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08-16 投稿


irritable 发音

英:['?r?t?b(?)l]  美:['?r?t?bl]

英:  美:

irritable 中文意思翻译



irritable 短语词组

1、Cooper's irritable breast ─── [医] 库柏氏乳腺过敏(乳腺神经痛)

2、irritable joint ─── [医]炎症激惹性关节

3、irritable uterus ─── [医] 子宫过敏

4、Cooper's irritable testicle ─── [医] 库柏氏睾丸过敏(睾丸神经痛)

5、irritable aggression ─── 应激性攻击

6、irritable stricture ─── [医] 敏感性狭窄

7、irritable bladder ─── [医] 膀胱过敏, 刺激性膀胱

8、irritable breast ─── [医] 乳腺过敏

9、angry and irritable ─── 愤怒易怒

10、irritable inflammation ─── [医] 刺激性炎

11、irritable heart ─── [医] 易激心, 神经性循环衰弱

12、irritable testicle ─── [医] 睾丸过敏

13、irritable plant ─── 易受刺激的植物

14、irritable ulcer ─── [医] 刺激性溃疡

15、irritable bowel syndrome ─── [医]过敏性大肠综合征,应激性结肠综合征:一种慢性非炎性疾病,特点为腹痛及排便习惯改变,表现为腹泻或便秘但无病理性变化

16、irritable bone ─── [医] 易激骨

17、irritable cough ─── [医] 刺激性咳

18、irritable joints ─── [医] 激动性关节, 敏感性关节

19、irritable colon ─── [医] 过敏性结肠

irritable 词性/词形变化,irritable变形

副词: irritably |名词: irritableness |

irritable 相似词语短语

1、ignitable ─── adj.可着火的;可燃性的

2、irritably ─── adv.性急地;暴躁地;过敏地

3、irritate ─── vt.刺激,使兴奋;激怒;vi.引起恼怒,引起不愉快

4、veritable ─── adj.真正的,名副其实的

5、irrigable ─── adj.可灌溉的

6、heritable ─── adj.可继承的;可传让的

7、irrigably ─── 可灌溉的

8、incitable ─── 无标题

9、imitable ─── adj.可模仿的

irritable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was impatient and irritable, so it was conceivable that he would blow up at you once you offended him. ─── 他急燥易怒,可以想到一旦你冒犯了他,他是会对你发火的。

2、Extreme pain in temples accompanied by a steaming feeling coming from head that made me feel temporarily irritable. ─── 太阳穴感到很痛,并伴随着来自于头部的兴奋的感觉,这使我暂时感到烦躁。

3、It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;it does not rejoice in wrongdoing,but rejoices in the truth. ─── 它不固定于自己的模式,它不会性急或者愤怒,它也不会高兴或者做错事,只会在真实中愉悦.

4、He thirsted for the gold, but was afraid of being hurt by the lion. He became very irritable. ─── 他渴望得到金子,但却怕狮子伤害自己,急得他抓耳挠腮.

5、"I must go to England, " she said, with a full consciousness that her tone might strike an irritable man of taste as stupidly obstinate. ─── “我必须到英国去,”她说,她充分意识到自己的口气在一位敏感的雅人听来,一定显得既愚蠢又顽固。

6、Don't you argue with him! He must have got out of bed from the wrong side and is in a very irritable mood. ─── 你别和他争论!他今天心情不好,火气很大。

7、He gets irritable when he's got toothache. ─── 他牙一疼就很容易发脾气。

8、Slow, feeling irritable or without energetic color. ─── 反应迟钝、感觉烦躁或者说无精打彩。

9、If we set aside the female-only issues, many other pain-producing disorders affect more women than men, like migraines and irritable bowel syndrome. ─── 如果我们仅仅从女性的角度来看待这个问题,有更多的其他的产生疼痛的混乱影响女性,像偏头痛,肠易激综合症。

10、The former world heavyweight boxing champion,Tyson,is apt to get irritable. ─── 世界前重量级拳击冠军泰 森很爱发怒.

11、If I don't get a full eight hours of sleep at night, I feel quite irritable the next day. ─── 如果我晚上没有睡足八小时,隔天就会很容易暴躁。

12、She's feeling irritable today. ─── 她今天情绪不好。

13、Uk small number of multi-Yin yang less, the bad irritable, non-government disaster dos. ─── 屋小人多,阳多阴少,主脾气暴躁,官灾是非多多。

14、"I must go to England," she said, with a full consciousness that her tone might strike an irritable man of taste as stupidly obstinate. ─── “我必须到英国去,”她说,她充分意识到自己的口气在一位敏感的雅人听来,一定显得既愚蠢又顽固。

15、He was irritable and sometimes jabbed his stick into his servant's face. ─── "他脾气暴躁,有时用手杖戳佣人的脸。"

16、On the network to Suqi often impatient or irritable woman scolded run, this lack, and the desire for good, is not in reality contacts. ─── 在网络上时常不耐烦把俗气或烦燥的女人骂跑,这有欠厚道,还好,毕竟不是在现实交往之中。

17、Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop your on-line use? ─── 你在要离线或停止使用网络时是否感到不安?

18、He no doubt deserves his cigar and brandy.But as Japan tightens its belt, his irritable defence of how he likes to unwind has grated. ─── 他当然有权抽他的雪茄,喝他的白兰地,但日本眼下正值开源节流之秋,因此他忿忿不平地将此辩解为放松心情是站不住脚的。

19、Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish. ─── 任性的,脾气坏的无理由地激怒的或发脾气的;易怒的

20、They were alert and active, anxious that the work should go well, and fiercely irritable with whatever, by delay or confusion, retarded that work. ─── 他俩整个变了一样,完全被挽具改变了,不再消极和淡漠,现在他们警觉而积极,操心着把工作做好,要是耽搁或搞混了,妨碍了工作,他们就恶狠狠地发怒。

21、Therapy, Hypnosis for Irritable Bowel? ─── 催眠治疗大肠激燥症?

22、He flew into rages over nothing, seemed unbearably raw and irritable . ─── 他会无缘无故大发雷霆,粗暴生硬,简直叫人受不了。

23、Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men. ─── 肠易激综合症对女性比对男性影响更大。

24、We were all irritable now with the fading ale, and aware of it we drove for a while in silence. ─── 啤酒的酒性已过,我们现在都感到烦躁,又因为意识到这一点,我们就一声不响地开了一会车子。

25、Smoking also makes babies irritable and may increase babies' risk of colic. ─── 吸烟还易使婴儿过敏,并可能会增加婴儿患疝气的风险。

26、Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop online gaming? ─── 你是否在试图减少游戏时间后感到坐立不安或容易急躁?

27、Lots of people are irritable with a big fish. ─── 叫谁碰上这么大的鱼,都会控制不住自己的。

28、"No, no, no," replied this individual, who was blond and vigorous and by nature a little irritable and contentious. ─── “没有,没有,没有,”这个人回答说。他长得漂漂亮亮,精神饱满,生性有点暴躁,喜欢争吵。

29、The result showed that AOL possessed significant anti-inflammatory effect on irritable conjunctivitis. ─── AOL对刺激性兔眼结膜炎具有明显抗炎作用,给药1 d后眼结膜充血、水肿症状明显减轻;

30、Irritable bowel syndrome: is the search for lactose intolerance justified? ─── 乳糖不耐受的研究是正确的吗?

31、Teething can be painful and make your baby irritable. ─── 出牙可能会很痛苦,会使婴儿烦躁易怒。

32、Even his sense of humour seemed to have deserted him, leaving him in an irritable mood. ─── 并且他的诙谐天才也好像已经离开了他的身体,他自己也太会生气。

33、You may feel permanently tired,anxious or irritable,and your memory and ability to concentrate may be adversely affected. ─── 你可能总是感到疲劳、焦虑或易怒;你的记忆力和集中注意力都可能受到不良影响。

34、Depression and irritable bowel syndrome are also more common in these women. ─── 她们出现抑郁、暴躁脾气症状也会更普遍。

35、If dreams have been sleeping for too long, this beer will become irritable and waken up because of hunger. (Harlan Coben. ─── 如果梦想已经冬眠了很长时间,这只熊就会暴躁而饥饿地醒来?

36、She was irritable when she was unhappy. ─── 她不高兴时,容易发脾气。

37、Infants may react to trauma by being irritable, crying more than usual, or wanting to be held and cuddled. ─── 婴儿可能会表现得急躁,比平常啼哭次数更多,需要被抱起来安抚。

38、He humour irritable and acts furtive, stroke and died soon strangely, leaving behind a pirate Kidd buried treasure topographical map. ─── 他脾气暴躁,行为诡秘,不久便奇怪地中风而死,身后留下一张海盗基德埋藏财宝的地形图。

39、He became more irritable than ever, and it was Princess Marya who as a rule bore the brunt of his outbursts of causeless fury. ─── 他已经变得比从前更易于激动,多半在公爵小姐玛丽亚身上发泄他那无缘无故的怒火。

40、A soluble fibre supplement should be the first line of attack in treating irritable bowel syndrome, experts say. ─── 专家称,过敏性肠综合症首要的对付方法应该是一种可溶性纤维补充物。

41、If I don't get a full eight hours of sleep at night, I feel quite irritable the next day. ─── 如果我晚上没有睡足八小时,隔天就会很容易暴躁。

42、Though she is irritable, she never loses her temper in front of children. ─── 她脾气虽然很坏,但从不在孩子们面前发怒。

43、He is such an irritable person, you can hardly speak to him. ─── 他这个人如此容易发怒,你简直没有办法与他讲话。

44、He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel irritable. ─── 他已经等了一个多小时,开始觉得有些烦躁了。

45、You are irritable and low EQ. You can't control mood sometimes. ─── 你的脾气颇大,EQ指数比较低,有时会控制不住情绪。

46、He was tired and irritable, and when the interviewer goaded him about me he took the bait. ─── 他只是累了,而且脾气也不好,当采访者用我去激怒他时,他就上套了。

47、If you're almost always irritable and abrupt, you may well feel that you're just too important to ever be kept waiting for anyone or anything. ─── 如果你几乎总是急躁不安,你也许是觉得自己太重要了,等待不了任何人或任何事。

48、Turns out that cutting all carbohydrates out of your diet has the side-effect of making you IRRITABLE. ─── 原来,切割出你所有碳水化合物饮食有副作用使你烦躁。

49、These include arthritis, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, malaria and psoriasis. ─── 作为试验对象的包括关节炎、糖尿病、肠易激综合征、疟疾和牛皮癣。

50、It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. ─── 圣经上说:爱是恒久忍耐、又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,

51、You may also feel anxious and irritable or, for that matter, even persecuted as you wonder, "Why does it have to be me? " ─── 因为此事,你也可能会感到着急和易怒,甚至你会有一种被迫害的感觉,你会问:“为什么这种事会发生在我的身上?”

52、Yeh-yeh probably wasn't always such an irritable old stick, thought Chuehhui. ─── “爷爷不见得生来就是古板不近人情的罢。” 他心里这样想。

53、During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable. ─── 在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。

54、She had to be very careful, because he was liable to be touchy and irritable in his present stage of weakness. ─── 她必须十分小心,因为他现在身体还很虚弱,容易动怒,发脾气。

55、She had to be very careful, because he was liable to be touchy and irritable in his present stage of weakness. ─── 她必须十分小心,因为他现在身体还很虚弱,容易动怒,发脾气。

56、A stooped, irritable man with thinning hair and glasses stood behind the counter, wearing a white coat. ─── 一个身穿白外套,鼻梁上架着一副眼镜的人站在柜台后面,他头发稀少,有点驼背,看上去性情急躁。

57、Love is not irritable or resentful. ─── 不轻易发怒,不记人的恶;

58、He knew that women felt a little irritable at times. ─── 他知道女人总是时常喜欢发脾气的。

59、As soon as he heard that the matter hadn't been taken care of yet, he got very irritable. ─── 一听说事情还没办,他就急躁起来。

60、Her skin is quite irritable. ─── 她的皮肤相当过敏。

61、If individuals are awakened each time they begin a dream phase of sleep, they are likely to become irritable even though their total amount of sleep has been sufficient. ─── 如果人们每当进入睡梦阶段就被唤醒,那么即使睡眠总量已经足够,他们也会烦躁易怒。

62、Unreasonably irritable or ill - tempered;peevish. ─── 任性的,脾气坏的无理由地激怒的或发脾气的;易怒的

63、A 16-year-old girl with a history of irritable bowel syndrome pressents to the emergency department with stabbing periumbilical abdominal pain. ─── 一个16岁有肠易激综合症病史的女孩,因脐带周围和腹部刺痛被送到急症部门。

64、He was mentally clear, but appeared to be fussy, irritable, and was hard to please. ─── 他神志清醒,可是显得很急躁,爱发脾气,还没办法让他高兴起来。

65、Most of the patients had haematuria and irritable bladder symptoms, the proper treatment were partial and total cystectomy. ─── 以血尿和膀胱刺激症状为主要临床表现。

66、"When a man becomes grumpy or irritable, it's easy to blame work or simply the effects of aging, " says Petty. ─── 佩蒂说:“当男人变得暴躁或易怒时,我们往往把原因归咎于工作或仅仅是年龄大了。”

67、Half of all bosses say a lack of sleep makes them irritable and prone to shouting at their staff, a study says. ─── 一项调查结果显示,英国有一半的老板或上司认为睡眠不足使他们变得急躁易怒,容易对员工或下属发火。

68、Bloating or swelling of the lower abdomen may be present in many intestinal (bowel) conditions including irritable bowel syndrome. ─── 下腹部的胀气可能是由于肠道疾病包括小肠综合征。

69、In the last six weeks he had become strangely irritable--strangely satisfied to pick up and go out, whether things were right or wrong in the house. ─── 在最近六个星期里,他变得出奇地爱发脾气,出奇地喜欢拿起东西往外跑,不管家里有事没事。

70、Don't mind me, Harry. I am irritable, and out of temper. ─── 别管我,哈里。我现在心情不好,容易生气。

71、During the rut,the male deer can be very irritable. ─── 在发情期间,公鹿可能很易怒。

72、Don' t be irritable, they are waiting for you. ─── 别急躁,他们在等你呢。

73、Gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome are the next most common category. ─── 如肠应激综合征等消化疾病是其次常见的原因。

74、"Who is it?" came the reply in a high, cracked, irritable tone. ─── “谁呀?”里面发出了沙哑而显得烦躁的尖音。

75、The patient presented with irritable crying, bilious vomiting and frank bloody stool on the 26th day of life. ─── 她的临床表徵为哭闹不安,胆汁性呕吐及血便。

76、Gallagher and Red were nervous and irritable and startled frequently at every unexpected noise. ─── 加拉赫和雷德神经紧张,心里烦躁,往往一听到冷不防的响动就要吓一跳。

77、Doctor Do you feel depressed, nervous, edgy, and irritable? ─── 你觉得抑郁、不安、急躁和爱激动吗?

78、He was in an irritable mood and could not sleep(= go to sleep). ─── 他情绪很烦躁,老睡不着。

79、The light from this 3 o'clock, definitely may see, this irritable beautiful woman soldier this occupation has to the game in by chance. ─── 光从这3点,就完全可以看出,这位火爆美女对游戏内战士这一职业有着偏好。

80、His drinking continued, about which we sometimes quarreled; for, when a little intoxicated, he was very irritable. ─── 他继续喝酒,为此我们时有争吵,因为他稍有醉意,便十分暴躁。

81、Clyde would not agree to her proposal and grew more irritable and worried. ─── 克莱德不肯答应而且变得愈加脾气暴躁和忧心忡忡了。

82、He's always in a bad mood (ie irritable and angry) on Mondays. ─── 他每星期一情绪都很坏。

83、Experiments have proved that in noisy situations, people become more irritable and less cooperative. ─── 实验证明,在嘈杂的环境下,人们会变得易于急躁、更加不易于合作。

84、He was irritable and sometimes jabbed his stick into his servant' s face. ─── 他脾气暴躁,有时用手杖戳佣人的脸。

85、Their temperaments before onset were mostl y irritable, competitive and stubborn. ─── 临床表现以情感障碍、行为障碍为主。

86、An occasional glass of wine can be a great way to unwind. Too much will affect your sleeping patterns, mood and can make you more irritable. ─── 偶而的一杯酒是松驰的好法子。太多的酒会影响睡觉习惯,心绪,让你更容易发火。

87、Normally I love to get into the kitchen to cook, but I had left starting dinner too late, and began to feel overly hungry and irritable. ─── 一般我都是喜欢去厨房做饭,但是开饭的时间太晚,而且开始感觉到过分的饥饿和急躁。

88、Irritable became her husband after he was laid off the second time. ─── 她的丈夫第二次失业后,脾气变得很暴躁.

89、He was tense, irritable, bitter and smug. ─── 他神经紧张,心情烦躁,牢骚满腹,可又自命不凡。



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