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08-16 投稿


varying 发音

英:['v??ri?]  美:[?veri??]

英:  美:

varying 中文意思翻译



varying 网络释义

adj. 不同的;变化的v. 变化,改变(vary的现在分词)

varying 词性/词形变化,varying变形

动词过去式: varied |动词第三人称单数: varies |动词过去分词: varied |副词: varyingly |动词现在分词: varying |

varying 短语词组

1、in varying degrees ─── 在不同程度上

2、time varying statistics ─── 时变统计信息

3、uniformly varying load ─── [机] 匀变负荷, 不均一分布负荷

4、time varying adj. ─── 随时间变化的

5、varying-voltage control ─── [电] 变动电压控制

6、time-varying system ─── 时变系统

7、varying magnetic field ─── [电] 变动磁场

8、time varying linear system ─── 时变线性系统

9、varying-speed motor ─── [化] 变速电动机

10、linearly varying load ─── 线性变化荷载, ─── 线性变化载荷

11、varying degrees synonym ─── 不同程度同义词

12、varying stress ─── [化] 变应力

13、time varying system ─── 时间变化系统

14、depreciation-uniformity varying amounts method ─── [经] 统一变数折旧法

15、time-varying ─── 随时间变化,时变

16、varying load ─── [化] 变动负荷; 不定负荷

17、varying hare ─── 变色兔

18、linear varying-parameter netw-ork ─── [电] 线性可变参数网络

19、varying duty ─── [化] 变负荷; 变工况

varying 相似词语短语

1、dairying ─── n.乳制品业

2、harrying ─── v.不断烦扰;掠夺;骚扰;使……苦恼(harry的现在分词)

3、unvarying ─── adj.不变的;恒久的

4、varyingly ─── 不同地

5、marrying ─── v.结婚;证婚;合成(marry的现在分词形式)

6、parrying ─── v.抵挡(武器,攻击);回避(问题)(parry的现在分词)

7、covarying ─── v.共变

8、carrying ─── v.运送,输送;携带;传染,传播;能记住;承重;承担责任;具有(品质或特点);带来;获得支持或通过;登载;销售;怀孕;进位(carry的现在分词)

9、carnying ─── 卡宁

varying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The hearing loss progressed and the tinnitus became a persistent sensation of varying pitch. ─── 听力一直减退,而且耳鸣变成一种经常不断的,各种音调的感觉。

2、They are linked to a varying number of satellite groups. ─── 他们和一些数目多变的附属团体联系在一起。

3、Blunt injury to the skull may be of varying severity. ─── 头颅钝器伤的严重程度不一。

4、A device in the electrical circuit for varying the luminous flux from lamps in a lighting installation. ─── 安置在电路中以改变照明系统中光源光通量输出的装置。

5、Although varying the sentence structure makes for more interesting reading, the simple subject-verb-object is often the best option online. ─── 虽然多样化的句式为文章添彩,但简单的主谓宾结构句式却是网上写作的最好选择。

6、A medieval Italian or Proven?l lyric of varying stanzaic form,usually with a concluding envoy. ─── 坎佐尼中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗

7、The case of a harmonic oscillator driven by sinusoidally varying force is an extremely important one in many branches. ─── 在许多领域中受正弦变化力策动的谐振子是一种十分重要的运动。

8、The act, process, or result of varying. ─── 变化,变更变化的动作、过程或结果

9、The persistence of wind over varying intervals of time is important in the launch of space vehicles. ─── 在不同时间间隔内风的持续性对空间飞行器的发射量是很重要的。

10、Q. What if I see the trail varying in brightness? ─── 如果我看到一条轨迹有亮度的改变,该怎么办?

11、Her inner world is complex, varying from hope to despair. ─── 她的内心世界很复杂,在希望与失望中挣扎。

12、Both sisters are fastidious,only in varying degrees. ─── 姐妹俩都很挑剔,不过程度不同而已。

13、To varying degrees of implementation. ─── 到了不同程度的实施。

14、If the amount of positive and negative charges is varied, the electron stream can be made to bend up or down in varying amounts. ─── 如果正负电荷的量发生变化,电子流上下弯曲的程度也随之变化。

15、Bit sequences are digital signals varying with time. ─── 二进制序列是随时间变化的数字信号。

16、New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success. ─── 引进新技术的成功程度不尽相同。

17、By varying the tape speed during playback, the time base can be extended or compressed. ─── 在重放的过程中可以改变磁带的速度,以使时间基准拉长或缩短。

18、The major clinical manifestation are proteinuria, hypertension, oedema to varying degrees. ─── 主要临床表现是持续性蛋白尿、血压、同程度的水肿和肾功能损害。

19、You can create as many of these variables as you need, varying only the filetype at the end of the variable name. ─── 你可以建立很多这样你所需要的变量,所不同的只是变量名称末尾的文件类型。

20、A compound line is made up of alternating parallel lines and spaces of varying widths. ─── 复合直线由平行直线和具有不同宽度的空白区域交替组成。

21、Look at the moon touched my long hair, how much time varying vicissitudes! ─── 看月影轻抚我的长发,多少时光变沧桑啊!

22、Varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles. ─── 在不同的光线下或者从不同的角度观察颜色不同。

23、A skeet target must be released after an interval varying between 1 and 3 seconds after the shooter's call. ─── 双向运动员叫靶后,碟靶应在1至3秒内抛出。

24、Other houses have varying degrees of discounts. ─── 其他房源,均有不同程度的折扣。

25、This problem exists,in varying degrees,in leading bodies at all levels throughout the country. ─── 全国各级领导机构都不同程度地存在这个问题。

26、You may delight yourselves in varying to infinity of the fashion. ─── 你们可以不断地变化流行式样而从中获得乐趣。

27、They had to adopt varying tactics. ─── 他们得采取有变化的战术。

28、Half-tone: Illustration created by dots of varying size resulting in the appearance of continuous tone. ─── 半色调图片:效果和连续色调相似但由不同大小的点子组成的图片。

29、Some comrades have criticized themselves to varying degrees. ─── 一些同志也程度不同地进行了自我批评。

30、The hash argument specifies a certificate identifier expressed as a hexadecimal string of varying length. ─── Hash参数指定以长度可变的十六进制字符串表示的证书标识符。

31、The eastern region has semi-arid, sub-tropical climate with rainfall varying from 400-500mm per annum. ─── 东部是半干旱地区,属亚热带气候,年降雨量400-500毫米不等。

32、The varying angles of roof slope. ─── 屋顶斜面多种多样的角。

33、Capable of functioning under varying environmental conditions. Used of certain organisms, such as bacteria that can live with or without oxygen. ─── 兼性寄生的能在不同环境条件下活动的。用于某些生物,如细菌在有氧或无氧条件下都能生存

34、Therefore, Party solidarity and unity are inseparable from inner-Party struggle of varying degrees. ─── 因此,党的团结和统一,也不能离开不同程度的党内斗争。

35、While many military jobs were no more strenuous than office work,most required varying degrees of physical ability. ─── 尽管许多军职专业的工作强度不会高于办公室工作,但是绝大多数职务却需要不同程度的体能。

36、The task is to follow the lead car that travels at a varying rate. ─── 任务是跟上那辆行进速度不断变化的领头车。

37、Learn how to enter and enjoy varying states of consciousness in preparation for a life of change. ─── 学习怎样进入并欣赏意识的不同状态,准备应对生活的变化.

38、Extent and Localization of Changes in Upper Airway Caliber with Varying Concentrations of Sevoflurane in Children. ─── 不同浓度的七氟醚改变儿童上呼吸道口径的程度和位置。

39、Varying cultural values and beliefs of disease also put constraints on an individual from seeking proper care. ─── 对疾病的不同文化价值和信念也局限于个人寻求适当照护的能力。

40、You can create as many of these variables as you need, varying only the filetype at the end of the variable name. ─── 你可以建立很多这样你所需要的变量,所不同的只是变量名称末尾的文件类型。

41、Recent presidents have used television, as well as radio, with varying degrees of success. ─── 新近的总统们已经利用了电视和收音机,取得了不同程度的成功。

42、Up to 500 lanterns and snow sculpture images of varying sizes are placed within the castle compound. ─── 在公园内布置有多达500座的各式大小灯笼和雪雕。

43、Formation constants of complex ions also are of widely varying accuracy. ─── 一些络离子生成常数的准确度差别也很大。

44、An early English measure of land area of varying value, often equal to about30 acres(12 hectares). ─── 威尔格英格兰早期对不同价值的土地面积的丈量法,常相当于30亩(12公倾)

45、Jiuzhaigou has 108 "haizi" of varying sizes and shapes, but of invariant limpidity to the bottom of the lakes. ─── 九寨沟有108个“海子”,虽大小不一,形状各异,却都清澈见底。

46、I have achieved varying degrees of fluency in 12 languages, and look forward to learning more. ─── 我已经在12门语言上达到了不同程度的流利,还期待学更多种语言。

47、If you put an infant on Mars, they would adapt to varying degrees of the new environment. ─── 如果你把一个婴儿放在火星上,他们就会适应不同程度的新环境。

48、Nocturnal geckos can focus light in varying wavelengths on their retinas. ─── 夜行壁虎能够以不同波长把光线聚集到牠们的视网膜上。

49、This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping Earth; the atmosphere. ─── 大气覆盖地球的不同量的湿气和特殊物质的混合物;大气

50、A skullcap worn by clerics, varying in color with the rank of the wearer. ─── 圆顶小帽神职人员戴的一种无边便帽,以颜色区别戴帽者的职位

51、Varying your leadership style means there is no single best style for every situation. ─── 变换您的领导方式就是说,没有哪一种方式是适用于所有场合的。

52、The various Christian sects are disputing over a varying interpretation of the words of Christ. ─── 各种基督教派别在争论着对耶稣话的不同解释。

53、Their writings, though of varying merit, have the common advantage of presenting an outsider's point of view. ─── 他们的著作虽然成就不同,却有代表局外人观点的共同长处。

54、A skullcap worn by clerics,varying in color with the rank of the wearer. ─── 圆顶小帽神职人员戴的一种无边便帽,以颜色区别戴帽者的职位。

55、Dual-position footplate fits users of varying heights. ─── 双高度踏板适合不同身高人士。

56、A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about 16.2 liters (17 quarts) when used to measure wine. ─── 厄罗伯曾用于西班牙语国家的测量液体的单位,容量不一,但量酒类时约等于16.2公升(17夸脱)

57、For example, varying the interest rate that is used in an amortization table to determine the amount of the payments. ─── 例如,更改分期支付表中的利率可以调整支付金额。

58、Epithelial cells may be modified into secretory structures or glands of varying complexities. ─── 上皮细胞可以组成各种复杂的分泌性结构即腺体。

59、Varying with another variable quantity in a manner that leaves a specified relationship unchanged. ─── 协变的以使某一特定关系不变的方式与另一变量同时变化的

60、Participants were talking to a number of unknown others, varying from just one up to four in each of the experimental trials. ─── 在试验测试中,参与者们和一些不认识的人谈话,人数从只有1人;到最多4人。

61、An early English measure of land area of varying value,often equal to about30 acres(12 hectares). ─── 威尔格英格兰早期对不同价值的土地面积的丈量法,常相当于30亩(12公倾)

62、The metadata functions will never report them as a national character varying(10) column. ─── 元数据函数决不会将它们报告为national character varying(10)列。

63、Gel formation requires hooking vari chains together. ─── 凝胶的形成需要把不同的链钩链在一起。

64、He specifies above a dozen characters which may be found varying even on the same branch. ─── 他指出在同一枝条上进行变异的12种以上的特征。

65、Changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason. ─── 善变的易变的或反复无常的,尤指常无一定格式或道理的

66、There are chords in the human heart-strange, varying strings-which are only struck by accident. ─── 人类本来有一些奇怪而变化莫测的心弦,只在一种无意的拨动下发育。

67、A SVC controls the voltage by varying the reactive current drawn by the combination of capacitors and reactors. ─── svc通过改变组合电容器和电抗器所吸取的无功电流来控制电压。

68、Essentially balanced single seat minimizes a variation in delivery pressure resulting from a varying inlet pressure. ─── 基本平衡单阀座最大限度减小进口压力变化对输出压力的影响。

69、Rhinitis of varying severity form mild inflammation to necrotizing effects on mucosa and turbinate bone may by seen. ─── 从轻度炎症到有粘膜和鼻甲骨坏死的鼻炎均可见到。

70、Control of the power output is achieved by varying the fuel supply. ─── 功率输出的控制,是利用改变燃料的供应来实现的。

71、An essentially balanced single seat minimizes variation in delivery pressure resulting from varying inlet pressure. ─── 一个基本平衡的单阀座最大限度减小进口压力变化对输出压力的影响。

72、Therefore we suffer less depression than the westerns because the degree of our suffering varying with that of our desire and ambition. ─── 因此,我们的苦闷基本上比西方人微小微少,因为苦闷的强弱是随着欲望和野心的大小而转移的。

73、Any of several types of smooth, hard cheese varying in flavor from mild to extra sharp. ─── 切德奶酪几种平滑、质硬的有从温和至极刺激的不同口味的干酪

74、Varying degree of serofibrinous inflammation are occasionally encountered involving the pleura and peritoneum . ─── 偶尔看到波及胸膜和腹膜的不同程度的浆液纤维性炎症。

75、Half-tone Illustration created by dots of varying size resulting in the appearance of continuous tone. ─── 半色调图片效果和连续色调相似但由不同大小的点子组成的图片。

76、Still seen through its varying deeps of cloud. ─── 云霓明灭或可睹。

77、The two of you have varying degrees of success with clients. You seem to have succeeded very well. ─── 你们两个在与客户打交道中有着与客户不同程度的成功。你似乎显得更为成功。

78、Undercoat--straight, soft, short, flat-lying, density varying with climate. ─── 其动作敏捷、优雅,小跑时活泼、迅速且步幅大。

79、Ligule 1.A scalelike outgrowth, varying in shape and size, of certain angiosperm leaves. ─── 叶舌:1.被子植物叶的一种鳞片状突起,,外形和体积变化很大。

80、Lister SOHO has 63 apartments varying from77 to 200 m2. ─── 另有大小型会议室可满足各种不同的需求。

81、Declension means varying the forms of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in a sentence. ─── 变格是指名词、代词和形容词在句中的形式变化。

82、Varying degrees of narrowing can occur. ─── 不同程度的狭窄可能发生。

83、Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. ─── 凡是固体都反射声响,虽然反射因物体的大小和质地不同而变化。

84、A smart setter can constantly keep the opponents guessing by varying the attack tactics. ─── 一个聪明的二传手能通过变换进攻战术使对手摸不着头脑。

85、A rock composed of compacted volcanic ash varying in size from fine sand to coarse gravel. ─── 凝灰岩致密火山灰构成的岩石,大小以细粒至粗砾石不等

86、A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells. ─── 下皮,真皮含有不同数量的脂肪细胞的皮下松散组织层

87、Wounds of varying severity comprise the most common lip lesions seen in small animals. ─── 各种不同程度的创伤形成小动物最常见的唇部病变。

88、To varying degrees, witnesses are vulnerable to suggestibility. ─── 七、 证人或多或少会受暗示影响,亦可能受到警方或律师所提出的引导性问题影响。即使是只对提问的用词作细微修改,也足以产生不同的答案。

89、While on antrum, inflammatory cells infiltrated into the entire layer of mucosa to varying degrees. ─── 因此,有人把前者称为典型的浅表性胃炎,把后者称为慢性单纯性胃炎。

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