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castile 短语词组

1、castile creek kennels facebook ─── 卡斯蒂尔溪犬舍facebook

2、castile spain ─── 西班牙卡斯蒂利亚

3、duchies of castile ─── 卡斯蒂利亚公国

4、castile hand soap ─── 卡斯蒂尔洗手液

5、castile soap ─── [化] 橄榄油皂; 马赛皂 ─── [医] 橄榄皂

6、castile auction ─── 卡斯蒂尔拍卖

7、castile rock ─── 卡斯蒂利亚岩

8、castile soap recipe ─── 蓖麻皂配方

9、castile collection castile ─── 系列

10、liquid castile soap recipe ─── 液体castile肥皂配方

11、Castile- ─── 卡斯蒂利亚-

12、Castile (historical region) ─── 赌场(历史区域)

13、castile soap benefits castile ─── 肥皂的优点

castile 相似词语短语

1、caste ─── n.(印度社会中的)种姓;(具有严格等级差别的)社会地位;(排他的)社会团体;n.(Caste)人名;(英、法)卡斯特

2、castable ─── adj.可铸的;可塑的;n.[材]可浇铸材料

3、pastille ─── n.锭剂;粉笔;粉笔画(等于pastil)

4、Castile ─── n.卡斯提尔(西班牙古国);橄榄香皂

5、bastile ─── n.城堡;监狱

6、casting ─── n.铸造;铸件;投掷;角色分配;v.铸造;投掷;投向;选派演员;扔掉(cast的ing形式)

7、castle ─── n.城堡;象棋中的车;vt.置…于城堡中;筑城堡防御;n.(Castle)人名;(英)卡斯尔

8、astilbe ─── 落新妇属

9、Bastille ─── n.巴士底狱

castile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Book online the cheapest hotels in Castile y Leon - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Castile and Leon 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

2、Founded c. 884, it was the capital of the kingdom of Castile in the th century.Population, 55,849. ─── 建于约公元884年,它是世纪卡斯提王国的首都。

3、A region and former kingdom of northeast Spain. It was united with Castile in 1479 to form the nucleus of modern Spain. ─── 阿拉贡,西班牙东北部的一个地域和前王国。1479年它与卡斯蒂利亚合并形成了现代西班牙的核心。

4、Blanche of Castile ─── 布朗歇(1188-1252),西班牙人,法国路易八世的王后。

5、Isabella I of Castile not only paid for Christopher Columbus、 famous trip, but during her marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon, the two major kingdoms of Spain were joined under one "Spanish" rule. ─── 卡斯蒂利亚女王伊莎贝拉不仅资助哥伦布著名的旅程,她和阿拉贡国王费迪南的婚约也使西班牙境内两大王国合而为一,臣服于一个西班牙的统治之下。

6、a region and former kingdom of northeast Spain. It was united with Castile in 1479 to form the nucleus of modern Spain ─── 阿拉贡,西班牙东北部的一个地域和前王国。1479年它与卡斯蒂利亚合并形成了现代西班牙的核心

7、It is located on the river Manzanares in the center of the country, in the historic region of New Castile. ─── 他位于西班牙中部,在历史上著名的新卡斯提尔附近。

8、Housecleaning can be done with simple ingredients like white vinegar, castile soap, baking soda and water. ─── 清洗可以做简单的成分一样白醋,卡斯蒂利亚肥皂,小苏打和水。

9、Incorporated into Castile in 1515, it was united to the French crown when Henry of Navarre became King Henry IV of France in 1589. ─── 1515年并入卡斯提尔。1589年当那瓦尔的亨利成为法王亨利四世后,那瓦尔又重新回到法国。

10、Built in 1119 by Robert de Crevecoeur to replace the earlier Saxon manor of Esledes, the castle became a royal palace for King Edward I of England and his queen, Eleanor of Castile in 1278. ─── 与其说游客来这儿是为了欣赏历史悠久的古建筑,还不如说为了感受皇家别墅的奢华与气派。这是一间王后住过的卧室,属于15世纪风格。

11、While in Castile the peasants were never serfs, in Aragon there was serfdom of the most shameful kind right up till the decree of Ferdinand the Catholic in 1486. ─── 在加斯梯利亚,农民虽然从来没有成为农奴,但在阿腊贡却盛行过极丑恶的农奴制,直到1486年天主教徒费迪南德作出裁决为止。

12、Book online the cheapest hotels in Castile Mancha - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Castile Mancha 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

13、Either all is lost, or else Castile will be head of the world. ─── 要么丧失一切,要么使长斯提尔居世界之首。

14、a former kingdom that united with Castile in 1479 to form Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella). ─── 以前的一个王国,年费迪南与伊莎贝拉结婚后它与卡斯蒂利亚合并形成了西班牙。

15、Castile soap ─── n. 橄榄香皂(用橄榄油和碱制成的)

16、Castile soap is a popular example of the vegetable-only soaps derived by the oldest "white soap" of Italy. ─── 卡斯蒂利亚肥皂是一种流行的例子,蔬菜只有肥皂得出的最古老的“白色肥皂”的意大利。

17、As part of an effort to modernize Castile, they banned all religions other than Roman Catholicism, leading to the Spanish Inquisition (1478) and the expulsion of the Jews (1492). ─── 作为把卡斯提尔现代化的一部分,他们下令取缔天主教以外的一切宗教,设立异端裁判所(1478),逐出犹太人(1492)。

18、Son of Philip I of Castile and grandson of Ferdinand V and Isabella I and of Emperor Maximilian I, he succeeded to his grandfathers' kingdoms on their deaths in 1516 and 1519, respectively. ─── 卡斯提尔国王腓力一世之子,神圣罗马帝国皇帝马克西米连一世之孙。1516年成为西班牙国王。1519年成为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。

19、Soap that is made of vegetable oils, such as olive oil, are generally termed castile soap. ─── 椰子油和橄榄油,在制做肥皂方面来说是没有什麽分别的。

20、Queen of Castile (1474-1504). ─── 伊莎贝拉一世:卡斯蒂利亚国女王(1474-1504年)。

21、Either all is lost, or else castile will be head of the world ─── 要么丧失一切,要么使长斯提尔居世界之首。

22、Castile and Aragon were unified in the Renaissance, with the new state dominated by Castile . ─── 文艺复兴时期,卡斯提尔和阿拉贡统一为卡斯提尔王国。

23、Either all is lost, or else Castile will be head of the world. ─── 要么丧失一切,要么使长斯提尔居世界之首。

24、A region and former kingdom of northeast Spain. It was united with Castile in1479 to form the nucleus of modern Spain. ─── 阿拉贡西班牙东北部的一个地域和前王国。1479年它与卡斯蒂利亚合并形成了现代西班牙的核心

25、technical glitch caused the temporary removal of the Castile video for about an hour, according to Facebook. ─── 脸书网称,技术障碍导致卡斯蒂尔事件的视频被删除了约一小时。

26、He is not like the King of Castile, who choked with thirst, because the great butler was not beside to hand his cup. ─── 他不像卡斯蒂耶国王那样,因为御食大臣没在旁边递给他杯子,就差点渴死。

27、Catholic factions: Portugal, Castile &Leon, Aragon, Navarre, ─── 天主教:葡萄牙,卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂,阿拉贡,纳瓦拉

28、A city of northern Spain on a high plateau south-southwest of Bilbao. Founded c. 884, it was the capital of the kingdom of Castile in the th century. Population, 55,849. ─── 布尔戈斯:西班牙北部一个城市,位于毕尔巴鄂西南偏南的高原上。建于约公元884年,它是世纪卡斯提王国的首都。人口55,849

29、The marriage of Isabella I of Castile ─── 卡斯提尔的伊莎贝拉一世

30、19.WaS Prince Sancho de Castile Poisoned? ─── 卡斯蒂尔王子是被毒死的吗?

31、Ancient kingdom, northern Spain, bordered by France, Aragon, Castile, and the Basque Country. ─── 西班牙北部的古王国,与法国、亚拉冈、卡斯提尔和巴斯克地区接壤。

32、the cars from New York are parked five deep in the drive, and already the halls and salons and verandas are gaudy with primary colors, and hair shorn in strange new ways, and shawls beyond the dreams of Castile. ─── 纽约来的轿车五辆一排停在车道上,同时所有的厅堂、客室、阳台已经都是五彩缤纷,女客们的发型争奇斗妍,披的纱巾是卡斯蒂尔人做梦也想不到的。

33、FOR a taste of the real Spain, try Castile-La Mancha. ─── 要寻找纯正的西班牙味道,那就该去卡斯蒂利亚·拉曼恰。

34、A stillborn sister and three short-lived brothers, including Henry, Duke of Cornwall , had preceded her.Through her mother, she was a granddaughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile . ─── 是都铎王朝的第四任君主,在她短命异母的继弟,爱德华六世死后,登上英国王位,她重新恢复英国天主教的教义、仪式与习惯。

35、New Castile ─── castile

36、A city of northern Spain on a high plateau south-southwest of Bilbao. Founded c. 884, it was the capital of the kingdom of Castile in the 11th century. Population, 155,849. ─── 布尔戈斯:西班牙北部一个城市,位于毕尔巴鄂西南偏南的高原上。建于约公元884年,它是11世纪卡斯提王国的首都。人口155,849

37、Founded c. 884, it was the capital of the kingdom of Castile in the 11th century.Population, 155,849. ─── 建于约公元884年,它是11世纪卡斯提王国的首都。

38、Kingdom of Castile ─── 卡斯蒂利亚王国

39、Agree Star of Genoa, in a quick research i've found at least 40 major Chronicles of Castile or Aragon. ─── 同意ls,我快速地查找了一下,结果找到了40部以上的关于卡斯蒂利亚或亚拉贡地区的记录。

40、olive castile soap ─── 马赛皂

41、In November, 1504,lsabella of Castile died, so the question of the succession to Castile was raised to the forefront. ─── 1504年,卡斯蒂尔的伊莎贝拉去世。

42、a region of northeastern Spain; a former kingdom that united with Castile in 1479 to form Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella). ─── 西班牙东北部的一个地域;以前的一个王国,年费迪南与伊莎贝拉结婚后它与卡斯蒂利亚合并形成了西班牙。

43、Castile is also sometimes applied to soaps with a mix of oils, but a high percentage of olive oil. ─── 卡斯蒂利亚有时也适用于肥皂的混合油,但高比例的橄榄油。

44、Castile and Aragon were unified in the Renaissance, with the new state dominated by Castile. ─── 文艺复兴时期,卡斯提尔和阿拉贡统一为卡斯提尔王国。

45、Although private, it was backed by Castile La-Mancha's Socialist government. ─── 虽然机场是私有的,但它得到了卡斯蒂利拉·拉曼恰社会政府的支持。

46、A region and former kingdom of northeast Spain. It was united with Castile in 479 to form the nucleus of modern Spain. ─── 阿拉贡:西班牙东北部的一个地域和前王国。479年它与卡斯蒂利亚合并形成了现代西班牙的核心。

47、Despite her position as Queen of Castile, Joanna spent much of her reign locked away, unable to rule. ─── 虽然她仍然保留卡斯提区的女王的地位,她的权力受到剥夺,完全失去了统治能力。

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