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08-16 投稿


fervency 发音

英:[['f?:v?ns?]]  美:[['f?:v?ns?]]

英:  美:

fervency 中文意思翻译



fervency 词性/词形变化,fervency变形

名词复数: fervencies |

fervency 短语词组

1、fervency crossword ─── 狂热填字游戏

2、fervency meaning ─── 热烈的意义

3、fervency mean ─── 热情的平均

4、fervency store ─── 热情商店

5、fervency store review ─── 火热店回顾

6、fervency define ─── 热情定义

7、fervency definition ─── 热情定义

8、fervency synonym ─── 热情同义词

fervency 相似词语短语

1、frequency ─── n.频率;频繁

2、emergency ─── n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的

3、feculency ─── n.污物;渣滓

4、Regency ─── n.摄政;摄政统治;摄政权

5、fervent ─── adj.热心的;强烈的;炽热的;热烈的

6、fervently ─── adv.热心地;热诚地

7、vergency ─── [化学]聚散度

8、tervalency ─── n.三价

9、fervencies ─── n.热情;炽热;热烈

fervency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、my seasons of coldness have frozen all the genial glow of my periods of fervency and enthusiasm; ─── 我冷淡退后的情况,常常冻结我当初奉献的热情;

2、Therefore, teachers should study the teaching material adequately, change the education idea and arouse students' fervency through more than one way. ─── 因此,教师要充分研究教材,转变教育观念,以人为本,通过多种方法激发学生的热情。

3、This school has fine language atmosphere , the student makes great efforts assiduously , studies fervency very highly. ─── 这所学校有良好的语言氛围,学生刻苦努力,学习热情很高。

4、Their fervency is hospitable, but often arrives late. ─── 他们热情好客,却常常迟到。

5、Chinese people contributeis exceeding fervency to the temblor area people, moreover the temblor causes chinese people much more solidaritythan beforetime. ─── 中国人民对地震区人民的捐助是非常热情的,而且地震使中国人民比以前更加团结。

6、But, this is my character. You do not know me about most probably! Fervency indifferent middle is always concealed! You can find that very good. ─── 可这就是我的性格。看来你不了解我!冷漠中总是隐藏热情!你能发现就很好。

7、English Introduction: Game is introduced: The beautiful clothes and ornaments , strength explode music , the bar releasing your fervency , acting as a youth dance party empress! ─── 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"青春舞会皇后"这个小游戏,游戏介绍:漂亮服饰,劲爆音乐,释放你的热情,做一个青春舞会皇后吧!

8、Surely, when he returned to Israel, he preached with all the more fervency to bring salvation to his people. ─── 当然,当以利沙回到以色列,他一定更加迫切的向他的同胞传讲上帝的救恩。

9、with understanding, faith, sincerity, fervency, love, and perseverance, waiting upon him, with humble submission to his will. ─── (三)以悟性和信心祷告,真诚,恳切,有爱心,有恒心,等候神,并且谦卑降服在祂旨意之下。

10、Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference but. ─── 内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。

11、But his fervency for millenarianism was soon quenched, and was not rekindled until the defeat of Charles I in 1649. ─── 唯此热度很快就消退,直到1649年查尔斯一世战败后,密尔顿又重燃对千禧年王国的渴望。

12、Cypress Bonnie said he has fervency , has written just now so many. ─── 柏邦妮说他有热情,才写了那么多。

13、About love,if can not fervency,move towards vagueness. ─── 关于爱情,如果我们不能热烈,就暧昧吧。

14、Give us the ability to express to others our faith in Jesus Christ with all boldness and fervency. ─── 赐给我们以勇敢热心态度,将我们信靠您的原因告诉其他的人。奉主耶稣圣名,阿们!

15、The bright, wide, neat office environment, It's help to Increase the staff's working fervency. ─── 明亮、宽敞、整洁的办公环境,有助于提高员工的工作热情。

16、They are full of fervency to the job and life. ─── 他们对工作和生活充满热情。

17、In the fervency of His love for us, God promises to do "exceeding abundantly above all" we could ask. ─── 他对我们炽热的爱,应许“充充足足的成就一切超过我们所求的”。

18、As one Auditing Principles special field student, I love my special field heartily am that the person has thrown into gigantic fervency and energy together. ─── 作为一名审计学专业的学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。

19、We own a exploitation making progress actively team , own the heart of serving the fervency in extensive cyber citizen at the same time! ─── 我们拥有一个积极向上的开发团队,同时拥有服务于广大网民的热情之心!

20、Ketu, owns planning well experienced , being full of fervency , offering a job politely and designs a team. ─── 科图,拥有经验丰富、充满热情、敬业的策划和设计队伍 。

21、Work fervency has patience seriously , have creative ability, have fine among people communicating with organization propagating an ability. ─── 做事热情认真有耐心,具有创造力,具有良好的人际沟通和组织宣传能力。

22、The tranquility in summer and romance in winter will bring you the typical Nordic style, the fervency of Swedish gives you a feeling like home. ─── 夏日的静谧和冬日的浪漫让您充分品味独特的北欧风情,北欧人的热情将使您流连忘返。

23、For instance, they both highly advocate robust and vigorous men, as well as fervency and foursquare women. ─── 这突出表现在对性的理解与赞赏以及高贵含蓄的性描写上。

24、Hendon exclaimed with a fervency which showed that he was touched. ─── 亨顿激动地说着,这表明他被感动了。

25、That deeply, I understand , am based on only fervency is useless, must exert to achieve glorious ideals effort. ─── 我深深地懂得,光凭热情是没用的,必须为实现美好的理想而努力奋斗。

26、I feel very lucky to be that I am fairly young , fervency having pair of jobs , also have bear actuating pressure's confidence. ─── 我感到很幸运的是我还年轻,有对工作的热情,也有承受工作压力的信心。

27、We will cooperate sincerely with friends in full fervency and best service in the future. ─── 为进一步扩大公司业务,公司全体同仁愿为所有新老客户真诚、热情的服务。

28、We should pray for the people who live in these cities because prosperity and comfort often make people in the churches lose their fervency and burden for mission. ─── 大城市的繁华绚丽和舒适的生活容易叫人迷失生命的方向,信徒也容易变得不冷不热,忘却福音使命。

29、Youth is the pronoun of confidence, dream, fervency, friendship and so on. ─── 青春是自信,梦想,热情,友爱等的代名词。

30、Therefore, Spain government appropriate 3 hundred million Euro to Spanish Consulate,’ It should be a series events which unfolded a real Spain , a modern, civilized , fervency Spain. ─── 为此,我们拨出3亿欧元专项经费投入驻华使馆,希望通过一系列活动,向中国人民展示一个真正的西班牙,一个现代、文明、热情的西班牙。”

31、It is the thought of sin, ever surrounding you and seeking to tempt you, that will give fervency to your prayer, and urgency to the faith that hides itself in Christ. ─── 就是因为想到罪常常围绕你,常来试探你,因此你的祷告就能恳切,你的信心,就是隐藏在基督里的信心才能坚强。

32、Music , reading, self-assessment has a strong sense of responsibility , time concept is strong, have altitude professional ethics , sincere fervency, have very strong affinity. ─── 音乐、读书,自我评价责任心强,时间观念强,有高度敬业精神,真诚热情,有很强的亲和力。

33、The Miao nationality person fervency is hospitable. ─── 苗族人热情好客。

34、Job fervency high , has intense sense of responsibility. ─── 工作热情高,有强烈的责任心。

35、It may become one kind of driving force , arouse people's study about fervency , shake off failure thereby. ─── 它会成为一种动力,激起人们的学习热情,从而摆脱失败。

36、Mozart's music, as the delicately made pearls and the warm and fervency sunshine, filled with the vitality of youth, is of elegance and beauty. ─── 莫扎特的音乐典雅秀丽,如同珍珠一样玲珑剔透,又似阳光一般热情温暖,洋溢着青春的生命力。

37、Go to in forgiving the job making bold , throwing me into if I can become one of your company , I fix the fervency and ability should use me. ─── 恕冒昧,如果我能成为贵公司的一员,我定当用我的热情和能力投入到我的工作中去。

38、The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency . ─── 爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。

39、If you like red,so you are a fervency and free person.You are energetic,staunch and patient. ─── 如果你喜欢红色,那么你属于热情奔放、无拘无束的人;

40、Fervency, optimism is me.I like sports,for example gym,body mechanics,mountain climbing,yoga,playing badminton,volleyball,swimming,tennis etc. ─── 我喜欢运动,比如羽毛球、排球、游泳、爬山、健身操、瑜珈等。

41、Phenomenon of Villagers'Fervency in Bring up Temples in Some Rural Areas ─── 谈谈某些地区农村村民热衷于兴建庙宇的现象

42、The clerk is still low tier of employees from my point of view , disregarding high-rise in being enterprise , whose pay height all has very big effect to whose job fervency. ─── 在我看来,无论是企业中的高层职员还是低层员工,其薪水的高低对其工作热情都是有很大影响的。

43、The argumentation about Bio-economy is very fervency on domestic academe sine 2000. ─── 2002年以来,国内学术界关于"生物经济"的讨论非常热烈。

44、Can I think of his dear wounds, can I sit at the foot of his cross, and not be stirred with fervency and zeal? ─── 当我想到祂伤痕,坐在祂的十字架下,能不燃起热情和热诚吗?

45、We discover, public have no lack of participation passion, if only give the public sincerity of participation, offering the free paths of participation, public will participate with great fervency. ─── 实践发现,公众并不缺乏参与的热情,只要给公众以参与的诚意,提供畅通的参与渠道,公众会以相当的热情参与进来。

46、The seeper in front of the science building submerged our sole, but could never submerge the fervency of the members in MSTC. ─── 理综楼前的积水已经淹没了鞋底,但这似乎根本无法淹没所有微软俱乐部会员的热情。

47、I will may pay extremely large fervency to job been engaged in by self. ─── 我对自己所从事的工作都将会付出极大的热情。

48、Can I think of his dear wounds, can I sit at the foot of his cross, and not be stirred with fervency and zeal? ─── 当我想到祂伤痕,坐在祂的十字架下,能不燃起热情和热诚吗?

49、This was a times that war broke out frequently and regime changed constantly.However, it was very free and liberating on spirit.Furthermore, it was rich in wisdom and fervency most on art. ─── 这是一个战乱频繁、政权不断更迭的时代,然而在精神上却极自由、极解放,在艺术上最富于智慧、最浓于热情。

50、The lover, tells if my , my do not know love , lets you be changed into a frozen mitten to my love from fervency. ─── 爱人,告诉我,我是否不懂爱,让你对我的爱由热情变冷淡。

51、Danielle, who was cold and arrogant outward but full of fervency inner, talks with full of childishness, and smiles so splendid that others also could share her optimist and happiness. ─── 外表冷傲,内心却充满热情的丹尼拉,说起话来充满孩子气,灿烂的笑容让身边的人也能感受到那份乐观与喜悦。

52、Fervency of one man in prayer can not supererogate for the coldness of another. ─── 在祷告时一个人的热诚不能弥补另一个人的冷漠。

53、Surely, when he returned to Israel, he preached with all the more fervency to bring salvation to his people. ─── 当然,当以利沙回到以色列,他一定更加迫切的向他的同胞传讲上帝的救恩。

54、I'm a optimism , goodness, devoted, flame, fervency, i hope you are devoted too. ─── 为人乐观,热情,忠诚于每一个朋友,同样,我也希望每一位朋友还以真诚。

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