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cassock 发音

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cassock 中文意思翻译



cassock 网络释义

n. 袈裟,法衣;教士服

cassock 短语词组

1、cassock pronunciation ─── 袈裟发音

2、cassock 39 buttons ─── 法衣39个钮扣

3、cassock squat ─── 卡索克蹲式

4、cassock melon ─── 砂锅瓜

5、cassock coat ─── 帆布大衣

6、cassock cincture ─── 腰带

7、Cassock Spring ─── 卡索克泉

cassock 词性/词形变化,cassock变形

过去式:cassocked 名词复数形式:cassocks

cassock 相似词语短语

1、hassock ─── n.跪垫;草丛;当座凳用的厚垫

2、hassocks ─── n.跪垫;草丛;当座凳用的厚垫

3、cassocks ─── n.袈裟,法衣;教士服

4、castocks ─── n.白菜梗

5、castock ─── n.白菜梗

6、hassocky ─── 哈索基

7、cassocked ─── adj.身着法衣的

8、assoc. ─── abbr.协会(association)

9、cassone ─── n.意大利大箱

cassock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whoever they were, the killers were clear about their target: the vehicle bore diplomatic plates and a Vatican flag, while the Irish cleric, in white cassock and purple skull cap, was known to all; ─── 不论他们是些什么人,凶手都对他们的目标明白无误:座车上标有外交牌照以及一面梵蒂冈国旗,同时,这位身着白色法衣和紫色头冠的爱尔兰籍传教士是人人皆知的;

2、At Toulon he was clothed in the red cassock. ─── 在土伦,他穿上红色囚衣。

3、Archaic The fastening belt on a clerical cassock; a cincture. ─── (教士长袍等的)腰带;腰带

4、His black cassock was dusty and sweat-stained. ─── 他黑色的袍子上尽是尘土,汗渍斑斑。

5、helped him defeat the black monster and finally acquired the cassock. ─── 帮助下,孙悟空制服了黑熊怪,并最终要回了袈裟。

6、a long cassock with buttons down the front; ─── 前面从上到下有一排纽扣的一种很长的法衣;

7、That tangrine house baptized in the rain is like an old monk with a vivid cassock, head dropped and closed eyes. ─── 这样洗礼的意思就有了。其实用suffering也可以的我觉得,意思上也可以理解成洗礼。

8、To the Thai traveling, the clergy which everywhere obviously the body throws over the decadent cassock, as well as splendid temple. ─── 到泰国旅游,处处可见身披黄色袈裟的僧侣,以及富丽堂皇的寺院。

9、cassock cloth ─── 黑色精纺开士米呢

10、Chenildieu was brought in, a prisoner for life, as was indicated by his red cassock and his green cap. ─── 舍尼杰也被带进来了,红衣绿帽,一望便知是个终身苦役犯。

11、Buddhism also advocates the yellow, the buddhist priest, Lama's cassock all is the yellow. ─── 佛教也崇尚黄色,和尚、喇嘛的袈裟皆为黄色。

12、1 Wearing cassock, a flamen was inspecting the detailed work in the sacrifice hall. ─── 祭司穿上法衣,到庙里去察看祭堂的各项准备工作。

13、Their right shoulders are bared with a cassock over the left shoulder. ─── 三世佛身后均雕刻背光,其做工精细。

14、To the Thai traveling, the clergy which everywhere obviouslythe body throws over the decadent cassock, as well as splendid temple. ─── 到泰国旅游,处处可见身披黄色袈裟的僧侣,以及富丽堂皇的寺院。

15、In the seventeenth century arms had yielded to the cassock, and Balthasar and his three brothers all took orders. ─── 17世纪的军人已经向教士折腰了。巴尔塔沙和他的三个兄弟都听从了宣召。

16、He might need it, as well, so he slipped it into his cassock. ─── 他也可能会需要它,所以,他把它也塞进了自己的上衣。

17、a long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests ─── 前面从上到下有一排纽扣的一种很长的法衣;供罗马天主教牧师穿着

18、However, a black bear monster came out unexpectedly. He concealed the cassock under the shield of the fire. ─── 可谁知这时来了只黑熊怪,他趁火劫走了袈裟。

19、She was a netle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible ─── 她是一棵受过僧衣挨蹭的荨麻。

20、She was a nettle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible. ─── 她是一棵受过僧衣挨蹭的荨麻。

21、In her snug room, with lamps before the holy picture stand, there was sitting, behind the samovar, on the sofa beside her, a young lad with a long nose and long hair, wearing a monk's cassock. ─── 她那很舒适的房间里,一盏长明灯摆在神龛前面,有一个头发很长、鼻子也长、穿着正教僧侣长袍的男孩和她并排地坐在茶炊后面的长沙发上。

22、1 That orange house, like an aging monk with a vivid cassock dropping head and closing eyes, is accepting baptism of rain. ─── 桔红色的房屋,像披着鲜艳的袈裟的老僧,垂头合目,受着雨底洗礼。

23、Thene is an arhat direcliy appears in the bangle, He thows over cassock, look in to distance,and may better tomorrow. ─── 在镯子的正面出现一幅图像,酷象一位罗汉。他身披袈裟、饱经风霜、充满智慧。他仿佛在朝远方眺望,也好象在为未来祈祷:明天会更好!

24、To get it back, Monkey makes trouble on the Black Wind Mountain before the Bodhisattva Guanyin agrees to help subdue the Black Bear Spirit and get the cassock back. ─── 包括大闹黑风山、猪八戒做女婿、流沙河收沙僧、偷吃人参果几个故事。这几个故事非常经典, 是西游记中不可缺少的重点故事。

25、cassock and almsbowl ─── 衣钵

26、Golden thread with jade armour is fabric cloth of cassock also. ─── 金缕玉甲也是布衣袈裟。

27、a long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests. ─── 前面从上到下有一排纽扣的一种很长的法衣;供罗马天主教牧师穿着。

28、Pulling his cell phone from his cassock pocket, he checked the carrier signal.Extremely faint. ─── 于是他拿出手机来看,发现信号非常微弱。

29、The Bishop took his staff, put on his cloak, on account of his too threadbare cassock, ─── 主教立即拿起他的拐杖,披上他的外衣因为,正如我们说过的,他的道袍太旧了,

30、The Bishop took his staff, put on his cloak, on account of his too threadbare cassock, as we have mentioned, and because of the evening breeze which was sure to rise soon, and set out. ─── 主教立即拿起他的拐杖,披上他的外衣(因为,正如我们说过的,他的道袍太旧了,也因为将有晚风),一径走了。

31、I 'll tear my cassock to pieces, ─── 奴把袈裟扯破

32、As the jet passed over the coast of Portugal, the cell phone in Aringarosa's cassock began vibrating in silent ring mode. ─── 在飞机飞越葡萄牙海岸时,阿林加洛沙的教士服里的手机在无声状态震动起来。

33、Chenildieu was brought in, a prisoner for life, as was indicated by his red cassock and his green cap. ─── 舍尼杰也被带进来了,红衣绿帽,一望便知是个终身苦役犯。

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