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08-16 投稿


complexity 发音

英:[k?m?pleks?ti]  美:[k?m?pleks?ti]

英:  美:

complexity 中文意思翻译



complexity 同义词

difficulty | imbroglio | involvement |complication | Gordian knot | entanglement | convolution | Gordian | density | knot | sinuosity | complicacy | maze | involution | intricacy | complexness | labyrinth | perplexity | jungle | complicity

complexity 反义词

simplicity | brevity | plainness

complexity 短语词组

1、complexity factor ─── [计] 复杂度系数

2、language complexity ─── [计] 语言的复杂性

3、computational complexity ─── [计] 计算复杂性

4、algorithm complexity ─── [计] 算法复杂性

5、device complexity ─── [电] 设备错综

6、design complexity ─── [计] 设计复杂性

7、algorithmic complexity ─── [计] 算法复杂性

8、complexity graph ─── [计] 复杂性图形

9、amortized computation complexity ─── [计] 折算复杂性

10、program complexity ─── [计] 程序复杂性

11、complexity of computation ─── [计] 计算复杂性

12、kolmogorov complexity ─── [计] 柯尔莫戈洛夫复杂性

13、polynomial complexity ─── [计] 多项式复杂性

14、exponential complexity algorithm ─── [计] 指数复杂性算法

15、computing complexity ─── [计] 计算复杂性; 计算复杂性

16、measure of logical complexity ─── [计] 逻辑复杂性量度

17、nesting level complexity ─── [计] 嵌套级复杂性

18、measure of program complexity ─── [计] 程序复杂性量度

19、generalized Kolmogorov complexity ─── [计] 广义柯尔莫戈洛夫复杂度

complexity 常用词组

computational complexity ─── 计算复杂性

time complexity ─── 时间复杂度

complexity analysis ─── 复杂度分析;成分分析

complexity 词性/词形变化,complexity变形


complexity 相似词语短语

1、complicity ─── n.共谋;串通;共犯关系

2、complexion ─── n.肤色;面色;情况;局面;vt.使增添色彩

3、completists ─── n.完美主义者

4、complexions ─── n.肤色(complexion的复数形式);配容;vt.染色;上色(complexion的三单形式)

5、complexities ─── n.复杂性(complexity的复数);错综复杂的事物

6、complexify ─── vt.使复杂化

7、complexing ─── n.使配合,使络合;形成综合体(complex的现在分词)

8、complicitly ─── 共谋

9、complexly ─── 复杂地;合成地;复合地

complexity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of the main problems we face in software development is complexity. ─── 在软件开发中我们面对的一个主要问题是复杂度。

2、Then they began to spring up in an increasing numbers and complexity each year. ─── 之后,每年都冒出来更多、更复杂的谷圈。

3、Signal generation and handling in particular add extra complexity. ─── 信号的生成和处理尤其增加了额外的复杂性。

4、The complexity of most civil tax laws is also a deterrent to prosecution. ─── 大部分民事税收法律规范的复杂性也对控诉具有阻碍作用。

5、Never has a text been expounded with more complexity. ─── 从来没有人能把一段经文讲解得这么玄妙深奥。

6、Chess playing is a game of such abstruse and dazzling complexity. ─── 下棋是如此难懂及令人目眩的复杂游戏。

7、The technology can improve the system BER. And the complexity of this technology is low and easy to implement. ─── 该技术对系统误码率性能有较好的改善,且复杂度不高,易于实现。

8、Structured issuance ballooned to $2 trillion last year and grew in complexity. ─── 去年结构化证券发行飙升至2万亿美元,复杂程度也不断增加。

9、Complex, intricate, and involved. ─── 复杂的、错综的和涉及的

10、The complexity that makes business analytics powerful also presents a dilemma. ─── 使业务分析功能强大的这种复杂性也处于两难境地。

11、An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important. ─── 初试为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试

12、But the design of FF instrument is a much difficult problem for its complexity. ─── 但是,FF现场总线协议全集的复杂性使得FF现场总线的设计成为一个非常困难的问题。

13、The Relation Between Expansible and Complexity of Information System Structure? ─── 信息系统结构复杂性与可扩展性关系?

14、Isolate complexity as much as possible. ─── 尽可能把复杂性隔离开来。

15、The data came as a surprise, he said, highlighting the complexity of energy expenditure. ─── 他说,然而事实的数据令人诧异,并且强调了能量消耗的复杂性。

16、A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution. ─── 博普一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格

17、He has a complex about his weight. ─── 他过分关心自己的体重。

18、Neither in his think nor in his utterance is there any complexity. ─── 他的思想和言辞都不复杂。

19、The natural tourmalines' color is diversity and its genesis is complexity. ─── 天然电气石颜色多种多样,颜色成因非常复杂。

20、This coffee will excite the palette with its complexity and liveliness. ─── “这款咖啡以其独有的复杂和生动刺激您的味觉。”

21、The wines have had an occasional pump over on lees to increase the complexity. ─── 发酵过程中经过几次压冒处理使得酒体的非常具有层次。

22、The complexity of tax laws is also a consideration when determining probability of conviction. ─── 在确定定罪的可能性时,税法的复杂性也是一个考虑因素。

23、Due to the complexity of the work, each tile was stamped with a number. ─── 因为工作的复杂性,每一片瓦片上都印了一个数字。

24、Commercial-paper investors may find the M-LEC's complexity a turn-off. ─── 商业票据投资者或许会发现“超级管道”的复杂性正是瓶颈之所在。

25、Two parallel comparators are used to achieve low complexity 2-bit ADC. ─── 利用两个并行的比较器完成确保TR超宽带系统性能的2 比特量化,降低了ADC实现的复杂性,同时对ADC和AGC联合设计。

26、Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating the complexity of Turb. ─── 以几个典型故障为例阐述汽轮发电机组故障的复杂性。

27、However, it should be understood that this complexity provides precision in the definition of the concrete elements. ─── 然而,应该理解的是,正是这一复杂性为具体元素提供了精确的定义。

28、Electronic engine control systems can range in complexity. ─── 发动机电子控制系统可按其复杂程度分类。

29、A ubiquitous directory service eliminates complexity. ─── 处处存在的目录服务消除了复杂性。

30、Complexity : Linear to the number of elements inserted. ─── 复杂度:与插入的元素数量成线性。

31、She has a complex about rats. ─── 她对老鼠有病态恐惧。

32、Actually, it is pretty easy to anticipate when models will need to be partitioned for reasons of size or complexity. ─── 实际上,我们可以很容易的预期出于大小和复杂性的原因,模型何时需要被划分。

33、The rate of reannealing is inversely proportion to sequence complexity. ─── 再退火速度是和顺序复杂性成反比例。

34、This is a classic case of visual simplicity leading to cognitive complexity. ─── 一个经典的关系是视觉的简单会引起认知的负担。

35、She could deal with complex situations aptly. ─── 她能够妥善地处置各种复杂情况。

36、Matin D. Davis, Computability, Complexity, and Languages, Academic Press, 1983. ─── 《可计算性、复杂性和语言》,清华大学出版社,北京,1989。

37、The complexity of subway systems around the world is mind-boggling. ─── 全世界地铁系统错综复杂,令人眼花缭乱。

38、Proposed a facile solution to a complex problem. ─── 对一复杂的问题提出肤浅的解决建议

39、I think the next century will be the century of complexity. ─── “我认为下一世纪是复杂性的世纪”霍金。

40、In general, code quality does not have a direct impact on migration complexity. ─── 一般来说,代码质量不会对迁移的复杂性有直接的影响。

41、Complexity : Linear to the number of moved positions. ─── 复杂度:与移动的位置数成线性。

42、The level of complexity in testing the designed logic circuit and system. ─── 对所设计的逻辑电路和系统进行故障测试的难易程度。

43、It is the city's flashy fade the complexity of the earth. ─── 它褪去了城市的浮华,洗尽了尘世的繁杂。

44、Complexity : Linear to the number of shifts. ─── 复杂度:与移动的数量成线性。

45、From these he can go on to appreciate more complex forms or combinations of several forms. ─── 从这些东西他可以进而鉴赏更为复杂的形体,或者几个形体的组合体。

46、Because of the complexity,the dispersal process was divided into two regimes. ─── 因过程的复杂性分近场与远场两个阶段处理。

47、An open-science stance can also add complexity to a collaboration. ─── 开放科学的立场也会增加协作的复杂性。

48、Metabolism is a complexity of chemical reaction. ─── 代谢是各种化学反应的综合。

49、To add complexity and brightness Ethiopian Harrar, Kenyan, Yemen Mocha, Zimbabwe, and Zambian coffees are used. ─── 为了增加复杂度和明亮度,会使用埃赛俄比亚哈拉尔,肯尼亚,也门磨卡,津巴布韦和赞比亚咖啡。

50、I was astonished by the size and complexity of the problem. ─── 这个问题的复杂性和涉及面之广使我感到惊讶。

51、The situation presents great complexity. ─── 形势显得极为复杂。

52、But it also increases the complexity of groups' operations. ─── 不过,这也增加了集团业务的复杂性。

53、Another source of complexity is the type system. ─── 其它导致复杂的原因是类型系统。

54、He was buffaloed by the complexity of problem. ─── 他被复杂的问题弄得昏头昏脑。

55、It takes the mind-numbing complexity of dealing with relational databases, and makes it a joy, not a burden. ─── 它消除了复杂的关系数据库处理操作,现在它为用户添加了快乐而不是负担。

56、Sanlitun is not recommended to go over the sea after a lot of complexity. ─── 不建议去三里屯,比后海复杂很多。

57、Go taste your simplicity and complexity. ─── 去品味你的简单和复杂性。

58、There is power in analytics, but also complexity. ─── 在分析论有一种能力,而且也很复杂。

59、Electronic engine control system can range in complexity. ─── 发动机电子在控制系统可按其复杂程度分类。

60、Depending on the complexity of the issue, this is an excellent appellate issue. ─── 取决于问题的复杂程度,这是上述程序中的一个绝佳问题。

61、Complexity : Average complexity for insert element is at most logarithmic. ─── 复杂度:插入元素的平均复杂度最多为对数。

62、Complexity : Linear to the number of elements erased. ─── 复杂度:与被删元素数量成线性。

63、But password complexity is checked by CREATE APPLICATION ROLE. ─── 但CREATE APPLICATION ROLE会检查密码复杂性。

64、But we must see complexity and arduousness of this process. ─── 但必须看到这一过程的复杂性和艰巨性。

65、To manage complexity, everything is compartmentalised. ─── 为了管理复杂性,所有东西都划分管理。

66、Taken as a whole, they represent a large degree of perceived complexity. ─── 从总体上看,它们代表了更高的复杂性。

67、Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity。Weird, eh? ─── 信息理论和柯尔莫戈洛夫复杂性理论。

68、The power and flexibility of JXTA come at a price: complexity. ─── JXTA的强大功能和灵活性是有代价的:复杂性。

69、The only catch is the complexity of the case. ─── 唯一的蹊跷就是病情的复杂。

70、People customarily over estimate the complexity of business operation. ─── 人们习惯上高估商业运作的复杂程度。

71、You must be able to make sense out of the complexity of the world to put your business on the offensive. ─── 你必须能够从复杂的世界中找到出路并让自己所在的公司处于进攻状态。

72、Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. ─── 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。

73、Computer, radio, and other complex systems which are to be installed on ships, planes, or motor vehicles. ─── 安装在船舰、飞机或汽车上的计算机、无线电设备或其它复杂的系统。

74、The complexity is staggering! ─── 复杂性是惊人的!

75、Taba's growth cones certainly could not cope with this complexity. ─── 塔巴的生长锥,不用说就知道无法应付这种高复杂度。

76、Underestimating the complexity of a problem. ─── 对问题的复杂性估计不足。

77、Pablo Neruda: Man has no business with the simplicity or complexity of things. ─── 人和那些简单的或者复杂的事物没有任何关系。

78、Simple pleasure is the last refuge of the complex. ─── 单纯的感官享乐,是头脑复杂的人最后的藏身之所。

79、Within that field we have to face a somewhat bewildering complexity. ─── 在这一领域内,我们必须面对一种颇令人困惑的复杂情况。

80、The army is an extremely complex organism. ─── 军队是极其复杂的组织。

81、A French novelist portrays the complexity of 19th century French society. ─── 一位法国长篇小说家描绘了十九世纪法国的复杂社会。

82、International law is a minefield for anyone not familiar with its complexity. ─── 国际法这一领域,不熟悉其复杂性则寸步难行。

83、You eschew complexity, favoring simple solutions. ─── 你不喜欢复杂,热爱简单。

84、The inventor evolved his complex machine out of a relatively simple device. ─── 发明者把一个相当简单的装置研制成一个复杂的机器。

85、He was buffaloed by the complexity of the problem. ─── 他被问题的复杂性弄得昏头昏脑。

86、Functional decomposition is a natural way to deal with complexity. ─── 功能分解是处理复杂问题的首选方法。

87、Its very complexity tends to be attractive to technocrats. ─── 如果排放贸易成为现实,他们会适应这种制度。

88、Complexity : Average complexity for insert element is amortized logarithmic. ─── 复杂度:插入元素的平均复杂度为分期对数复杂度。

89、Complexity : Linear to the elements in the subtree. ─── 复杂度:与子树的元素数量成线性。

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