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08-16 投稿


bombard 发音

英:[b?m'bɑ?d]  美:[bɑm'bɑrd]

英:  美:

bombard 中文意思翻译




bombard 网络释义

vt. 轰炸;炮击n. 射石炮n. (Bombard)人名;(法)邦巴尔

bombard 短语词组

1、bombard means ─── 轰炸意味着

2、bombard definition ─── 轰炸定义

3、bombard with electrical current ─── 用电流轰击

4、bombard mint ─── 炮弹造币厂

5、bombard socks ─── 轰炸袜

6、bombard sb with sth ─── 用某物轰炸某人

7、bombard ed v. ─── 轰炸(bombard的过去分词);炮击;向……连续提问题adj.被 ─── 轰击的;频频不断的

8、bombard body language ─── 炮轰肢体语言

9、bombard meaning ─── 炮轰的意思

bombard 词性/词形变化,bombard变形

动词第三人称单数: bombards |动词过去式: bombarded |名词: bombarder |动词过去分词: bombarded |动词现在分词: bombarding |

bombard 相似词语短语

1、Lombards ─── 伦巴底人

2、bombarded ─── v.轰炸(bombard的过去分词);炮击;向…连续提问题;adj.被轰击的;频频不断的

3、bombardes ─── 轰炸机

4、bombarder ─── n.轰击器

5、Lombardi ─── n.(Lombardi)人名;(西、意、英)隆巴尔迪

6、Lombard ─── n.放债者;银行家;(意大利)伦巴第族人;adj.伦巴族人的;伦巴第语的

7、bombardon ─── n.低音大号;低音簧舌塞子

8、bombards ─── vt.轰炸;炮击;n.射石炮;n.(Bombard)人名;(法)邦巴尔

9、bombarde ─── n.大芦管

bombard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Officials have privately cried foul, claiming that pro-hunting groups encouraged supporters to bombard the website. ─── 官员们曾私下嚷嚷比赛不公,声称支持猎狐的团体鼓励群众挤爆了这个网站。

2、to bombard with questions ─── 连珠炮似地质问

3、These resources need protection, and secondly, post-gunpowder naval units can bombard coastal cities. ─── 第二,这些资源需要保护,后火枪时代的海军部队可炮击沿海城市。

4、8. " But PEACOCK lets them bombard a tumor more precisely, and with higher doses of radiation. ─── 但是“孔雀”使医生能更精确地炸掉肿瘤,而且使放射剂量加强。收藏指正

5、In 1932 the Joliot-Curies made a radioactive metal bombard beryllium--which is a non-radio-active metal--with its rays. The result was that the beryllium, too, became radioactive- even more so than the original source of the rays. ─── 1932年,约里奥一居里夫妇用一种放射性金属射线轰炸非放射性金属的铍元素,结果铍元素也具有了放射性,而且其放射性比原来放射性金属所发出的射线还要强。

6、But when these words are extended into longer ones,the silent letters become audible:hymnal,condemnation and bombard. ─── 但是当这些单词扩展为一个长的单词后。不发音的部分变为发音:hymnal,condemnation,bombard。这是一般规则。

7、It seems logical that if electrical impulses are used to bombard a person's brain, a complex neurochemical organ, this will affect the individual's neurotransmitters. ─── 有几种神经传递介质和氨基酸涉及学习和记忆,每一种有特定的功能。

8、The second half saw the home side bombard Bill Perkins in the Liverpool goal but the Reds held out to clinch the points and more importantly their first Division One title. ─── 下半年看到主队轰炸比尔帕金斯在利物浦的目标,但红军表现出的要点,更重要的第一次一科冠军。

9、Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television , radio ,and very shortly ,electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages. ─── 电子通信的发展,使得我们能够通过电视,无线电,发送信息,而且很快捷,电子邮件使得人们能够大量的接受讯息。

10、Soderling's strategy was to bombard Federer on the first serve and if the ball was a fault, bombard him just as hard on the second. ─── 索德林的战术就是首发炮轰费德勒,如果一发失误,第二发同样炮轰。

11、This massive Bombard fires a stone ball weighing well over half a ton, obliterating any but the most massive walls in one shot. ─── 这种巨炮能发射超过半吨的石弹,除史诗巨墙外,任何防御设施都无法抵御一次猛轰。

12、ANNOUNCER: So as soon as we start to speak, we bombard a potential listener with information about ourselves. ─── 播音员:因此只要我们一开口讲话,我们就开始向聆听者传递着关于我们自身的信息。

13、to bombard a nucleus ─── 轰击原子核

14、Reporter bombard the president with question about his economic policy. ─── 新闻记者提出许多有关经济政策的问题围攻总统。

15、To bombard with cannon. ─── 炮轰用炮来轰击

16、In other words, our own defenses bombard us with friendly fire, just as happens in more famously inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. ─── 换言之,属于人体自身防卫系统的我军火力,攻击了自身,一如风湿性关节炎这种恶名昭彰的发炎状况。

17、Shore Bombardment: This shows how well the ship can bombard enemy land units in coastal provinces when combined with an assault from land. ─── 对岸轰击:战舰可以在沿海省份对与我陆战部队作战的敌军进行炮火打击。

18、One may not realize how much such devices and thought-form bombard oneself with dissonance, but one may take notice after such has been turned off or tossed out. ─── 你不能认识到这些设备和思想形态是如何用不和谐来轰击你自己的,但你可以在这些被关掉或丢弃后安静下来。

19、HK was fun as well, I met up with sweet fans who constantly bombard me with tidbits. . . STOP! ! ─── 香港相当有趣,一直有许多贴心的歌迷给我一些好吃的食物……等一下!

20、....... to bombard the cardon dioxide clouds with colonies of blue-green algae. ─── 向二氧化碳云层中投放大量蓝绿海藻.

21、To bombard with mortar shells. ─── 用砂浆砌合

22、6. To attack(an enemy) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard. ─── 轰炸(敌军)用猛烈的火力、轰炸或炮击进攻(敌人)收藏指正

23、Even today, microscopic meteorites continually bombard Earth, falling on both land and sea. ─── 即使是现在,微小的陨石仍在不断地撞击地球,然后落到陆地上和大海中。

24、bombard the enemy's position ─── 炮轰敌人阵地

25、best way to see things differently to other people is to bombard the brain with things it has never encountered before. ─── 不同于他人的方式看待事物的最好方法就是用大脑从未接触过的事物来轰炸它。

26、I made a disturbance to you is because you always bombard whoever say a word to glorify China with strong language. ─── 蒙牛现在销量正在上升,国人对它回复信心,质检起了决定性作用。

27、electron bombard ─── 电子轰击

28、The energies which shall bombard will be so strong that you will literally feel as if your are boiling. ─── 轰击的能量如此强烈,会让你感觉简直好像自己正被煮沸。

29、bombard someone with questions ─── 连珠炮似地向某人提出问题

30、Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and, very shortly, electronic mail, to bombard people with multitudes of messages. ─── 电讯的发展使得人们可以通过电视、电台,以及很快就到出现的电子邮件来发送信息,使人们必须面对铺天盖地而来的各种信息。

31、The operation was called "Duck".The plan was theat HMS Suffolk escorted by 4 destroyers should bombard the airport.A few Hudsons from RAF 233 Sqn Coastal command were in the air as protection. ─── 这次行动被代号"鸭子".计划是用"萨福克"号伴随四艘驱逐舰去炮轰机场.海岸司令部的第233中队的"哈德逊"轰炸机提供空中掩护.

32、The other option is to bombard users with more ads, which might scare them away. ─── 另一种选择是用更多的广告轰炸用户,但这可能会吓跑他们。

33、Not only do TV, radio, and print constantly bombard them - the online options further blur their buying decisions. ─── 不仅电视,广播和一些小广告轰炸着他们的大脑,而且网上购物更模糊着他们的购买抉择。

34、As an entry-level structure pioneering a new design, gunsmiths are only large enough to fashion one cannon design, that of the bombard. ─── 作为制作新式武器的基本场所,火炮工坊只能建造小型臼炮。

35、The Grand Bombard was created as an improvement to the bombard in the early 15th century. ─── 重型攻城炮于十五世纪上半叶问世,是对原有旧式攻城炮的改进,其威力和射程更为惊人。

36、The molecules of air would bombard all sides and both ends of the cylinder. ─── 空气的分子会撞击圆筒的整个筒壁和上下两端。

37、to bombard sb with questions/requests ─── 连珠炮似地向某人提问题/要求

38、"Why to ambition to set bombard? " Do not look in to ask by 1: 00, directly affirmative of cold query exit. ─── “为什么要放火?”没有一点寻问,直接肯定的冷问出口。

39、Use those big battleships and cruisers to bombard the territory instead of having to clear the sea zone first. ─── 不必先清理海域,你可以直接用战列舰和巡洋舰进行“对岸炮轰”。

40、He agreed on condition that I bombard the enemy house. ─── 他同意了,条件是我去轰炸敌人的房子。

41、bombard a port ─── 轰击港市

42、Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mails to bombard people with multitudes of messages. ─── 电讯的发展使得通过电视,广播,或着电子邮件传播的大量的信息冲刺着人们.

43、1 When the distance between DNA-gold pellet and the target cells was 9 cm, bombard for 2 times, the transformation efficiency was the highest. ─── 在DNA-金弹与受体靶细胞距离为9厘米,轰击2次时,转化效率最高,GUS基因的瞬间表效率达到88.2%;

44、In Croatia, forces of the Yugoslav People's Army bombard Dubrovnik after laying siege there since May. ─── 1991年,在克罗地亚,自从5月包围杜勃罗文克以来,南斯拉夫人民军的武装对其实施了炮轰。

45、I knew it! They're going to bombard me with harmful rays. And you wonder why I'm nervous about flying! ─── 我就知道!他们要用有害射线轰击我。现在,对于我的紧张你还感到奇怪吗。

46、If you bombard a singularity with electrons. ─── 如果你用电子来轰击奇点的话。

47、bombard sb. with questions ─── 象连珠炮似地对(某人)提出问题

48、As our competitors bombard you with explosive offers,our only weapon is building materials at constantly low prices. ─── 当我们的竞争对手不断压低价格打压你时,我们唯一的武器是不断推出低价建材。

49、Just because you have a target Frost Nova-ed, or Fingers of Frost has procced on him, it doesn't mean you have to bombard him with Ice Lances and Frostbolts, simply because he's frozen. ─── 如果你的对方被冻住了,或者是寒冰指在他身上触发了,这不意味着仅仅是因为他被冰住了,你就必须往他身上扔冰枪或者读冰剑。

50、The new journal be bombard with letter of criticism from the subscriber ─── 订阅者的批评信使这份新杂志感到措手不及

51、"But PEACOCK lets them bombard a tumor more precisely, and with higher doses of radiation. ─── 但是“孔雀”使医生能更精确地炸掉肿瘤,而且使放射剂量加强。

52、ion beam bombard ─── 离子束

53、Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages. ─── 电信技术的发展使得电视和无线电发送信息,而且很快电子邮件会不断地给人们送来大量的信息。

54、The Turks will get a monster bombard modelled on the one they used in the siege of Constantinople. ─── 土耳其将会得到妖怪射石炮,原型就是围攻君士坦丁堡的重型大炮。

55、there was no longer any point in running as his father had decided to bombard him. ─── 除了这一切,她又放下了那只盆子,往里倒了些清水,这盆子显然算是他专用的了。

56、Carbon-14 is produced when cosmic rays bombard the atmosphere. The carbon-14 formed will be oxidized to carbon dioxide and absorbed by plants. ─── 碳-14是因宇宙射线撞击地球大气层而产生的,碳-14氧化成二氧化碳后会被植物吸收。

57、10.Vacuum base plating machine can perform high-voltage bombard function to clean the blank and to make the silver accreting closely. ─── 具有高压离子轰击功能,净化晶片表面,强化镀银的附着力。

58、Generation 1 image intensifier tubes work by using a photocathode to transform the gathered light into electrons, which then pass through the image tube and bombard a Phosphor screen to produce the green illumination of an image. ─── 第一代像增强管工作,用光阴改造聚集光进入电子,然后经过映管和炮击磷屏生产绿色照明的一个形象。

59、Gunsmith allows the construction of a bombard cannon. ─── 火炮工坊能够制造臼炮。

60、The new journal is bombard with letter of criticism from the subscriber. ─── 订阅者的批评信使这份新杂志感到措手不及。

61、is a superb pattern-processing computer, making sense of the dense quantities of visual information that bombard us everywhere we look. ─── 人的大脑是一个超级模式处理计算机,能理解我们无论何时何地看到的这些高度密集的视觉信息。

62、BOMBARD ELLI E, MAGISTRETTI M J. Pharmaceutical compositiond containing flavanolignanes and phospholipid as active principles[P]. Europe Patent 0 209 037 Al. 1987 - 01 - 21. ─── 吴建梅,陈大为,孙波,等.天然活性成分磷脂复合物药学研究概述[J].中国药学杂志,1998,33(1):9-11.

63、8.To attack(an enemy) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard. ─── 轰炸(敌军)用猛烈的火力、轰炸或炮击进攻(敌人)

64、"Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and electronic mail to Bombard people with multitudes of messages" ─── 电脑的发展使得人们能通过电视、无线电和电子邮件把信息发送出去,为人们提供大量的信息

65、to bombard the speaker with questions ─── 对演说人连珠炮似的提出许多问题

66、The plasma is produced in glow-discharge of low-pressure gases, and the C ions in plasma can bombard the surface of work piece under the electric field, then can be absorbed, diffused by the surface. ─── 该工艺利用低压气体的辉光放电,产生等离子体,在电场的作用下碳离子轰击工件,被工件表面吸收、扩散,达到渗碳目的。

67、Israeli forces battled Palestinian militants throughout parts of the Gaza Strip as troops fanned out, tanks moved into position and war planes and naval vessels continued to bombard their targets. ─── 以色列部队在加沙地区继续同巴勒斯坦激进分子交战。以军的地面部队在加沙地带分布开来,以军的坦克各就各位,战机和海军舰艇仍在继续轰炸目标。

68、The Battle of 101 and the Bombard of Chongqing ─── 101作战计划与重庆大轰炸

69、" But PEACOCK lets them bombard a tumor more precisely, and with higher doses of radiation. ─── ”但是“孔雀”使医生能更精确地炸掉肿瘤,而且使放射剂量加强。

70、The media bombard people with advertisements. ─── 媒体中充满了各样动人心弦的广告。

71、At 7:45 am,on 7th December,1941(Sunday),the Japanese bombers started to bombard Peral Harbour,the Pacific base of the U.S.Naval Force.Thus began the Pacific War. ─── 一九四一年十二月七日星期日早上七时四十九分,日本战机开始轰炸美国海军在太平洋的基地珍珠港,太平洋战争便开始了。

72、Make your opponents spin and crash as you bombard them with a barrage of weapons. ─── 向你的竞争对手们进行弹幕式的炸掉袭击,让他们团团转并一一被摧毁。

73、It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand. ─── 它携带着细小的沙粒,这些沙粒会轰击裸露的岩石表面,从而把岩石磨成更多的沙子。

74、Television and other media such as reading newspapers, books and magazines, bombard the form with antimatter. ─── 电视与其它媒体,例如阅读报纸或书刊杂志,会利用反物质轰炸形体。

75、Every moment countless bits of sensory information bombard our nervous system. ─── 我们活着的每一刻都被无数的感觉讯息入侵。

76、1.to bombard; 2.to shoo; to drive off3.to rumble ─── 轰

77、bombard uranium with neutrons ─── 用中子轰击铀

78、Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages. ─── 电讯的发展使得电视、收音机以及电子邮件成为向受众进行大规模信息轰炸的新式武器;

79、bombard him with questions; fire questions at him ─── 像连珠炮似地向他提问

80、Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mailsto bombard people with multitudes of messages. ─── 电信技术的发展使人们可能通过电视、无线电传送信息,不久之后,通过电子邮件发送的大量信息,将对人们实施信息轰炸。注意这里的断句,不是简单的三者并列!

81、Electron Bombard Silicon-Target ─── 电子轰击硅靶

82、Interactive sessions in the face of Shanyou bombard college students to ask questions, at Dan always easy to resolve. ─── 互动环节中,面对汕大学生连珠炮式的提问,于丹总能轻松化解。

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