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08-16 投稿


graspable 发音

英:[[ɡ'rɑ:spe?bl]]  美:[[ɡ'rɑ:spe?bl]]

英:  美:

graspable 中文意思翻译



graspable 同义词

understand | rod | grapple | embrace | follow | brain | possession | control | seize | hold on | snatch | grip | apprehend | clutches | perception | hand | savvy | fist | appreciate | dig | clasp | comprehend | take hold of | reach | reading | take | appreciation | cling | realize | understanding | digest | get | dominion | extent | grab | clench | get the picture | knowledge | command | fathom | scope | sense | compass | clutch | ascendency |hold | comprehension | domination | range | grok

graspable 词性/词形变化,graspable变形

动词现在分词: grasping |动词第三人称单数: grasps |动词过去式: grasped |动词过去分词: grasped |

graspable 短语词组

1、graspable synonym ─── 可擦写同义词

2、graspable railing ─── 可抓栏杆

3、graspable math ─── 可掌握的数学

4、graspable handrail ─── 可抓扶手

5、graspable syn ─── 可抓取同步器

6、graspable def ─── 可抓取def

7、graspable subrail ─── 可增肥钢轨

8、graspable meaning ─── 可把握的意思

graspable 反义词

loosen |free | release

graspable 相似词语短语

1、gradable ─── adj.可分类的;可分级的

2、drapable ─── 可折叠的

3、ungraspable ─── 不可理解的

4、grazable ─── 可抓的

5、grantable ─── adj.可同意的;可授予的;可转让的

6、grazeable ─── 可放牧的

7、groupable ─── 可分组的(group的变体);可聚集的(group的变体)

8、erasable ─── adj.可消除的;可抹去的;可删除的

9、grabbable ─── 可抓取的

graspable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I told you in short at one time that there is no lack in the real; the lack is only graspable through the mediation of the symbolic. ─── 总之,我在某个时间告诉过你们,在真实界并没有欠缺。只有透过意符界的媒介,这个欠缺始能够被人理解。

2、complex meaning of irony is only graspable in context. ─── 讽刺的复杂含意只有联系上下文才能领会。

3、Among all the things we see throughout our lives, how much of it is real, graspable and lasting? ─── 在全部的生命中,我们见到的一切,有多少是真实的、可以把握的、能够持久的?

4、Zhang: The nature is a great mystery indeed.I used to be an antitheist and always believed in determinism, which states the nature has its own rules and such rules are graspable. ─── 张: 自然界确实是很神秘的,以前我是一个无神论者,相信决定论,相信自然界是有规律的,这个规律是可以被人认识的。

5、So, what we have seen are three ways to make the digital graspable for us. ─── 那么,我们看到的就是三种让我们使得数字能理解的方式。

6、I am a Ph. D. student, and that means I have a question: how can we make digital content graspable? ─── 我是一个博士生,那么我有个问题:我们怎么才能使得数字内容容易理解?

7、While creation sometimes seems a bit un-graspable, or even pointless, creativity is always meaningful. ─── 尽管创作有时看上去有点让人摸不着头脑,甚至毫无意义,但创意通常都是有意义的。

8、In life, I think honesty and dishonesty are more graspable and humane. ─── 在生活中,诚实与不诚实更加易于理解,也更人性化。

9、Among all the things we see throughout our lives, how much of it is real, graspable and lasting? ─── 在全部的生命中,我们见到的一切,有多少是真实的、可以把握的、能够持久的?

10、Flour particle size and color are assessed by sensory analysis. Graspable flours are made from hard gluten-rich cultivars. ─── 面粉的颗粒大小及颜色是通过感观分析进行评估的。可抓得住的即颗粒较大的面粉是由比较坚硬的富含面筋的小麦品种制得的。



“seize”强调突然、有力地抓住,常带有夺取、抢占的意味,动作较为粗鲁、急切,例如“seize the opportunity”(抓住机会)、“seize power”(夺取政权)。

“grasp”侧重于用手或手指紧紧地抓住,更强调理解、掌握抽象的概念或事物的本质,例如“grasp the rope”(抓住绳子)、“grasp the main idea”(掌握主旨)。








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