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08-16 投稿


surmount 发音

英:[s?r?ma?nt]  美:[s??ma?nt]

英:  美:

surmount 中文意思翻译



surmount 短语词组

1、surmount myself ─── 超越自我

surmount 词性/词形变化,surmount变形


surmount 相似词语短语

1、unmount ─── v.卸载,取消安装;下(马、车)

2、overmount ─── 过度安装

3、surmounted ─── 拱(拱顶)的高度大于起拱线长度的一半的

4、surmounts ─── vt.克服,越过;战胜

5、seamount ─── n.海底山

6、surmounter ─── 超越者

7、surmounting ─── 超越

8、to surmount ─── 超越

9、surround ─── vt.围绕;包围;n.围绕物;adj.环绕立体声的

surmount 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This experience shall surmount all that you have so far partaken of. ─── 这次经历会超越你们至今为止所经历的一切。

2、"Even if pay market submissively to send Ma Yun the network, if quick buck wants to surmount paying treasure also is a time problem only. ─── “哪怕把网络支付市场拱手送给马云,快钱若想超越支付宝也只是个时间问题。”

3、"To be the pioneer,not the follower,to be inventor,not the towerman"is our belief which is driving us continuously to surmount and go forward. ─── 做创造者,不做守望者”。一直激励着我们前进、超越。

4、Surmount in reason: deep thinking on developing democracy inner the party ─── 在理性中超越:关于发展党内民主的深度思考

5、One of the aims of cross-cultural research is to surmount the obstacles, to seek for the cultural differences and cultural identification. ─── 超越障碍,努力寻求文化差异和文化身份的认同,是跨文化研究的目标之一。

6、Personal biggest redoubtable enemy is an essence...Only surmount continuously, then can make stronger groundwork! ─── 个人最大的劲敌就是本体...只有不断的超越,才能巩固根基!

7、God Bless China, surmount; earthquake relief and rebuild their homes...... ─── 天佑中华、众志成城、抗震救灾、重建家园......

8、Therefore, to control the activity of telomerase effectively may give a new way for people to surmount c... ─── 因此,有效地控制端粒酶活性,有可能为人类攻克癌症提供一个新的契机。

9、They underscored the growing pull for the three Asian powers to set aside some of their friction and rivalry as they struggle to surmount the global economic slump. ─── 他们强调这三个东亚大国在克服全球经济衰退的过程中,将会不断地搁置一些摩擦和宿怨,从而会越走越近的。

10、But there are challenges and impediments for children of English-speaking homes to surmount in their journey towards bilingualism. ─── 因此,在以英语为沟通用语家庭里成长的孩子,在掌握双语的道路上,必须克服许多困难和阻碍。

11、Rather than giving up when an obstacle is encountered, entrepreneurs ask, "How can we surmount this obstacle? ─── 出现障碍时,企业家不是放弃,而是问“我们如何才能跨越这个障碍?

12、Thus, when we surmount others criticism, ridicule or cynical comments, we can do anything we set our minds to, just as the second frog did. ─── 因此,只要我们能超越别人的批评或冷嘲热讽,就可以像在深坑里的第二只青蛙一样,完成自己的理想。

13、Under the specific historic condition, the backward country not can only surmount the capitalist production relations, moreover can also surmount capitalist society's productive forces. ─── 在特定历史条件下,落后国家不仅能跨越资本主义生产关系,而且也能跨越资本主义社会的生产力。

14、The service level of all new design principle, high level, and continuously surmount by one's own of the decision is that we are high quality completion assurance of the item. ─── 全新的设计理念、高水准的服务水平,以及不断自我超越的决心是我们高质量完成项目的保证。

15、For the society: Offer high-quality products to customer and full of companies to surmount the customer service of spirit wholeheartedly. ─── 为社会:全心全意为客户提供高质量的产品和充满公司超越精神的客户服务。

16、This is how "Determination to win every victory and courage to surmount difficulty" was derived. ─── "愚公移山"就是这样来的。

17、But although we sit very much near, but between us the distance is very far.Results in far cannot surmount. ─── 可是虽然我们坐得很近,但是我们之间的距离很远。远得不可超越。

18、To surmount TBT, we must make full use of the favorable articles of WTO/TBT Agreement, complete a basic standard system, institute system of attesting quality rules and raise the technical level. ─── 为跨越贸易技术壁垒,我们必须充分利用WTO/TBT协议的有利条款,建成基础标准体系,建立质量认证制度以及提高自己的技术水平。

19、Second, lofty: The loftiness is a kind of embodiment of the heroism spirit in fact, mean persons and natural trial of strength and surmount . ─── 二、崇高性:崇高实质上是英雄主义精神的一种体现,意味着人与自然的较量与超越。

20、Lastly, make use of neural networks, a new algorithm is presented for surmount the difficulty that use traditional method to solve optimization problem. ─── 为克服传统方法求解组合优化问题的困难,利用优化神经网络给出了算法。

21、Is Being supported By friends in her effort to surmount the tragedy ─── 她正在朋友的帮助下努力战胜这一悲惨的事

22、Does not have any opportunity from the 15th start to surmount the match in the first section. ─── 从第15起步是没什么机会在第一段就超越对手。

23、I realized I had to surmount the language barrier. ─── 我认识到我必须得克服语言障碍。

24、So, reach own viewpoint, is from the visual trueness of depicting with limitedness trend spirit surmount sex and infiniteness is the meaning place of artistic behavior and the last purpose of artist effort. ─── 从而得出自己的观点,从视觉描绘的实在性和有限性走向精神的超越性和无限性是艺术家努力的最终目的和艺术行为的意义所在。

25、A new type of lunar rover was designed according to the complex environment of lunar surface, and it consists of the frame, the suspension and the planetary wheels to surmount obstacles. ─── 为提高月球车的越障能力 ,结合月球表面的复杂环境 ,设计了一种行星越障轮式月球车 . 该车主要由 3大部件组成 :车架、悬架 (由扭杆弹簧和磁弹簧减振器并联构成 )和行星越障轮 .

26、They surmount one crag after another. ─── 他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。

27、They tried to surmount the obstacles ─── 他们试图越过那些障碍物。

28、Life is persisting striving by repeatting again and again, then to surmount yourself. ─── 人生就是不断的努力、努力、再努力...然后是超越!

29、In the life encounters the hopeless situation nearly time, holds a rope which in darkness dangles, climbs diligently, can surmount the precipice, obtains bright, warm and the hope. ─── 在人生几乎遭遇绝境的时候,抓住黑暗中垂下的一条绳索,努力攀上去,就能翻越绝壁,获得光明、温暖和希望。

30、In this world, how will BENNY go to surmount everything? ─── 在这个世界,BENNY将怎么样去克服一切呢?

31、"There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail. ─── 俗语曰:“能登上金字塔的生命,只有两种------飞翔的鹰和坚忍的蜗牛。”

32、You surmount every obstacle, that no other man may be richer than yourself. ─── 你排除千难万险,是世界上最富有的人。

33、That is why we must constantly carry on lively and effective political education among the masses and should always tell them the truth about the difficulties that crop up and discuss with them how to surmount these difficulties. ─── 因此,需要在群众中间经常进行生动的、切实的政治教育,并且应当经常把发生的困难向他们作真实的说明,和他们一起研究如何解决困难的办法。

34、break through one barrier after another; surmount all obstacles ─── 冲破重重障碍

35、Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory. ─── 下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。

36、To surmount and promote people's life quality constantly is people's pursuit. ─── 不断超越与提升人的生命质量是人之生命永恒的追求。

37、He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly. ─── 他必须超越这些命题,然后才能正确看世界。

38、He was using the phrase "Chinese Wall" to indicate to the Board the multitude of hurdles he has had to surmount in order to make any headway. ─── 他使用“Chinese Wall”(“中国墙”)这个词向董事会说明,为了取得任何进展,他所须克服的难点为数之多和难度之大。

39、International economy new order is not overall negative and existent order, surmount to it however, it is its developmental child. ─── 国际经济新秩序不是全盘否定现存秩序,而是对它的超越,是其进化的产物。

40、The company after incorporating still will surmount two afore-mentioned manufacturers, become the biggest power MOSFET supplier. ─── 合并后的公司还将超过上述两家厂商,成为最大的功率MOSFET供给商。

41、impossible to surmount or climb. ─── 不可能攀越或攀登的。

42、The human mind, expcept when guided by extraordinary genius, cannot surmount the established conclusions. ─── 人们的心理,除了受非凡的天才的引导外,决不能超越固有的结论。

43、Third, offer and surmount user's existing demand. ─── 三、提供超越使用者现有的需求。

44、That God foreknows everything, yet there is liberty in the rational creature, are both certain, but how fully to reconcile them may surmount the understanding of man. ─── 上帝预知一切的事,然而我们人,有灵魂理智的人,还有自由,这是确定的事实;可是如何将两者结合,可能超过人的理解能力。

45、Also have only those great works to surmount the consciousness altitude of its creation , and form the deep world of person that visual place yearns for more. ─── 也只有那些伟大的作品才能超越其创作者的意识高度,而构成人的视觉所更加向往的深刻世界。

46、As I all other in all worths surmount. ─── 不管哪一方面我都出类拔萃。

47、So inside 10 years in future, medium, imprint whether will surmount the United States to be in the lead advantage of high-tech area? ─── 那么在未来的十年内,中、印是否将超过美国在高科技区域的超前劣势呢?

48、Drawing lesions form the theory of contract helps to surmount the shortages in the theory of ruling class's will. ─── 借鉴契约论有助于克服统治阶级意志论的缺陷。

49、Heidegger and Kierkegaard both see that the more the human being is conscious of his own endlessness , the more he can surmount himself. ─── 海德格与齐克果则皆以为主体愈体察其自己的有限性,却愈有自我提升的可能。

50、surmount numerous difficulties and dangers ─── 克服千难万险

51、CTF Will Help Surmount barriers. ─── CTF将帮助克服障碍。

52、He admits the history certain ty in the law of value. On the other hand,however,he attempts to surmount the law of value again after the national economy gets the recovering. ─── 在国民经济得到恢复以后,他一方面承认价值规律存在的历史必然性,但在另一方面又企图超越价值规律。

53、In addition the distant unabridged book season two negative deep feet, finally again want to surmount the deep foot already are the impossible duties nearly. ─── 再加上辽足本赛季两负深足,最后再想超越深足已几乎是不可能的任务。

54、As long as we persist in so doing, we will surely surmount all difficulties on the road to progress and the cause of"one country, two systems" will surely achieve even greater successes. ─── 只要坚持这样做,我们就一定能够不断克服前进道路上的各种困难,“一国两制”事业就一定能够取得更大成功。

55、overcome one difficulty after another; surmount numerous difficulties ─── 克服重重困难

56、We willcontinuously Of surmount, hold hands with you to create fine tomorrow together. ─── 我们将不断的超越,与您携手共创美好的明天。

57、Its criminal creators have so far adapted it to surmount all the obstacles put up by the firm's security geeks. ─── 到目前为止,该病毒的创造者通过不断改造它使它克服了脸谱网的安全极客们设置的所有障碍。

58、Before we try to surmount our defects, we should know what they are. ─── 在我们克服缺点之前,我们应该先知道它们。

59、Determining user context will require software designers to surmount serious engineering hurdles, however. ─── 不过,想决定查询者的背景,程式设计师必须先跨越可观的工程障碍。

60、As long as we can get back our courage from failures, we can surmount any difficulties in life and the door of success will open naturally to us. ─── 只要我们能从失败中重新找回勇气,我们便能克服任何困难,成功的大门自然会向我们敞开。

61、The human mind, except when guided by extraordinary genius, cannot surmount the established conclusions. ─── 人们的心理,除了受非凡的天才的引导外,决不能超越固有的结论。

62、Getting yourself prepared to surmount difficulties. ─── 准备好去克服困难。

63、Substantiate and Surmount: Thinking about China's Traditional Legal Culture ─── 充实与超越:关于中国传统法律文化的思考

64、He is quite confident that we can surmount these difficulties. ─── 他十分相信我们能克服这些困难。

65、After China's central bank signaled there will be no slowing in the massive lending spree by mainland banks, focus this week will be on whether A-shares can surmount key technical resistance. ─── 从中国央行上周公布的数据看,大陆银行业大规模放贷的步伐将不会放缓,人们本周将重点关注中国A股指数能否突破一重要的技术阻力位。

66、You are the first men to surmount the difficulties.You are the spreaders of Jinshan education of future,and you are the experts of education fields. ─── 你们成功了,你们是第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人,你们是未来金山课改的推广者,教育战线的专家。

67、But I am certain that we shall be able to surmount all difficulties and that one generation after another will advance the cause pioneered by the first generation. ─── 但我坚信,我们一定能够战胜各种困难,把先辈开创的事业一代代发扬光大。

68、The destiny established the "obstacle" of a way in our in front, the mostly looky we have courage to go to surmount! ─── 命运在我们面前设了一道道的“坎”,就看我们有没有勇气去翻越!

69、There are challenges and impediments for children of English-speaking homes to surmount in their journey towards bilingualism. ─── 在以英语为沟通用语家庭里成长的孩子,在掌握双语的道路上,必须克服许多困难和阻碍。

70、We were able to surmount so many obstacles. ─── 我们能克服那么多的障碍。

71、trample all difficulties underfoot; surmount all difficulties ─── 一切困难踩脚下

72、He tried to surmount his embarrassment. ─── 他竭力掩饰自己的窘态。

73、This year we have surmount many insurmountable difficulties. ─── 今年我们克服很多难以克服的困难。

74、Do not cross this, should surmount a parvenu in old A Bai when, his trip! ─── 不过这次,就在老阿伯要超越新贵时,他摔倒了!

75、The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them. ─── 历史的道路,不会是坦平的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界。这是全靠雄健的精神才能够冲过去的。

76、Rather than giving up when an obstacle is encountered, entrepreneurs ask, “How can we surmount this obstacle? ─── 出现障碍时,企业家不是放弃,而是问“我们如何才能跨越这个障碍?

77、So long as we maintain close ties with the people and explain things to them patiently, we will have their sympathy and understanding and will be able to surmount any difficulties, however great. ─── 只要我们密切联系群众,深入地做工作,把道理向群众讲清楚,就能得到群众的同情和谅解,再大的困难也是能够克服的。

78、A people who were able to surmount in their infant state such great perils would be more competent as they rose into manhood to repel any which they might meet in their progress. ─── 一个处在襁褓之中便能战胜这种重大危局的民族,在其成年后必定更有能力排除他们在前进道路上所遇到的任何困难。

79、Keywords city dirty water;The First Clarifier;surmount a pipeline;F/M; ─── 城市污水;初沉池;超越管线;有机负荷;污泥活性;

80、Promote the product and service quality continuously, surmount the need of the customer, reach employee and shareholder's expectation. ─── 不断提升产品与服务的品质,超越顾客的需求,达成员工与股东的期望。

81、We will be able to solve any problem and surmount any obstacle so long as we have faith in the masses, follow the mass line and explain the situation and problems to them. ─── 只要我们信任群众,走群众路线,把情况和问题向群众讲明白,任何问题都可以解决,任何障碍都可以排除。

82、Chinese paint business is in work up process, want to must be broken through formidably surmount oneself. ─── 中国涂料企业在逐步发展过程中,要想强大必须突破超越自己。

83、Long live China, Sichuan long live, long live Wenchuan, we are strong. Xin Lianxin the National People's earthquake relief ,surmount with Gangtie Ban will overcome this disaster. ─── 中国万岁,四川万岁,汶川万岁,我们是坚强。全国人民心连心“抗震救灾、众志成城”,用钢铁般的意志战胜这场灾难。

84、The Earth is round, but we walk actually on the parallel line which two cannot intersect cannot surmount. ─── 地球是圆的,而我们却偏偏走在两条不能相交也不能跨越的平行线上。

85、In fact, the only danger may be that you come on a little too assertive, so take things slow and easy, confident you can surmount any obstacle. ─── 事实上,仅有的危险可能就是在于你有点过分自信,所以,放慢脚步,让心情轻松,对自己能度过难关充满信心。

86、There are only two creatures,@ says a proverb, @who can surmount the pyramids--the eagle and the snail. ─── 俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物只有两种?雄鹰与蜗牛。”

87、What may foresee, if does not have the big accident, then Saneidi will surmount Faqiedi in this season end. ─── 可以预见的是,如果没有大的意外,那么萨内蒂在本赛季末就会超越法切蒂了。

88、Its core issue is the question about why people can surmount the individual life limits and how to achieve the eternal lives through inner alchemic exercise. ─── 其理论的核心是:何以通过内丹修炼能够超越个体生命限度,达成长生,以及如何通过内丹修炼达成长生的问题。

89、In the three hard years from 1959 through 1961, didn't the Party and the people struggle in unity and surmount the difficulties? ─── 三年困难时期,党和人民不是团结奋斗,渡过了难关吗?

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