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fescue 发音

英:['feskju?]  美:['f?skj?]

英:  美:

fescue 中文意思翻译



fescue 网络释义

n. 教鞭;牛毛草

fescue 词性/词形变化,fescue变形


fescue 短语词组

1、fescue foot ─── [医]羊茅足

2、fescue hay ─── 羊茅干草

3、tall fescue ─── 高羊茅;牛尾草

4、amethyst fescue ─── 紫水晶羊茅

5、sheep fescue ─── 羊茅

6、fescue sod ─── 羊茅草皮

7、fescue pronounce ─── 羊茅音

8、fescue sod okc ─── 羊茅草皮

9、fescue picture ─── 羊茅画

10、fescue grass ─── [网络] 狐尾草;羊茅草

11、fescue sod pallet ─── 羊茅草皮托盘

12、fescue straw ─── 羊茅秸秆

13、fescue seedling ─── 羊茅苗

14、fescue grass pictures ─── 羊茅图片

15、meadow fescue ─── 牛尾草

16、red fescue ─── 紫羊茅

17、sheep's fescue ─── [网络] 细叶型羊茅

fescue 相似词语短语

1、fesse ─── 中带(盾形纹章的中央横线)

2、fescues ─── n.教鞭;细叶草

3、rescues ─── n.救援;营救(rescue的复数形式);vt.救援(rescue的第三人称单数形式);救出

4、miscue ─── n.撞歪;失误;vi.撞歪;错过提示

5、rescuer ─── n.救助者

6、rescued ─── 救援

7、-esce ─── abbr.欧洲比较内分泌学会(europeansocietyforcomparativeendocrinology)

8、lesche ─── 阅读

9、rescue ─── v.营救,援救;(非正式)防止……丢失;n.营救,解救,援救;营救行动

fescue 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: Endophytic fungi Neotyphodium coenophialum and N. lolii have symbiotic relation to tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) respectively. ─── 内生真菌Neotyphodium coenophialum和N. lolii与高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)和多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)构成共生关系。

2、high fescue ─── n. 高牛尾草

3、Much of the value of the timoth/meadow fescue ley for milk production is attributable to its palatability. ─── 梯牧草/草地羊茅轮作草场对于饲养奶牛的主要价值,就在于其适口性好。

4、Therefore, carbenicillin was the preferable choice of the two tested antibiotics for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of tall fescue. ─── 因此,在农杆菌介导高羊茅遗传转化中,抑菌剂以选用羧苄青霉素较为合适。

5、Appling PP333 can reduce the tall fescue turf growth rate also, and improve underground biomass and the disease resistance, restrain tillering, and harm for the turf greenness and uniformity. ─── 施用多效唑可延缓高羊茅的生长速度,促进地下生物量积累,增强抗病性,但抑制分蘖,对颜色、整齐度有伤害作用。

6、The Comprehensive Evaluation on Tall Fescue by the Grey Correlative Degree Analysis Method ─── 应用灰色关联度分析法综合评价高羊茅品种初探

7、Much of the value of the timothy/meadow fescue ley for milk production is attributable to its palatability ─── 梯牧草;草地牛毛轮作草场对于饲养奶牛的主要价值,就在于其适口性好。

8、Effect of Fertilization-N on Tall Fescue Seed Yield and Yield Components of Seed Crop ─── 施氮对高羊茅种子产量组分和产量的影响

9、In Xinyang region, tall fescue was selected as the main lawn seed mixing with perennial bluegrass and ryegrass. ─── 在信阳地区,建议草坪建植以冷季型草坪草高羊茅为建群种,与早熟禾和黑麦草混播。

10、rattail fescue ─── n. 鼠茅

11、Study on the Resistance of Tall Fescue Infected by Endophyte Fungus to Brown Patch ─── 内生真菌感染对高羊茅褐斑病抗性的研究

12、Occurrence and Control of Disease and Pest of Sheen Fescue in Shanghai ─── 上海地区高羊茅草坪病虫草害的发生与防治

13、Effects of NaCl stress on ions absorption and transportation and plant growth of tall fescue[J].Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2005,38 (7):1458-1465. ─── NaCl胁迫对苇状羊茅离子吸收与运输及其生长的影响[J].中国农业科学,2005,38(7):1458-1465.

14、The reinforcing effect of Bermudagrass is better than those of the Bahiagrass and tall fescue. ─── 百慕达的固土效果优于百喜草和高羊茅的固土效果。

15、3 varieties of red fescue turned yellow because of high temperature and performed better in winter, 'Tamara'was better than other two. ─── 3个紫羊茅品种中表现好的是 Tamara,高温时均出现枯黄斑 ,冬季表现很好。

16、six weeks fescue ─── n. 八花羊茅

17、Effects of Various Fertilization Treatments on Turf Quality of Tall Fescue. ─── 不同施肥处理对高羊茅草坪质量的影响。

18、Title: Effects of Various Fertilization Treatments on Turf Quality of Tall Fescue. ─── 关键词:缓释肥料;控释肥料;速效肥料;高羊茅;草坪质量

19、The turf could be formed with bermuda grass, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass when the cement content was low. ─── 在用低量水泥作为粘接材料基质种植狗牙根、高羊茅和多年生黑麦草时,能基本成坪。

20、Measuring results had certain reference value to maintenance and management of tall fescue lawn. ─── 所测结果对高羊茅的养护和管理有一定的参考价值。

21、Nest-type Beijing Olympic Stadium was simulated to study the pattern of heat accumulation and its impacts on the growth of Tall Fescue(Festuca arundinacea). ─── 本文模拟了北京奥运国家运动场的鸟巢式框架结构,并对运动场的热集聚效应及其对结构内高羊茅草坪生长所造成的影响进行了研究分析。

22、Effects of planting patterns on dry weight, N yield and dinitrogen fixation in alfalfa meadow fescue pasture are studied by using split plot design in the field for two successive years. ─── 田间试验采用裂区设计,在不同种植模式下采用15N示踪研究了苜蓿与牛尾草混播及单播草地的产草量、产氮量和固氮量的变化。

23、The Key Point on Conservation and Managent of Tall fescue Turf-grass in Nanjing Region ─── 南京地区高羊茅草坪草的养护管理技术

24、Draught resistance order of the four herbs is: Bermuda>molasses grass>ryegrass>tall fescue. ─── 四种草本植物抗旱性由强到弱的顺序为:百慕大>糖蜜草>黑麦草>高羊茅;

25、The disease investigation of tall fescue turfgrass was studied under different nitrogen and potassium application treatments in the field. ─── 摘要在大田条件下,研究高羊茅施用氮、钾肥对夏季褐斑病发病的影响。

26、The results showed that high concentration of 2,4-D was required for callus induction from mature seeds of tall fescue, and combination of 8mg/L 2,4-D with 2mg/L ABA gave best induction effects. ─── 研究表明,高羊茅成熟种子愈伤组织诱导需要较高浓度的2,4-D,以8mg/L 2,4-D与2mg/L ABA配合能获得最佳的诱导效果;

27、Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Eco-physiology in Two Turf-type Tall Fescue Cultivars ─── 两种草坪型高羊茅光合生理生态机理的研究

28、creeping red fescue ─── n. 匍匐紫羊茅

29、fescue foot ─── 家畜羊茅中毒症

30、F ig.4 R e la tive con ten t of pro line from leaves of ta ll fescu e1. ─── 标题: 图4高羊茅植株叶片脯氨酸的相对含量1.对照非转基因植株;

31、Keywords Japanese lawngrass;Yellow tall fescue;Somaclonal variation;Regeneration system;Agrobacterium;Genetic transformation; ─── 日本结缕草;黄叶高羊茅;体细胞无性系变异;再生体系;农杆菌;遗传转化;

32、meadow fescue ─── 牛尾草

33、Influence of The Physiological and Biochemical indexes of tall fescue irrigated with some kinds of different Suspended Materials Concentration Reclaimed Water ─── 不同悬浮物浓度的再生水对高羊茅生理生化指标的影响

34、arctic fescue ─── n. 毛稃紫羊茅

35、The different irrigation quantity has significant effect on growth rate and underground biomass of Tall Fescue. ─── 不同灌水量对高羊茅生长速度、地下生物量的增加影响较显著。

36、When combined N was appropriately applied to soil, on which alfalfa and meadow fescue had been planted, it could promote increasing nitrogen fertility in soil. ─── 少量化合态氮素的施入对种植苜蓿牛尾草的土壤氮素肥力的提高有明显的促进作用。

37、Dong A X,Hu L,Zhao M Q,Zhang X M,Zhang F S.Effect of nitrogen and potassium application on the disease of tall fescue turf under field[J].Acta Agrestia Sinica,2002,10(3):203-206. ─── [1]董爱香,胡林,赵美琦,张新民,张福锁.夏季施氮、钾肥对高羊茅褐斑病的影响[J].草地学报,2002,10 (3):203-206.

38、Occurrence and Control of Brown Patch Disease of Tall Fescue Turf in Shanghai ─── 上海地区高羊茅草坪褐斑病的发生及防治研究

39、Breeding, comparison and extension of new lines of cool-season turf-type tall fescue - "98-8" and "Shangnong Dwarf Tall Fescue ─── 坪用型高羊茅新品系“98-8”和“上农矮生高羊茅”的选育、鉴定和推广

40、Identification of an Antimicriobial Endophytic Fungus Associatied with Tall Fescue and It's Antagonism on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ─── 一株高羊茅内生真菌的分离、鉴定以及对油菜菌核病原菌抗性的初步研究

41、Idaho fescue ─── n. 爱达荷狐茅

42、Effect of organic, inorganic fertilizer and combined application on Tall Fescue growth and cold-resistance ─── 有机、无机肥及其配施对苇状羊茅生长及抗寒性的影响

43、In the same addition, the growth situation of alfalfa and ryegrass is better than america chicory and tall fescue. ─── 在添加剂相同的情况下,黑麦草、紫花苜蓿的生长情况比美洲菊苣、高羊茅要好。

44、Effect of multiple-effect-triazole on growth characters of tall fescue ─── 多效唑对高羊茅草坪草生长特性的影响

45、Aboveground biomass, regeneration rate and the water content of perennial ryegrass.Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue under different soil moisture gradient were measured under field conditions. ─── 摘要研究水分处理对三种草坪草高羊茅、草地早熟禾和多年生黑麦草地上生物量、草坪草再生速度及其叶片含水量的影响情况。

46、Effect of plant growth regulators on the growth of kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue ─── 利用植物生长调节剂促控早熟禾、高羊茅生长速度的研究

47、Yu Guihong,Ma Hongxiang,She Jiangming,Yang Feiwu,LU Weizhong.Callus induction and plantlet regeneration from mature seeds of turf type tall fescue[J].Jiangsu J of Agr Sci,2004,20 (1):38-43. ─── [8]余桂红,马鸿翔,佘建明,杨飞武,陆维忠.草坪型高羊茅成熟种子胚性愈伤组织诱导及植株再生[J].江苏农业学报,2004,20(1):38-43.

48、Study on characteristics of activity oxygen and plasma permeability in leaves of different types tall fescue varieties in different temperature stress ─── 温度胁迫下外引高羊茅活性氧代谢与细胞膜透性的变化

49、What advantage is it to be a man, over it is to be a boy at school, if we have only escaped the ferula to come under the fescue of an Imprimatur; ─── 如果我们从老师的教鞭底下逃出来又落到了出版许可制的刑棍底下,如果严肃而认真的写作不过是课堂上一个文法练习题,不经过草率从事的检查员胡乱检查一下就不能发表;

50、alpine fescue ─── n. 高山羊茅

51、amethyst fescue ─── n. 紫水晶羊茅

52、wood fescue ─── n. 林羊茅

53、Effects of Pruning on Spring Growth Characteristics of Tall Fescue ─── 修剪对高羊茅草坪春季生长特性的影响

54、Breeding, comparison and extension of new lines of cool-season turf-type tall fescue - "98-8" and "Shangnong Dwarf Tall Fescue" ─── 坪用型高羊茅新品系"98-8"和"上农矮生高羊茅"的选育、鉴定和推广

55、Changes in freezing tolerance and their relations to carbohydrates and proline concentrations during cold acclimation in tall fescue ─── 冷锻炼下高羊茅抗冻性的变化与碳水化合物和脯氨酸含量的关系

56、Overall appearance point of view, uniformity of tall fescue is similar at different fertilization modes. ─── 整体外观上看,不同培肥模式下高羊茅草坪均一性较好。

57、Thermotolerance Related to Antioxidation Induced by Salicylic Acid and Heat Hardening in Tall Fescue Seedlings ─── 水杨酸和热锻炼诱导的高羊茅幼苗的耐热性与抗氧化的关系

58、Moreover, some Suggestions on tall fescue breeding in our country are put forward. ─── 此外,还提出对酸浆属植物育种研究的建议和展望。

59、shade fescue ─── n. 异叶羊茅

60、Effect of Multiple-effect Triazole on Heat Tolerance of Tall Fescue Turf Grass ─── 多效唑对高羊茅草坪草耐热性的影响

61、hard fescue ─── 硬羊茅

62、Much of the value of the timothy/meadow fescue ley for milk production is attributable to its palatability. ─── 梯牧草/草地牛毛轮作草场对于饲养奶牛的主要价值,就在于其适口性好。

63、Effects of Water-retaining Agent on Emergence and Growth of Tall Fescue ─── 保水剂对高羊茅种子萌发及幼苗生长发育的影响

64、Funk C R,Wiley W K,King D E,et al.Registration of Mustang tall fescue[J].Crop Sci.,1984,24:1211. ─── 农业部北京克劳沃草业技术开发中心.草坪型高羊茅草坪的建植与管理技术[J].草业科学,2002,19(5):76.

65、13. Much of the value of the timothy/meadow fescue ley for milk production is attributable to its palatability. ─── 梯牧草/草地牛毛轮作草场对于饲养奶牛的主要价值,就在于其适口性好。

66、Studies on Seed Productive Characteristics of Different Varieties in Turf-type Tall Fescue and Red Fescue ─── 不同品种草坪型羊茅种子生产性能研究

67、A study on improving degraded sown grassland with tall fescue ─── 优良禾草苇状羊茅改良退化人工草地试验研究

68、Company established in 2005, Main Gift Liquor - Wuxing You fescue, human wine; Wine - Wellington Scotch whiskey; wine - dry red beautiful manor series. ─── 公司2005年成立,主营礼品白酒-五星贵茅、人间美酒;洋酒-威灵顿苏格兰威士忌;葡萄酒-美丽庄园系列干红。

69、Keywords bio-augmentation;oil-contaminated soil;tall fescue(Festuca arundinace);effects; ─── 微生物强化分解;石油污染土壤;高羊茅;影响;

70、In experimental grasslands in the Midwestern US, we manipulated the presence of the mutualism between tall fescue and N. coenophialum. ─── 在美国中西部草原的实验,我们控制之间的高羊茅和N。生真菌共生的存在。

71、The drought resistance and cold resistance of tall fescue is strongest among the various cultivars in this paper, followed by that of bulegrass, ryegrass in declined order. ─── 其耐旱及耐寒性依次为高羊茅>早熟禾>黑麦草。

72、California fescue ─── n. 加州羊茅

73、23. Much of the value of the timoth/meadow fescue ley for milk production is attributable to its palatability. ─── 梯牧草/草地羊茅轮作草场对于饲养奶牛的主要价值,就在于其适口性好。

74、The research progress of the effects of endophyte on the tall fescue and perennial ryegrass ─── 内生真菌对苇状羊茅和多年生黑麦草影响的研究进展

75、The content of fatty acid of 12 forage samples including alfalfa, tall fescue, orchard grass and smooth brome were analyzed. ─── 对紫花苜蓿、苇状羊茅、鸭茅、无芒雀麦等12个饲草样品进行了脂肪酸含量的测定,并与豆油、菜籽油和棉籽油等植物油脂肪酸成分进行了比较。

76、foxtail fescue ─── n. 孤尾羊茅

77、Effects of Several Chemical Substances and Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination of Tall Fescue ─── 几种化学物质和温度处理对高羊茅种子发芽的影响

78、Study on soil moisture dynamics of tall fescue turf in Tianjin ─── 天津泰达高羊茅草坪土壤水分动态研究

79、Ornamental grass such as mondo grass, pampas grass, blue fescue, etc. ─── 观赏植物包括粗草、蒲苇、牛毛草等。

80、hair fescue ─── n. 细叶羊茅

81、broad-leaved fescue ─── n. 宽叶狐茅

82、Taking tall fescue lawn as experiment material,its growth characteristics including plant height,density,root length,leaf area,chlorophyll content and the photosynthesis speed were measured in spring. ─── 以高羊茅草坪为试验材料,春季对其修剪前后植株株高、密度、根长、叶面积、叶绿素含量、光合速率、色泽等主要生长指标进行了测定。

83、Wang Haisheng,Xia Ning,Duan Zuoliang,Wang Shuying.Effect of turfgrass retardant on the growth of tall fescue turfgrass[J].Journal of Nanjing Forestry University,2001,25(1):67-70. ─── [2]王海生,夏宁,段作亮,汪淑英.草坪矮化剂对高羊茅生长的影响[J].南京林业大学学报,2001,25(1):67-70.

84、L4 Weed-clean metabolize into innocuous substance in grass.It is safe to Cool-season grasses, such as Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Ryegrass, Fescue etc. ─── L4杂草净在草坪草植株体内迅速代谢为无害物,对冷季型草如早熟禾、翦股颖、黑麦草和高羊茅等安全。

85、pointer fescue, orders for the day ─── 指字棒, 教鞭

86、The results of this study are of valuable in terms of maintenance and management practices of the tall fescue lawn. ─── 本研究得到的系列结果可以为高羊茅草坪的日常养护、管理和经营实践提供一些具有指导性的途径和方法。

87、rough fescue ─── n. 粗糙羊茅

88、Ingredient: hibiscus, hip pericarp, apple, erberry, spice, orange pericarp, bramble, strawberry, British sweet chrysanthemum, fescue. ─── 成份:芙蓉(木槿)、蔷薇果皮、苹果、接骨木果、香料、柑橘皮、树莓、草莓、英国甜菊、牛毛草。

89、Solid roots and soil slope capability is molasses grass>tall fescue>Bermuda>ryegrass. ─── 根系固坡保土能力依此为糖蜜草>高羊茅>百慕大>黑麦草。

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