性/词形变化,precipitous变形

副词: precipitously |名词: precipitousness |

precipitous 短语词组

1、precipitous vaginal delivery ─── 急骤阴道分娩

2、precipitous delivery ─── 仓促交货

3、precipitous sea ─── 怒涛

4、precipitous definition ─── 草率的定义

5、precipitous synonym ─── 险峻同义词

6、precipitous drop ─── 陡降

7、precipitous labor ─── 急产

8、precipitous brink ─── 险峻的边缘

9、precipitous delivery emt ─── 急促交货

precipitous 相似词语短语

1、precarious ─── adj.危险的;不确定的

2、precipices ─── n.悬崖;绝壁;险境

3、precipitates ─── n.[化学]沉淀物(precipitate的复数);v.使…沉淀(precipitate的单三形式)

4、precipitously ─── adv.陡峭地;出乎意料地;陡然地

5、preceptors ─── n.校长;教师;指导医师

6、ancipitous ─── 古老的

7、precious ─── adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的;n.(Precious)人名;(英)普雷舍斯,普雷舍丝(女名)

8、precipitousness ─── 险峻

9、precipitants ─── adj.急促的;匆忙的;突如其来的;轻率的;n.沉淀剂;起因

precipitous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A precipitous bluff. ─── 多悬崖的绝壁

2、a precipitous decline in exports ─── 出口的急剧下降

3、A precipitous fall in the currency can make these debts insupportable. ─── 如此一来,若该国的货币大幅度地贬值,这些债务将会变得不可承受。

4、On the mountain, huge and precipitous rocks form many caves and gullies. ─── 山上巨石嵯峨,叠成洞壑。

5、The precipitous exodus is hollowing out Yahoo's senior management ranks. ─── 大量人员离职,显得有些突然,而这也掏空了雅虎的高级管理层。

6、By the time Doublet had reached the foot of the mountain, she was already out of breath.She looked up at the precipitous mountainside, wondering what terrible fate awaited her master. ─── 双儿奔到峰脚,已是气喘吁吁,仰头见山峰甚高,心想这恶头陀将相公捉到山峰顶上,万一失足,摔将下来,恶头陀未必会摔死,相公哪里还有命?

7、the precipitous rapids of the upper river; ─── 河流上游的急流;

8、The Baozhu,Hailuo and Zhanglao peaks rise high in a forest of precipitous peaks,and the Jinjiang River meanders around them. ─── 江水清澈见底,河床卵石色彩斑斓。

9、high and precipitous mountains ─── 山势峭拔

10、The company said the action was 'in response to a precipitous decline in our business over the last 30 days. ─── 该公司表示,裁员是针对过赴30天来业务急剧下滑然而采取的行动。

11、It is claimed that the two climbed the precipitous mountains with astounding speed, bounding from rock to rock, the stranger carrying a keen-edged blade, Vulkan with his immense silver-headed hammer held ready. ─── 据说两个人都以常人难以达到的速度和技巧攀越着山峰,所不同的是陌生人背着一把霜刃巨剑,而凡尔康依旧高举着那巨大的银头巨锤。

12、On the last day of a one-week reconnaissance trip in 1988, our team of four split up to prospect the precipitous slopes flanking each side of the Tinguiririca River. ─── 1988年,在为期一周的勘查之旅中,到了最后一天,小组成员分成四路前进,沿著廷奎历力卡山谷两侧的陡峭斜坡仔细勘查。

13、SAM : Well, you know, you were just talking to me a minute ago about the precipitous decline in advertising revenue. ─── 要知道,一分钟前你还在跟我讨论报纸广告下滑的问题。

14、We finally clambered up the precipitous cliff. ─── 我们终于登上了险峻的峭壁。

15、Having left the huge rock, he spreads his wings and glides like a diver for several leagues along the precipitous cliff before his wings catch the upward draft. ─── 他离开了那巨石。 像个溺水的人那样,翅膀徒然地划动,身体却一下沉落下去好几丈。

16、NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street pulled off a stunning comeback Wednesday, surging higher in late trading and wiping out what looked to be yet another precipitous decline. ─── 周三华尔街赢得了一个巨大的反弹,在稍后的交易中又损失惨重,看起来似乎是另一个巨大的滑坡。

17、What frightens an arrogant knight is not rugged path, precipitous cliff or cannibal beast but a will to strike the chord of the princess without idling away in the labyrinth of love. ─── 孤傲的骑士最害怕的不是泥泞的路、陡峭的峰、食人的兽,而是不愿徘徊于爱情的迷宫,而是想去拨动公主的心弦。

18、In the context of an industry in precipitous decline, beset by a campaign of sabotage and a crisis in funding, this might seem a detail. ─── 由于受到蓄意破坏活动和融资危机的影响,该国石油行业出现大幅滑坡。在这样的背景下,这或许看上去微不足道。

19、go into a precipitous decline ─── 急转直下

20、"They have passed bills in the House and the Senate that would impose restrictions on our military commanders and mandate a precipitous withdrawal by an arbitrary date. ─── “这项草案在参众两院都得以通过,这给我们的军事指挥官设定了很多障碍,还草率设定撤军期限。”

21、Mount Tai impresses visitors with its majestic and precipitous appeal, its summit Yuhuangding overlooking the surrounding valleys and perilous peaks. ─── 泰山雄伟壮观,峻拔突兀,最高峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕。

22、Most of the floods occurred in the basin of Ningyuan River in Sanya are created by the tropic cyclones with rapid confluence and precipitous fluctuation of flood. ─── 摘要三亚宁远河流域大洪水绝大多数由热带气旋雨产生,流域汇流迅速,洪水陡涨陡落。

23、Could there be a mountain more precipitous than this? ─── 山之险峻,宁有逾此?

24、their precipitous decision to leave. ─── 他们要离开的仓促决定。

25、A precipitous path led down the cliff. ─── 悬崖往下引入一条陡峭的山路。

26、Mr Baker, a former secretary of state and a long-time friend of the Bush family, acknowledged that a precipitous withdrawal could cause a bloodbath inside Iraq and perhaps provoke a wider regional war. ─── 作为前国务卿,布什家族老朋友的贝克也承认,匆忙的撤军会导致伊拉克内战,甚至引起一场更大范围的地区战争。

27、A precipitous path led down the mountainside ─── 沿着山腰下来有一条陡峭的山路。

28、The stock market's precipitous drop frightened foreign investors. ─── 该股市价格猛跌让外国投资者恐惧。

29、Asked if the United States would bear partial responsibility for any bloodbath in Iraq in the event of a precipitous U.S. withdrawal, M said that a bloodbath is already taking place at present. ─── 当被问及美国会不会因其仓促撤军对在伊拉克发生的血案负有部分责任时,M说现在血洗和屠杀就正在发生。

30、In Atlanta, the largest metropolitan area in the south-east, 3m residents will lose their main source of drinking water by January if the level of nearby Lake Lanier continues its precipitous drop. ─── 如果附近的拉尼尔湖水位继续急剧下降,生活在亚特兰大(美国东南地区最大的都市区)的三百万居民将有可能在明年一月份失去这赖以生存的饮用水源。

31、a precipitous path down the mountainside ─── 沿山腰而下的一条陡峭的小路

32、the precipitous rapids of the upper river ─── 河流上游的急流

33、The nearly 600 stone-and-mortar cliff houses notched by the ancient Anasazi into precipitous canyon walls are the most compelling feature of Colorado's Mesa Verde National Park. ─── 意译:美国地界标和国家公园图片。近600个石和臼悬崖峭壁房屋有缺口的由古代阿纳萨兹到陡峭峡谷墙壁是最令人注目的特征,科罗拉多州的梅萨维德国家公园。

34、a precipitous climb to the peak ─── 向着陡峭山顶的攀登.

35、Sun Tzu said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain,to wit: (1) Accessible ground; (2) entangling ground;(3) temporizing ground; (4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at a great distance from the enemy. ─── 孙子曰:地形有通者、有挂者、有支者、有隘者、有险者、有远者。

36、Jodo-ga-hama Beach gives a beautiful contrast between long, white beaches and precipitous oddly shaped rocks as well as verdant pine trees. ─── 其中,在净土浜有成片的白色沙滩和险峻的奇岩怪石,形成了强烈的对比。

37、The bluefin has proved to be no match for a high-tech fishing industry, which has sent their numbers into a precipitous decline. ─── 金枪鱼已经证明没有对手因为高科技渔业,已经发送它们的数字到一个险峻的衰退时期。

38、Citic first broached the subject of renegotiating the stake it would take in Bear last November following a precipitous drop in the US bank's shares, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 中信一位发言人表示,他不知道有任何谈判正在进行。记者无法联系上贝尔斯登驻日本的一位发言人置评。

39、The mountains are precipitous. ─── 山峰险峻。

40、Behind our position was a precipitous and deep ravine, down which it would be difficult to retreat with artillery and cavalry. ─── 我军阵地后面有一座陡峭的万仞深谷,炮兵和骑兵很难从峡谷退却。

41、Each chart displayed a similar precipitous descent in the catch from the start of industrial fishing, some time before 1960, to a virtual plateau between 1980 and 2000. ─── 每张图表显示了从1960年前一段时间的产业化捕鱼开始,到1980至2000年间实际的高潮持续期,在捕鱼量上的类似衰落。

42、Oil prices reversed their precipitous fall of the past two months. ─── 油价格反转他们的过去两个月的险峻的瀑布。

43、The policymaker is then like a man on a tightrope; he can avoid a precipitous drop only by moving forward ─── 决策人就像一个走钢索的人一样,只有向前走,才能避免从上面栽下来。

44、The southern part of the Western Hills is featured by sheer precipitous cliffs while the northern part is featured by deep and secluded ravines ─── 南段峭壁千仞,北段幽奥深邃。

45、The final 20 kilometres, like some sort of supreme ordeal before we reach our goal, is tricky driving: a gravelly one-vehicle track down the mountain, with a precipitous drop on one side. ─── 最后20公里路十分难走,如同到达目标前的某种最残酷的考验:沿着山边的一条仅容一车通过的碎石路,另一边是险峻的陡坡。

46、At a rapid or precipitous rate ─── 急遽的有快速或急促的速度的

47、precipitous road ─── “长命斜”

48、The precipitous landform and geology are always both handicap and challenge, our traceable afforestation achievement and record are clover 8 different landform and geology. ─── 地形与地质之障碍,是造林工程上之挑战。我们的造林实绩中,包含了至少8种地形地质。

49、Barclays on Monday sought to reassure shareholders after a sense of crisis surrounded the bank last week following a precipitous fall in its share price. ─── 巴克拉周一寻求是股东放心的办法,在上周一系列围绕银行的危机发生后,股价剧烈的下滑。

50、The seeming 15% rise in our offer is caused by the precipitous slide of the dollar. ─── 我们的报盘表面上涨了15%,乃是美元急剧下跌造成的。

51、The company also plans to award millions of new stock options to employees in an effort to retain workers and neutralize a precipitous drop in the value of their stock holdings. ─── 此外,花旗也祭出价值上百万美金的股票选择权以挽留员工,并补偿他们手中持股下跌的市值。

52、an island of southern Italy on the southern edge of the Bay of Naples. A popular resort since Roman times,it is famous for its Blue Grotto,a picturesque cave indenting the island's high,precipitous coast ─── 卡普里,意大利南部一岛屿,位于那不勒斯湾的南部边界。自古罗马时代以来就是一个度假胜地,以其蓝色洞穴而闻名,为该岛高而陡峭的海岸上的一处风景优美的洞穴

53、An island of southern Italy on the southern edge of the Bay of Naples.A popular resort since Roman times, it is famous for its Blue Grotto, a picturesque cave indenting the island's high, precipitous coast. ─── 卡普里意大利南部一岛屿,位于那不勒斯湾的南部边界。自古罗马时代以来就是一个度假胜地,以其蓝色洞穴而闻名,为该岛高而陡峭的海岸上的一处风景优美的洞穴

54、"Nobody is asking for a precipitous withdrawal, but I do think it has to be a measured, but increased pressure, " he said. ─── 他说,谁都不是要求突然撤军,但是他确实认为有必要适量地逐步加强对伊拉克的压力。

55、The mountainous countryside is visibly overpopulated, with even precipitous slopes planted with beans and other staples. ─── 多山的农村地区出现明显的人口过剩,甚至连那里陡峭的斜坡上都种满了豆类农作物与其它的必需品。

56、The town is perched on the edge of a steep, precipitous cliff. ─── 该镇坐落在一个陡峭的悬崖边上。

57、a forest of precipitous rocks ─── 巉岩林立

58、We slowly bounced up a severely rutted dirt road, the drop-offs just to our right growing ever more precipitous as we ascended impossibly steep switchbacks. ─── 我们缓慢地在一条尘土飞扬、车辙很深的路上蹒跚而行。转过又一个陡峭的急转弯后,我们右边的坡似乎更陡。

59、We had just made it up the precipitous cliff by the channel mouth when the day became dark, and raindrops the size of hailstones began to beat down to the accompaniment of a howling wind. ─── 山路愈陡愈狭,我们刚到了峡口悬崖之上,周围一下昏暗起来,雹子大的雨点随着狂风猛扑而下。

60、The precipitous bluff stopped us. ─── 多悬崖的绝壁挡住了我们的去路。

61、The rate of inflation around the world is from 3-9% while the rise in price for tallow is only 5% compared with our last transaction. The seeming 15% rise in our offer is caused by the precipitous slide of the dollar. ─── 世界各地通货膨胀率每年为3-9%,而曾脂价格和去年成交价相比,只上涨了5%。我们的报盘表面上涨了15%,乃是美元急剧下跌造成的。

62、On a personal level, Mr.Zardari's victory offers vindication for previous precipitous falls from power. ─── 对扎尔达里个人而言,这次当选也起到了为他此前几次突然失势洗刷罪名的作用。

63、a precipitous drop in commodity prices. ─── 商品价格急剧下跌。

64、That change in chemistry has led to staggering alterations in the lake's ecology, causing precipitous drops in the Aral Sea’s fish population. ─── 化学成分的改变极大地改变了湖区的生态环境,导致咸海鱼类数量剧减。

65、The east part is precipitous and has 15 rugged watchtowers on 1000 meter high peaks, creating a journey you will surly never forget. ─── 东半部是险峻的,有15个粗糙的敌楼在1000米高的山顶上,在这里做一次攀登会使你终身难忘。

66、Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous. ─── 古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。

67、From a precipitous height we look at the town spread out below. ─── 我们从险峻的高处眺望铺展在下面的城镇。

68、We have a precipitous climb to the peak ─── 我们向着陡峭山顶攀登。


70、Swearing, sweating men hauled the heavy guns up the precipitous slopes, for mules could not climb the hillsides. Couriers and wounded coming into Atlanta gave reassuring reports to the frightened townspeople. ─── 因为骡子已爬不上去了,汗流浃背的士兵咒骂着把枪拖上陡坡,通讯兵和伤兵进入了亚特兰大,给惊慌的市民带来了安定人心的消息。

71、A Study and Application on Highly Precipitous Anticline of Bendong Block ─── 本东区块高陡背斜的研究与应用

72、Citic first broached the subject of renegotiating the stake it would take in Bear last欧美老bj November following a precipitous drop in the US bank's shares, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 据09年夏流行鞋知情人士介绍,去年11月,在贝尔斯登股价出现骤跌后,中信证券首先提出重新讨论它将在这家美国投行持有的股份。

73、precipitous sea ─── 怒涛

74、a precipitous cliff ─── 峭壁

75、Wanfeng ring inside out,xuan bi precipitous cliffs, ravines crossbar. ─── 境内万峰环列,崖悬壁峭,沟壑纵横。

76、The shallow precipitous rocky habitat ─── 岩壁陡峭的浅滩

77、Harvard University announced on June 23 that it plans to lay off 275 staff members as the college grapples with budget pressures caused by a precipitous endowment decline. ─── 哈佛大学于6月23日宣布,由于捐助的下降导致哈佛大学预算的压力,将裁员275名工作人员。

78、there be a mountain more precipitous than this? ─── 山之险峻,宁有逾此?

79、Waterfalls roaring like thunder cascade down precipitous cliffs and gurgling streams meander through serene nooks. Clouds and vapor float and wrap the scenery in a blanket of mist. ─── 庐山奇传幽险,瀑飞泉鸣,云蒸雾涌,气象万千。

80、Citic first broached the subject of renegotiating the stake it would take in Bear last November following a precipitous drop in the US bank’s shares, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 据知情人士介绍,去年11月,在贝尔斯登股价出现骤跌后,中信证券首先提出重新讨论它将在这家美国投行持有的股份。

81、But as the damaged road to Yingxiu snaked out of mobile phone coverage, through tunnels and over precipitous landslides, I wondered if I was wise to come. ─── 但沿着通往映秀毁损的道路,手机没有了信号,并一路经过隧道和崩塌的泥石,我有点不确定此行是否明智。

82、Tianshan, I am charmed the mountain, that majestic high and precipitous mountain peak, that green and luxuriant forest, once many times reappeared in my dream. ─── 天山,我神往的山,那雄壮峭拔的山峰,那郁郁葱葱的森林,都曾在我梦中多次重现。

83、"Nobody is asking for a precipitous withdrawal, but I do think it has to be a measured, but increased pressure," he said. ─── 他说,谁都不是要求突然撤军,但是他确实认为有必要适量地逐步加强对伊拉克的压力。

84、Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows, confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses, should be left with all possible speed and not approached. ─── 凡地有绝涧、天井、天牢、天罗、天陷、天隙,必亟去之,勿近也。

85、It would also never be an easy task for a car to drive on this serpentine and precipitous road. ─── 只因这里有一群泰雅族的小朋友,等他上一堂原汁原味的英文课。

86、Shi saw precipitous peak was sure to Sheung Shui, after Add noodles, along with spices, a smell out of Gone with the Wind, we have all the water out, but a taste, ah yo, Chatham dead it! ─── 只见施崭胸有成竹地倒上水,开锅后放入面条,再加上调料,一股香味飘了出来,大家的口水都流出来了,可是一尝,啊哟,咸死人啦!

87、The precipitous decline in foreign direct investment has also slowed, from 32% in January to 9.5% in March. ─── 外商直接投资的急剧下滑趋势也有所缓和,从一月份同比下滑32%,三月份放缓至同比下滑9.5%。

88、Behind our position was a precipitous and deep ravine, down which it would be difficult to retreat with artillery and cavalry . ─── 我军阵地后面有一座陡峭的万仞深谷,炮兵和骑兵很难从峡谷退却。

89、A small percentage of patients may show hypersensitivity to the drug and react to it with a pronounced and precipitous fall of blood pressure which may result in syncope. ─── 一小部分病人可能对这种药过敏,并且对这种药产生血压明显急剧下降的反应,此反应可能导致病人昏厥。

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