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08-16 投稿


disporting 发音

英:[d??sp??t??]  美:[d??sp??rt??]

英:  美:

disporting 中文意思翻译





disporting 短语词组

1、disporting synonym ─── 辩论同义词

2、disporting annealer illest ─── 分批退火工

3、disporting goods ─── 调运货物

4、disporting define ─── 分拆定义

5、disporting definition ─── 争议定义

6、disporting meaning ─── 分裂意义

7、disporting in a sentence ─── 在句子中争论

disporting 词性/词形变化,disporting变形

动词过去式: disported |动词第三人称单数: disports |动词过去分词: disported |动词现在分词: disporting |

disporting 相似词语短语

1、asporting ─── 体育

2、disparking ─── vt.开放(私人园地等)

3、disposting ─── 性情

4、distorting ─── 扭曲;歪曲

5、dispersing ─── n.分配,分散;adj.分散的;v.使散开;散布;驱散(disperse的现在分词)

6、dispiriting ─── adj.令人沮丧的;使人气馁的;v.使沮丧;使气馁(dispirit的ing形式)

7、deporting ─── vt.驱逐出境;举止;放逐;n.(Deport)人名;(捷)德波特;(法)德波尔

8、disparting ─── vt.使分开;使分离;vi.分离;分开

9、besporting ─── 移植

disporting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sea lions bark and disport themselves before a gallery of enthusiasts ─── 海狮面对展示里的一群热心观众吼叫着,嬉戏着。

2、"She saw the children of the settlement, on the grassy margin of the street, or at the domestic thresholds, disporting themselves in such grim fashion as the Puritanic nurture would permit;" ─── 珠儿看到过这块殖民地上的小孩子们,在路边的草地上或是在自家门前,做着请教徒童规所允许的种种怪里怪气的游戏:

3、A crowd of children disporting are running about around grow-ups, which caused grow-ups’ scold. ─── 一群嬉戏玩耍的孩子,始终围着大人们追来跑去,短不了惹得人们骂上几句。

4、Rest can be disport as note full-rest, half-rest quarter rest, eight rest and sixteen rest. ─── 休止符和音符一样可分为:全休止符,二分休止符,四分休止符,八分休止符和十六分休止符。

5、Enhances the work efficiency, reduces the working procedure, a machine corresponding tenperson`s work, moreover equability disport margin add glue, does not injured the lining. ─── 提高工作效率,减少工序,一台机器相当与十人作业,而且分边上胶均匀,不伤面料。

6、WE have discussed this matter with our classification society and they have agreed to caary out the survey in the next disport which yet to be confirmed by our Charterers . ─── 我们已经和我们的分区讨论过这件事。他们同意进行专题审查/调查, 但目前还没有得到我们的船主的同意。

7、disport v. ─── 玩耍,娱乐;

8、Its cause is that system of our country formed “city and countryside disport rule, one country two policy”, during a long period. ─── 其成因是由中国长期以来“城乡分治,一国两策”体制和制度造成的。

9、Feel happy to the living,because it give you the opportunity to love,to work,to disport and face unward to see the stars. ─── 要对生命感到喜悦,因为它给了你去爱的机会,去工作,玩乐,并且能仰头看星星的机会。

10、when the weather turned hot , hundreds of people could be seen disporting themselves at the seaside resort. ─── 天气转热时,可以看见成百上千的人在这个海滨胜地玩耍消遣。

11、Cantor set is the classic deputy of disport form theory ,Cantor set has some complete characters ,such as complete、self-similar and etc.So many researchers have a great interests in Cantor set. ─── 康托尔集合是分形理论的典型的代表,由于康托尔集具有完备性,自相似性等比较全面的性质,一直是数学界广大学者广泛探究的兴趣所在。

12、Every Sunday, they disport themselves either in the parks or in the mountains. ─── 每周日他们或去公园或去爬山。

13、1. It's such a fine day today, we can see many people disporting themselves in the park. ─── 今天天气如此好。我们可以看到公园里有许多人游玩。

14、A servant was washing the steps, and some crabs began to disport themselves in the little pools, and a pig that was loitering about began to mouth the crabs. ─── 一个仆人正在清洗台阶,一些螃蟹开始在小渠里玩耍,一只猪徘徊在那边开始用猪嘴逗着螃蟹。

15、In this experiments the 42 rooms be disport into two groups, the first group included dormitories, classrooms, offices and reprography rooms, in this group 38 samples were choosed. ─── 此次调查将检测场所分为两类,第一类是教室、寝室、办公室和复印室,共设38个点;

16、disport oneself to one's heart's content ─── 玩个痛 快

17、Free will merely watched the flow of mind, somewhat as humanity watches his fancy disport in daydreams, marveling at its power and versatility. ─── 自由意志只是看着心灵的流动,有点像人看着他的想象在白日梦中玩耍,惊讶于它的无所不能。

18、Methods:In accordance with injuries and physical inspection means,once the disport rods wider of diaphragm integrity was found,and diagnosis can be established; ─── 方法:根据伤情及物理检查手段,一旦发现膈肌完整性消失即可确立诊断;

19、So many children disporting happily on the street like my childhood. ─── 看到很多小朋友在大街上打闹嬉戏,就像我小时候那样!

20、The moving jigger, which had high automatization and simple operation, could realize exactitude disporting of big material and automotive excluding material. ─── 动筛跳汰机自动化程度高,操作简单,可实现大块物料精确分选和自动排料。

21、Chinese style Tea rooms on first floor,old-timey facility,Chinese tea famed of the world,it's best choice for you leisure,disport and enjoy the Chinese tea. ─── 一楼独具中国特色的茶艺吧。古色古香的设施,世界驰名的中国名茶。是您休闲、娱乐、品茗的理想之所。

22、The bears were disporting themselves in the water. ─── 那些熊在水中嬉戏。

23、Travel terms still has forestbathhouses, mount mountain, hear linn, watch sunrise, pick wildfruit, bonfire party, disport in water and leaves of gold autumn. ─── 这里的旅游项目还有:森林浴场、登山探险、听瀑游潭、眺海观日、野果采摘、篝火野营、水上娱乐、金秋红叶等。

24、This text from main electric machine, disport -act box, spiral canister and pole, timing organ, material enter ora and so on analysed the reasons lead common errors and gave solve method. ─── 本文从主电机、分动箱、螺筒螺杆、调速器、进料口等几方面分析了常见故障产生的原因并提出了解决办法。

25、Yet for disport we fawn and flatter both, ─── 为了取乐,我们奉承低头,

26、The function that literature could vindicate the individual life is generalized "expressing griever, expressing sorrow with disport" and "writing just for fun" by Han Yu.3. ─── 韩愈将诗文的这种抒情审美娱乐功能概括为“舒忧娱悲”和“以文为戏”。

27、Keywords mechanics of materials;disport levels;teaching; ─── 材料力学;分层次;教学;

28、The moving jigger,which had high automatization and simple operation,could realize exactitude disporting of big material and automotive excluding material. ─── 动筛跳汰机自动化程度高,操作简单,可实现大块物料精确分选和自动排料。

29、Ethereally environment and complete facility is best for your tour,disport and business.Chariness and warmly professional service,let you feel like in the home. ─── 酒店环境幽雅功能齐全、设施设备完善,是您居家旅行、休闲娱乐、商务洽谈的理想场所,细致殷勤的专业服务,使您尽享居家之便。

30、When the weather turned hot, hundreds of people could be seen disporting themselves at the seaside resort. ─── 天气转热时,可以看见成百上千的人在这个海滨胜地玩耍消遣。

31、In the grotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked. ─── 女猎师戴安娜和众仙女在洞穴的池塘和瀑布边上玩耍嬉戏。

32、Feel happy to the living, because it give you the opportunity to love, to work, to disport and face unward to see the stars. ─── 要对生命感到喜悦,因为它给了你去爱的机会,去工作,玩乐,并且能仰头看星星的机会。

33、Disport oneself to one's heart's content. ─── 玩个痛快什么也不会使他满足。

34、Workable disporting and joining lt owns simple circuitry,outstanding function. ─── 全自动从制袋、计量、打印日期到产品输出一次性完成。

35、A fisherman saw them in the eddies, creatures disporting themselves strangely, and reported the fact to King Komwa. ─── 河伯又变成了一只鹿,解慕漱便化为一只狼,奔袭那只鹿。

36、The children are disporting themselves in the swimming pool. ─── 孩子们在游泳池中戏耍。

37、When the weather turned hot, hundreds of people could be seen disporting themselves at the seaside resort. ─── 天气转热时,可以看见成百上千的人在这个海滨胜地玩耍消遣。

38、We'd better vacate some time for disporting everyday. ─── 我们应当每天腾出一些时间进行娱乐。

39、3.INSPECTION: SGS or equivalent at seller cost at port of loading and buyer cost at disport. ─── 检验:SGS或同等标准的检测单位,卖方承担卸货港的费用,买方承担接待费用.

40、2.Supervise unloading at disport and loading to the railcar to final plant. ─── 2.对卸货港的卸货以及对运往目的工厂的火车装载进行监督.

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