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08-16 投稿


depict 发音

英:[d??p?kt]  美:[d??p?kt]

英:  美:

depict 中文意思翻译



depict 短语词组

1、depict in spanish ─── 用西班牙语描述

2、depict character ─── 描绘人物

3、depict synonym ─── 描绘同义词

4、depict chart ─── 描绘图表

5、depict definition ─── 描述定义

6、depict misleadingly crossword clue ─── 描绘误导性的纵横字谜线索

7、vividly depict ─── 生动地描绘

8、manifestly depict ─── 明显地描绘

depict 词性/词形变化,depict变形


depict 相似词语短语

1、depictor ─── 描绘者

2、depart ─── vi.离开;出发,起程;违反;去世;adj.逝世的

3、depicts ─── vt.描述;描画

4、depeinct ─── 依赖

5、depeincts ─── 从属

6、depicted ─── vt.描述;描画

7、depicter ─── 描绘者,描写者

8、depaint ─── vt.描写

9、depicting ─── 描绘

depict 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The iron art products of company adopt method of cold bending and hot forging to depict perfect classicality, elegance and romance of iron art. ─── 我公司的铁艺产品,采用冷弯、热锻等工艺手法,完美的刻画出铁艺的古典,优雅与浪漫。

2、The following sections use diagrams that depict cable adapter connections using a unit誷 transponder connector. ─── 下面的章节都用图形展示了使用应答器连接器进行的电缆适配器连接。

3、What can I use the brush strokes, what kind of color to depict a picture of youth? ─── 可我用什么样的笔触,什么样的色彩去描绘一副青春的图画?

4、To make, weave, or depict in a tapestry. ─── 在一块挂毯中制作、织出或描绘。

5、Due to the limitation of human beings'brain, language used to depict the objective world is bound to be fuzzy. ─── 由于人脑的有限性和客观世界的无限性,用来描绘客观世界的语言就不可避免的产生了模糊。

6、The LRA has used the peace talks to depict itself as an army fighting for the rights of the north. ─── 上帝抵抗军已经在使用和平谈判来将自己描绘成一个为了北方利益而奋战的军队。

7、For example, the philosopher Han Feizi commented that it is difficult to draw dogs and horses, but easy to depict ghosts. ─── 《韩非子》中提出画犬马难,画鬼魅易的观点,

8、I am afraid I can scarsely depict for you, my dear reader, the feeling I had when i first met her. ─── 我亲爱的读者,我恐怕不能很好地向你描述我见到她时的感觉。

9、Among these simulations, GARP seems to well depict the spatial pattern of potential distributions of community-species. ─── 其中GARP能模拟出物种潜在分布的空间格局;

10、He applied the skill of objectification to depict the children with beautiful faces like red apples. ─── 他用拟物的文学手法描写了有着红苹果般漂亮脸蛋儿的孩子们。

11、YT: We wanted to depict the darker side of children. ─── 我们想描绘出小孩的阴暗面。

12、Not much is known about the new concept but the images depict a svelte four-door coupe, with a fastback profile and a very aggressive look. ─── 尚不清楚这一新概念,但图像描绘了苗条四门轿跑车,以快背形象和一个非常积极的期待。

13、I depict the various scriptures in different languages to create images for shooting. ─── 我描绘下了各宗教经文的原始文字,并用狗食制作拍摄用的文字食物。

14、Fortunately the heart on this chronometer comes, call this copperplate depict " left-hander " . ─── 幸好此时计上心来,将这幅铜版刻画称为“左撇子”。

15、One would have to know all the more relevant physical and biotic factors and be able to depict their interactions. ─── 人们必须知道所有有关的物理因子和生物因子,并能描述其相互影响。

16、Women are constantly depict as inferior to men. ─── 女人常常被描写成不如男人。

17、When they do depict them,the clothes are the clothes of working people but the faces are those of petty-bourgeois intellectuals. ─── 倘若描写,也是衣服是劳动人民,面孔却是小资产阶级知识分子。

18、Rhyming text and soft, heartwarming illustrations depict the various relationships between father animals and baby animals of different types. ─── 作者用简单的文字及生动的插画来描述各种不同动物间的父子之情。适合儿童阅读。

19、The fluent and active lines vividly fully depict the beautiful early spring in the south of Yangtse River, with indistinct frog and water. ─── 作品通过长短不一、流畅生动的用线,将晨雾迷蒙、烟水苍茫的江南湖畔的早春意趣表露无遗。

20、Some depict story-book characters, others suggest the sponsor's hallmark, and some represent abstract ideas. ─── 彩车中,有的再现了小说中的人物,有的显示了主办者的标志,还有一些表现了抽象的概念。

21、The following table describes the colors that are used to depict execution status. ─── 下表介绍用于描绘执行状态的各种颜色。

22、The ceiling is painted with frescos, among which the four larger-sized depict the ecumenical councils. ─── 屋顶绘满壁画,较大四幅描绘了教会会议的情景。

23、Esthetically, they depict what is really happening in the society with the author hiding in the background. ─── 在思想价值取向上主要是平面化解构意识下的世俗体验与主体消解;艺术上采取原生态还原的零度叙事策略。

24、Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land. ─── 因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

25、Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land. ─── 因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

26、Other paintings depict Chinese and foreign musical performances, dancing and acrobatics. ─── 其它绘画描绘了中国和外国的音乐,舞蹈和杂技表演。

27、In a narrative style his works lively depict and record the social realities in all their facets. ─── 他的作品采用叙事风格去生动地描述和记录社会真实的一面。

28、Here let the reader depict to himself the gradual process of the vapour bath, accompanied by an exhalation of spicy perfumes. ─── 在这里,读者可以想象出,人们在熏香萦绕下慢条斯理地洗蒸气浴的情景。

29、Huang Zhou's paintings vividly depict people's life situation, attracting viewers to be involved in his artistic work. ─── 他画的景象,使你身临其境,他画中的人物,好像可以呼之欲出。

30、In dictatorship, artists who wish to keep their pants must depict life in optimistic terms. ─── 在独裁制度下,艺术家们要想保持其地位就必须从乐观的方面去描写生活。

31、An autonomous agent architecture called AASC,which can depict various features,especially autonomy of agent,is presented in this paper. ─── 介绍了一个能刻画agent的多种特征,尤其是自主性的自主agent结构AASC。

32、My shave bareheaded, it is to want you brighter and outstanding him depict is immanent feeling is temperamental. ─── 我剃了光头,就是为了要您更鲜明突出地刻画自己内在的感情气质。”

33、Stories of Krishna's childhood and youth depict him as mischievous and clever, showing that even God has a sense of humor. ─── 奎师那的童年和青年被描绘为恶作剧和聪明,表明了甚至神也有幽默感。

34、To depict or represent in the form of an animal. ─── 以动物形状描述,以动物形状表示

35、The following sections use diagrams that depict cable adapter connections using a unit transponder connector. ─── 下面的章节都用图形展示了,使用组合应答器进行的电缆适配器连接。

36、The dance movements are similar with a mural in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, which depict the patrolling scene of an official named Zhang Yichao. ─── 其舞姿和敦煌莫高窟壁画《张议潮出巡图》的仪仗中,

37、IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods. ─── 印度河流域文明的图案也描绘动物,也许是所崇拜的对象,相当于一些印度教神的动物形象。

38、His richly coloured lyrical paintings depict objects and people in unusual juxtapositions , often floating in space. ─── 他的色彩斑斓的抒情油画将人物和事物不同寻常地加以并置,并经常漂浮在空中。

39、They have to depict the future, or create a futuristic atmosphere that we've never dared to think about. ─── 他们应该描绘未来,或者营造出一个我们从未敢想的超现实氛围。

40、But to depict the diverse natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou in one or two words is not nearly enough. ─── 九寨沟的风光,因它的内涵丰富,很难以一字穷述,还须继续探幽发微。

41、Moreover, forest was introduced to depict the vasculature in view of the complexity of real angiograms. ─── 攷虑到实际图像的复杂性,进一步引入森林来完全描述血管树。

42、She went on to depict the confusion of departure. ─── 她继续描述离开时的混乱情景。

43、On image, CCP emphasizes abstractness while English verse tries to depict the real world. ─── 从意象上讲,汉诗强调抽象而英诗注重写实。

44、Cave paintings found in France (and dated at 30,000 years old) depict a man with the head of a stag, and a woman with a swollen, pregnant belly. ─── 在法国发现的洞穴绘画(表明时间是30,000之久)描绘了戴着牡鹿头的男人和腹部隆起的怀孕女人。

45、The words of a sentence cannot depict all the meaning in that sentence . ─── 从来没有一句话能说清楚它本身包含的意思。

46、Some of the Jiyue Fig.s depict the performers half or totally naked, which fully demonstrated the healthy beauty of human bodies. ─── 其中有一些乐舞伎人画作半裸或全裸,充分展现人体的健康美,

47、An Activity diagram must be owned by an Activity and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that Activity. ─── 一个活动图必须被一个活动所拥有,并且必须全面的和专有的描述该活动的语义学;

48、Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes on Christmas cards, winters are now very much warmer. ─── 虽然我们还在圣诞卡上描绘引人怀旧的雪景,但现在冬天温暖多了。

49、There is denial and resentment and a desire to depict us as football's sudden upstarts. ─── 人们否决并怨恨我们,还把我们描绘成足球界的暴发户。

50、To depict or define a certain concept (e.g., the Universe), we have to tell the whole compositions of this concept. ─── 我们知道,要描述和定义一个概念(比如,宇宙),应该包括它所有的组成。

51、They have remoulded themselves in struggle or are doing so, and our literature and art should depict this process. ─── 他们在斗争中已经改造或正在改造自己,我们的文艺应该描写他们的这个改造过程。

52、Enterprise architectural modeling, the act of creating and evolving models that depict the business and technical infrastructure of your organization. ─── 企业架构建模,它是创建并演化能描述你组织的业务与技术基础结构模型的活动。

53、Your names are haunting in my heart, without a cut, without a shock, i want to depict your face, but in fact i got simply your shade. ─── 你的名字鬼魅般地爪住我心,无痕无迹,无诧无异,我希望画尽你的芳容,无奈现实只赐予我你的踪影。

54、The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset. ─── 作家试图摹写落日的光彩。

55、The surface diagrams generated by ANFIS did not depict a clear relationship between the inputs and outputs as expected. ─── 由ANFIS做出的表面图不能清晰的描绘出投入与产出之间的关系。

56、Most of his works, such as A Roman Emperor (1871), depict idealized settings of ancient civilizations or medieval France. ─── 他的大多数作品,如1871年创作的“罗马君主”等,描述了理想化的古代文明或中世纪的法国。

57、A fourteenth century fresco of the Madonna and Child depict on the top right side the image of a UFO hovering in the distance. ─── 圣母玛利亚和孩子的一幅十四世纪的油画,在画的顶部右侧描绘了一个不明飞行物在远处盘旋。

58、"I was shocked that you would reproduce this painting since, for Muslims, it is sacrilegious to paint or depict any holy person" (Mohammed Busheri). ─── “你居然要复制这幅画真让我吃惊,因为对穆斯林来说,描绘或描述任何圣人都是亵渎的行为” (穆哈默德·布舍里)

59、Liu's fictions depict the perseverance and tragic fate of coal miners. ─── 刘在邦的小说书写了煤矿工人的坚忍与悲命。

60、The halo resembles a golden mist, much like painters depict the haloes of ‘saints' and of Christ. ─── 光晕好象是金色的云雾,很像画家们用来表现“圣人”和耶稣的那种光晕。

61、Concept photos depict the idea of digital art designers trying to deliver to one may be watching. ─── 概念照片里都描绘一个想法,数字艺术设计师想要传达给观看着的一个可能。

62、It is hard for those to depict its beauty who have never been to a reclusive mountain village like that. ─── 很难让那些没有去过偏远山村的人描绘它的美。

63、Munch used thick brushstrokes and deep colors to depict his state of mind. ─── 孟克以浑厚的笔触和深沉的颜色来描绘他的心理状态。

64、In ancient books on calligraphy, Chinese men of letters liked to depict the various calligraphic styles as metaphors for natural scenery or phenomena. ─── 在中国古代书论中,不论是对篆、隶、行、楷,还是对草书的论述,大多是以自然景观或某些现象作比,加以形容和描述,

65、The young mother, the laundromat patron, the manicurist - these represent advertisers' attempts to depict opinion leaders. ─── 上面说的那位年轻的母亲、洗衣店里的顾客、修指甲的美容师--他们表达了广告商的意图,即:将意见引导人加以描绘。

66、The sky and sea depict a harmonious scene. ─── 天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。

67、The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman. ─── 媒体把他描绘成一个左翼怪物。

68、A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action. ─── 切换镜头一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节

69、It didn't depict scenes or models exactly as they looked. ─── 它没有准确如实地描述场景或模型。

70、It is easy to depict PiS as a bunch of provincial incompetents, obsessed by historical grievances and ignorant of the modern world. ─── 很明显,执政党在很多情况下都无能进行波兰的省份管制,原因是波兰有着其历史性的磨难与对现代世界的漠视。

71、He even wrote a poet to depict the event. ─── 为此他还写了一首诗。

72、The cartoon vividly depict the relationship between wealth and happiness. ─── 参考译文这些漫画生动地描述了财富和快乐的关系。

73、We shall use various schemes, none of them wholly satisfactory, to depict vector fields in this book. ─── 在本书中我将用不同的图样画出矢量场,但没有一种是完全令人满意的。

74、MRI+MRU can depict abundant information of soft tissue pathology to direct the surgery therapy. ─── MRI+ MRU可显示更多软组织病变信息,指导临床治疗方案的选择实施。

75、There are things which one must not attempt to depict; the sun is one of them. ─── 有些事是不该试着描绘的,太阳就是其中之一。

76、It is the earliest archeological culture in China to feature jade artifacts and to depict dragons. ─── 它也是在中国发现最早的表现“龙”和发现玉器制件的文化遗址。

77、Finally, poesy works should be depict earthliness life . ─── 三、向民歌学习使他的作品富有世俗气息和民歌风味。

78、Writers depict life with their pen. ─── 作家用笔来描述生活。

79、Relationship lines depict strength of relationship. ─── 意指:用关连线描绘出强弱关系。

80、Most of them depict the labour, life and religious activities of people in primitive society. ─── 大多描绘先民们在原始社会中劳动、生活、宗教活动的情况,

81、T heme Pictures and Posters depict Carousel topics. Exercises printed on the reverse side develop language and critical thinking skills. ─── 情境教学图卡(小张的由教师拿在手上,大张的可展示在全班学生面前)依据每一个主题提供一情境让学生做口语会话练习,并可启发学生的思考。

82、But woodiness is tasted more fragile, avoid to use face of horniness thing depict, lest cause the damage of exterior paint film. ─── 但木质品比较娇气,避免用硬质东西刻画表面,以免造成表面漆膜的损坏。

83、Wide office rooms, IT headquarters and corporate managing center depict a new business territory. ─── 宽敞办公空间,IT总部基地,企业运营中枢,成就商务崭新版图。

84、She uses strong brushstrokes to depict expressive faces, imaginary characters, sometime close to caricatures, without any restraints. ─── 她用强硬的笔触描绘各种表情的脸孔、虚构的人物,有时候有点接近漫画。

85、In general, they depict people as basically rational, other-regarding, sincere, and capable of overcoming impulses which are contrary to these traits. ─── 一般来说,它们认为人在根本上是理性的,关心他人的,真诚的,能够克服与这些特点相悖的种种冲动。

86、I like sculptures to depict things that I can recognise. ─── 我喜欢那些可以描绘出我认识的事物的雕塑作品。

87、Can say him to use the own pen oneself misery that suffer is with the nation perishes , the woe depict thoroughly. ─── 可以说他用自己的笔把自己遭遇的不幸和亡国的悲哀刻画得淋漓尽致。

88、A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrentaction. ─── 切换镜头一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节。

89、Twenty-seven hundred Waterford crystals feature a new "Let There Be Joy" design and they depict an angel with uplifted arms. ─── 两千七百个沃特福德水晶组成全新的“欢乐就在这里”设计,他们还描绘了一位双臂向上托起的天使。

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