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08-16 投稿


spathe 发音

英:[spe??]  美:[spe?]

英:  美:

spathe 中文意思翻译



spathe 短语词组

1、spathe pics ─── 小插画

2、spathe socom ─── 肥皂铲

3、spathe tampa ─── 斯帕 ─── 斯坦帕

4、spathe def ─── 斯帕特定义

5、spathe lilly ─── 百合花

6、spathe inc ─── 西班牙

7、spathe systems ─── 喷溅系统

8、spathe flower ─── [网络] 刮花

9、spathe llc ─── 斯帕特有限责任公司

spathe 词性/词形变化,spathe变形


spathe 相似词语短语

1、scathe ─── v.损伤,损害;严词抨击;(诗、文,被闪电或火)灼伤;n.损伤,损害

2、snathe ─── n.大镰刀的柄

3、spreathe ─── 喷溅

4、spathes ─── n.[植]佛焰苞

5、spathed ─── 喷溅

6、swathe ─── n.(割了庄稼的)一长条田地;一长条;绷带,包装物;v.包,裹;紧绑

7、spathose ─── adj.多晶石的,似晶石的,晶石的

8、spate ─── n.一连串(不愉快的事物);(河水)猛涨;洪水;大雨

9、sheathe ─── vt.覆盖;插入鞘;包装

spathe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3.Flowers unisexual, dioecious, solitary on spathe; ─── 花单性,雌雄异株,单生于佛焰苞中;

2、common European arum with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; emerges in early spring; source of a sagolike starch called arum . ─── 欧洲的一种普通的疆南星,佛焰苞直立,披针形,佛焰花序短,紫色。

3、Spathe 1-valved, pale brown, 9--12 mm, membranous, longitudinally striate when dry, persistent. ─── 佛焰苞1瓣裂,淡褐色,9-12毫米,膜质,纵向干燥时具条纹,宿存。

4、calla having a rose-colored spathe. ─── 拥有粉红色苞的水芋。

5、ornamental plant of Middle East cultivated for its dark purple spathe. ─── 生长于中东的一种观赏性植物,目的是观赏其暗紫色的佛烟苞。

6、malodorous tropical plant having a spathe that resembles the corolla of a morning glory and attains a diameter of several feet ─── 有恶臭味的热带植物,具有一个类似于牵牛花花冠的佛焰苞其直径达几英尺

7、commonly cultivated anthurium having bright scarlet spathe and spadix. ─── 通常被载植的花烛属植物,有鲜红色的佛焰苞和肉穗花序。

8、plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries ─── 一种生长在温带湿地和沼泽地的植物,其小的、微绿的花部分被一个白色佛焰苞包裹,其浆果呈红色

9、Spade is from the Spanish espada, or “sward,” which comes ultimately from the Greek spathe which meant “wooden sword. ─── 铲是从西班牙埃斯帕达或“草皮” ,这是最终从希佛焰苞这意味着“木头剑。

10、Spath PL. Clinical Paths: Tools for outcomes management [M].America Hospital, Publishing Inc, 1994 ─── 吴袁剑云,英立平主编.临床路径实施手册[M].北京:北京医科大学出版社,2002:9-13

11、The longest spathe of submersed plant was measured more than 60 cm! ─── 这种水生植物的佛焰苞经多大60厘米长。

12、Inflorescence a raceme, enclosed by spathe; ─── 花序为一总状花序,藏于佛焰苞;

13、early spring-flowering plant of eastern North America resembling the related jack-in-the-pulpit but having digitate leaves,slender greenish yellow spathe and elongated spadix ─── 一种早春开花的北美东部的海芋,与近缘天南星的区别在于它具有掌状叶、细长的淡绿黄色佛焰苞及伸长的佛焰花序

14、2. A western North American plant (Lysichitum americanum) having a bright yellow spathe with an inflated upper part. ─── 臭菘属植物:北美洲西部的植物(臭菘),有上部膨胀的黄色显眼的佛焰苞

15、An eastern North American tuberous herb(Arisaema triphyllum)having a striped,leaflike spathe with a bent blade and three - lobed leaves. ─── 三叶天南星生长在北美洲东部的一种块茎状草本植物(印度天南星天南星属),长有带斑纹的叶状佛焰苞,由弯曲的叶片和有三瓣裂片的叶子构成

16、译文 :Even in the same small town, they will neither cross each other’spath nor recognize each other walking on the same street sometime inthe future. ─── 原文 :即使在同一个小小的城市,也不曾再相逢。某一天某一刻,走在同一条街,也看不见对方。

17、Any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spite of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental. ─── 作为装饰而养殖的长有白色或绿色芳香佛焰苞的白鹤芋属植物。

18、Spathe thinly leathery; ─── 佛焰苞薄革质;

19、early spring-flowering plant of eastern North America resembling the related jack-in-the-pulpit but having digitate leaves, slender greenish yellow spathe and elongated spadix. ─── 一种早春开花的北美东部的海芋,与近缘天南星的区别在于它具有掌状叶、细长的淡绿黄色佛焰苞及伸长的佛焰花序。

20、4. any plant of the genus Alocasia having large showy basal leaves and boat-shaped spathe and reddish berries. ─── 海芋属中的任何一种植物,具有艳丽的基叶,船形的佛焰苞和微红的浆果。

21、common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries ─── 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色

22、common European arum with lanceolate spathe and short purple spadix; emerges in early spring; source of a sagolike starch called arum ─── 欧洲的一种普通的疆南星,佛焰苞直立,披针形,佛焰花序短,紫色

23、A European plant(Arum maculatum) having arrow-shaped leaves, a yellow-green spathe, and scarlet berries. ─── 欧洲疆南星一种欧洲的植物(疆南星属天南星科点纹疆南星),生箭状叶子、红绿色的佛焰苞并结鲜红色浆果

24、South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix . ─── 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南非种植植物。

25、Flowering stems erect, solid, terminating in a leaf, spathe, and inflorescence. ─── 花茎直立,硬,末端为叶,佛焰苞和花序。

26、common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries. ─── 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色。

27、a marsh plant(Calla palustris) of the North Temperate zone,having small,densely clustered,greenish flowers partly enclosed in a spreading white spathe ─── 生于北温带的一种沼泽植物(水芋水芋属),长有小的、紧簇的、部分包在伸展的白色花苞内的浅绿色花朵

28、Spathe-tube convolute, 4-6 cm long, spathe blade greenish or white, elliptic, 2-5 cm long, tailed at apex.Flowers unisexual. ─── 佛焰苞管部旋卷,长4-6厘米,佛焰苞片椭圆形,淡绿色至白色,长2-5厘米,顶端具尾状尖头;

29、Inflorescence a terminal spike, many flowered, enveloped while young by a membranous spathe. ─── 顶生穗状花序,多花的,幼时被膜质佛焰苞包围。

30、Inflorescence a terminal spike, many flowered, enveloped while young by a membranous spathe. ─── 顶生穗状花序,多花的,幼时被膜质佛焰苞包围。

31、clump-forming deciduous perennial swamp plant of western North America similar to Symplocarpus foetidus but having a yellow spathe. ─── 北美西部的一种丛状、多年生、每年落叶的沼生植物,除具有一个黄色的佛焰苞外其他地方与臭菘相似。

32、4.malodorous tropical plant having a spathe that resembles the corolla of a morning glory and attains a diameter of several feet. ─── 有恶臭味的热带植物,具有一个类似于牵牛花花冠的佛焰苞其直径达几英尺。

33、South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix. ─── 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南非种植植物。

34、Flowering stems erect, solid, terminating in a leaf, spathe, and inflorescence. ─── 花茎直立,硬,末端为叶,佛焰苞和花序。

35、Hotel Am Kurpark Spath : Book online and save up to 30%. ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

36、plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries. ─── 一种生长在温带湿地和沼泽地的植物,其小的、微绿的花部分被一个白色佛焰苞包裹,其浆果呈红色。

37、At the microspore stage, the spathe unfolded and the stigma was unvisibale. ─── 二胞花粉期,柱头伸出,小花呈暗紫红色。

38、one flower had 2 spathe stipules or not; ─── 单花具2枚佛焰苞状托叶或无;

39、1. An ill-smelling, eastern North American swamp plant (Symplocarpus foetidus) having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purplish spathe. ─── 臭菘:一种北美东部的有难闻气味的湿地植物(臭菘),有被淡绿色或淡紫色的杂色佛焰苞围绕的小花

40、I advised him to photograph the spathe of the plants, so he did in February. ─── 我建议他把这两种椒草的佛焰苞用相机拍下来,他在二月份照到了。

41、A marsh plant(Calla palustris) of the North Temperate zone, having small, densely clustered, greenish flowers partly enclosed in a spreading white spathe. ─── 水芋生于北温带的一种沼泽植物(水芋水芋属),长有小的、紧簇的、部分包在伸展的白色花苞内的浅绿色花朵

42、any plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe. ─── 欧洲及亚洲产的一个大草本属;通常具心叶状及一个大佛焰苞以其边缘基部内卷。

43、spathe valve ─── 佛焰苞片

44、1.perennial herb of the eastern United States having arrowhead-shaped leaves and an elongate pointed spathe and green berries. ─── 美国东部的一种多年生草本植物,具有箭头形的叶子,一个伸长的、尖形的佛焰苞和绿色的浆果。

45、Tuberous perennial having a cowl-shaped maroon or violet-black spathe. ─── 一种欧洲的海芋属植物,具有一个帽罩形状的佛焰苞。

46、Spathe 1-valved, persistent. ─── 佛焰苞1瓣裂,宿存。

47、Its flower is distinctive, for spathe, colour and lustre is bright-coloured and luxuriant, color is rich, it is world rare flowers. ─── 希腊文名之“安世莲”,译意为“有尾的花”。它有如一只伸开的红色手掌,在掌心上竖起一小条金****的肉穗,在学术上叫做“佛焰苞”。

48、Foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix. ─── 天南星科的一种具鳞茎的肉质草本植物,产于亚洲东南部的热带,其球茎可食用。

49、perennial herb of the eastern United States having arrowhead-shaped leaves and an elongate pointed spathe and green berries ─── 美国东部的一种多年生草本植物,具有箭头形的叶子,一个伸长的、尖形的佛焰苞和绿色的浆果

50、Inflorescence paniculate, exserted from spathe. ─── 花序圆锥状,从佛焰苞外露。

51、A European plant(Arum maculatum)having arrow - shaped leaves,a yellow - green spathe,and scarlet berries. ─── 欧洲疆南星一种欧洲的植物(疆南星属天南星科点纹疆南星),生箭状叶子、红绿色的佛焰苞并结鲜红色浆果

52、spathe of submersed plant was measured more than 60 cm! ─── 水生植物的佛焰苞经多大60厘米长。

53、cstring spath = m_musicary.getat(index); ─── "正在播放...

54、an eastern North American tuberous herb(Arisaema triphyllum) having a striped,leaflike spathe with a bent blade and three-lobed leaves ─── 三叶天南星,生长在北美洲东部的一种块茎状草本植物(印度天南星天南星属),长有带斑纹的叶状佛焰苞,由弯曲的叶片和有三瓣裂片的叶子构成

55、ornamental plant of Middle East cultivated for its dark purple spathe. ─── 生长于中东的一种观赏性植物,目的是观赏其暗紫色的佛烟苞。

56、Any of various perennial herbs in the arum family, including houseplants such as the anthurium, dieffenbachia, and philodendron and having tiny flowers crowded in a spadix that is subtended by a spathe. ─── 天南星科植物一种海芋科多年生植物,包括室内盆栽植物,如花烛属,花叶万年青属,和黄蘖属植物,有密集在佛焰花序里的小花,包在佛焰苞里

57、A fleshy clublike spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheathlike spathe, characteristic of aroid plants, such as the calla and the jack-in-the-pulpit. ─── 肉穗花序:一种似棒的肉质穗状花序,通常开有被包在鞘状佛焰苞内的小花,有天南星属植物的特征,如马蹄莲和天南星

58、Spathe 1- or 2-valved, persistent. ─── 佛焰苞瓣裂1或2,宿存。

59、A marsh plant(Calla palustris)of the North Temperate zone,having small,densely clustered,greenish flowers partly enclosed in a spreading white spathe. ─── 水芋生于北温带的一种沼泽植物(水芋水芋属),长有小的、紧簇的、部分包在伸展的白色花苞内的浅绿色花朵

60、Control of Browning of Spath Tissues of Cut Heliconia rostrata ─── 金嘴蝎尾蕉切花苞片褐变的控制

61、Spathe thinly leathery, persistent. ─── 佛焰苞薄革质,宿存。

62、An eastern North American tuberous herb(Arisaema triphyllum) having a striped, leaflike spathe with a bent blade and three-lobed leaves. ─── 三叶天南星生长在北美洲东部的一种块茎状草本植物(印度天南星天南星属),长有带斑纹的叶状佛焰苞,由弯曲的叶片和有三瓣裂片的叶子构成

63、deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe ─── 北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,早春生出一气味难闻、淡紫褐色、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇宽叶围绕

64、deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe. ─── 北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,早春生出一气味难闻、淡紫褐色、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇宽叶围绕。


sauna,steam room:桑拿,蒸汽房。The leisure club also has a spa bath, sauna, steam room and hair and beautysalon. 该休闲俱乐部也有一个温泉浴池、桑拿浴室、蒸汽浴室和美容美发院。






abbr. 上午,午前(ante meridiem的缩写)

例:My friend phoned me at 10 a.m. Yesterday.



abbr. 下午(post meridiem)

例:The spa is open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day of the year.




1、上午 a.m.的近义词为morning


英 ['m??n??] ; 美 ['m??rn??]

n. 早晨;上午;开端

例:Did you really feel ill this morning?



在美式英语中, morning的复数形式mornings可用作状语,意思是“每天早晨,每天上午”,也可表示“在上午”。



英 [?ɑ?ft?'nu?n];美 [??ft?r'nu?n]

n. 下午

例:She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon.



一般说“在下午”用介词in,但当afternoon前有修饰成分如“某日的下午”或“星期×的下午”时用on,但当其前又有时间状语时,on也可换为in。afternoon与this, that, yesterday, tomorrow, every, all等限定词连用时相当于副词短语,其前不使用介词。afternoon用作状语时,其前也不使用介词。

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