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08-16 投稿


adust 发音

英:[??d?st]  美:[??d?st]

英:  美:

adust 中文意思翻译



adust 相似词语短语

1、coaldust ─── 滑行

2、stardust ─── n.魔力,迷幻;星团,星尘

3、Aust ─── n.欧斯特(姓氏)

4、sawdust ─── n.[木]锯屑;adj.撒木屑的;无实质的;vt.在…上撒木屑;用木屑填塞

5、adult ─── adj.成年的;成熟的;n.成年人

6、dust ─── n.灰尘;尘埃;尘土;vt.撒;拂去灰尘;vi.拂去灰尘;化为粉末;n.(Dust)人名;(德、俄)杜斯特

7、Faust ─── n.浮士德(歌德同名悲剧著作的主人公)

8、bedust ─── vt.使……覆上灰尘

9、adults ─── n.成年人(adult的复数形式)

adust 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But if it be stopped, and cannot have his way, it becometh adust, and thereby malign and venomous. ─── 但若有一天没有了,人就会迷失方向,还变得焦虑、空虚而颓废。

2、a vast desert all adust ─── 一大片沙漠,干燥,炎热

3、Current, the dry method of timber has stoving law, adust law and vapour way. ─── 目前,木料的干燥方法有烘干法、烤干法和蒸汽法。

4、Different from general steering system,Audi dynamic steering tech can not only adjust the strength of steering,but also adust steering ratio continuously based on driving conditions. ─── 与一般的转向系统相比,奥迪动态转向系统不仅可以调节转向力大小,同时还可根据驾驶情况对转向系统的转向比进行无级调节。

5、Wear adust mask or a folded, damp cloth over your nose and mouth while you work. ─── 工作时戴上防尘口罩或者拿一块湿布放在口鼻上

6、When I waked up, it was an adust day like my heart, it was windy. ─── 一早起身,天就像我的心一样阴沉着,竟然起风了。

7、If you leave these material, we can adust the price for you. ─── 如果您留下这批材料,我们可以为您调整价格。

8、The pasting speed is fast, and its duplex position can work at the same time. So its effective rises one time. And it can adust when it is in single and double stamps and it is easy. ─── 贴合速度快,可双工位同时工作,其效率提高一倍,单双道工作时位置可调,方便灵活。

9、be adust with anger ─── 怒火中烧

10、Adust complexion ─── 黧黑之容

11、All adust and athirst, the two entered the wine-shop. ─── 两人满身灰尘走进酒店,十分口渴。

12、AC input adust by hand.Four independent charging Channels.European ,Korea Plug 78*48*27mm,200g(N. ─── AC输入通过手动调整,四个独立充电的插槽 插头为:欧规,韩规 外形尺寸:78-48*27MM 200G (N.

13、I hope you can adust yourself to the new environment soon. ─── 我希望你能很快适应这种新环境。

14、If you leave these material,we can adust the price for you. ─── 如果您留下这批材料,我们可以为您调整价格。

15、Current, the dry method of timber has stoving law, adust law and vapour way. ─── 目前,木料的干燥方法有烘干法、烤干法和蒸汽法。

16、I must adust my watch ,it's fast.4. ─── 3.我的表走快了,我得把它校准。

17、Thoughts on study method of adust learners ─── 成教学员学习方法思考

18、Thoughts on study method of adust learners ─── 成教学员学习方法思考

19、an adust visage ─── 一幅黑黑的脸

dream is possible歌词大意?

Dream It Possible(梦想成为可能)

谱曲:Andy Love

编曲:Andy Love、崔迪


I will run I will climb I will soar.


I'm undefeated.


Jumping out of my skin pull the chord.


Yeah I believe it.

是啊 我坚信。

The past is everything we were don't make us who we are.


so I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars.


It's not until you fall that you fly.


When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable.


take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful.


We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold.


And we'll dream it possible.




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