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08-16 投稿


deviltry 发音


英:  美:

deviltry 中文意思翻译



deviltry 网络释义

n. 恶行;残暴(等于devilry)

deviltry 反义词


deviltry 词性/词形变化,deviltry变形

异体字: devilry |名词复数: deviltries |

deviltry 同义词

demon | bother | dickens | ogre | elf | brute | nark | gravel | scoundrel | rile | irritate | heller | monster | Beelzebub | fury | Prince of Darkness | annoy | rag | chafe | nettle | get to | fiend | vex | daimon | rascal | hellion | villain | Old Nick | daemon | Satan | deuce | scamp | get at | lucifer

deviltry 短语词组

1、deviltry define ─── 魔鬼定义

2、deviltry definition ─── 魔鬼定义

3、deviltry meaning ─── 鬼意

4、deviltry synonym ─── 魔鬼同义词

5、deviltry crossword ─── 魔鬼纵横字谜

deviltry 相似词语短语

1、devitrify ─── vt.使不透明;除去玻璃光泽

2、devil ray ─── 蝠鲼(等于manta)

3、devilry ─── n.恶行;残暴

4、devil tree ─── 魔鬼树

5、deviatory ─── 离经叛道的(deviate的变体)

6、daredeviltry ─── n.蛮干

7、deviltries ─── n.恶行;残暴(等于devilry)

8、devil trees ─── 魔鬼树

9、devil rays ─── 蝠鲼(等于manta)

deviltry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Finding and using the incantation from the magic book Grimoire, Faust has to stop the deviltry and return it back to Hell. ─── 现在,你就担当如此重任,让一切恢复平静吧!

2、The car, out of plain deviltry, began to run one, too. The red fluid in the engine gauge on the dashboard started to rise alarmingly. ─── 那辆车,出于纯粹的暴行,也发起烧来,仪表盘上发动机表中的红色液体开始急剧升高。

3、of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it. ─── 计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。

4、We judged they was studying up some kind of worse deviltry than ever. ─── 我们断定,他们这是正在策划什么比往常更加恶毒的主意。

5、The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it, ─── 计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。

6、The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it, ─── 计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。

7、Devilish conduct; deviltry. ─── 恶魔般的行径;妖术

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