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08-16 投稿


ringlike 发音

英:[['r??la?k]]  美:[['r??la?k]]

英:  美:

ringlike 中文意思翻译



ringlike 短语词组

1、ringlike isle ─── 环形岛

2、ringlike coral reef ─── 环状珊瑚礁

3、ringlike medical term ─── 环状医学术语

4、ringlike muscle ─── 环状肌

5、ringlike definition ─── 环形定义

6、ringlike moldings ─── 环形线脚

7、ringlike isle crossword ─── 环形岛纵横字谜

ringlike 词性/词形变化,ringlike变形

形容词: ringleted |

ringlike 相似词语短语

1、stringlike ─── 弦状

2、winglike ─── adj.翅状的,翼状的

3、finlike ─── adj.鳍状的

4、inklike ─── 平等的

5、hingelike ─── (牡蛎、蛤等的)铰合部,蝶铰,接点

6、gonglike ─── 我喜欢。

7、kinglike ─── adj.君王似的;威严的

8、fanglike ─── 英语

9、springlike ─── adj.像春天的

ringlike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ringlike remains of a broken partial veil, found around the stipes of certain mushrooms. ─── 菌环破损菌幕的环状残留部分,在某些洋菇菌柄周围可见

2、a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity. ─── 一朵让人想到蘑菇的云;让人想到团结的环状标记

3、Keywords high -gradient mining technique;ringlike deephole drilling machine;difficult blast ore body; ─── 高分段采矿;环形深孔钻机;难爆矿体;

4、The characteristics and law of water fog charge of ringlike electrode is summed up by experiment study. It provides scientific basis for water fog charge used to wetting dust control. ─── 通过试验研究,总结出环状电极水雾荷电的特点和规律,为水雾荷电应用于湿式除尘提供了科学的依据。

5、Keywords road lighting;induction energy saving ballast;ringlike induction ballast;power change; ─── 道路照明;节能电感镇流器;环形镇流器;功率变换;

6、Design of automatic welding machine tool with two guns for ringlike seam ─── 环缝双枪自动焊接机床的设计

7、The protection project of ringlike type power network of the ship that based on structrual characteristic of ringlike type was studied in this paper. ─── 本文根据船舶环式电网的结构特点对该型电网的保护方式进行了分析研究。

8、Disc ringlike or inconspicuous. ─── 花盘环形的或不明显。

9、"Each ball bearing has three main parts: two grooved, ringlike races and a number of balls." ─── 球轴承有三个主要零件,即两个带有沟槽的套圈和许多球。

10、Disc fleshy, ringlike, surrounding base of ovary. ─── 花盘肉质,环形,围绕子房基部。

11、The machine can press special-shaped, ringlike tablets of different kinds, and can also process the tablets of pesticide both sides are impressed trademarks, letters and simple pattems. ─── 它可压制各种异形、环形片剂、并可压制双面刻有商标、文字及简单图形的片剂。

12、The ringlike,cup-shaped,or tubular structure of a flower on which the sepals,petals,and stamens are borne,as in the flowers of the rose or cherry. ─── 隐头花序一朵花的环形、杯形、管形结构,此结构中有萼片、花瓣、雄蕊,比如玫瑰或樱桃的花里。

13、This kind of many-body function is con-structed from the single-particle orbits which contain two variational parameters todescribe the characters of states in ringlike geometry. ─── 这种多体波函数由单粒子轨道组成,其中包含两个变分参数,用于描述环状拓扑结构中的电子态。

14、disc ringlike or tubular, lobed or dentate, surrounding ovary. ─── 花盘环形的或管状,浅裂的或具牙齿,围绕子房。

15、Perianth segments 6, connate into a tube for 1/2--2/3 their length, fleshy, sometimes with a ringlike, fleshy appendage in throat; ─── 花被片6,合生成筒达1/2-2/3其长度,肉,有时在喉部具环形,肉质的附加物;

16、Stigmas 2, unequal, subsemiorbicular to ligulate or ringlike, emarginate. ─── 柱头2,不同的事物,对环形的舌状或,。

17、Disc of 2 glands, ringlike. ─── 2腺体的花盘,环形。

18、The machine can press speci-alshaped,ringlike tablets of different kinds,and can also process the tablets of pesticide both sides are impressed tradem-arks, letters and simple patterns. ─── 它可压制各种异型、环形片剂,并可压制双面刻有商标、文字及简单图形的片剂。

19、involucral bracts caducous, without ringlike scars. ─── 早落的总苞片,没有环形的痕。

20、The Flag with five ringlike symbols suggests unity. ─── 五环旗让人想到团结。

21、Any of various ringlike devices used to limit,guide,or secure a machine part. ─── 端,轴环一种环状构造用于限制、引导或系紧机器的部件。

22、So,the automatic welding machine tool with two guns for ringlike seam i s designed.It shows by test and application that the machine meets the require ments. ─── 焊接试验和生产应用结果表明:焊接机床达到了设计的要求,焊缝质量良好。

23、stigma short conical, 0.5-2 mm, glabrous, base ringlike. ─── 圆锥状的柱头短,0.5-2毫米,无毛,环形的基部。

24、a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity. ─── 一朵让人想到蘑菇的云;让人想到团结的环状标记

25、Keywords ringlike hysteretic/steel/energy absorber/study; ─── 低碳钢;环形;滞后;阻尼;减震器;研究;

26、Keywords metal tank;ringlike equipment;steady flow;design; ─── 金属油罐;环形设备;稳压;设计;

27、A ringlike structure, segment, or part. ─── 环状物环状结构或部分

28、Methods 67 cases (67 eyes) of canaliculus break were treated with two different silicone intubation, small and large ringlike support. ─── 目的评估两种不同的硅胶管支撑方式在泪小管断裂修复术中的疗效。

29、Prophylls present, caducous, forming a prominent, ringlike stipular scar at each node; ─── 先出叶宿存,早落,形成一突出,环形痕在每节;

30、The Application of Bored Concrete Pile and the Combined Support of Ringlike Beam ─── 钻孔灌注桩与环梁内支撑联合支护的应用

31、Disc ringlike or cupulate, apex truncate. ─── 花盘环形或者杯状,先端截形。

32、A circular, ringlike earring. ─── 环圈形耳环

33、Having or consisting of rings or ringlike segments. ─── 环状的,由环构成的有环或环形部分的,由环或环形部分构成的

34、A ringlike molding around the capital of a pillar. ─── 环状平缘柱中心的环状线条

35、Having a tail with ringlike markings. ─── 尾羽有环纹的:尾巴有环纹状斑点的,

36、It is introduced to produce ringlike parts by coiling and deforming the steel strip orother materials with some geometric section with special deformation equipment and then cUtting andwelding. ─── 将具有一定几何断面形状的型材或条形钢板经专用成形设备卷曲成形,通过切割、焊接工艺技术,生产环形件。

37、In the Pacific Ocean there are many coral atolls that ringlike islands. ─── 太平洋中有许多环状的珊瑚岛屿。

38、ringlike pattern ─── 环形表现, 环状火山口

39、A study on Influence of ringlike extending grooves on the atomization of the spinning disk ─── 壁面环形延程槽对转盘雾化影响的研究

40、Disc ringlike, rarely cupular. ─── 环形的花盘,很少杯状。

41、Having a ringlike or collarlike band or marking about the neck. ─── 具项圈的颈部具有环状或领状带子或记号的

42、Calyx actinomorphic, 5-lobed to 5-sect from base; disc ringlike, rarely cupular or inconspicuous; capsule oblong to linear, rarely conical to ovoid. ─── 辐射对称的花萼,5浅裂在5全裂自基部;环形的花盘,很少杯状或不明显;蒴果长圆形到线形,很少圆锥状的到卵球形。(15

43、Style short;pistil head thick, base with a ringlike membrane. ─── 花柱短雌蕊头状花序厚,基部具一层环形的膜。

44、A ringlike coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon. ─── 环礁一种环形的珊瑚岛或珊瑚链,接近或完全围绕于浅泻湖

45、Study on the geometric and hydraulic properties about TP ringlike packing ─── TP环状填料的几何及水力学性能的研究

46、ringlike drift heading method ─── 环形导坑法

47、Metal corrugated pipe of metal hose through the ringlike either helix metal corrugated pipe 、Net suit and connector assembly either metal corrugated pipe and connector assembly 。 ─── 金属软管由环形金属波纹管或螺旋金属波纹管、网套和接头的组合体或金属波纹管和接头的组合体。

48、A ringlike figure, part, structure, or marking, such as a growth ring on the scale of a fish. ─── 环状物环状物、部分、结构或标志,如鱼鳞上的生长环

49、Branchlets green, pale brown when dry, 2-5 mm thick, without ringlike stipular scars, glabrous. ─── 小枝绿色的,干燥时的淡褐色,2-5毫米厚,没有环形的托叶的痕,无毛。

50、the ringlike remains of a broken partial veil,found around the stipes of certain mushrooms ─── 菌环,破损菌幕的环状残留部分,在某些洋菇菌柄周围可见

51、The principle and installation of differential protection and directional over-current protection which applied to ringlike type power network is presented. ─── 概述了国内外高性能防腐涂料主要品种的开发和应用情况,并提出了高性能防腐涂料的发展方向。

52、Ringlike change of colonic mucosal end-artery ─── 结肠黏膜血管末梢环形改变

53、Disc ringlike to cupular, rarely absent. ─── 花盘环形的到杯状,很少无。

54、Ringlike automatic multi-layer eletronickeling electrochroming production line. ─── 环形多层镍电镀自动流水线。

55、Calyx actinomorphic, 5-sect from base or 5-lobed, segments equal or unequal; disc ringlike, inconspicuous or absent; capsule 2(or 4)-valved. ─── 花萼辐射对称,5个教派的自基部或5浅裂,裂片等长或不等长;花盘环形,不明显的或无;蒴果2(或4)裂。(32

56、a ringlike coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon ─── 环礁,一种环形的珊瑚岛或珊瑚链,接近或完全围绕于浅泻湖

57、A large group of islands atoll n. A ringlike coral island and reef that nearly or entirely encloses a lagoon. ─── 环礁一种环形的珊瑚岛或珊瑚链,接近或完全围绕于浅泻湖。

58、Resuts: The planted hepatoma of rats was slight low signal on T 1WI and homogeneons high signal in T 2WI, the imaging manifestation of which were abnormal ringlike blood dying with DSA. ─── 结果 :接种癌T1WI呈低信号 ,T2 WI呈较均匀高信号 ,DSA表现为环形异常血管染色 ;

59、there was hypointensity or hypo isointensity on T 1WI and hyperintensity on T 2WI. There were three types of enhancement after Gd DTPA administration:diffuse, nodular and ringlike,except no enhancement in minority of patients. ─── 肿瘤的T1加权像呈低信号或低等混合信号 ,T2 加权像呈高信号 ,注射造影剂 (GD DTPA)后除少数不增强外有 3种强化方式 :弥漫型、结节型、环状。

60、Main problems and solving ways of ringlike barking technique in Lubei jujube date ─── 鲁北冬枣环剥技术存在的主要问题及解决途径

61、Nectary often present at base of ovary, ringlike, cupular, or reduced to a gland. ─── 蜜腺通常存在于子房的基部,环形,杯状,或者退化为一个腺体。

62、Disc slightly swollen in front or ringlike. ─── 在前面的花盘稍膨胀或者环形。

63、Based on the configuration features of decp water wells,ringlike and gear-ringlike auxiliary anode are designed. ─── 根据地下深水井的结构特点,设计了特制的垫圈式环状和齿轮环状辅助阳极;

64、ringlike jade worn as a pendant at the waist ─── 佩环

65、Disc ringlike or swollen as a finger in front. ─── 在前面作为一只手指肿胀的花盘环形的或。

66、Anthers free, connectives without projections; disc ringlike; inflorescences cymes; leaves few to many. ─── 花药离生,没有预测的药隔;花盘环形;花序聚伞花序;叶少数到多数。(5

67、stigma ringlike, ca. 5 mm wide, sterile upper portion ca. 1 mm, 2-cleft. ─── 环形的柱头,约5毫米宽,不育上面部分约1毫米,2半裂。

68、East Station communication hub complex takes “East Station area ringlike elevated lines network” as center and its main roads take the shape of Chinese character “井” ─── 东站交通枢纽综合体以“站区环形高架路网”为核心,呈现“井”字型主干路。

69、Corona ringlike, rim truncate or subundulate. ─── 副花冠环形,凸缘截断或。

70、a ringlike molding around the capital of a pillar ─── 柱中心的环状线条

71、The ringlike, cup-shaped, or tubular structure of a flower on which the sepals, petals, and stamens are borne, as in the flowers of the rose or cherry. ─── 隐头花序一朵花的环形、杯形、管形结构,此结构中有萼片、花瓣、雄蕊,比如玫瑰或樱桃的花里

72、A ringlike or cylindrical growth or structure. ─── 环形或柱状的身材或结构

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