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08-16 投稿


diverting 发音

英:[da??v??t??]  美:[da??v??rt??]

英:  美:

diverting 中文意思翻译



diverting 词性/词形变化,diverting变形

名词复数: divertimentos |

diverting 短语词组

1、diverting colostomy ─── 分流结肠造口术

2、diverting dam ─── 分水坝

3、diverting rain water from foundation ─── 基础雨水转移

4、diverting into ─── 转移到……

5、diverting stream ─── 截夺河

6、diverting end colostomy ─── 分流端结肠造口术

7、diverting resources ─── 转移资源

8、diverting attention ─── 转移注意力

9、diverting ostomy ─── 分流造口术

10、diverting loop ileostomy cpt ─── 转流回肠造口术

11、trade diverting tariff ─── [经] 转移贸易关税

12、diverting loop colostomy ─── 分流环结肠造口术

diverting 相似词语短语

1、disserting ─── vi.论述;写论文;讨论;作学术讲演

2、undiverting ─── 未授权

3、divesting ─── 剥夺

4、deserting ─── n.沙漠,荒原;沉闷乏味的境况(或地区),冷清的地方;应得的赏罚(常用复数);v.遗弃;舍弃,离弃(某地方);(士兵)擅离(部队);逃走;开小差;放弃,撇下不管;背离,使失望;(感觉、品质或技艺)离开,丧失;adj.沙漠的;荒凉的;被抛弃的

5、adverting ─── n.广告(非正式);v.引起注意;提及

6、diverging ─── adj.发散的;分歧的;岔开的(等于divergent);v.分叉;背离(diverge的现在分词)

7、averting ─── 转移

8、divertingly ─── adv.消遣地;有趣地;消愁解闷地

9、divertive ─── adj.有趣的;消愁解闷的;引人入胜的

diverting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nonetheless, she was finding Tollifer a most diverting person. ─── 不过,她还是发现都力弗是个非常有趣的人物。

2、The scheme to divert the river has come to a full stop because of lack of money to finish it. ─── 使河流改道的方案已完全停止,因为没有钱来完成这一方案。

3、Iran can't divert that quantity without being very obvious," Kimball said. ─── 伊朗不可能在不明显的情况下转移核材料。”

4、Like previous prototype Audis, this A3 mule is wearing a Volkswagen body to divert attention. ─── 同前面的原型奥迪,这3号骡子是身穿大众机构转移注意力。

5、Drawing lessons from his father, Yu resorted to diverting, rather than blocking, the waters. ─── 他之所以不传位给自己的儿子,是因为儿子德行败坏,不能“以天下之病而利一人”。

6、They attempt to divert him with hunting, fishing, and a trip to a native village. ─── 他们试著带奥鲁诺可打猎、钓鱼及进行一趟当地村落旅行来转移他的忧心。

7、I'm going to go way out on a limb and say that it is the most diverting paper ever published in The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. ─── 恕我直言,我觉得这篇文章是《超声医学杂志》有史以来最受争议的文章。

8、"We kept busy during the flight refueling and keeping track of the nearest divert runways," Niemi continues. ─── “我们在飞行期间不停地忙于空中加油和保持与地面跑道最为接近的飞行路线,”涅米继续说道。

9、Divert Teleport. Choose destination for another's teleport. ─── 传送变向:设置他人的传送目的地。

10、Diversion:The act or an instance of diverting or turning aside; deviation. ─── "转向,转移,偏离:转移或转向的行为或例子;偏离"

11、They have been quite successful in diverting attention from major issues. ─── 他们已成功地把注意力从主要问题上转移开。

12、Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. ─── 加拿大人:建议您改变航线,15度,偏南,以免撞船。

13、However, drivers should avoid overly rousing tunes or complex rhythms which can divert attention away from the road. ─── 不过,驾驶人应该避免会转移对道路注意力的过度亢奋曲子或复杂旋律。

14、He is the most diverting and endearing of modern heroes. ─── 他在现代小说人物中是最有趣最使人喜爱的一个。

15、Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course. ─── 加拿大人:不,我也再说一遍,应该是您改变航线。

16、Organisers said their parade was not aimed at diverting attention away from the pro-democracy protest. ─── 大巡游的筹委表示,巡游无意针对任何在当日亦发起民主游行的团体。

17、So when someone is overwhelmed with information, an augmented cognition system would try to help him cope by diverting some of it. ─── 所以,当某人被信息所淹没的时候,一个补充识别系统会试图通过转移一部分注意力来帮助这个人解决问题。

18、An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway, airport closed. Please divert to your alternate. ─── 一架飞机在跑道面拿大顶,机场关闭,请改航到你的备降机场。

19、But, she adds, it's not a matter of diverting money away from projects. ─── 但是她也指出,这并不意味着把资金从项目中转移走。

20、At the top of blessedness, who can still remenber the phone number of Angus?And who can still remember those diverting days surrounded once. ─── 在幸福的峰巅,谁还记得住爱神的电话号码,谁还记得住周围许多有趣的日子。

21、Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells. ─── 环保主义者称引流河水将导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。

22、The information about increased development costs was merely a red herring to divert attention from the fact that the initial budget was wrongly estimated. ─── 增加发展费用的消息,只不过是想转移对最初财政预算错误估计的注意力。

23、To prevent flooding; we shall have to divert the river from its course. ─── 为防止水泛滥, 我们必须使河流偏离其河道。

24、It will be tempting to prop up domestic jobs and incomes by diverting demand from abroad with export subsidies, tariffs and cheaper currencies. ─── 因此那些可以创造国内就业机会和收入的方法具有相当的诱惑力:比如通过出口补贴、关税和低廉货币将出口转成内需。

25、Measures will be taken to divert transit vehicles from other parts of the country from entering the Fifth Ring Road by 2004. ─── 外埠过境车辆2004年年底前不再进入五环路以内行驶。

26、Electricity To provide or divert (current) by means of a shunt. ─── 使分流:通过分流的方式提供(电流)或使(电流)转向

27、ONE of the odder events in the political calendar is the Iowa straw poll: ridiculous or diverting according to taste. ─── 与其它政治议程相比,一个更奇特的议程就是爱荷华州的意向投票(意向性投票)。

28、He decided to divert her thoughts to other things. ─── 他决定把她的注意力转移到别的事物上去。

29、This review took data from Jan 01, 2003 to Dec 31, 2005, with a total of 203 patients receiving procedures for diverting loop ileostomy. ─── 从2003年初到2005年底,总共有203位病人接受环状迴肠造口手术。

30、He tried to divert his mind with other thoughts, to control and negate what was happening, but without success. ─── 他拼命让自己想些别的念头来控制和打消正在发生的事情,但却无能为力。

31、A few minutes of conversation, he justified himself by thinking, might divert his thoughts and clear his mind. ─── 几分钟的交谈也许会转移思绪,清醒头脑。 他不无理由地想。

32、You could throw a switch diverting it to a siding, but an equally unsuspecting man is standing there and the train will kill him instead. ─── 你可以扳动一根变轨开关,将电车转移到一侧,在那里站着的是一位同样不知情的人,而列车则会将他压死。

33、No organization or individual shall intervene , embezzle and divert. ─── 任何组织和个人不得干涉、截留、挪用。

34、I gazed round for a means of diverting her thoughts. ─── 我向四下里呆望着,想办法岔开她的思想。

35、Nothing could be more diverting than to hear Lena, who was almost as candid as Nature. ─── 再没有比听莉娜说话更有趣的了,她像大自然本身一样朴实。

36、The days that followed were diverting and yet troublesome enough to Clyde. ─── 在这以后的那些日子,对克莱德来说,觉得又有趣,又懊恼。

37、The scheme to divert the river has come to a full stopbecause of lack of money to finish it. ─── 使河流改道的方案已完全停止,因为没有钱来完成这一方案。

38、No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments. ─── 任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。

39、We are running short of fuel (kerosene) diverting to the nearest alternate. ─── 因油量不够,正改航到最近的备降机场。

40、Man has been cutting down forests, diverting rivers and burning wood, coal and oil throughout recorded history. ─── 人类伐倒森林,迫使河流改道,燃烧木材、煤与石油的行为遍布历史记载。

41、Earlier Owen had opened the scoring when diverting a Joe Cole shot. ─── 之前欧文接乔科尔后的一脚弹射已经为英格兰队首开记录。

42、She headed a run with young Crossjay to divert her mind. ─── 为了转移注意力,她在前面开路,领着克罗斯杰奔跑起来。

43、He can always invent a new game to divert the children with it. ─── 他总能搬出新玩意儿来娱悦孩子。

44、He had fixed on his target for the next six months. From this nobody and nothing would divert him. ─── 他已定好今后6个月的目标,什么也别想让他改变。

45、Raising her head, casting a quick glance at him and diverting her eyesight again, she tangles the fringes of her dress. ─── 一边抬起头来飞快的看了男孩子一眼,重又垂下了眼帘,绞着裙角。

46、The trucks were forced to divert to another road. ─── 卡车被迫改道而行。

47、Ironically, the EU broached the talks as a way of protecting itself against the trade- diverting effects of the now moribund US-Korea deal. ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,欧盟之所以启动这些谈判,是因为它想以此来保护自己,免受如今停滞不前的美韩协定可能带来的贸易转移影响。

48、Don't divert the subject into a side issue. ─── 别把话题转向枝节问题。

49、No organization or individual shall intervene, embezzle and divert. ─── 任何组织和个人不得干涉、留、用。

50、If he saw a policeman, he decided, he would have to ditch this car, steal another, and divert from his planned route. ─── 他决定,如果发现警察,就把车弃于沟壑,另偷一辆,并改变原行车路线。

51、Why do you always set your cell to divert calls? I can hardly reach you. ─── 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?我很难找到你啊。

52、Why do you always set your cell to divert calls? ─── 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?

53、Humans are inside the test tube to prevent the experiment from crashing, to divert the trials from overt crisis. ─── 人类在这个试管里的作用就是防止这个实验撞车,就是转移航向避免危机。

54、Almost a year and the flow of the Yellow River is a modern Grand Canal -- diverting water from the broken line project will be built . ─── 一条年径流量差不多和黄河相当的现代大运河――南水北调中线工程将于今年破土兴建。

55、"When you're diverting a third of the [corn] crop to ethanol it has a real impact on prices," said Senator Sununu. ─── 他说:“你用三分之一的玉米生产乙醇,这就对粮食价格产生了实质性的冲击。

56、Chinese: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course. ─── 中:不,我再说一遍,调整你的航线.

57、The car has to divert onto another road because this one damaged by the flood. ─── 因此路被洪水冲坏小车只好改道。

58、The ministry also dispatched 35 trains from Beijing, Wuhan and Nanchang cities to help divert the stranded passengers. ─── 交通部还从北京、武汉和南昌紧急调配35辆火车帮助转移滞留旅客。

59、TG612 is diverting to HKG, request onwards clearance. ─── TG612正改航去香港,请求前往许可。

60、The TSA cannot continue diverting resources into underused PreCheck lanes while most of the traveling public suffers in unnecessary lines. ─── 安全管理局不能继续将资源分散到未被充分利用的预检通道,而同时,大多数旅客却要排着不必要的队。

61、To hold the attention of with something amusing or diverting. ─── 使有兴趣以有趣之事物获得注意力

62、CANADIANS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. ─── 加拿大:驳回。为了避免将要发生的碰撞,调整你们的航线,方位角南15度。

63、There is, of course, a penalty to be paid for diverting some of the water that the boat is passing through into its turbines. ─── 当然了,需要付出的代价要分流部分船航行用的水进入透平。

64、But corn farmers have been diverting their crops from food sales to ethanol production, and the price of corn-based food has spiked. ─── 可是种植玉米的农民不再把玉米作为粮食出售,而是提供给乙醇生产,这导致使用玉米的食品价格飞涨。

65、Communities now have better ways to meet municipal guidelines for diverting organic wastes from sanitary landfills. ─── 也提供现今的社区能配合当地政府的指示,利用更好的方法处理原本倾倒于卫生掩埋场的有机废弃物。

66、"Therefore let not such as believe not therein but follow their own lusts, divert thee therefrom, lest thou perish!".. ─── 不信复活时而顺从私欲者,不要让他阻止你信仰复活时,以致你灭亡。

67、His action would be to divert Wildeve's movement rather than to stop it. ─── 他的行动,并没能使韦狄的活动完全停止,而只使它变更方向。

68、A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water,as for a millrace,or to regulate or measure the flow. ─── 堰,拦河坝,挡流坝横截河流或运河以提高水位或使河水转向的坝,如用于推动水车,调节或测量水流。

69、To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert. ─── 分散,转移使转离原来的注意力或兴趣;使分心

70、An artificial obstruction, such as a dam or an irrigation channel, built in a watercourse to increase its depth or to divert its flow. ─── 堰一种人工障碍物,如一大坝或一灌溉渠,建在水道里以增加其深度或分流

71、He can always invent a new game to divert the children. ─── 他总能想出新的游戏来供孩子们娱乐。

72、Its function is to spread a bemusing mist that conceals realities: to delude, to distort and to divert. ─── 其作用在于散布一种掩盖现实的茫茫云雾; 借以制造假象、歪曲事实和转移视线。

73、They are planning to divert the river to supply water somewhere else. ─── 他们正计划着使这河流转向,以便别处能得到水的供给。

74、He vaguely wanted something more diverting than the newspaper comic strips to read. ─── 他有一种模模糊糊的要求,想找一些比看报纸连环漫画更有趣的消遣。

75、Gardens contrived to divert the power of botanical growth into the tame artifacts of domesticated crops. ─── 园圃人为地把植物生长动力转入驯化作物。

76、A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose. ─── 伪装,假象设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为

77、A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water, as for a millrace, or to regulate or measure the flow. ─── 堰,拦河坝,挡流坝横截河流或运河以提高水位或使河水转向的坝,如用于推动水车,调节或测量水流

78、That way, they can divert customers from another site to theirs. ─── 因为这样一来,它们就可以把想去另一个网站的客户引到自己的网站。

79、Small weirs divert them to one side, where they are washed into traps. ─── 一个小拦水坝将虾虎鱼引导到一侧,并把它们冲进陷阱之中.

80、One industry can be expanded only by diverting to it labor, land and capital that would otherwise be employed in other industries. ─── 只有当原来用于其他产业劳工、土地和资本,转移到了某个产业,那个产业才能够扩张。

81、Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. ─── 加拿大人:建议贵方向南15度改变(你的)航线,以免碰撞。

82、Chinese: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. ─── 为了避免冲撞,请往南调整你的航线15度。

83、AS: Where it's most diverting is in the field of relativist ethics. ─── 分歧最厉害的地方,就在于“相对无神论”的领域内。

84、Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. ─── 大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。

85、Caravans divert their ways for them; They go up into the waste and perish. ─── 18结伴的客旅偏离原道,顺溪而行,上到荒野之地死亡。

86、Why do you always set you cell to divert calls? I can hardly reach you. ─── 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?我很难找到你。

87、Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. ─── 大多数人会选择转换火车轨道,牺牲那名在停用铁轨上玩的小孩。

88、Officials had invoked emergency measures, diverting the Yangtze River and seeding clouds to provoke rainfall to try to flush out the algae. ─── 危机发生后,有关部门启动了应急措施,通过向太湖引入长江水、人工降雨等措施来冲走蓝藻。

89、As time lay heavily on his hands, he went to the cinema to divert himself. ─── 他闲得无聊,只好去看场电影排遣排遣。

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