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alkalescent 发音

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alkalescent 中文意思翻译



alkalescent 短语词组

1、alkalescent battery ─── 碱性电池

2、alkalescent meaning ─── 碱性意义

3、alkalescent solution ─── 碱性溶液

4、alkalescent water ─── 弱碱性水

5、alkalescent food ─── 碱性食物

6、alkalescent detergent ─── 碱性洗涤剂

alkalescent 词性/词形变化,alkalescent变形

名词: alkalescence |

alkalescent 相似词语短语

1、flavescent ─── adj.逐渐变黄的;浅黄色的

2、acaulescent ─── adj.无茎的;看不见茎的

3、calescent ─── 发热

4、alkalescence ─── n.弱碱性;[化学]微碱性

5、coalescent ─── adj.合并的;接合的;n.联合;合并

6、decalescent ─── 吸热的

7、albescent ─── adj.带白色的;变白的(或正在变白的);微白的;漂白的

8、alkalescency ─── n.微碱性

9、adolescent ─── adj.青春期的;未成熟的;n.青少年

alkalescent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis on the adsorbing behaviors of natural alkalescent polysaccharide adsorbent for blood lipid ─── 碱性多糖吸附剂对血脂吸附行为的X-射线光电子能谱分析

2、Cause of Alkalescent Precipitation in JiaYuGuan City ─── 嘉峪关市降水偏碱性的原因初探

3、Is alkalescent phosphoric acid enzymatic be what? ─── 碱性磷酸酶是啥啊?

4、Pear is unfavorable use together with alkalescent medicine, the tea that be like ammonia alkaline, saleratus . ─── 梨不宜与碱性药同用,如氨茶碱、小苏打等。

5、The alkalescent water of general respecting, what point to at most is mineral water. ─── 一般说到的弱碱性水,最多指的就是矿泉水。

6、acid and alkalescent toxic ─── 酸碱性毒物

7、It is by transparent propylene varnish, phenolphthalein indicator is mixed catch pink alkalescent medium to mix make. ─── 它是由透明丙烯清漆、酚酞指示剂和染成粉红色的碱性介质混合制成。

8、The result showed that: the degradation efficiency is higher under more dosage of the SPC, higher temperature, as well as acidic and alkalescent condition. ─── 随着温度的升高,过碳酸钠在水中的溶解度升高,氧化能力增强,农药降解率也增大。

9、Avoid wooden floor and many water contact as far as possible; Avoid to use acidity, alkalescent liquid to wipe, lest destroy floor surface lacquer bright and clean degree. ─── 尽量避免木地板与大量的水接触;避免用酸性、碱性液体擦拭,以免破坏地板表面漆的光洁度。

10、Saving method best is to wear, because grease of excretive of human body skin and alkalescent sweat fluid are insurable,protect bead film, wear lengthen life, unused a premature senility. ─── 最好的保存办法是佩带,因为人体皮肤分泌的油脂和碱性汗液可保护珠膜,佩带则益寿,闲置则早衰。

11、Appropriate is fecund with the soil with good drainage, be able to bear or endure barren soil, but avoid by all means slants alkalescent. ─── 宜肥沃和排水良好的土壤,耐瘠薄土壤,但切忌偏碱性。

12、Keywords alkylbenzenesulfonate;alkalescent system;interfacial tension;oil recovery; ─── 烷基苯磺酸盐;弱碱体系;界面张力;驱油效率;

13、The result shows:(1) Tongyang river's water shows alkalescent, PH 78. ─── 研究结果表明:(1)烔炀河水质呈弱碱性水,pH在78之间;

14、As the power of future vehicle, alkalescent fuel battery has a broad developing trend. ─── 碱性燃料蓄电池作为未来汽车的动力,具有很广阔的发展前景。

15、Keywords neomycin sulfate ophthalmin solution;colorimetry;content;alkalescent coprum tartrate; ─── 硫酸新霉素滴眼液;比色法;含量;碱性酒石酸铜;

16、The alkalescent condition reduces the mass concentration of iron ions and fastens the nitration reaction of ammonia nitrogen, and leads to the concentration of nitrate. ─── 偏碱性条件使铁离子质量浓度降低,同时促进了氨氮硝化反应进行,使矿井水中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐质量浓度增加。

17、3. Made of neutral glass, produces no injurants while contacting with acid or alkalescent. ─── 奶瓶瓶身玻璃为中性,遇酸性或碱性物质不会释放出有害物质。

18、Transaminase of millet straw of cereal third transaminase is alkalescent anhydride of phosphoric acid enzymatic flesh is on the low side, what issue to show? ─── 谷丙转氨酶谷草转氨酶碱性磷酸酶肌酐都是偏低,说明什么问题?

19、And the sensor of LED optical mouse that operates alkalescent AA batteries to be able to make working hours lengthens lowest of the power on the long world to 18 months only; ─── 以及仅操作碱性AA电池就可使工作时候耽误至18个月之久的世界上功率最低的LED光学鼠标传感器;

20、Running water purified by our machine will be axenic, softer and mineralize, called alkalescent small molecular group water. ─── 该产品可以将目前的自来水处理成为抗菌、净化、软化、矿化并具有高能量的弱碱性小分子团活化水。

21、What is alkalescent scanty dish, fruit? ─── 哪些是碱性疏菜、水果?

22、alkalescent system ─── 弱碱体系

23、Food is acidity alkalescent still, do not distinguish in order to taste, adopt scientific measure however, detect the elemental sort that embodies in food and amount, will make judgement. ─── 食物是酸性还是碱性,并不是以味道来区分的,而是通过科学的手段,检测食物中所含的元素种类和数量,来做出判定。

24、Alkalescent what disadvantage to have to the skin? ─── 碱性对皮肤有什么坏处?

25、If still have concern, also can be in edible spinach while eat a few alkalescent food more, wait like kelp, vegetable, fruit, dissolve in order to make oxalic acid calcium eduction, prevent stone. ─── 如果还有担心,也可以在食用菠菜的同时多吃一些碱性食品,如海带、蔬菜、水果等,以促使草酸钙溶解排出,防止结石。

26、Vitamin B6 is not stable in alkalescent environment, easy be destroyed, very sensitive also to light, receive light easy be destroyed. ─── 维生素B6在碱性环境中不稳定,易被破坏,对光也很敏感,遇光易被破坏。

27、The pretreatment of PLA/cotton fabric was performed by enzyme desizing and alkalescent bleaching,according to the physical and chemical properties of PLA fiber; ─── 采用生物抛光酶提高布面光洁度;

28、Accurate method should be to choose alkalescent the weak, silk Mao Zhuan that fights hard water uses scour or be tableware scour catharsis. ─── 正确的方法应该是选用碱性弱、抗硬水的丝毛专用洗涤剂或是餐具洗涤剂洗涤。

29、The Study of Semiconducting Properties of the Anodic Oxide Film on Antimony in Alkalescent Solution ─── 锑在弱碱溶液中阳极形成膜半导体性质的研究

30、So i just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical . Right or not , maybe you have more idea? ─── 所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。分析得对否,请教大家!

31、Does diabetic person eat alkalescent food to you can reduce blood sugar content? Which a few kinds of fruits can you eat? ─── 糖尿病人吃碱性食物能不能降低血糖含量?能吃哪几种水果?

32、High temperature gas scour,alkalescent steam attack,and thermal shock will cause the flush corrosion,silica brick corrosion,mousehole,crack and flake of crown. ─── 生产过程中的侵蚀损毁和烤窑维修过程中的人为损害是影响玻璃池窑碹顶安全的主要因素。

33、The destroy of water treatment buildings by the alkalescent waste water ─── 碱性废液对水处理构筑物的腐蚀破坏研究

34、Keywords soda;alkalescent waste water;water treatment building;corrode and destroy; ─── 纯碱;碱性废液;水处理构筑物;腐蚀破坏;

35、alkalescent coal mine drainage ─── 偏碱性矿井水

36、alkalescent oxid ─── 碱性氧化物

37、The results showed that both ethanol extracts and alkalescent chloroform extracts of potentilla have the ability to enhance the glucose metabolism of L6 skeletal muscle cells. ─── 结果表明:委陵菜的醇提物和氯仿碱性粗提物均有促进L6肌肉细胞糖代谢的作用,其中的氯仿碱性粗提物作用更为明显,随着浓度的增加作用效果增强。

38、Evaluated the market of batteries of manganese of our country alkalescent zinc objectively; ─── 客观地评价了我国碱性锌锰电池的市场;

39、What belong to alkalescent healthy food? ─── 哪些属于碱性的健康食物?

40、Running water purified by our machine will be axenic , softer and mineralize, called alkalescent small molecular group water. ─── 该产品可以将目前的自来水处理成为抗菌、净化、软化、矿化并具有高能量的弱碱性小分子团活化水。

41、This needs seasonable complement to show alkalescent water to undertake adjustment, maintain the soda acid balance of human body. ─── 这就需要及时补充呈弱碱性的水进行调整,维持人体的酸碱平衡。

42、Experiment on Displacement Mechanism of Alkalescent Water Composite Flooding ─── 弱碱水复合驱驱油机理试验研究

43、1 because silk is acid-proof not alkali resistance, should avoid to use alkalescent too strong washing powder and soap catharsis, in case fiber is injured. ─── 1由于丝绸耐酸不耐碱,应避免使用碱性太强的洗衣粉和肥皂洗涤,以防纤维受到损伤。

44、Study of the Alkalescent System of Alkylbenzenesulfonate for Tertiary Recovery ─── 三次采油用烷基苯磺酸盐弱碱体系的研究

45、The clean face product that sells on the market is very much, water of skin of breast of face of the children toilet soap that does not contain alkalescent part, clean, clean waits. ─── 市场上出售的洁面产品很多,有不含碱性成分的儿童香皂.洁面乳.洁肤水等。

46、is absorbed more alkalescent with the food that contains a lot ofa vitamin, be like milk, vegetable, fruit, algal etc, avoid overmuch acidity food; ─── 多摄取碱性和富含维生素的食物,如牛奶、蔬菜、水果、海藻等,避免过多的酸性食物;

47、According to the fact that modified alkalescent water is being in Guan 29 Block and its formation and exploitation characteristics; ─── 针对官29块注改性弱碱水及产层特征与开发现状,提出了在官29块实施弱碱水复合驱提高采收率的观点。

48、At present, most soda water exploited in the world is from hot spring, but the alkalescent soda water of our company from cold spring is quite rare, for it contains boron and another 17 beneficial microelements. ─── 目前,世界发现或开发的天然苏打水,多数属于温泉,而本公司开发的弱碱性天然苏打水是冷泉,而且含硼和人体必需、有益微量元素17种,实属罕见。

49、alkalescent phenolic resin ─── 碱性酚醛树脂

50、Accurate method should be to choose alkalescent the weak, silk Mao Zhuan that fights hard water uses scour or be tableware scour catharsis. ─── 正确的方法应该是选用碱性弱、抗硬水的丝毛专用洗涤剂或是餐具洗涤剂洗涤。

51、3.Taste the ability that wash a face to go with alkalescent clean face oily. ─── 3. 用碱性洁面品洗脸才能去油。

52、fermentation by big pits and alkalescent pit mud; ─── 用大窖大体积发酵,窖泥偏碱性;

53、When the haemal PH of human body the value is in 7.4 the left and right sides, human body condition is shown alkalescent when just be most the balance, most healthy. ─── 当人体的血液PH值在7.4左右,人体状态呈弱碱性时才是最平衡、最健康的。

54、Because the clean things in the kitchen is chemical class status is high, alkalescent big, can suck the much oil on the hand. ─── 因为厨房中的清洁用品化学成分高,碱性大,会吸掉手上大量的油脂。

55、How will change as acid constitution alkalescent constitution? ─── 怎样将酸性体质转变为碱性体质呢?

56、So i just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical. Right or not, maybe you have more idea? ─── 所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。分析得对否,请教大家!

57、Keywords acid and alkalescent toxic;toxicity identification evaluation;C.elegans;industry liquid waste; ─── 酸碱性毒物;毒性鉴别评价技术;线虫;工业废水;

58、Acidity or alkalescent liquid cannot be used when clean bibcock, also cannot use coarse dishcloth or steel wire ball, can pull bibcock surface hair otherwise. ─── 清洁龙头时不能用酸性或碱性液体,也不能用粗糙的抹布或钢丝球,否则会将龙头表面拉毛。

59、Often eat alkalescent food to have profit to the body? ─── 是不是经常吃弱碱性食物对身体有好处?

60、Its characteristic is the be addicted to inside red blood cell alkalescent stipple is apparent. ─── 其特点是红细胞内嗜碱性点彩明显。

61、Is alkalescent phosphoric acid enzymatic what be? ─── 碱性磷酸酶是什么?

62、Pear is unfavorable use together with alkalescent medicine, the tea that be like ammonia alkaline, saleratus. ─── 梨不宜与碱性药同用,如氨茶碱、小苏打等。

63、EOR Experiment by Alkalescent Water Compound Flooding ─── 弱碱水复合驱提高采收率实验

64、Additional, the person of drying hair should notice to choose weak acidity shampoo, because alkalescent shampoo can have taken away much oil, make scalp more dry. ─── 另外,干性头发的人要注意选用弱酸性洗发水,因为碱性洗发水会带走过多油脂,使头皮更加干燥。

65、alkalescent arc furnace ─── 碱性电弧炉

66、Catch gender and be addicted to more alkalescent stipple cell all grow in quantity. ─── 多染性和嗜碱性点彩细胞均增多。

67、Suitable for acidic, alkalescent, refractory steel welding rod of diameter of 2 ~ 6. ─── 适用于直径2 ~ 6的酸性、碱性、耐热钢等多种焊条焊接。

68、alkalescent ehanol ─── 碱性乙醇法

69、Alkalescent granites and gold-related silication and argillation are geological prerequisites for the formation of noticeable gold deposits. ─── 摘要偏碱性花岗岩及与金的成矿活动有关的硅化、粘土化蚀变是黑刺沟金矿田规模金矿床存在的地质前提。

70、Soap is alkalescent, delicate hand ministry skin does not have oil again, cannot to wash a face, handle roughen ah! ─── 只要不是毒水(一般城市用水或山泉河溪都是有活性成份的),即使含一些不良物质怕什么呢?

71、Velvet the curtain that makes when this kind of curtain became dirty, immerse the curtain in first in in alkalescent and clean fluid, with handle gently pressing. ─── 天鹅绒制成的窗帘这种窗帘脏了时,先把窗帘浸泡在中碱性清洁液中,用手轻压。

72、8.Need not worry finalize the design liquid medicine is flyblown hair, liquid medicine is alkalescent commonly, itself has clean effect to the hair. ─── 不用担心定型药水弄脏头发,药水一般是碱性,本身对头发就有清洁作用。

73、(4) sulphur Niao kind medicaments can cause toxic sexHepatitis, but scarce, there can be enzymatic raise of millet straw transaminase and alkalescent phosphoric acid in cure. ─── (4)磺脲类药物可引起中毒性肝炎,但少见,治疗中可有谷草转氨酶及碱性磷酸酶增高。

74、Prostate fluid is alkalescent, but the acidity secretion in amortize vagina, with getting used to spermatozoon live, be helpful for the activity of spermatozoon. ─── 前列腺液为碱性,可缓冲阴道中的酸性分泌物,以适应精子的生存,有利于精子的活动。

75、(1) antacid: Solubility is alkalescent medicaments is in like bicarbonate natrium often have kidney function not completeSenileThe person can be caused alkaline toxic, ought to avoid. ─── (1)抗酸剂:可溶性碱性药物如碳酸氢钠在常有肾功能不全的老年人可引起碱中毒,应当避免。

76、Water-based ink alkalescent, similar to the bubble solution, easy to zaodi. ─── 水性油墨偏碱性,类似皂溶液,容易起泡。

77、In addition, using the alkalescent printing and dyeing wastewater to replace tap water as dust-flushing water can avoid the erosion of acidic tap water to de... ─── 同时,以碱性印染废水代替自来水作为冲灰水,解决了自来水冲灰水呈酸性对设备的腐蚀问题。

78、Alkalescent Printing and Dyeing Wastewater ─── 碱性印染废水

79、Have when acid is toxic, feed more alkalescent fast food, wait like soup of milk, bone. ─── 有酸中毒时,多食碱性高的食物,如牛奶、骨头汤等。

80、Additional, adjust your constitution alkalescent, if your constitution belongs to weaker acidity, grow whelk easily. ─── 另外,把你的体质调整到碱性,假如你的体质是属于比较弱酸性的,就轻易长青春痘。

81、Wax gourd is acidity alkalescent still, what nutrition value and side effect are there? ─── 冬瓜是酸性还是碱性,有什么营养价值和副作用?

82、The results showed that low temperature, high content of salt and acidic condition inhibited ammonifiers growth, and alkalescent condition showed little effect on ammonifiers. ─── 结果表明,低温、高盐度和酸性条件会抑制氨化菌的生长;中、碱性条件下,氨化菌仍能维持正常生长;苏州河的氨化菌无法以无机氮和尿素作为生长所需的氮源;

83、Antidote for overdose application: emetic, cathartic, alkalescent foods and beverages. ─── 过量时所需用的解毒剂:催吐,泻药,弱碱性食品、饮料。


85、The alkalescent phosphoric acid of sexual bead cell in making an appointment with patient of half the number is enzymatic decrease. ─── 约半数病人中性粒细胞的碱性磷酸酶减少。

86、In addition, all sorts of sea alga food, if kelp is first-rate alkalescent and healthy food, and contain a lot ofthe microelement such as iodic, iron, calcium. ─── 此外,各种海藻类食物,如海带等是非常好的碱性健康食品,且富含碘、铁、钙等微量元素。

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