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08-16 投稿


lacquered 发音

英:[?l?k?d]  美:[?l?k?rd]

英:  美:

lacquered 中文意思翻译



lacquered 短语词组

1、lacquered nail salon sacramento ─── 萨克拉门托漆甲沙龙

2、lacquered brass ─── 漆黄铜

3、double lacquered wire ─── 双漆包线

4、lacquered up ─── 上漆

5、lacquered nails ─── 漆指甲

6、lacquered brass cleaner ─── 漆黄铜清洁剂

7、lacquered tray ─── 油盘

8、lacquered ribeye ─── 上漆里贝耶

9、lacquered ribs ─── 上漆肋骨

lacquered 词性/词形变化,lacquered变形

名词: lacquerer |动词过去分词: lacquered |动词过去式: lacquered |动词第三人称单数: lacquers |动词现在分词: lacquering |

lacquered 相似词语短语

1、racqueted ─── 挂机

2、acquired ─── adj.[医]后天的;已获得的;已成习惯的;v.取得;捕获(acquire的过去分词)

3、relacquered ─── 重新询问

4、lacquering ─── n.上漆;涂漆层;v.涂漆(lacquer的ing形式)

5、lacquer ─── n.漆;漆器;喷发定型剂;漆树液;v.给……涂漆;给(头发)喷定型发胶

6、lacquerer ─── n.漆匠

7、Jacquerie ─── n.扎克雷起义(1358年法国北部农民暴动)

8、Becquerel ─── n.贝可勒尔,贝可(放射性活度单位)

9、lacquers ─── n.(食品容器的)涂料;罐头涂料(lacquer的复数形式)

lacquered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China is the first country that applies lacquer to make wares, and also the cradle of lacquer arts of the world. ─── 中国是世界上最早使用漆液制作器物的国家,也是世界漆艺的发祥地。

2、Rolled aluminium alloy sheets; lacquered, printed, corrugated and folded aluminium foils and tapes;... ─── 分类标题:有色金属型材和棒材|铝和铝合金...

3、The former includes lacquer painting and the latter, lacquerware and lacquer sculpture. ─── 但这种分法远不及漆器,漆画,漆塑的概念更加清晰。

4、He also created a unique calligraphy style which he called lacquer calligraphy. ─── 他独创一种隶书体,自谓"漆书",另有意趣。

5、The machine can be used to paste the wooden slice,soaked lacquer paper with hot glue and slao PVC an... ─── 发布者:王冰霞所在地:山东济南市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

6、NOT RECOMMENDED - Neoprene, SBR Rubber, Low Nitrile Buna N, Acrylic Paint, Lacquer, Polystyrene, PVC, ABS. ─── 不推荐-氯丁橡胶,丁苯橡胶,低腈丁钠橡胶N,丙烯酸漆,漆,聚苯乙烯,聚氯乙烯,ABS(内烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯

7、We have 150 skilled staff,own kinds of advanced special Lacquered Aluminum Wire and Copper Clad Aluminum product equipments,detection devices. ─── 公司员工150人,拥有各种先进的铜包铝、铝漆包线生产专用设备、检测设备叁拾余台(套)。

8、A glass lacquer was developed by Hickon at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in England in 1965. ─── 1965年,希克森在英国皇家飞机公司研制出一种玻璃漆。

9、Lacquered internal surfaces are dried in an oven. ─── 内层漆膜通过一个烘道干燥。

10、But during the summer, maiko will wear black lacquered Okobo. ─── 不过夏天时,舞妓会穿着上了黑漆的高跟木屐。

11、The lacquer oily brand with good quality is famous degree tall, product quality and security have safeguard relatively. ─── 品质好的漆油品牌知名度高,产品品质及安全性较有保障。

12、Lacquer thinner is used for oil paints, in 1 liter metal tin and 4 liter metal gallon packing. ─── 喷漆稀料用于油画制作,包装方式:1公升金属罐或者4公升金属加仑桶。

13、Floor of natural lacquer wood: It is after floor cleanness is clean, should besmear an attenuant floor glazing agent. ─── 天然漆木地板:在地板清洁干净以后,应该涂上一层稀释的地板上光剂。

14、About ten days before the marriage, a peculiar ornament made of jade, or red lacquer, was sent to the home of the bride. ─── 大约在婚礼前的十几天,一件玉或红亮漆做的装饰品送到了新娘家。

15、The kit is painted with GSI and Alclad II lacquer paint. ─── 今次的涂料用了郡氏和 Alclad II 的油性油。

16、It works well on surfaces made of wood, leather, vinyl, formica, lacquer and stone. ─── 使用方便,经济实惠,去污、除尘、上光一次完成。

17、If the thinner is re-applied to an acrylic lacquer it will re-dissolve. ─── 如果稀释剂被再次用到丙烯酸漆中时就会溶解。

18、The acetone was than allowed to vaporize until a concentrated syrup-like nitrocellulose lacquer formed. ─── 丙酮比允许是汽化直到被集中糖浆象硝化纤维素亮漆形成了。

19、The ancient Chinese lacquer art dates back to Neolithic Age, much earlier than the invention of silk and pottery. ─── 中国古老的大漆工艺可以上溯至新石器时代,比丝绸和陶瓷的发明还要早许多。

20、Inferior smooth lacquer is a kind of special lacquer, it and common varnish, paint differs somewhat on property. ─── 亚光漆是一种专门的漆,它与普通清漆、油漆在性质上有所不同。

21、A glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the lacquer tree, used as a surface coating. ─── 天然漆一种用作表面涂层的光滑的树脂般的物质,如漆树的分泌物

22、The white group mark that leaves on lacquer layer to heating up a teacup, usable cloth chafes. ─── 对热茶杯在漆层上留下的白圈痕迹,可用布摩擦。

23、She lacquered the old table. ─── 她给旧桌子上了层漆。

24、It has several forms, and this adaptability gives it a shelf life longer than lacquered Spam. ─── 它有好几种版本,这种适应性使得它的保鲜期长于表面光鲜的垃圾邮件。

25、Not surely right:regular shape/new block/long/like black lacquer,curved hilt before,straight now,beware! ─── 不一定对:茎型规整/挡手位生/尺寸长/貌似黑漆古,前一阵字是弯把的,现在的是直茎,要小心!

26、After lacquer of transformer gasoline tank, how to check paint film flexibility? ─── 变压器油箱涂漆后,如何检查漆膜弹性?

27、Han Jia, is this the workshop for lacquer ware? ─── 大牛:韩佳,这里就是制作漆器的地方啊?

28、In view of health, he adopted the environmentally friendly wall lacquer. ─── 出于健康的考虑,他采用了环保的墙面漆。

29、If hot cup dish put on furniture directly, lacquer cover often can remain circuit to iron mark. ─── 假如把热杯盘直接放在家具上,漆面往往会留下一圈烫痕。

30、A I really like that small lacquer table, but it's a bit too expensive for me. ─── A我非常喜欢那张漆器桌,但是它对我来说有点贵。

31、Re-dissolve in thinner: When an acrylic lacquer is sprayed onto a surface it dries by evaporation of the thinner. ─── 在稀释剂中再溶解:喷到表面的丙烯酸漆通过稀释剂的蒸发来干燥。

32、To prevent to produce afore-mentioned problems, must use clean paintbrush and lacquer bucket. ─── 为防止发生上述问题,必须采用干净的漆刷和漆桶。

33、Here in the kids bath, my husband made simple shelving which I lacquered gray. ─── 们在这里洗澡。简单的架子是我丈夫做的,我把它涂成了灰色。

34、To blend in with the surroundings the system was specially lacquered in the same finish as the room. ─── 与周围混和系统特别地被上漆在结束和屋子一样。

35、Its material experienced several phrase such as pottery, porcelain, lacquer, silver and so on. ─── 从材质上讲,它经历了陶器、瓷器、漆器和银器等几个演化阶段;

36、LacquerA glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the lacquer tree, used as a surface coating. ─── 天然漆一种用作表面涂层的光滑的树脂般的物质,如漆树的分泌物。

37、Against the white walls of the house the geometric shapes in lacquered MDF seem to have a life of their own. ─── 对白墙的房子的几何形状在漆中密度纤维板似乎有自己的生活。

38、Highly polished, shiny chair for dining, relaxing and socialising with friends. Chinese Lacquer Chair costs 5 Credits. ─── 光滑,闪亮餐椅,让人轻松的与朋友打交道。中式红木椅子价值5哈币。

39、WK 8555 is a Cationic wax emulsion which provides natural feel. It can be compatible with aqueous lacquer. ─── WK 8555用于革的涂饰后,赋予涂层自然的手感,可与水性光油配合使用。

40、On the right, a woman gazes at her reflection in a lacquered panel, absorbed in an illusion while she inhabits a world of illusion herself. ─── 画面右方,一位妇女对着漆制面板端详着自己的妆容,仿佛沉静在幻想的世界中。

41、After the fifties, Pingyao pushed light lacquer alsoku mu feng chun , Games. ─── 五十年代后,平遥推光漆器又枯木逢春,大放异彩。

42、He has learned the skill of lacquer painting from his master. ─── 他跟师傅学到了磨漆画这项技艺。

43、Info:Leather Belts in various colours, with stitched hems and lacquer finish buckle. ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮扣合方式:针扣腰带扣材质:合金

44、Solid wood frames with smooth veneered pane -in an appealingantique vanilla shade are lacquer sealed. ─── 实木边框,面芯板用单板贴面着仿古香草色,涂硝基漆。

45、The lacquer when Tang Dynasty adds bullion to do model enchase lacquer, exquisite burnish. ─── 唐代时漆器加金银做型镶嵌到漆器,讲究磨光。

46、The handle, guard and pommel, as well as the copper fittings on the scabbard, are original. The scabbard is lacquered recently. ─── 刀茎,以及首、和刀鞘上的铜件、饰都是原来的;刀鞘经修复,应是木制,而漆面是最近重做的。

47、Yao wanted to capture the feeling of Han Dynasty lacquered boxes, which have bold designs and colors on the outside and simpler designs inside. ─── 姚映佳希望从表面漆得很亮的汉代盒子上获取灵感,这种盒子外观设计大胆,颜色醒目,内部构造并不复杂。

48、This dish, most often a single eel split and splayed over a bed of rice in a black, lacquered box with a red interior, is called unaju. ─── 这道菜,通常是把一条鱼劈开,放在铺着米的黑色喷漆盒里(里面是红色),被称为“unaju”。

49、Suze glances up at my wardrobe, on which are teetering a brown leather case, a lacquered trunk, and three vanity cases. ─── Suze抬头望了一眼我的衣橱,橱顶上放着一只褐色的皮箱,一只漆皮的大皮箱和三只手提箱包。

50、The valves under S/O No.187 were omitted. The location of the raw lacquer under S/O No.208 hasn't been decided yet. ─── 187号装货单的大闸阀被漏掉了,208号装货单生漆的位置还没定下来。

51、Silk, tea, porcelain, lacquer screens, lace shawls, ivory fans. ─── 丝绸,茶叶,瓷器,漆器上,花边围巾,象牙球迷。

52、The lacquer trees in the cradleland owned abundant genetic biodiversity. ─── 在起源地,漆树具有非常丰富的遗传多样性;

53、A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish. ─── 亮漆,假漆用来制作持久的、有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆

54、What’s “old” looks new, because the wooden beams are freshly lacquered, the roof tiles unbroken, and the painted details vibrant for lack of grime. ─── 什么是“老的”期待新的,因为木质横梁都是新鲜漆,完整的瓦片,并详细描绘活力缺乏尘垢。

55、A layer of lacquer was applied to vessels to give the surface a lustrous black sheen. ─── 容器上涂一层漆,使容器表面的黑色有光泽。

56、Kwan Kung Pavilion is a gilded and lacquered temple used to worship Kwan Kung, a person of loyalty and righteousness. ─── 关公忠义亭是一座镀金及涂漆的庙宇,用来供奉关公。

57、The height of the great room continues on through a gallery where a white lacquered library wall ascends up into the second level. ─── 大房间的高度,继续通过画廊白色漆木库墙上升到第二个层次。

58、They finished the table in yellow lacquer. ─── 他们最后给桌子上了黄漆。

59、Chopsticks can be made of lacquered wood and covered with artwork. ─── 筷子能用漆木制成并饰以艺术作品。

60、Birch plywood, lacquered plywood and mdf, furniture components, drawer sides, wall panels, wooden... ─── 分类标题:镶贴板与胶合板|木板...

61、Lacquered interior; makes the plant pot waterproof. ─── 内部上漆;花盆具有防水性。

62、His shoe box is recumbent the foot of a wall, there is a chair that takes off lacquer before. ─── 他的鞋箱靠着墙根,面前摆着一把脱漆的椅子。

63、On the rocks are an open stove with a yellowish clay teapot, a red lacquered tea saucer, white ceramic teacups, and a water container. ─── 坡石上置有风炉、黄泥茶壶、朱漆茶托、白瓷茶盏、以及水甕等茶器。

64、The contained abrasive, filler and reducer can restore the cut lacquer surface. ─── 其所含的研磨剂、填充剂、还原剂成份能快速修复漆面划痕。

65、You hxdye chosen a beautiful bowl. It's hand-made, traditional lacquer. ─── 你选了一只漂亮的碗。这是手工制作的,传统瓷器。

66、Birds and flowers in polychrome lacquer lined with gold. 2. Coromandel lacquer piece with KuanVin figure and child. ─── 上图:红漆地锦地密陀绘金理钩花鸟。下图:黑地刻漆童子拜观音。

67、Chinese ancestors began to make lacquer ware about 7,000 years ago. ─── 大约在七千多年以前,我们的祖先就已经能制造漆器了。

68、He painted the iron table with black lacquer. ─── 他用黑漆把铁桌子漆了。

69、The red lacquer work on the upper wall was badly chipped. ─── 墙面上的红漆已经脱落了不少。

70、A Excuse me, how much for the lacquer table? ─── A劳驾,这张漆器桌卖多少钱?

71、About ten days before the marriage,a peculiar ornament made of jade,or red lacquer,was sent to the home of the bride. ─── 大约在婚礼前的十几天,一件玉或红亮漆做的装饰品送到了新娘家。

72、Used as solvent for manufacturing lacquer of dinitrocellulose, crylic acid and polyurethane. ─── 可在生产硝基纤维素漆、丙烯酸漆、聚胺酯漆等时用作溶剂;

73、Paper cuttings used to the used as patterns, especially for embroidery and lacquer works. ─── 剪纸曾被用来做花样,尤其是用于刺绣和漆器品。

74、Tu also Matte Black lacquer, but definitely not your blood boil. ─── 也有涂哑光黑漆的,但绝对没有火气。

75、Glossy white lacquered cabinetry and low profile hardware keep this kitchen sleek and modern. ─── 10、光亮的瓷质表面和设计简单的用具,让这个厨房保持现代感。

76、The entrance to my building, a former mansion, is marked with a pair of carved pillow stones that hold a lacquered gate in place. ─── 我的住处是一栋老式小楼,入口处有一扇涂漆大门,大门下面有一对刻着花纹的枕石。

77、Would you like to try this sequined wool shawl and this lacquered bag? ─── 你要不要试披这条镶亮片的羊毛披肩,再搭配这个漆皮皮包吗?

78、Other rooms are decorated with Chinese lacquered panels, gilded work, ornate wood carvings and large murals. ─── 其他房间也装饰着中国涂漆板画、镀金制品以及华丽的木雕和巨幅的壁画。

79、At each side stood a low table of foreign lacquer in the shape of plum-blossom. ─── 两边设一对梅花式洋漆小几.

80、Ruby-red and silver-flashing lacquer catches your eyes in first sight. ─── 宝红闪银烤漆端庄大方,独创的加厚门板更显厚重。

81、Tomb in pottery, bronzes, jade, lacquer, such as appliances and precious life of sacrificial lambs. ─── 墓中有陶器、铜器、玉器、漆器等生活用具和珍贵的殉葬品。

82、Product introduction: RX21 series resistor is lacquered wire wound resistor. ─── 产品介绍:RX21型电阻器为被漆型绕线电阻器。

83、The application situation of waterborne wood lacquer in coating door and window is introduced. ─── 介绍了水性木器漆在门窗涂装中的应用情况。

84、Nitrocellulose for lacquer sells well in southeast Asia and enjoys high reputation in some other markets as well. ─── 公司产品在国内外市场上享有盛誉,公司多次获得四川省“重合同、守信用”企业称号。

85、Rolled aluminium alloy sheets, aluminium foil and sheets, lacquered aluminium foil and sheets,... ─── 分类标题:有色金属型材|铝和铝合金...

86、The twenty delegates were already seated about a long line of polished lacquer tables placed end to end. ─── 二十名代表已经围着一长排拼在一起、漆得亮亮的桌子坐下来了。

87、Four-petal block,Ruyi head;plain fittings,Pima lacquer;round tip,rigid steel ridge.Simple and sharp,a good Jian! ─── 四瓣挡,如意首;简素装,披麻漆;圆剑尖,硬钢脊。简素利落好剑味!

88、Cylinders and boxes of different shapes and sizes, made of PVC, PP, PET, can be silk-screened in different colors or lacquered in gold or silver. ─── 各种不同形状和尺码的胶盒及圆筒,可以用PVC,PP,PET等片材制造,并可丝印各种颜色和烫金烫银,并可用复膜保护产品的外观.

89、He has planned to lacquer the old table. ─── 他计划给旧桌子上一层漆。

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