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custard 发音

英:[?k?st?rd]  美:[?k?st?d]

英:  美:

custard 中文意思翻译




custard 网络释义

n. 奶油冻;奶油蛋羹n. (Custard)人名;(英)卡斯塔德

custard 词性/词形变化,custard变形


custard 短语词组

1、custard apple tree ─── [网络] 奶油苹果树

2、custard-like ─── [网络] 乳蛋糕般

3、custard apple ─── 南美洲番荔枝

4、custard cake ─── 乳蛋饼

5、custard bun ─── 奶黄包

6、fruit custard ─── [网络] 水果乳蛋糕

7、custard-apple family un. ─── 番荔枝科

8、prickly custard apple ─── [网络] 仙人掌苹果

9、custard doughnuts ─── 奶油甜甜圈

10、frozen custard ─── 软质奶油冰淇淋

11、custard powder n. ─── 蛋糊粉

12、custard x ─── 奶油冻x

13、custard pie n. ( ─── 人们开玩笑时互扔的)蛋奶馅饼

14、custard pudding ─── 牛乳布丁(由 ─── 牛乳、鸡蛋、糖等经烘烤或蒸煮制成)

15、custard sauce ─── 蛋黄沙司(牛乳、鸡 ─── 蛋黄、糖、香草精混合制成)

16、custard pies ─── 奶油派

17、custard cream ─── [建] 乳蛋糕乳脂

18、custard ice ─── 奶油冻冰

19、custard-pie a. ─── 粗俗打闹喜剧的

custard 常用词组

egg custard ─── 牛奶蛋羹

custard apple ─── n. 南美番荔枝

custard 相似词语短语

1、costard ─── n.英国种大苹果;人头

2、mustard ─── n.芥末;芥菜;深黄色;强烈的兴趣;n.(Mustard)人名;(英)马斯塔德

3、bustard ─── n.大鸨

4、custards ─── n.蛋奶沙司(通常与熟水果、布丁等一同食用);(烤制的)蛋奶糕,蛋挞;n.(Custard)(美、英)卡斯塔德(人名)

5、custardy ─── 奶油冻

6、bustards ─── n.大鸨

7、mustardy ─── adj.芥子粉的;芥末的

8、costards ─── n.英国种大苹果;人头

9、mustards ─── n.芥末;芥菜;深黄色;强烈的兴趣;n.(Mustard)人名;(英)马斯塔德

custard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Spotted Dick and Custard" is a rather alarmingly named sweet variety. ─── “斑点迪克和蛋”是一个相当惊人的命名甜品种。

2、Hybrid Seed Production Techniques of Custard Squash in Linze County ─── 临泽县西葫芦杂交制种技术

3、The chef especially recommends the custard pudding for dessert. ─── 主厨师特别推荐以乳酪布丁作为甜点。

4、Ginger Milk Custard Dessert ─── 姜汁撞奶

5、My little nephew likes custard. ─── 我的小外甥喜欢吃乳蛋糕。

6、Steam for 30 minutes, or until the custard is set and a knife comes out clean when inserted into the center. ─── 小火蒸三十分钟或布丁凝固了以及用刀子插进布丁而取出时乾净即可.

7、The overwintering and high yield culture techniques of custard squash in energy-saving plastic film greenhouse ─── 塑料日光棚室西葫芦越冬高产高效栽培技术

8、a tart filled with rich unsweetened custard; often contains other ingredients (as cheese or ham or seafood or vegetables) ─── 夹很多不甜的蛋羹的果馅饼;常夹一些其它成分(如奶酪、火腿、海鲜、蔬菜等)

9、Mango, peach, red plum, grape, custard apple and assorted seasonal fruits in classic bamboo case (14''W x 10''D x 15''H ─── 别致竹片时果贺节礼盒(芒果,桃,布林,提子,番荔以及其他逢时水果

10、To unmould, run a knife around the edge of each custard and gently upturn onto a serving plate. ─── 在模子周围用刀子轻轻一划,即可取出倒扣在碟子上.

11、Which one do you like best: Lemon pie, chocolate sundae or custard pudding? ─── 你最喜欢吃哪个呢?柠檬派,巧克力圣代,还是奶油布丁?

12、a dessert of firm,smooth custard with a topping of caramel syrup ─── 一种有坚硬的光滑酥皮且顶部有焦糖色果汁的甜点心

13、Whitish tropical fruit with a pinkish tinge related to custard apples,grown in the southern United States. ─── 发白的热带水果,略带粉红色,与奶油冻苹果相近,生长于美国南部。

14、Glutinous Rice Balls Suffed with Cream Custard ─── 奶皇糯米糍

15、Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be like trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn. ─── 从这些满是承诺的书中提取有用的建议就像是将奶油派钉到到谷仓的墙壁上一样困难。

16、Maclura cochinchinensis [false custard] ─── 葨芝;假番荔枝

17、singing turnips, and soaking in a bathtub filled with warm vanilla custard. ─── 或者浸泡在充满香草蛋羹的浴盆里。

18、Chocolate and custard and eggs, oh my! ─── 噢,天哪!有巧克力、蛋羹和鸡蛋。

19、Serve with extra syrup, clotted cream or custard. ─── 上桌时可加配糖浆、浓缩奶油或牛奶蛋糊。

20、1.To make custard cream: beat egg yolks, sugar and butter until stiff, fold in sieved custard powder and flour.Add in milk and vanilla essence, beat until smooth. ─── 做法:1. 吉士馅:将蛋黄、糖及牛油打至企身,加入牛油、筛过的吉士粉及面粉拌匀,最后加入牛奶及云呢拿油打至软滑即可备用。

21、Sift self-raising flour and custard powder together. ─── 将自发粉、吉士粉同筛匀。

22、A dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake soaked in sherry,rum,or brandy and topped with layers of jam or jelly,custard,and whipped cream. ─── 屈莱弗甜食涂了果酱、果冻、牛奶蛋糊和掼奶油并在雪莉酒、朗姆酒或白兰地中浸渍的蛋糕甜食。

23、ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-colored flesh; related to custard apples ─── 卵形的黄色水果,很香的桃色果肉;与奶油冻苹果相近

24、Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find the work had been done overnight. Hay had been custard cow sheds had been cleaned. ─── 雇工们说,常常一早起来发现有人在夜里把活干了,干草已切好,牛棚也打扫干净了。

25、Custard pudding and cof. . . Oh! sorry. It was very clumsy of me. Just a moment, please. ─── 鸡蛋布丁和……啊!抱歉,我真笨拙,请等一会儿。

26、Deep Fried Milk Custard Dumplings ─── 奶皇炸蚕茧

27、Which one do you 1ike best: Lemon pie, chocolate sundae or custard pudding? ─── 你最喜欢吃哪个呢?柠檬派,巧克力圣代,还是奶油布丁?

28、Complex flavors of peach, apricot, tropical fruit, lemon custard, biscuit and mineral are accented by a touch of baking spice from the gentle oak treatment. ─── 在橡木桶淡淡的烘焙香料味的衬托下,桃子、杏子、热带水果和柠檬奶油蛋羹、饼干、矿物质风味融合在一起,格外诱人。

29、We had plums and custard for dinner. ─── 我们晚餐吃李子和乳蛋糕。

30、The texture of soft tofu is similar to that of custard and subsequently soft tofu is best in a dessert tofu dish. ─── 软豆腐的质地跟果冻相似,随后软豆腐在甜品中做得最好的。

31、ice cream custard ─── 冰淇淋蛋糕

32、Pretty soon they're off in a lovely daydream about dancing cupcakes,singing turnips,and soaking in a bathtub filled with warm varm vanilla custard. ─── 他们很快就会做起可爱的白日梦,梦见跳舞的蛋糕,唱歌的萝卜,或者浸泡在充满香草蛋羹的浴盆里.

33、FIC reveres the flavor by adding fragrant vanilla beans to a custard base ice cream. ─── FIC冰淇淋在蛋奶沙司中加入芬芳的香草豆而保存了这种味道。

34、Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be like trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn. ─── 从标题夸张的书中提取有用建议如同试着将蛋黄派钉在谷仓壁上一样。

35、Custard soup page of the meals before the guest ─── 客前膳羹汤篇

36、ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-colored flesh; related to custard apples. ─── 卵形的黄色水果,很香的桃色果肉;与奶油冻苹果相近。

37、"So are you a cowardly custard." ─── “那你也是个没骨头的胆小鬼。”

38、Supply: semiauto custard cake line --Dahe Light Industry Machinery Co.,Ltd ─── 发布者:所在地:行业:职位:工作年限:

39、"Father s a cowardly custard." ─── “爸爸是个没骨头的胆小鬼。”

40、Sweet English dishes include apple pie, mince pies, spotted dick, scones, Eccles cakes, custard and sticky toffee pudding. ─── 带有甜味的英式菜肴有苹果派,肉馅饼,葡萄干布丁,烤饼,艾克蛋糕,牛奶沙司和太妃生姜布丁。

41、large spiny tropical fruit with tart pulp related to custard apples. ─── 多刺的热带大水果,果肉酸,与奶油冻苹果相近。

42、the custard pie "routine"? ─── 那蛋奶馅饼的“例行动作”呢?

43、I'd like to have a Multi-Layer Cake and two Custard Tarts. ─── 我想要一块千层糕,两块蛋挞。

44、President Obama stands with daughters Malia and Sasha and orders frozen custard at The Dairy Godmother in the Del Ray area of Alexandria, Va., Saturday, June 20, 2009. ─── 总统奥巴马站在女儿马利亚和萨莎和命令冻结吉士在奶牛场教母的那得瑞领域的亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州,星期六,2009年6月20号。

45、Sweet Italian cream cheese and marsala custard between layers of espresso and rum-laced lady fingers topped with shaved bitter-sweet chocolate. ─── 意大利奶油芝士、马沙那酒味奶油蛋羹及浸满特浓咖啡的手指饼一层一层叠制成的美味巧克力甜品。

46、Another Royal , Queen Elizabeth the II was also served custard tart as the dessert for her recent 80th birthday celebration . ─── 在另外一位皇室成员——女王伊丽莎白二世80岁的寿宴上,蛋挞也被作为甜点款待宾客。

47、Press pastry circles onto the bottom and up the sides of two ungreased 10-oz. Custard cups. ─── 切两个7吋大小的圆(去掉多余的留作他用。)----根据你所用的烤盘的大小切。边缘多留一些派皮。

48、a rich custard set with gelatin. ─── 一种华贵的奶油冻,用凝胶使之凝固。

49、A dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake soaked in sherry, rum, or brandy and topped with layers of jam or jelly, custard, and whipped cream. ─── 屈莱弗甜食涂了果酱、果冻、牛奶蛋糊和掼奶油并在雪莉酒、朗姆酒或白兰地中浸渍的蛋糕甜食

50、"any of several other plants, especially those with fruits suggestive of the apple, such as the crab apple or custard apple." ─── 其它几种这样的植物,尤指苹果状果实的,如酸苹果树或番荔枝树。

51、He found himself wanting to protect her instead, to carry her up flights of stairs, to wrap her in blankets, to bring her cups of custard. ─── 他发现自己反而只想保护她,抱她上楼、替她盖被子、帮她端布丁等等,“我不是病人。”

52、you a cowardly custard. ─── 你也是个胆小鬼。

53、At the convalescent home, Aeron's daily ration of custard, requiring an egg, was regarded as royal fare ─── 在疗养院里,埃伦每天能吃到一份配给的牛奶旦冻。这种只消一只鸡蛋就能制成的旦冻已被认为是上等点心。

54、baked custard pastry ─── 奶油鸡蛋塔

55、Perhaps I can recommend baked custard to you. ─── 也许你们会喜欢乳蛋糕。

56、Certainly, sir. I would recommend the “Chawanmushi”. It's an egg custard with chicken, shrimp and gingko nuts. ─── 当然可以,先生。我建议点“蒸鸡蛋羹”。那是加鸡肉、小虾、杏仁蒸的蛋羹。

57、Observation and comparison were made of the leaf surface micro-configurations (cutin, waxiness, epidermal hair, stoma) of 9 custard apple species with scanning electron microscope. ─── 应用扫描电子显微镜对番荔枝属九个番荔枝品种的叶表面角质、蜡质、表皮毛、气孔等微形态进行了观察比较。

58、a chilled dessert consisting of a mixture of custard and nuts and (sometimes) liquor. ─── 一种冷冻的甜点,含有奶油冻、坚果的混合物,有时还含有烧酒。

59、a tart filled with rich unsweetened custard; often contains other ingredients ( as cheese or ham or seafood or vegetables). ─── 夹很多不甜的蛋羹的果馅饼;常夹一些其它成分(如奶酪、火腿、海鲜、蔬菜等)。

60、large spiny tropical fruit with tart pulp related to custard apples ─── 多刺的热带大水果,果肉酸,与奶油冻苹果相近

61、In do not boil in the egg process to uncap, offends somebody by against steam, and the steam runs leaks the influence egg custard effect. ─── 不要在煮蛋过程中开盖,以防蒸汽伤人,并且蒸汽跑漏影响蒸蛋效果。

62、Custard Ingredients: 1 cup Coconut milk/Fresh milk, 70g Custard powder, 80g Sugar, 2 egg yolks. ─── 奶黄馅料:水椰汁/牛奶1杯、吉士粉70克、砂糖80克、蛋黄2份。

63、To make matters even more difficult, the markets, like circus clowns, always seem to have a custard pie at the ready. ─── 让公司雪上加霜的是,市场象马戏团小丑们总是已经准备好奶油蛋糕立即行动。

64、Variety Comparison Trials of Succession Cropping Film-mulching Custard Squash after Wheat Harvest in Semi-arid Areas ─── 半干旱区麦后复种地膜西葫芦品种比较试验

65、or perhaps you like custard, or, maybe, a tart, ─── 或也许你喜欢软冻,或,也许,酸

66、Waiter: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding. ─── 侍者:柠檬派,糖油煎饼,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。

67、It is served with custard ─── 奶油蛋羹

68、layer cake filled with custard. ─── 夹有奶油蛋羹的多层蛋糕。

69、Scallops, Yunnan ham and egg custard Cold pork slices Marinated in wine essence ─── 云片银耳云腿瑶柱蒸水蛋

70、a bland custard or pudding especially of oatmeal. ─── 一种温和的奶油冻或布丁尤其是指麦片做成的。

71、First there's a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard, ─── 先是一层松脆饼,再一层果浆, 然后是奶油冻.

72、Bring to boil 100ml of milk and 50g sugar. Add custard powder and 50ml milk. Cook till mixture thickens. Let cool from hot to warm. ─── 制法:1.100毫升牛奶和50克糖煮沸,放入吉士粉和50毫升牛奶煮至稠状,放暖。

73、Pretty soon they're off in a lovely daydream about dancing cupcakes,singing turnips,and soaking in a bathtub filled with warm vanilla custard. ─── 他们很快就会做起可爱的白日梦,梦见跳舞的蛋糕、唱歌的萝卜,或者浸泡早充满香草蛋羹的浴盆里。

74、whitish tropical fruit with a pinkish tinge related to custard apples; grown in the southern United States. ─── 发白的热带水果,略带粉红色,与奶油冻苹果相近;生长于美国南部。

75、2, adding 5 grams of custard powder in the flour, you can Titian Tim color Oh! ─── 2,在面粉中添加5克的吉士粉,可以提香添色哦!

76、Suddenly, the sang froid of investors has been disturbed. God, as the 1960s film “Georgy Girl” explained, always has a custard pie up his sleeve. ─── 一夜之间冷静的投资者变得手足无措,正应一句老话’天有不测风云’。

77、puff filled with cream or custard. ─── 夹有奶油和蛋羹的膨化饼。

78、I'm not your apples and bananas kinda girl, I love love lychee, rambutan, custard apple (so yummy!!!!), durian (smelly, but tasty) and etc etc.Strawberries and cherries can't compare to these fruits. ─── 不是那种喜欢苹果和香蕉的女生,我很爱很爱荔枝、红毛丹、释迦(超好吃的)、榴莲(闻起来臭,但很好吃)等,这些水果是草莓和樱桃无法相比。

79、Fried Garlic Slices with Custard Powder ─── 吉士蒜香片

80、custard sauce flavored with vanilla or a liqueur. ─── 加上香草或利口酒的蛋黄沙司。

81、if it is) a free, non-subscription game, that means every low-IQ, leet-speaking, spoilt little brat with custard for brains will be able to log in &ruin it for the grown-ups. ─── 如果战网免费,不需要认购,那就意味着任何脑残、喷子、90后肥猪流之类家伙都能登陆,然后把我们成年人的乐趣给毁了。

82、"custard:a dish consisting of milk, eggs, flavoring, and sometimes sugar, boiled or baked until set." ─── "乳蛋糕:一种食品,用牛奶、鸡蛋、调味品,有时再加糖混合而成,经蒸煮或烘烤直至凝固而成."

83、A layer cake having cream, custard, or jelly filling. ─── 分层饼中填奶油、蛋白或果冻的夹层蛋糕

84、It's a delicious custard. ─── 一种美味的水果牛奶蛋糕。

85、Pretty soon they're off in a lovely daydream about dancing cupcakes, singing turnips, and soaking in a bathtub filled with warm vanilla custard. ─── 他们很快就会做起可爱的白日梦,梦见跳舞的蛋糕、唱的萝卜,或者浸泡在充满香草蛋羹的浴盆里。

86、cold light pudding of crushed cooked fruit mixed with cream or custard ─── 一种用奶油或蛋奶沙司拌熟水果泥制成的凉布丁

87、a layer cake having cream,custard,or jelly filling ─── 填有奶油、蛋白或果冻的夹层蛋糕

88、The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet . ─── 成熟后的番荔枝果肉白色柔软甘甜。

89、Father's a cowardly custard. ─── 爸爸是个胆小鬼。

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