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var 发音

英:[vɑ?r]  美:[vɑ:]

英:  美:

var 中文意思翻译




var 网络释义

abbr. 加值型经销商(=Value Added reseller);视听范围(=visual-aural range);【计】变量(=variable,被用作定义变量的关键字);垂直机载火箭(Vertical Aircraft Rocket)n. (Var)人名;(法、俄)瓦尔;(柬)瓦

var 词性/词形变化,var变形

名词复数: vaqueros |

var 短语词组

1、Euschongastia audyi var. paishaensis ─── [医] 乌氏真棒恙螨白沙变种

2、Citrus grandis Osbeck var. ─── [医] 化州柚

3、Chenopodium ambrosioides L. var. ─── [医] 美洲土荆芥

4、Anemone japonica var. tomentosa ─── [医] 毛秋牡丹(野棉花)

5、Amygdalus amygdalus var. smara ─── [医] 扁桃 ─── [树], 苦扁桃 ─── [树]

6、Humulus lupulus var. cordifolius Maxim ─── [医] 蛇麻

7、Evodia rutaecarpa Benth.var.officinalis ─── [医] 石虎

8、Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. hominis ─── [医] 人 ─── [型]结核分支杆菌, 人结核杆菌

9、Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. bovis ─── [医] 牛 ─── [型]结核分支杆菌, 牛结核杆菌

10、aureus Mlicrococcus Pyogenes var ─── [医] 金黄色化脓性葡萄球菌

11、Adenophora polymorpha var. latifolia ─── [医] 阔叶沙参

12、Capsicum annuum L.var. fasciculatum Irish ─── [医] 朝天 ─── [辣]椒

13、Mlicrococcus pyogenes var.albus ─── [医] 白色化脓性葡萄球菌

14、Adenophora polymorpha var. alternifolia ─── [医] 互叶沙参

15、muricola prowazekii var. mooseri ─── [医] 普氏立克次氏体莫塞尔氏变种, 地方性斑疹伤寒立克次氏体

16、Narcissus tazetta L.var sinensis Roem. ─── [医] 水仙

17、Euschongastia schlugeri var. fukienensis ─── [医] 休劳格氏真棒恙螨福建变种

18、chaya-var ─── [医] 茜草

19、Capsicum annuum L.var. conoides Irish ─── [医] 圆锥辣椒

var 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dinner time varies somewhat in the United States. ─── 在美国吃晚餐的时间不尽相同。

2、In the part of management strategy of interest risk, introduce the calculation of VAR, Asset-Liability-Management (ALM) and financial innovation. ─── 在利率风险的管理策略里介绍了VAR的测算、资产负债管理和金融创新。

3、Effect of Static Var Compensator (SVC) to the stability of Yangcheng transmission system is investigated using BPA stability software. ─── 利用BPA软件重点针对阳城?淮阴长距离输电线研究静止无功补偿器(SVC)对系统故障后暂态和动态稳定的影响。

4、Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day. ─── 监管者利用VAR来计算银行究竟需要多少资本以防不测。

5、The nectary of V. tricolor var hortensis is stamen type, its epidermal cells develop into papillae and are responsible for secretion of nectary. ─── 三色堇是雄蕊类型,蜜由具乳头状突起的特化表皮细胞分泌。

6、Alskade hans,var alldeles egna hemlight. ─── 吃饱睡好,工作之后,出去走走...

7、The var directory stores variable data. ─── var目录保存可变数据。

8、At the very least, the risks that VaR measured did not include the biggest risk of all: the possibility of a financial meltdown. ─── 至少,VaR的计量漏掉了最大的风险:发生全面金融海啸的可能性。

9、Senna cumingii (Hook et Arn.) Irw. et Barneby var. ─── cumingii 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

10、VaR is more efficient than Harlow model. ─── VaR模型表现出效率亦高于哈洛模型的迹象。

11、Based on study of two different cases, stock without payment of bonus and stock with payment of successive bonus, this paper gives formula of Europe style option risk index VaR. ─── 基于考虑股票不支付红利和支付连续红利的两种情况 ,本文给出了欧式期权风险指标 Va R的计算公式

12、The principle and simulation result of control are presented, and the capability of parallel unit to compensate VAR, harmonic and unbalances is proved in this paper. ─── 在控制策略上,由于在无差拍控制的基础上采用了重复控制的原理,变流器可以同时完成谐波、无功与不对称的补偿。

13、A water soluble polyhydroxy derivative of1,4| diazine has been isolated from Panax pseudoginseng var notoginseng for the first time. ─── 从三七水溶性成分中首次分离得到一个多羟基吡嗪衍生物。

14、A variable of any of these types is introduced with the var keyword. ─── 这些类型的变量都通过关键字var引入。

15、C ells were also treated with 5 ALA at a fixed concentration and subjected to var ious doses of laster. ─── 固定浓度的5-ALA给予不同剂量的激光辐射。

16、Research On the Correlation Between Crown Width and D.B.H of Pinus sylvestris var. ─── 与相似的文献。

17、Chenopodium ambrosioides L. var. ─── [医] 美洲土荆芥

18、For example, KMV model based on option theory, CreditMetrics model based on VaR method, have with precise to it regards as to be basic death rate model, etc. insurance. ─── 例如,以期权理论为基础的KMV模型,以VaR方法为基础的Credit Metrics模型,还有以保险精算为基础的死亡率模型等等。

19、As long as subgroup size is sufficient large, VAR control scheme can be used efficiently to monitor all shifts, even extremely small. ─── 只要子组样本量足够大,VAR控制图可以对过程出现的各种偏移进行有效控制。

20、The trial was conducted to study the effects of conjugated linoleic acid(CLA) on digestive function and immune function of juvenile Jian carp(cyprinus carpio Var. ─── 为探讨饲料中不同水平CLA对幼建鲤消化能力和免疫功能的影响,本试验选择体重为10。

21、This method assumes you have the latest patch. It involves setting a game var that did not exist in the earliest retail versions. ─── 如果想设置宽屏进行游戏,请保证升级到最新的补丁版本。它带有新的游戏环境变量设置,而这些设置在以前的版本中没有出现过。

22、Subyou defined too many globel var! ─── 定义太多的全局变量!

23、And influenced and restricted by var ious factors,the safeguarding work on new campuses carries some new characterist ics. ─── 受多种因素的影响和制约,新校区的安全保卫工作有着新特点。

24、You can declare a variable without using the var keyword in the declaration and assign a value to it. ─── 可以在声明中不使用var关键字并分配一个值来声明变量。

25、Cao, var. communis Tsen et Lee, var. rosularis Tsen et Lee, var. purpurea Mao, var parachinensis (Bailey)Tsen et Lee, var.multiceps Sh. ─── communis Tsen et Lee,塌菜 var.rosularis Tsen et Lee,紫菜薹 varpurpuren Mao,菜心 var.parachinensis (Bailey)Tsen et Lee,分蘖菜 var.multiceps Sh.

26、Thus, in practice, using VaR for market risk measure may not be a serious flaw even it is subadditivity violated. ─── 另外,偏态的高低对于风险值是否违反次加性并没有影响。

27、Skimmia japonica subsp. distincte-venulosa var. ─── distincte-阿里山茵芋花苞吗?

28、Changes of Chl, PE and tissue Fe content during Fe-limitation in G. Tenuistipitata var. ─── 叶绿素含量及与铁含量随时间的变化;

29、ASV will detect usage of these variables and add "var" or "static var" statements to the top of the class script. ─── ASV将检测使用这些变量,增加了“变量”或“静态变量”描述的顶部级脚本。

30、Using aloe (Aloe vera L. var, Chinensis (haw) Berger), the rapid regeneration and plantlet cultivation were studied. ─── 以中华斑纹芦荟(AloeveraL.var.chinensis(Haw.) Berger)为试验材料,研究了芦荟的组织培养、快速繁殖和试管苗驯化及栽培技术。

31、A new secoiridoid from the flowers of Jasminum officinale L. var. ─── 与相似的文献。

32、Based on instantaneous reactive power theory and double closed-loop PID control strategy, a novel FC-TCR static var compensator (SVC) control system was designed. ─── 基于瞬时无功功率理论和双闭环PID控制构架,设计了一种新型的FC-TCR型SVC控制系统。

33、Because different users work in different ways, your system will need to be flexible enough to support their var ious approaches. ─── 因为不同的使用者在不同的方面工作,你的系统将会够有柔性来支援他们的变容体ious接近。

34、Almost as damaging is the hash that banks have made of "value-at-risk" (VAR) calculations, a measure of the potential losses of a portfolio. ─── 几乎具有同样毁坏性的是银行用“在险价值”(“value-at-risk”,VAR)法(一个对投资组合潜在损失的衡量指标)所制造的无用数据。

35、This paper prescribed the use of Static Var Compensators (SVC) to damp power/frequency oscillations in power systems. ─── 分析研究了电力系统中的静止无功补偿器(SVC)在抑制功率/频率振荡问题中的应用。

36、Post incrementation actually causes in the creation of a temporary var that is then incremented. ─── 后置递增实际上会产生一个临时变量,这个临时变量随后被递增。

37、The influence of generator excitation system and static var compensator (SVC) on stability of long-distance transmission system is great. ─── 发电机励磁系统以及静止无功补偿器(SVC)对远距离输电系统的稳定性有很大影响。

38、The bank said it was reverting to an older version of its VaR metric after having switched to a new model earlier in the year. ─── 该行表示,今年早些时候它采用了一套新的模型,现在正在重新启用较老版本的风险价值标准。

39、Just declaring a global variable without using it in a function also slows things down (by about the same amount as incrementing a local var). ─── 仅定义一个局部变量而没在函数中调用它,同样会减慢速度(其程度相当于递增一个局部变量)。

40、Ni var mitt liv--jag lever genom er! ─── (你们是我的生命,我通过你们而活着。

41、The empirical results show that Fractionally integrated GARCH with GED error model performs the best in estimating five percent VaR. ─── 实证结果表明在估计95%置信度下的VaR值时基于GED分布的FIGARCH(1,d,1)模型表现最佳。

42、The var keyword does not change the types of your objects; it just instructs the compiler to infer the types. ─── var关键字不会更改对象的类型,它仅指示编译器推断类型。

43、Value-at-Risk(VaR) is a model developed in recent years to quantize and control financial risk. ─── 在险价值是近年来发展起来的一种用于量化和控制金融风险的模型。

44、I>various methods of payment have been developed to cope with different situations in international trade. ─── 为处理国际贸易中的不同形势,各种支付方法便发展了起来。

45、var+value}: If exists, return . ─── var+value}:如果 存在,就返回 的值。

46、The device has advanced throw-cut mode of the capacitor and function of automatic m eter,solving the tickler of the dynamic var compensator,presenting the frame of software. ─── 对动态无功补偿的难点进行了有效解决 ,包括冲击电流、投切振荡、谐波放大、电容器的保护等措施 ;给出了软件设计框架。

47、The study then use Vector Autoregressive Model(VAR), Cointegration and vector error correction model(VECM) to examine the relationship among variables. ─── 因此,本研究旨在探讨影响通货流通馀额变动的主要因素,以利对货币变动行为的背后逻辑有所掌握。

48、Dynamic optimal portfolio in a VaR framework developed on the Markowitz’s portfolio theory, it create a new field for investigation of the portfolio theories. ─── 基于VaR约束下的投资组合决策模型,是在原有的马科维茨投资组合理论的基础上发展起来的,为投资组合理论的研究开辟了新天地。

49、Cyperus esculentus var 。esculentus. ─── 地中海地区东部对印度。

50、B. Try to express one meaning in various ways. ─── 努力用多种方式表达一种意思.

51、There are severel types of trees in ussuri valley, such as Pinus koraiensis, arix olgensis.]Pinus densiflora, Pinus densiflora var ussuriensis picea[l1].Abies. etc. ─── 乌苏里江流域森林有红松林、落叶松林、赤松林、兴凯湖松林、云冷杉林、针阔混交林和阔叶林等类型;

52、The results shows the semi-lethal temperature (LT50) of Duchesnea indica, Ranunculus repens, Potentilla flagellaris and Dendranthema lavandulifolium var. ─── 对引种的蛇莓、匍枝毛茛、匍枝委陵菜、甘野菊4种野生地被植物的抗热性进行了研究。

53、Letters of credit are varied in form, length, language and stipulations. ─── 信用证的形式、长短、语言和规定各不相同。

54、A non-affine nonlinear model for a single-machine infinite-bussystem with static VAR compensator (SVC) is established. ─── 对于含静止无功补偿器的单机无穷大系统建立了非仿射非线性模型。

55、On the basis of the data collected from the measurement of the sample plots of the cutting plantation and seedling plantation of Pinus kesiya var. ─── 依据相同立地条件下同龄人工林样地调查数据,分析比较思茅松扦插苗与实生苗造林效果的差异。

56、But strings passed by reference to a function or procedure (as var and out parameters) must be of the appropriate type. ─── 但是字符串作为函数或过程(变量或输出参数)传递时,必须使用适当的类型。

57、VAR can be used with numeric columns only. ─── VAR只可用于数字列。

58、ATSC type fast dynamic var compensation device[ J ].Automation of Electric Power Systems,2005,29 (5):51-54. ─── ATSC型快速动态无功补偿装置[J].电力系统自动化,2005,29(5):51-54.

59、So if I had just previously processed the previous Set's last Var paragraph, I'd pop the third level off the stack. ─── 因此,如果我刚刚处理了上一个Set的最后一个Var段,我会将第三层弹出堆栈。

60、ATSC type fast dynamic VAR compensation device [J].Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2001,25 (10): 51- 54. ─── ATSC型快速动态无功补偿装置[J].电力系统自动化,2001,25(10):51-54.

61、If var is not an array, 1 will be returned (exception: count(NULL) equals 0). ─── 如果var不是数组类型,将返回1(例外:count(NULL)的结果是0)。

62、An experiment on the acute toxicity of chlorine dioxide preparation on Carassius auratus Xiangyun var. ─── 二氧化氯制剂对湘云鲫的急性毒性试验。

63、Delphi(Pascal) codefunction MyRecv(s: TSocket;var Buf;len, flags: Integer): Integer;stdcall;var dwSize: ... ─── 内容提要:下面的函数我想把 Bao代替Buf 作为OldRecv的参数返回要怎样做呢?

64、Another unique variable is var. ─── 另一个独一无二的变量是var

65、Also, avoid passing long-string indexes as var parameters, because this results in inefficient code. ─── 同样,回避使用长字符串作为变量参数,因为会导致无效的代码。

66、Berberis chilensis Gillies ex Hook. et Arn. var. ─── chilensis 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

67、This investigates the voltage flicker problem of a large steel plant and presents the mitigation strategy by applying the static var compensator (SVC) and cogenerator. ─── 中文摘要本文主要探讨大型钢铁厂产生电压闪烁的电力品质问题,并且利用静态虚功补偿器和自备发电机系统来改善电压闪烁。

68、Hypochoeris tenuifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Griseb. var. ─── clarionoides 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

69、The var you define have been defined! ─── 变量重复定义!

70、Declaring variables without the var keyword generates a compile-time error when running in fast mode, the default mode for JScript. ─── 不用var关键字声明变量将在运行于快速模式(JScript的默认模式)下时生成编译时错误。

71、Medal for the Defense of Sevastopol, Var 1, 1940s issue. ─── 奖章保卫塞瓦斯托波尔,功1 , 1940年的问题。

72、Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. ─── 例?在各种运动中?我尤其喜欢慢跑。

73、Daphniphyllum glaucescens subsp. oldhamii var. ─── oldhamii 奥氏虎皮楠?

74、In this paper,the genesis of blood cells in Xingguo red carp (Cyprinus carpio var. ─── 兴国红鲤血细胞发生的主要器官是头肾、体肾、脾和胸腺。

75、Teucrium bicolor J.E.Sm. var. ─── paposana 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

76、So you create a variable in JavaScript with var, give it a name (like "request" ), and then assign it to a new instance of XMLHttpRequest. ─── 因此在JavaScript中用var创建一个变量,给它一个名字(如“request”),然后赋给它一个新的XMLHttpRequest实例。

77、There have been a great number of studies in estimating VaR.Most of which are focused on the point estimation of VaR. ─── 在有关风险值之相关文献上,虽有许多的论文探讨风险值的估计,不过却多集中在风险值之点估计上。

78、Visualize the distribution of Credit Losses and the VaR without incurring into model or estimation errors. ─── 将信贷损失和风险价值的分布形象化,而无需使用模型或产生估计错误。

79、If you do not want your query to perform any aggregate functions (Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Count, StDev, or Var), choose a detail query. ─── 如果不希望查询执行任何聚合函数(Sum、Avg、Min、Max、Count、StDev或Var),请选择明细查询。

80、community structure and dynamics of soil water of Pinus sylvestris var. of the mongolica plantation were studied in a growing season. ─── 对樟子松人工林群落结构和土壤水分动态进行研究。

81、Interchangeable spray-can nozzles fitted to can to vary width of spray. ─── 可互换的水沫-罐子喷嘴适合将改变水沫的宽度装于漆灌。

82、Effects of Fe-limitation on the fluorescence emission spectra tenuistipitata var. ─── 低温荧光发射光谱的影响。

83、If VAR is used on all items in a SELECT statement, each value in the result set is included in the calculation. ─── 如果VAR用于SELECT语句中的所有项目,则结果集中的每个值都包含在计算中。

84、Dorcus hopei (Saunders, 1854) Syn.Dorcus hopei var. ─── forma Miwa, 1929 台湾大陶锹甲[中国:山西,台湾;

85、One nucleotide acid fragment (350bp) was obtained in Brassica parachinensis Bailey and Brassica oleracea L. Var. ─── 在49菜心和包菜中扩增到一条(350bp)核酸片段,而在芥兰中扩增到两条(350bp和466bp)核酸片段。

86、LI Feng-xiang,ZHAO Bu-hui.The study and apply of technology about harmonic researching and var offsetting[J].Proceedings of the EPSA,2001,13(5):26-28. ─── [6]李凤祥,赵不贿.谐波抑制和无功功率补偿技术的研究与应用[J].电力系统及其自动化学报,2001,13(5):26-28.

87、Title: Influences of Hormones and Substrates on Cutting Rooting of Polygala arillata var. ─── 关键词:黄花远志;激素;基质;生根

88、Technology of Grafting Ulmus pumila var, pendula Rehd. ─── 垂榆嫁接技术。

89、Rubus innominatus S.Moore var. ─── kuntzeanus Bailey,以根入药。








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