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08-16 投稿


whips 发音

英:[w?ps]  美:[w?ps]

英:  美:

whips 中文意思翻译




whips 词性/词形变化,whips变形


whips 常用词组

whip and spur ─── 快马加鞭地,火急地,以最快速度

whip up ─── 激起;鞭打

whip in ─── 驱赶;用鞭子把…往里赶

whips 短语词组

1、buggy whips ─── 无线电天线(多指汽车上的天线)

2、whips and chains ─── 鞭子和链条

3、vertical whips ─── 垂直鞭子

whips 相似词语短语

1、ships ─── n.舰船(ship的复数);v.船运(ship的第三人称单数形式)

2、whaps ─── v.给沉痛的打击;征服,打败(同whop);n.重击(同whop)

3、whip ─── n.鞭子;鞭策者;纪律委员;投票指示;(机)搅拌器;蛋奶水果甜点心;抽打;车夫;v.抽打;猛然移动;促使,煽动;搅打(蛋,奶油);偷盗(非正式);彻底击败(非正式);用细绳缠绕加固;急走;拍击

4、whirs ─── v.作呼呼声,呼呼作声地飞(等于whirr);n.呼呼声,飕飕声(等于whirr)

5、whids ─── 敏捷地行动

6、whims ─── 虚妄;禅病

7、hips ─── abbr.高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HighImpactPolystyrene);高完整性保护系统(HighIntegrityProtectiveSystems)

8、whipt ─── v.鞭打,鞭笞;驱使,促使;(突然迅速地)拉动,抽出;用细绳缠绕加固;搅打(蛋,奶油);偷,盗窃(whip的过去式和过去分词)

9、chips ─── n.[食品]炸土豆条;小木片;(作赌注用的)圆形筹码;缺口(chip的复数形式)

whips 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Even when she gives me a twenty-point start, Gill always seems to have the whip hand over me when we play Scrabble. ─── 即使我们玩拼学游戏时,吉尔让我20点的话,她也似乎总是占优势。

2、The other team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half. ─── 另一支球队控制了场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。

3、She rode by with a flourish of her whip. ─── 她骑马挥鞭而过。

4、For nonconformity,the world whips you with its displeasure. ─── 只因不随俗,整个世界都不悦鞭策着你。

5、He first threw me some pieces of money, then struck me with a whip. ─── 他先是扔给我一些钱,后来用鞭子抽我。

6、Her whip snapped down on the pony's back. ─── 她的鞭子“啪”地一声抽在小马的背上。

7、He cracked his whip and galloped away. ─── 他抽响鞭子策马飞奔而去。

8、He who disobeys will be punished with six strokes of the whip. ─── 任何人不服从命令,都会受到6下鞭抽的惩罚。

9、There isn't much call for buggy whips today. ─── 今天已不那么需要赶马车的鞭子了

10、With whip and spur he urged his horse onward . ─── 他以马鞭及马刺策马前进。

11、He said during the time he was enslaved at the kiln he was regularly beaten with bricks or whips, China Daily reported. ─── 他说,在被沦为奴工的那段日子里,经常挨砖打,被鞭子抽。

12、So from the ancient bridge we viewed the train that hurried toward us along the other tract- kept moving, like the first, by stinging whips. ─── 桥上我们了望那行列,他们正在另一边向着我们走来,同样地为鞭子所驱赶着。

13、He was a speaker who could really whip up a crowd. ─── 他是个真正有感召力的演说者。

14、They tried in vain to whip the school into shape. ─── 他们企图强制改革该学校,但没有成功。

15、You should not need to touch your whip to this horse. ─── 你没有必要用鞭子抽打这匹马。

16、Leon: Tell me, is this whip effective against him? ─── 利:告诉我,这皮鞭对他有效吗?

17、You can not whip our team this year. ─── 今年你们不能击败我队。

18、Whips of lightning crack the sky near rural Walton, Nebraska. ─── 闪电的鞭子撕裂了内布拉斯加州沃尔顿市乡下的天空。

19、He rode whip and spur to the rescue. ─── 他匆匆骑马赶往救助。

20、He cracked his whip and the horse leapt forward. ─── 他甩了个响鞭,马儿就奋蹄向前奔去。

21、He flicked the horse with his whip. ─── 他用鞭轻轻地抽马。

22、She thrashed the children with a whip. ─── 她用鞭子痛打孩子们。

23、She thrashed the horse with her whip. ─── 她用鞭子狠狠地抽着那匹马。

24、the whips. ─── 了。

25、He stopped in front of her and waved his whip. ─── 他在她面前停住,挥舞着马鞭。

26、He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot. ─── 他噼噼啪啪地挥鞭策马狂跑。

27、Fred: No, I mean another one; the wind whips through here and makes it a lot friskier than it is outside. ─── 弗瑞德:不要再加一件,这儿的穿堂风厉害的很,说不定比外面的还冷呢。

28、They menaced her with a whip. ─── 他们用鞭子威胁她。

29、He whips that "log" of a racquet around like a swizzle-stick. ─── 他甩动这笨得象木头的拍子如同耍调酒的小棍。

30、He urged the horse whip in hand. ─── 他手里拿着鞭子催马上前。

31、Ah, how they made them skip and lift their heels at the very first crack of the whip! ─── 唉!他们怎样地使得幽魂们一受到第一鞭就提起腿来了啊!

32、Can't you whip up the horses? We must get there quickly! ─── 你能不能用鞭子抽赶这些马让它们跑快点?我们必须迅速赶到那里!

33、GATHERING energy from the wind may seem a straightforward process. Air whips past the blades of a turbine, forcing it to spin. ─── 收集风能似乎是一个很简单的过程:1。空气擦过涡轮机的叶片,使其旋转。

34、Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist. ─── 他们因对手权柄在握,反抗也没用。

35、He lashed at the servant with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子猛抽仆人。

36、Two guys swung at each other's legs with whips. ─── 两个人相互用鞭子抽打对方的大腿。

37、He said he could whip round to your place after work. ─── 他说他下班后可到你那儿转一圈。

38、Farmer Jack hit him with a long whip. ─── 农民杰克就用一个很长的鞭子抽打它。

39、Don't whip in while others are talking. ─── 在别人谈话时不要突然插话。

40、The girls are trying to whip up interest for a dance Suturday nigh. ─── 女孩们想鼓励我们参加周六晚上的舞会。

41、Whip the cream stiffly before decorating the cake with it. ─── 先把奶油搅成糊状,然后再用它在蛋糕上裱花。

42、But what! Crack of whips, rumble of wheels and clatter of hoofs! ─── 听,皮鞭飕飕,车轮隆隆,战马奔驰,战车疾驶,

43、For who would bear the whips and scorns of time. ─── 因为谁愿忍受人世间的鞭挞和嘲笑。

44、Well, whip her, then, to your heart's content. ─── 好,那就痛痛快快揍她一顿吧!

45、His job in the hunt is to whip the dogs in when they scatter. ─── 他在这次围猎中的任务是,当猎狗跑散时把它们赶到一起。

46、They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them. ─── 他们跑得那么快,就好像他们主人的鞭子在后面追着他们打似的。

47、He set the whip to his horse to make it go faster. ─── 他以鞭策马快速前进。

48、He urged his horse forward with his whip. ─── 他扬鞭策马前进。

49、You'd better whip up some keenness if you're to win the game. ─── 你若是想赢得这场比赛,最好提高一些敏捷度。

50、Cridland would whip the men into reasonable shape. ─── 克里兰德总能把这号人整得服服帖帖。

51、Hold up the whip and flicks softly. ─── 举起鞭儿轻轻摇。

52、He only laid on the whip with regularity. ─── 他只规律地将马一鞭一鞭地抽着。

53、He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. ─── 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。

54、I'll let you whip if I misbehave! ─── 如果我对有冒犯,你可以挥动鞭子!

55、A mark raised on the skin,as by a whip. ─── 伤痕皮肤上隆起的痕记,如鞭痕。

56、Will she weep for them or whip them once again? ─── 她会为他们哭泣还是将他们鞭笞?

57、Instead of schmoozing the doorman or checking to see if he's on the guest list, he whips out his wallet and flashes a mysterious card. ─── 他并没有和门童闲聊几句或是查看自己是否在宾客名单上,而是迅速拿出他的钱包,快速出示了一张神秘卡片。

58、She beat the horse with her long whip. ─── 她用长鞭子抽打着马。

59、He was given 30 lashes of the whip. ─── 他被鞭打三十下。

60、A sword that turns into a whip, how kinky is that? ─── 一把刀子转换成鞭子,它是如何弯曲的呢?

61、The general came over with a whip in his hand. ─── 将军手里拿着鞭子走过来。

62、He urged the horse on with a whip. ─── 他挥鞭策马前行。

63、He lash the horse across the back with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子抽打马背。

64、He flipped at his dog with a whip . ─── 他用鞭子抽打他的狗。

65、His job is to whip the members in if the vote looks being close. ─── 他的工作就是,假如在选票看来接近的情况下召集本党党员投票。

66、Oh, that. It's true; the whip is not yet complete. ─── 啊,那个呀。没错,这皮鞭现在不完整。

67、He flicked the horse with his whip/flicked his whip at the horse. ─── 他用鞭子轻轻抽马。

68、South city buy ___, north city buy whip. ─── 南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。

69、The butter churn had two paddles to whip the cream. ─── 奶油制造机有两根搅棍搅打奶油。

70、He upped with his whip and thrashed Tom. ─── 他拿起鞭子抽了汤姆一顿。

71、Then he struck at me with a whip. ─── 后来他用鞭子抽我。

72、It whips and mixes the fresh air and crankcase fumes as it rotates. ─── 它旋转时,把新鲜空气和曲柄轴箱气体搅混在一起。

73、He whips off his Cap of knowledge and dons the crown. ─── 他脱掉他的知识帽,捡起了地上的帽子。

74、The serf owner lashed the serf with a whip. ─── 农奴主用皮鞭抽打农奴。

75、A good programmer can whip up such a program in a day. ─── 优秀的程序员一天就能写出这样的程序。

76、His passion flayed him like whips . ─── 他的七情六欲象鞭子似地抽打着他。

77、They urged horses on with whips. ─── 他们挥鞭策马向前进。

78、In the North Market she buys a long whip. ─── 北市买长鞭。

79、He cracked the whip in the air, twice. ─── 他在空中打了两记响鞭。

80、They're trying to whip up support for their candidate. ─── 他们竭力激励大家支持他们的候选人。

81、When a patient comes to see him at his surgery, he whips out his laptop and shows them onscreen how long they might live. ─── 当病人来到他的诊疗室求诊时,他都会启动手提电脑上的程序,在屏幕上显示出他们还可以活多长时间。

82、He flipped at the ass with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子轻轻抽打那头驴子。

83、He urged the horses on with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子策马前行。

84、The whip that's lose always have a gold handle. ─── 失落的马鞭总有金柄。

85、You have an intense love for whips and chains. ─── 你对受虐有强烈的爱(鞭打和锁链)。

86、He was striking his dog with his whip. ─── 他用鞭子抽打狗。

87、A silent woman has always the whip hand of a talker. ─── 一个多话的男人经常被一个一声不响的女人所控制。

88、He flicked his whip at the horse . ─── 他用鞭子轻轻打马。

89、Single whip, one of the most common Taiji pose. ─── 单鞭,最常见的太极拳动作之一。




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