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08-16 投稿


essence 发音

英:['es(?)ns]  美:['?sns]

英:  美:

essence 中文意思翻译



essence 网络释义

n. 本质,实质;精华;香精n. (Essence)人名;(英)埃森丝

essence 词性/词形变化,essence变形


essence 短语词组

of the essence

1. 非常重要的

Hurry up! Time is of the essence.

赶快! 时间是至关重要的。

in essence

1. 在本质上

These two matters are different in essence.


1、in essence ─── 本质上, 实质上 [法] 实质上

2、apple essence ─── [机] 戊酸异酯

3、essence of peppermint ─── [医] 薄荷露, 洋薄荷醑

4、essence of the contract ─── [法] 契约成立要素

5、a flower essence ─── 花朵精华

6、caviar essence ─── 鱼子酱精华

7、pepsin essence ─── [医] 胃蛋白酶露, 胃蛋白酶凝乳酶ю

8、essence of the evidence ─── [法] 证据本质, 证据的要素

9、pearl essence ─── 珍珠精

10、essence of law ─── [法] 法律的本质

11、capsule essence ─── 胶囊精华素

12、coffee essence n. ─── 咖啡精

13、essence of crime ─── [法] 犯罪构成要件

14、essence of offence ─── [法] 犯罪构成要件

15、carp essence ─── 鲤鱼精华

16、be different in essence ─── [法] 实质上不同

17、of the essence ─── 绝对需要的, 不可缺少的, 极重要的

18、essence of beauty ─── 美的本质

19、cleanser essence ─── 洗洁精

essence 特殊用法

1、essence of bergamot ─── 香梨油[精]

2、synthetic essence ─── 合成香精

3、watermelon essence ─── 西瓜香精

4、fruit essence ─── 果香香精

5、rosin essence ─── 松香精

6、artificial essence ─── 人造[合成]香精

7、compound essence ─── 复合香精(由天然香精和合成香精配成)

8、flavouring essence ─── 食用香精(油); 食用香料; 香气

9、mustard essence ─── 芥末香精

10、floral essence ─── 花萃; 花中提出物

11、natural essence ─── 天然香精

12、essence of Mirbane ─── 硝基苯; 密斑油

13、tobacco essence ─── 烟草香精

14、vinegar essence ─── 醋精

15、cream essence ─── 乳油香精

essence 习惯用语

1、of the essence ─── 绝对需要的, 不可缺少的, 极重要的

2、in essence ─── 本质上; 大体上; 其实

essence 相似词语短语

1、-escence ─── 场景

2、spence ─── n.食物柜,储藏室;金钱补助;(村舍的)客厅;n.(Spence)(美、加、英)斯彭斯(人名)

3、unessence ─── 联合国

4、absence ─── n.没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意

5、egence ─── 性别

6、desistence ─── 稠度

7、in essence ─── 本质上;其实;大体上

8、unessenced ─── 未评估

9、essences ─── n.本质;[化工]香精(essence的复数);精髓

essence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This method is a parallel one in essence. ─── 从本质上看,这是一种并行算法。

2、Sun Anmin, Vice Mayor of Beijing inspected Beijing Health Essence. ─── 北京市副市长孙安民同志视察健之素。

3、The central idea;the essence. ─── 中心中心思想;精华,要素

4、Ah hah! This is the essence of Thomas Edison's genius. ─── 啊!这就是托马斯·爱迪生的天才的精髓。

5、He is in essence a reclusive sort. ─── 他本质上具有一种隐士的气质

6、The essence of his long speech is that we must all work harder. ─── 他那长篇大论的核心是我们大家必须更努力地工作。

7、The essence of all good strategies is simplicity. ─── 一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。

8、Take the essence, discard the dregs. ─── 取其精华,去其糟粕。

9、Each of her works has an essence of its own; each of her phenomena a special characterisation : and yet their diversity is in unity. ─── 她的作品,各具精华;她的现象,各具特性;分散迥异,又归一统。

10、They all have essence of flowers in them. ─── 它们里头都有花香精华。

11、In essence, the universe sculpts itself. ─── 基本上,宇宙是自我雕塑完成的。

12、Into the soul's essence no speck can ever fall. ─── 在灵魂的中心,没有丁点儿灰尘散落。

13、Take the essence and discard the dregs. ─── 取其精髓,去其糟粕。

14、But the very essence of creativity is spontaneity. ─── 但是创造力的精髓在于自发性。

15、Easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system. ─── 华文能力强的学生能够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。

16、Meanwhile, she introduced the essence of Western dance to China. ─── 与此同时,她将西方舞蹈的精华介绍到中国。

17、The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism. ─── 古代宗教狂热的本质,就是代罪羔羊的机制。

18、She was no longer the milkmaid, but an essence of woman-a whole sex condensed into one typical form. ─── 她不再是一个挤牛奶的女工了,而是个女性精华--从全体妇女里凝炼出来的一个典型仪容。

19、A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something. ─── 事物本质或意义的突然显露

20、Ingredient:Orange blossom essence,Fibroin etc. ─── 主要成份:橙花精华、天然蚕丝蛋白等。

21、Individuality is the essence of life. ─── 个性是生活中的重要组成部分。

22、Add a few drops of vanilla essence. ─── 加入几滴香草精油。

23、You should analyze the essence of the problem. ─── 你应该剖析问题的实质。

24、The essence escapes but its aura remains. ─── 书中的内容已经忘却,但余韵仍存。

25、She got the essence of the town in her photographs. ─── 她的摄影作品显示她理解了这座城市的精髓。

26、Pleasure and hobby go with an essence: freedom. ─── 乐趣、爱好伴随着一个要素:自由。

27、The cost of the truck is. entered in an asset account, which in essence represents the advance purchase of these transportation services. ─── 这辆卡车的成本记入资产账户,事实上代表了对这些运输服务的预购。

28、essence of dialectical thought is division. ─── 辩证思想的实质是二分法。

29、The essence of their "reform" is to go capitalist. ─── 他们“改革”的中心是资本主义化。

30、"Human history is in essence a history of ideas" (H.G. Wells). ─── “人类历史本质上是一部思想史” (H·G·威尔斯)。

31、Ingredient: Lavender essence,Vitamin B5,ZPT etc. ─── 主要成份:薰衣草精华、丝素蛋白、维他命B5、ZPT等。

32、The substance,essence,or underlying reality. ─── (哲)本质,实在物质、精华或潜在的实质

33、Liu yiming completely return essence to the root. ─── 刘一明将逆运修性推向终极。

34、Health is the essence of happiness. ─── 健康是幸福的本质。

35、Its essence is the course of knowledge diffuseness. ─── 其本质是知识的传播与扩散的过程。

36、And yet the essence of any serious addiction is a pursuit of pleasure, a search for a "high" that normal life does not supply. ─── 但本质的任何严重的成瘾是一种追求享乐,寻求“高”,正常的生活并不供应。

37、Ingredient:Green tea essence,Provitamin B5 etc. ─── 主要成份:绿茶精华、维他命原B5等。

38、History be the essence of innumerable biographies . ─── 历史是无数传记的精华。

39、Ingredient: Olive and seaweed essence etc. ─── 主要成份:橄榄、海藻精华等。

40、In this kind of operation, time is of the essence. ─── 在这类手术中,时间是成败的关键。

41、The essence of Gouzenko's story was simple. ─── 古森科材料的基本内容倒也简单。

42、Her favourite essence smells like gardenias. ─── 她喜欢的香水闻起来像栀子花。

43、Essence always looks different from its appearance. ─── 事物的真相与外表不同。

44、In essence He is in essence a reclusive sort. ─── 他本质上是属於隐士那一类的人。

45、What is, in essence, the Jorda Effect? ─── 从本质上说,究竟什么是乔丹效应?

46、In fact, benevolence is the essence of his teachings. ─── 事实上,仁是他教义的精髓。

47、Everything is concentration is an essence. ─── "凡是浓缩的都是精华的."

48、They could, in essence, bypass the use of the menu entirely. ─── 基本上,他们可以完全避开菜单的使用。

49、His paintings capture the essence of France. ─── 他的画描绘出法国的神韵。

50、Her favorite essence smells like gardenias. ─── 她喜欢的香水闻起来象栀子花。

51、The central idea; the essence. ─── 中心中心思想; 精华,要素

52、People, in essence, is the society. ─── 人,从本质上讲,是社会的人。

53、The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure. ─── 从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。

54、Affiance is a contract in essence. ─── 婚约性质从本质上说应属一种契约。

55、Alas, soil degradation is the essence of MEGO. ─── 唉,土壤退化就是个毫无爆点可言的主题。

56、He tried to express the essence of his subject. ─── 他力图表现其研究对象的精神实质。

57、Affiance is some special contract in the essence. ─── 婚约性质从本质上说应属特殊的契约。

58、In chess, cool nerves are of the essence. ─── 下棋特别需要头脑冷静。

59、And also had some hands-on experience extracting rosemary essence. ─── 又亲自动手提取了迷迭香精油。

60、Time has, in essence, triumphed over space. ─── 基本上,时间已经超越了空间。

61、Team spirit is the essence of the company's corporate culture. ─── 团队精神是该公司企业文化的核心。

62、Yuan to positive end of the tidying up of its disciples, was the essence of which more than 580 articles, classified compilation of a book. ─── 元至正末,由其门生加以整理,得其中精粹五百八十余条,分类汇编成书。

63、For many, the essence of French living is to be found in the rural heartlands. ─── 对许多人来说,法国生活方式的精髓要到心脏地带的乡村去寻找。

64、A good book is the purest essence of a human SOul. ─── 好书是人类灵魂最纯净的精髓。

65、He realized the true essence of art from nature. ─── 他从自然中获得了艺术的真谛。

66、Did you use coffee essence in making cake? ─── 你做蛋糕时有没有用咖啡精?

67、Books posses an essence of immortality. ─── 书籍的灵魂是不朽。

68、Trust is the essence of a good relationship. ─── 信任乃良好的关系所不可或缺的东西。

69、Ingredients: HA, aloe essence, jojoba oil, etc. ─── 主要成分:透明质酸、芦荟精华、霍霍巴油等。

70、In the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; actuality. ─── 圆满实现在亚里士多德的哲学中,指条件的本质充分实现; 变为现实

71、She was the essence of kindness. ─── 她本性善良.

72、The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed. ─── 他的论点的核心是资本主义不能成功。

73、They are in their essence logically anterior to God. ─── 他们在逻辑上早于上帝的存在。

74、"Is there any way to capture the story essence?" He wondered. ─── 他很想知道“占据这些故事实质的是什么?

75、Ingredient: Sea salt,Olive essence etc. ─── 主要成份:海盐、橄榄精华等。

76、Is not general incivility the very essence of love? ─── [为一个人而得罪众人不正是爱情的......(5回应

77、Ingredient: Sea salt,Kiwifruit essence etc. ─── 主要成份:深海盐粒子、奇异果萃取液等。

78、The essence of the eight-character policy is readjustment. ─── 八字方针,核心是调整。

79、Books possess an essence of immortality. ─── 书具有不朽的特性。

80、The garden is remarkable for its eight settings, each with a particular theme. The essence of each is as follows. ─── 这园子有八个特殊有趣的地方,每一个地方都有他的特殊的旋律。详细情况如下。

81、Do you use coffee essence in making cakes? ─── 你做蛋糕时用不用咖啡精?

82、He was the essence of sunshine and good-humor. ─── 他成了阳光和兴致的化身。

83、Ingredients: natural liquorice essence, jojoba oil. ─── 主要成份:天然甘草精华、霍霍芭油。

84、Its essence is a discipline of verification. ─── 其精髓就是实证的过程。

85、Though different in form,the two slogans are in essence the same. ─── 两个口号形式上虽有不同,实质上却是一致的。

86、The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men. ─── 他宣扬的宗教教义要旨是爱天下人。

87、Speed is of the essence in dealing with an emergency. ─── 在处理紧急事件时,速度是非常重要的。

88、This advice is not paid attention his essence. ─── 他根本没注意这个劝告。

89、Though complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple. ─── 虽然细节复杂,地方税本质上是简单的。

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