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08-16 投稿


cartographer 发音

英:[kɑ?'t?ɡr?f?]  美:[kɑr'tɑɡr?f?]

英:  美:

cartographer 中文意思翻译



cartographer 词性/词形变化,cartographer变形


cartographer 短语词组

1、cartographer synonym ─── 制图员同义词

2、cartographer landmarks ─── 制图员地标

3、cartographer degree ─── 制图员学位

4、cartographer villager ─── 制图员村民

5、cartographer game ─── 制图游戏

6、cartographer paper ─── 制图纸

cartographer 相似词语短语

1、cartographers ─── n.制图师;地图制作者

2、chalcographer ─── n.铜版雕刻术(chalcography的变形)

3、cartographic ─── adj.地图的;制图的

4、cardiographer ─── 心脏记录仪

5、cacographer ─── n.拼写错误的人;书法不佳的人

6、cartograph ─── n.制图仪;地图

7、pantographer ─── n.放大尺;缩放仪;缩图仪;比例画图仪器(pantograph的变形)

8、cartography ─── n.地图制作,制图;制图学,绘图法

9、chartographer ─── n.海图绘制师

cartographer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moreover, symbols and notes on maps have high symbolic meanings, so that cartographer's perspectives are shown clearly and the differences between various perspectives are obvious. ─── 而地图符号与注记则负有高度的象徵意义,也因此绘图者的意图被明白地呈现在地图上,使不同观点之间的差异非常显著。

2、cartographer; draftsman ─── 制图员

3、!!CwdgAceLibs_r1045, ChatMOD, Decursive, atlas, RatingBuster, Quartz, Cartographer. ─── 除了大脚我还用了插件 !

4、5.To promote and facilitate the cartographer's role within the geographic discipline; ─── 5.方便制图者在地理学科的工作;

5、sinomaps press , the only national cartographer in china , has a mere 20 people in its electronic - mapping division. ─── 中国地图出版社是中国唯一一家国有地图制作单位,但其电子地图部门仅有20名员工。

6、Subjective judgments based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer ─── 根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大。

7、S.Posthumus Cartographer . ─── 极品音乐 E.

8、cartographer n. ─── 制图者;

9、Sample: Though not a professional cartographer, Tolkien was able to construct a map of the fictional world. ─── 绘制地图者:地图=裁缝:衣服=词典编纂者:词典(人物及其工作对象)

10、Subjective judgements based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer. ─── 根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大。

11、The anonymous cartographer described the new map on the website, Google Earth Hacks using his handle, blackdogprod. ─── 匿名制图员介绍网站上的新地图,谷歌地球借用他的资料进行处理。

12、Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection(1568). ─── 麦卡托,格哈杜斯1512-1594佛兰芝地图的绘制者,发明了麦卡托投影法(1568年)

13、Handle affairs personnel and concerned personnel: Secretary, public relations member, the member that terminal of communication of computer operator, cartographer, operator, user is maintained. ─── 办事人员和有关人员:秘书、公关员、计算机操作员、制图员、话务员、用户通信终端维修员。

14、A geographical work compiled by the cartographer, Ptolemy of Alexandria in about 165 AD and subsequently translated and revised by a Byzantine scholar, located several ports in South-East Asia. ─── 大约公元165年,一本由亚历山大制图者托勒密编辑、后来由拜占庭学者翻译并修订出版的地理书记载了东南亚的几个港口。

15、Find a good cartographer. ─── 找一个好制图师。

16、Map of Taiwan and part of the mainland coast, put together by a French cartographer. ─── 本图由法国皇家水陆制图师根据耶稣会士的纪录绘成,范围包括台湾岛及大陆沿海的一部分。

17、Map of Taiwan and part of the mainland coast, put together by a French cartographer. ─── 本图由法国皇家水陆制图师根据耶稣会士的纪录绘成,范围包括台湾岛及大陆沿海的一部分。

18、Added edit and delete buttons to custom maps in the Cartographer. ─── 添加编辑和删除按钮来自定义地图的制图。

19、He told me he would never have found a way out of the thicket if he didn't stumble upon a cartographer's hut. ─── 他告诉我要不是他偶然发现了一个制图师小屋,他永远也找不到离开灌木丛的路。

20、[editor and project director, R.Warwick Armstrong ;cartographer, James A.Bier]. ─── 书名/作者 Atlas of Hawaii /Department of Geography, University of Hawaii ;

21、Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine. ─── 这是个简单、效的对象-关系映射工具。

22、- No, my character's not dyslexic.|- So you a cartographer. ─── |- 不,我没有.|- 那么你是制图师了.

23、American cartographer who was chief geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey (from 882) and helped found the National Geographic Society (888). ─── 甘尼特,亨利:(84'-94)美国地图学家,他是美国地质勘测杂志(从882年)的主要地质学家,并帮助成立了国家地理学社(888年)

24、Cartographer is a simple,efficient object relational mapper engine. It provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects. ─── 这是个简单、有效的对象-关系映射工具。它使用轻量级数据和工厂对象实现对关系数据的快速访问。

25、Press, the only national cartographer in China, has a mere 20people in its electronic-mapping division. ─── 中国唯一的国家制图机构,中国地图出版社,仅仅有20人分配在其电子地图部门。

26、A river is an edge, for one thing, and not simply in the cartographer's sense that it divides one piece of ground from another. ─── 首先,一条河是一个边界,并且不是简单的在地图制作者的意识里那样它把一片土地从另一片上分开。

27、Subjective judgments based on frequency graphs vary greatly cartographer to cartographer. ─── 根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大。

28、To borrow some analogies from philosopher Thomas Kuhn:"Looking at a contour map,the student sees lines on paper,the cartographer a picture of a terrain. ─── 每个人试图对自己的体验做出解释。我们对自己身上和周围发生的一切赋予意义。

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