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08-16 投稿


Denmark 发音

英:[?denmɑ?rk]  美:[?denmɑ?k]

英:  美:

Denmark 中文意思翻译



Denmark 短语词组

1、Denmark Strait ─── 丹麦海峡

2、LGBT rights in Denmark ─── 丹麦男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者的权利

3、denmark tourism guide ─── 丹麦旅游指南

4、prince of denmark ─── 丹麦王子

5、denmark mp ─── 丹麦议员

6、denmark mink ─── 丹麦貂皮

7、breeders of denmark ─── 丹麦育种家

8、Helen of Greece and Denmark ─── 希腊和丹麦的海伦

9、hamlet prince of denmark ─── 哈姆雷特丹麦王子

10、Alexandra of Denmark ─── 亚历山德拉皇后

11、denmark technology university ─── 丹麦理工大学

12、denmark pro ─── 丹麦职业选手

13、denmark radio live ─── 丹麦电台直播

14、Copenhagen Denmark Temple ─── 哥本哈根丹麦寺

15、sales report denmark ─── 丹麦销售报告

16、denmark radio player ─── 丹麦广播播放器

17、Kingdom of Denmark ─── [网络] 丹麦王国;北欧的丹麦

18、Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark n. ─── 去掉了本质的东西

19、Denmark Vesey n. ─── 丹马克·维齐

Denmark 相似词语短语

1、denar ─── n.代纳尔(马其顿的货币单位)

2、denary ─── adj.十的;[数]十进制的

3、Denmark ─── n.丹麦(欧洲国家)

4、Danmark ─── n.丹麦

5、daymark ─── n.[航][水运]白昼标志

6、finmark ─── 芬马克(加拿大村庄)

7、demark ─── n.区别;n.(Demark)人名;(英)德马克

8、denars ─── 第纳尔。

9、dentary ─── adj.牙齿的;有齿的;n.[脊椎]齿骨

Denmark 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you have any relatives or friends in Denmark? ─── 13你在丹麦有亲戚、朋友吗?

2、Poppies grow on Bornholm Island in Denmark. ─── 丹麦的博恩荷姆岛位于在波罗的海上,在岛上生长着很多的罂粟。

3、Iceland and Denmark are Darwin's most ardent adherents. ─── 冰岛和丹麦是最热心的达尔文拥护者。

4、Analysts point to Denmark as the litmus test for the euro's appeal. ─── 分析家把丹麦视为欧元吸引力的试金石。

5、And like in Denmark and Britain, talk will inevitably soon come round to when the next referendum will be. ─── 丹麦和英国的情形不一样,人们很快就会谈到下一次公决何时进行的问题。

6、After invaded Poland, their next target was Denmark. ─── 他们侵略波兰后的下一个攻击目标是丹麦。

7、France is one of three EU countries with a fertility rate above the magic replacement level (Denmark and Ireland are the others). ─── 法国是三个出生率超过神奇的更替水平的欧洲国家之一(其余两个是丹麦和爱尔兰)。

8、A native or inhabitant of Denmark. ─── 丹麦人丹麦的本地人或居民

9、He is a Dane inasmuchas he was born in Denmark, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. ─── 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30岁时成了英国公民。

10、Doctor Henrik Clausen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark led the study. ─── 丹麦哥本哈根大学的H。C。博士主持这项研究。

11、The Delegation of Denmark stated that it could agree to the general principles as outlined in cluster B. ─── 丹麦代表团说它可以同意提案集B中归纳的一般性原则。

12、Denmark Copenhagen International Children's Film Festival. ─── 丹麦国际儿童电影节。

13、Denmark has banned them, as has the hamlet of Tiburon, California. ─── 丹麦和加利福尼亚州提布荣的小村庄都已经禁止了它。

14、Denmark's is so hefty that buyers will be able to buy an electric Renault Fluence for a little over half the price of a conventional car. ─── 丹麦的补贴如此可观,以至购买者买一辆雷诺风朗电动车所花的钱只有传统汽车价钱的一半多一点点。

15、Are your parents willing to cover all the expenses during your stay in Denmark? ─── 你的父母愿意支付你吗?

16、Puffy clouds and grazing sheep make a postcard-perfect scene in Denmark's Jutland Peninsula. ─── 丹麦日德兰半岛上游动的白云和放牧的羊群组成一道完美的明信片式的风景。

17、In Denmark the sea embraces people and cities. ─── 丹麦,大海拥抱着这里的城市和人民。

18、Hjordis after that married Hialprek, King of Denmark. ─── 之后,约迪斯与丹麦国王希亚普雷克结婚。

19、Today (Tomorrow) the USA (England etc.) plays the Denmark (Hungary etc. ─── 今天(明天)美国(英国)队和丹麦(匈牙利)队下。

20、A basic unit of currency in Denmark. ─── 丹麦克朗丹麦的一种基本货币单位

21、On May 4 the German High Command surrendered to Montgomery all German forces in northwest Germany, Denmark and Holland. ─── 5月4日,德军最高统帅部命令所有在德国西北部、丹麦和荷兰的德军向蒙哥马利元帅投降。

22、Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper. ─── 丹麦的纸张回收率近85%。

23、However, I didn't make a single astute observation to account for why Denmark ranks so high. ─── 不过,没有洞察出为什么丹麦排名第一的缘由。那是一个可爱的国家。

24、There have been no confirmed cases of SARS in Norway, Sweden, Denmark or Finland. ─── "到目前为止在挪威、瑞典、丹麦和芬兰尚无SARS的确诊病例。

25、Denmark welcomes and applauds the success of China. ─── 丹麦为中国的成就感到由衷的高兴。

26、Guo Zhichao from China and Camilla Martin from Denmark. ─── 中国的龚智超和丹麦的卡米拉·马尔廷。

27、Sixty thousand Prussians invaded Denmark in February. ─── 六万普鲁士人于二月入侵了丹麦。

28、Were it up to women, Mr Lokke Rasmussen would be crushed and Denmark would get its first female prime minister, with a handsome majority. ─── 如果是女候选人获得多数选票脱颖而出,那么勒克·拉斯穆森将被击败,而丹麦则会迎来第一位女首相。

29、On April 2, 1805, Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Denmark. ─── 1805年4月2日,安徒生出生于丹麦的欧登塞。

30、They are Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. ─── 他们是丹麦,卢森堡,荷兰,挪威和瑞典。

31、Of or relating to Denmark, the Danes, their language, or their culture. ─── 丹麦的丹麦的、丹麦人的、他们的语言或他们的文化的,或与这些有关的

32、Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived in Denmark. ─── 从前有个穷苦的孩子住在丹麦。

33、Denmark was his favorite European country. ─── 丹麦是他最喜欢的欧洲国家。

34、The product 70% exportation, mainly sell to countries and so on the Japan, South Korea, Denmark, Canada, US. ─── 产品70%出口,主要销往日本、韩国、丹麦、加拿大、美国等国家。

35、In fact, it is Sweden, not Denmark, that is being invaded. ─── 事实上,正被入侵的是瑞典而不是丹麦。

36、A basic unit of currency in Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. ─── 克朗一种捷克斯洛伐克、丹麦、冰岛、挪威和瑞典等国的货币基本单位

37、The Royal family in Denmark have often made the world take notice of them. ─── 丹麦的皇室曾经常引起世人的注意。

38、Denmark, Poland, and Russia each desired parts of Sweden's exposed Baltic empire. ─── 丹麦、波兰和俄国都对它们面前的这个波罗的海帝国瑞典的某些部分垂涎三尺。

39、He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. ─── 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30岁时成了英国公民。

40、Which forwards are there in Denmark team? ─── 丹麦的前锋线有哪些队员?

41、Greenland isn't a nation, now it is an apanage of Denmark. ─── 但他是单列的,该算地区,比关岛.

42、The scene of Hamlet is Denmark. ─── 《汉姆雷特》的背景是丹麦。

43、DENMARK: WHAT A SHAME, A SAD SCENE. THERE IS NO WORSE BEAST THAN MAN!!!! ─── 丹麦多令人可耻悲哀的场景。世界上再没有动物比这样的人更差劲了!!!!

44、Are they Denmark, France, tourists or visitors ? ─── 3他们是丹麦旅游者还是法国旅游者?

45、He was sure that some day the name Hans Christian Andersen would be known all over Denmark. ─── 他相信将有一天汉斯·克里斯琴·安徒生这个名字会响遍全丹麦的。

46、Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper. ─── 丹麦的纸张回收率达 85%。

47、South Korea and Denmark strengthening bilateral relations. ─── 南韩和丹麦加强双边关系。

48、He told them that he was the Prince of Denmark. ─── 他告诉海盗们他是丹麦的王子。

49、Denmark is a beautiful and dreamlike place. ─── 丹麦是个美丽的梦想之国。

50、Karina : It reminds me of Christmas in Denmark because it's so shiny. ─── 卡丽娜:它令我想起丹麦的圣诞节,因为它看起来好闪亮。

51、Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik has married his Australian fiancee Mary Elizabeth Donaldson in Copenhagen. ─── 丹麦王储弗雷德里克与未婚妻、澳大利亚女子玛丽·伊莉莎白·唐纳森在哥本哈根举行了婚礼。

52、He became the king (of Denmark) in 1886. ─── 他在1886年成为(丹麦的)国王。

53、He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark. ─── 他按出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人。

54、Denmark likewise has until 2014, and the United States has no deadline since it has not ratified the treaty (see article). ─── 丹麦同样直到2014年,和美国没有最后期限,因为它没有批准该条约(见文章)。

55、France won by six goals to two against Denmark. ─── 法国队以六比二战胜丹麦队。

56、Meanwhile, the German plans for a direct assault on Norway and a lightning occupation of Denmark also were advancing. ─── 与此同时,德国企图直接进攻挪威并且以闪电战方式占领丹麦的计划也正在进行之中。

57、At night in Aarhus, Denmark. ─── 交通信号灯图片 Traffic Light.

58、There must be something we can take back as souvenirs of Copenhagen and Denmark. ─── 一定有我们可以带回去的东西,当作回忆哥本哈根和丹麦的纪念品。

59、Join Rudy in the wondrous kingdom of legend and fairytale - DENMARK. ─── 丹麦,一个充满传奇色彩的童话王国。

60、Denmark is a beautiful and dreamlike place. Its beauty and serenity encourage people to create their own fairy tales. ─── 丹麦是个美丽的梦想之国。它的美丽与恬静赋予了人们灵感,创造他们自己的童话故事。

61、K:We plan to visit Denmark and Sweden, too. ─── 凯西:我们也许会去参观丹麦和瑞典。

62、Denmark gets top rankings for life satisfaction and its the amount of buildings it has up to basic standards. ─── 丹麦因生活满意度和达到基本标准的房屋数而进入排名。

63、And the vote comes three years after Denmark also voted against the Euro. ─── 丹麦在三年前投票反对欧元,现在瑞典也投了反对票。

64、Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange? ─── 你是否想到一只袋鼠在丹麦吃橙.

65、A study of nearly 51,000 people in Denmark says no. ─── 一项近51,000人在丹麦展开的研究认为:不!。

66、The capital of Denmark welcomes Kathy and Evan for their three-week stay. ─── 丹麦的首都哥本哈根欢迎凯西和艾凡来观光三个礼拜。

67、These 6 single malt whisky are exchanged by Mr. John Thiesen from Denmark. ─── 共有六瓶单一纯麦威士忌,对我来说真的非常有纪念性!!

68、Wedding show a tint of local convention in rural Denmark. ─── 丹麦人的婚礼带有当地传统的色彩。

69、He does not deserve to be King of Denmark. ─── 他没有资格当丹麦的国王。

70、Denmark must focus on reducing the content of suspended particles in the air. ─── 丹麦必须集中精力减少空气中悬浮颗粒物的数量。

71、Paige: Denmark isn't ready for a queen like me. ─── 丹麦还没准备好让像我这样的人当皇后。

72、Denmark( he was a native of that country and lived there until he was seven) was his favorite European country. ─── 丹麦(他出生在那个国家,一直住到七岁)是他最喜欢的欧洲国家。

73、His success has been mirrored in countries from Australia to Denmark. ─── 从澳大利亚到丹麦,都显示了他的成功。

74、Graffiti covers the side of a ship in one of Denmark's many harbors. ─── 关于丹麦的涂鸦艺术,其实这种到处涂鸦的艺术在丹麦是很少见的,因为这是一块非常和平的图片,这个国家只有用2%财政支出用于:警察、狱、庭开销。

75、France swept to a 6–2 win over Denmark. ─── 法国队以6:2狂胜丹麦队。

76、However, do not assume this to be the case in Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Denmark, or Norway. ─── 但是千万不要认为瑞典,丹麦,或者挪威等地的斯堪的那维亚人也是如此。

77、They tried to chart the sea area between Norway and Denmark. ─── 他们企图绘制挪威与丹麦之间的海域图。

78、Snow around christmas 2002 in Viborg, Denmark. ─── 冬天道恩图片 Winter Dawn 2.

79、Signed in 1998 at a UNECE meeting in Aarhus, Denmark. ─── 1998年在丹麦奥胡斯举行的联合国欧洲经济委员会会议上签署。

80、Look, Kathy! That sign says the border with Denmark is coming up soon. ─── 凯西,看!那个路标写着丹麦边界快到了。

81、Do not they come from Denmark ? ─── 他们不是从丹麦来的吗?

82、Yes, Hamlet. I will, my dear Prince of Denmark. ─── “好的,哈姆雷特。我会的,我亲爱的丹麦王子。”

83、A suicide bomber who killed at least 22 people at a graduation in Somalia was brought up in Denmark, officials say. ─── 近日索马里发生的造成至少22人死亡的毕业典礼自杀式炸弹袭击,其发动者是在丹麦被抚养长大。

84、Bothwell went over the sea,and died in a prison in Denmark. ─── 博思韦尔飘洋过海,并死在了丹麦的监狱中。

85、He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark,but he became a British citizen at the age of 30. ─── 他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人,但他在30 岁时成了英国公民.

86、Denmark - A country of northern Europe on Jutland and adjacent islands. ─── 丹麦:欧洲北部的一个国家,建立在日德兰半岛及其邻近的岛上。

87、But researchers in Denmark decided to look further. ─── 不过,丹麦研究者们决定更深入下去。

88、Maria Timm (X-Broken Beats and present member of Marybell Katastrophy) from Aarhus, Denmark is pop music, yet edgy. ─── 专辑介绍:俏皮的女声.俏皮的旋律.认真品味会感受到其中的细腻.非常舒服的感觉.希望大家喜欢.

89、One day the boy went to ask a favor of the Prince of Denmark. ─── 一天,这个男孩找到丹麦王子去寻求帮助。

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