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08-16 投稿


betoken 发音

英:[b?'t??k(?)n]  美:[b?'tok?n]

英:  美:

betoken 中文意思翻译



betoken 网络释义

vt. 预示;表示

betoken 短语词组

1、betoken define ─── 预先定义

2、betoken synonym ─── 表音同义词

3、betoken antonym ─── 表音反义词

4、betoken meaning ─── 寓意

betoken 词性/词形变化,betoken变形

动词第三人称单数: betokens |动词过去式: betokened |动词现在分词: betokening |动词过去分词: betokened |

betoken 相似词语短语

1、betakes ─── vt.使致力于;专心于;使前往

2、betaken ─── v.(诗、文)前往;致力于(betake的过去分词)

3、betokened ─── vt.预示;表示

4、between ─── prep.(空间、时间、数量等)在……之间;往返于;(表关系)两……之间;合用;一起;adv.(时间或空间)介于……之间;在期间

5、betake ─── vt.使致力于;专心于;使前往

6、broken ─── adj.破碎的;坏掉的;v.折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词)

7、bespoken ─── v.显示,证明;预定;对……说(bespeak的过去分词)

8、betokens ─── vt.预示;表示

9、token ─── n.(用以启动某些机器或用作支付方式的)代币,辅币;代价券;礼券;标志;(用于表达感情的)表示;记号;证明;路签;权标;象征性代表;(语言学)符号;标记;(计算机)令牌;adj.装样子的;作为标志的;象征性当选的

betoken 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To betoken a fuel tank and small machine fuel tank,may make priming fliteration , fix a date to change oil fliteration and the bypass circulation maintenance. ─── 对主油箱和小机油箱,可做灌注过滤、定期换油过滤和旁路循环保养。

2、Both are produced in response to an informing and betoken a change of cognitive state. ─── 两者均用来回应讯息告知,并且反映谈话者认知状态的改变。

3、Prince Bagration nodded his head to betoken that all this was exactly what he had desired and expected. ─── 巴格拉季翁公爵颔颔首,心里表示,这全部事态和他预料的情况完全一样。

4、That would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity. ─── 那只是预示我们将有七年丰收和七年饥荒。

5、Dark clouds betoken a storm. ─── 那些乌云预示即将下雨。

6、Melting snows that Betoken spring floods ─── 雪化了,融成了春天的洪水

7、They were singing discordantly, with toil, with labour, not because they wanted to sing, but simply to betoken that they were drunk, and were enjoying themselves. ─── 他们各顾各地费颈而又卖力地唱着,显然不是因为他们想唱,而纯粹是为了证明他们喝醉了,在玩乐罢了,喝,喝下去。

8、A long tongue betoken a short head. ─── 智短爱饶舌。

9、What did it betoken?Had seven long years, under the torture of the scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no repentance? ─── 不公平又能怎样?难道在七年漫长的岁月中,在红字曲折磨下备受痛苦,还悟不出一些忏悔之意吗?

10、The Soviet Union's space-faring triumph did not betoken much of an economic threat. ─── 苏联在进军太空时所取得的成就并没有预示什么经济威胁。

11、Sin is there, let our prayers begin to attack it.Our cries for our offspring should precede those cries which betoken their actual advent into a world of sin. ─── 若有什麽病痛灾难,比如智障、癫痫、或被鬼附,那父母就得受苦一辈子。

12、The pack joined the first three dogs, and the voices of the hounds could be heard in full cry with the peculiar note which serves to betoken that they are after a wolf. ─── 另一群猎犬和头三只猎犬走在一起,于是听见猎犬时高时低地吠叫,其中夹杂着别的猎犬的特殊的呼应声,这一声声呼应就可作为追捕豺狼的吠声的标志。

13、Others destined for death were also in the camps, but their presence did not betoken a program of genocide. ─── 其他注定要死的人也在集中营里,但他们的存在并不能预示这是一个有计划的灭种和屠杀运动。

14、Betoken:To be or give a sign or portent of. ─── 预示:做或给出记号或预兆。

15、His smile betoken his satisfaction. ─── 他的微笑表示他满意了。

16、melting snows that betoken spring floods; ─── 雪化了,融成了春天的洪水;

17、Those black clouds betoken rain. ─── 那些乌云预示即将下雨。

18、His smile betoken his satisfaction. ─── 他的微笑表示他满意了。

19、Those black clouds betoken rain. ─── 那些乌云预示有雨。

20、81. Saturn, Mars and the Dragon's Head in the 4th, betoken sudden Death. ─── 然后在跌入谷底。突然发达的程度与事件可由月亮的状态来判断。

21、She has a commanding musical presence - the listener is held from the beginning to the end - and the rhythmic vitality and the keenly articulated phrashing betoken a fine musical intelligence. ─── 她的音乐有一种强势的临场感,从头到尾佔据著听众的注意力,还有充满律动的生命力与紧密连结的乐句,显示出她精巧的音乐智慧。

22、What did it betoken? ─── 不公平又能怎样?

23、To betoken or symbolize; portend. ─── 预兆预示或象征;预兆

24、Being a representative of male of his generation, Newland Archer’s emotional debility, vocational indecision and continuous evasion of responsibilities betoken the deconstruction of male superiority. ─── 本文在对文本进行详细的分析和解读的基础上,阐释小说中女性意识的存在。

25、The oval face was lengthened, his smiling mouth had assumed the firm and marked lines which betoken resolution; ─── 他那椭圆形的脸已拉长了,那张含笑的嘴出在已刻上了显示意志坚强而沉着的线条;

26、The Chinese Yaxin shoe job is located in 3 area of Guang Dong province Guang Zhou City Hai Zhu District 14,Betoken camp: BB shoe , child shoe , fashion shoe etc. ─── 企业介绍 :中国雅欣鞋业位于广东省广州市海珠区3区14,主营鞋BB鞋、童鞋、时装鞋等。

27、Be ready to betoken the Jesus blessing in everyone! ─── 愿主耶稣赐福于每个人!

28、augury, betoken, divine, foreboding, foreshadow, harbinger, portend, premonition, presage, prescience, presentiment. ─── 表“ 预示、征兆” 之意:

29、"But Hester ought long ago to have done with this injustice. What did it betoken? Had seven long years, under the torture of the scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no repentance?" ─── 但海丝特早就应该对这种不公乎处之泰然了。不公平又能怎样?难道在七年漫长的岁月中,在红字曲折磨下备受痛苦,还悟不出一些忏悔之意吗?

30、That would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity. ─── 那只是预示我们将有七年丰收和七年饥荒。

31、Black clouds betoken a storm. ─── 乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。

32、The changes of molecular weight and molecular weight distribute determined with GPC under given conditions may betoken whether polymer is living one. ─── 用凝胶渗透色谱仪(GPC)在一定的条件下,测定聚合物的分子量及其分布的变化可以预示聚合物是否为活性聚合物。

33、1. Dark clouds betoken a storm. ─── 乌云予示着暴风雨的来临。

34、Betoken camp: Ha.Tile.Luoyang.Axle bearing.Nrod end arthrosis axle bearing.Linear motion axle bearing.Outside spherical surface axle bearing.Entrance axle bearing. ─── 主营:哈.瓦.洛.轴承.杆端关节轴承.直线运动轴承.外球面轴承.进口轴承.不锈钢轴承.含油轴承.高温轴承.轴座.衬套.钢球.黄油。

35、betoken ill luck ─── 主凶

36、betoken carbon chain ─── 主碳链

37、He gave her a gift to betoken his gratitude. ─── 他送她一件礼物表示感谢。

38、Prince Bagration nodded his head to betoken that all this was exactly what he had desired and expected. ─── 巴格拉季翁公爵颔颔首,心里表示,这全部事态和他预料的情况完全一样。

39、To betoken or symbolize; ─── 预兆:预示或象征;

40、"No, sire, for that would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity ─── 书中讲埃及法老梦见七头肥牛和七头瘦牛在河边吃青草。约瑟解释说,这是预示着七个半年后时有七个荒年。

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