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08-16 投稿


gummy 发音

英:['g?m?]  美:['ɡ?mi]

英:  美:

gummy 中文意思翻译



gummy 网络释义

adj. 粘性的,胶粘的;含树胶的;肿的(脚踝或腿);拙劣的,讨厌的(俚语)

gummy 短语词组

1、gummy dots ─── 胶状圆点

2、bubble gummy ─── 泡 ─── 泡口香糖

3、free gummy ─── 游离胶状物

4、gummy daily ─── 胶状日报

5、soft gummy bears ─── 软糖熊

6、gummy bear ─── 橡胶熊

7、i am a gummy bear dj mp ─── 我是一个橡皮熊dj议员

8、gummy channel ─── 胶状通道

9、gummy drops ─── 树胶滴剂

10、gummy running man ─── 粘性跑步者

11、i am a gummy bear ─── 我是一只橡皮熊

12、gummy tumor ─── [医] 梅毒瘤, 树胶肿

13、Gummy ites ─── 胶状物

14、gummy bears ─── 橡胶熊

15、gummy fruit ─── 胶状水果

16、gummy bear song ─── 熊胶歌

17、gummy bottoms ─── [化] (油料的)胶质油脚

18、gummy dear ─── 亲爱的

19、my love gummy ─── 我的爱,小树胶

gummy 词性/词形变化,gummy变形

形容词比较级: gummier |名词: gumminess |形容词最高级: gummiest |

gummy 相似词语短语

1、gemmy ─── adj.象宝石一般的;镶嵌宝石的

2、dummy ─── n.人体模型;仿制品;蠢货;假动作;橡皮奶头;(桥牌)明手牌;傀儡;沉默的人;(书的)装帧样本;空包弹;(语法中作修饰语)假代的;adj.假的,仿真的;v.(在英式足球中)做假动作

3、tummy ─── n.肚子;胃

4、lummy ─── int.惊叫声;adj.第一流的,最上等的

5、gammy ─── adj.(非正式)(腿或膝因伤痛而)跛的

6、rummy ─── n.拉米纸牌游戏;酒鬼;adj.古怪的,离奇的;危险的;甜酒的;n.(Rummy)(美)鲁姆丽(人名)

7、gumma ─── n.[性病]梅毒瘤,树胶肿

8、mummy ─── n.妈妈;木乃伊;干瘪的人

9、yummy ─── adj.好吃的;美味的;愉快的;n.美味的东西;令人喜爱的东西

gummy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A new imaging agent that homes in on the gummy plaques and tangles that jam up the brains of Alzheimer patients has allowed doctors to see the disease in a living person for the first time, researchers said Wednesday. ─── 本周三,研究人员说,一种能瞄准阿尔茨海默氏病患者脑损伤混乱团的造影剂,使医生首次能在患者活着时就了解病变情况。

2、The 3rd period syphilis can produce syphilis tumor or gummy swollen, palate syphilis tumour can produce soft strong organization to punch on. ─── 第三期梅毒可发生梅毒瘤或树胶肿,上腭梅毒瘤可发生软硬组织穿孔。

3、As with gingerbread men and gummy bears, the dilemma when served a locust is whether to begin eating it head or legs first. ─── 就像吃姜饼的人和小熊软糖一样,吃蝗虫时的窘境是先吃它的头还是腿。

4、and antioxidants, gummy letters are a healthy choice. ─── 橡皮糖富含抗氧化物质,字母形状的橡皮糖是个很好的健康选择。

5、gummi buteae ─── [医] 紫铆树胶, 孟加拉奇诺

6、A. Yes. Gummy Vites have no wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts or soy. They also have no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. ─── 可以的。小熊糖里不含小麦,面筋,牛奶,鸡蛋,花生,坚果或豆奶。他们也没有人为的颜色,味道或防腐剂。

7、Can you please tell me what kind of sugar candy you make; taffy,hard candy, gummy, ect. Is coffee the only flavor? ─── 糖糖果请你告诉我你做多么糖糖果;太妃糖,硬糖,粘性,等咖啡是唯一的味道吗?

8、gummi tragacanthae ─── [医] 西黄蓍胶

9、gummy sand ─── 肥砂含粘土多的砂

10、gummy wool ─── 多油汗毛

11、Jelly,gummy candy,snack,mixed congee,cookies ─── 果冻、糖果、膨化、八宝粥、饼干。

12、I routinely buy gummy vitamins for my six year old. This was the first brand that he turned down. ─── 我经常购面小熊维生素给我6岁大的孩子,这是他唯一肯吃的牌子。

13、We describe how to make the molds, and then show that the gummy fingers and conductive silicone fingers which are made with these molds, can fool the fingerprintdevices. ─── 我们描述自己如何制作铸模,并且显示透过这些铸模来制作的胶制人造手指与导电矽胶碳填充人造手指,可以顺利的欺骗指纹辨识感测装置。

14、Partly because this is so cool, but mostly because I just scarfed a bunch of gummy orcs and the White Chocolate Pretzel Tree of Gondor. ─── 一部分是因为这太酷了,不过更主要的是因为我只是拼接了一堆树胶妖怪和白巧克力椒盐脆饼树。

15、Yui Kee Company Limited - Imports wines, gummy candies and other snack foods. ─── 屈臣氏蒸溜水-提供公司简介、产品资料、社会服务、健康贴士及网上订购等。

16、It can crush waste sand packet of gummy sand,waterglass sand and babed mould sand,etc,and make them regenerate. ─── 而且针对树脂砂,水玻璃砂等有机残留物(惰性膜)有搓磨破碎达到脱膜去膜的作用。

17、pathological production of gummy exudates in citrus and various stone-fruit trees. ─── 病态地产生流胶物质。

18、Carol: Ok! But then I talk to Mark he said he never even said that or the gummy bear thing, either. ─── 卡罗尔:好吧,后来我问过马克了,他说他根本没有讲过这话,也从没有说过什么橡皮熊。

19、gummy shark ─── 星鲨

20、Score 250 points in Attack of the Gummy Dice. ─── 在果冻骰子大攻击获得250分。

21、Keywords gummy sand process;production line;sand reclamation; ─── 树脂砂工艺;生产线;旧砂再生;

22、gummy tumor ─── [医] 梅毒瘤, 树胶肿


24、It should be tender and moist but not gummy or doughy. ─── 它应该很柔软潮湿,不黏也不软稠。

25、AVK GUMMI A/S is the biggest rubber sealing compounds manufactory with the first advanced rubber mill in the world. ─── 母公司拥有世界上最先进的橡胶自动混炼工厂。

26、A Simple and Practical Process for Producing Gummy Sand ─── 介绍一种简易实用的树脂砂生产工艺线

27、Carol: Ok! But then I talk to Mark he said he never even said that or the gummy bear thing, either. ─── 卡罗尔:好吧,后来我问过马克了,他说他根本没有讲过这话,也从没有说过什么橡皮熊。

28、"the gummy surfaces, spectral smudges and woozy contours that . . . appear in counterpoint to the clear, bright facture that had heretofore been[the artist's] hallmark" (Robert Shorr) ─── “涂有树胶的表面,如鬼怪妖魔般的污迹及模糊的轮廓...与清楚、明亮的制作方呈现强烈的对比,这一直到现在都是[某位艺术家]的特色” (罗伯特·萧尔)

29、large genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America. ─── 产生胶或胶脂的草本植物的一个大属,主要产于北美洲西部和中美洲。

30、a gummy substance that is a sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose; used as a thickening or emulsifying agent. ─── 一种粘性物质,是羧甲基纤维素的钠盐,用作增稠剂或乳化剂。

31、reddish-brown dried gummy exudation from any of several trees of the genus Eucalyptus especially Eucalyptus camaldulensis ─── 任何属于桉属植物的树流出的干而黏的红棕色分泌物

32、These works are planned in detail, as if they were real, and realized with gummy materials that soften the shapes and turn them into caricatures of the originals; ─── 而此时此刻人们会自然而然的开始怀疑,艺术家是认真的还是开我们的玩笑。

33、We mainly produce fruit candy, soft candy, gummy candy and biscuit(bear biscuit with filing )etc. we have got middle and higher technicians, marketing sellers and quality controller and so on. ─── 目前我司配备有中、高级技术员、质检员、市场营销人员等,是一个集产品开发、检验、生产经营、储运于一体的综合型多功能发展的经济实体。

34、Keywords crown lengthening;aesthetics;gummy smile; ─── 牙冠延长术;美学;露龈笑;

35、In washing my clothes my mother found the gummy weds and scolded me to break me of the habit ─── 妈妈给我洗衣服时,发现了粘在一起的一些小块块,就把我给训了,要我改掉这个恶习。

36、Gislaved Gummi AB is the global market leader in the field of gasket manufacturing for PHE-Gaskets.We aim to start production in 2008 for Qingdao facility. ─── 如对所述职位感兴趣,请发简历至或发传真到本公司,请在邮件标题中注明所申请职位。

37、Each Rhino Veggie-Fruit Gummy Bear is sprinkled with fumaric acid, citric acid and sucrose crystals for a delicious sour flavor. ─── Other Ingredients其它成分: Glucose syrup, sucrose, apple pectin, fumaric acid, citric acid, lactic, acid, natural flavors and colors added (vegetable juice concentrate, annatto and tumeric).

38、A yellow, water-soluble, gummy polysaccharide found in plant cell walls and yielding xylose upon hydrolysis. ─── 木聚糖一种水溶性的黄色树胶质多聚糖,常见于植物细胞壁和水解后产生的木糖中

39、I've tried the gummy vitamins and for some reason my son's not wild about them. ─── 我曾经试过给我儿子吃口香糖样的维他命,但是他不喜欢吃。

40、The card read: "I can't (bear) to be without you" - with gummy bear treats in place of the word. ─── 维多利亚“血拼”时还带着下周将满三周岁的小儿子克鲁兹,母子俩还去第五大道的一家玩具店逛了逛。

41、Objective To investigated the clinical value of J hook in higher traction by treatment of 40 gummy smile deep overbite patients. ─── 目的通过对40例牙龈型微笑的深覆牙合患者的治疗,探讨J形钩高位牵引的临床应用。

42、We want to buy Candy, Cocoa, Lollipop, Chewing Gum, Gummy, Confectionary, Sugar, Toy, Durian, Tamarind, Coconut, Coffee, Mint, Fruits Confectionaries ─── 我们要采购糖果,可可粉,棒棒糖,口胶,胶水,糖果点心制造商,糖,玩具,罗望子,椰子,咖啡,薄荷,水果糖果点心制造商

43、Screening and RAPD Analysis of Gummy Stem Blight Resistance in Melon Germplasm ─── 甜瓜抗蔓枯病种质资源的筛选及RAPD分析

44、7. a gummy orange mixture of uranium oxides and silicates occurring naturally in the hydration and oxidation of pitchblende. ─── 一种橙色粘性的铀氧化物和硅酸盐的混和物,由沥青油矿在水合作用和氧化作用下天然形成。

45、Walking on the islands is like walking on a giant gummy bear, and if it's not patched well, a foot can go all the way through. ─── 走在岛上的感觉就像踩着一只巨大的橡皮熊,而且如果脚下的芦苇没补好的话,一脚就能把岛踩穿。

46、Isolation and culture of the pathogen of melon gummy stem blight ─── 甜瓜蔓枯病病原菌的分离培养

47、Hexagon Polymers Gasket is a division of Hexagon Polymers Gislaved Gummi AB Sweden, mainly products Plate Heat Exchanger gaskets (PHE-gaskets). ─── 我们诚挚欢迎有志之士加入一个充满活力的公司。

48、Tyler licks his lips, and turns my hands palm-down on his thigh, on the gummy flannel lap of his bathrobe. ─── 泰勒砸砸嘴,将我的手心按在他的大腿上,放在他的法兰绒浴袍上。

49、A. Gummy Vites only use natural colors and flavors. The colorants used are natural plant based colorants, including: annatto, black carrot juice, and tumeric. ─── 只使用自然的色彩和味道。该着色剂使用的天然植物色素的基础,其中包括:胭脂树,黑色胡萝卜汁,和姜黄。

50、Use or make the fire retardant chemical as the enhancement material and the Insulation Board gummy material. ─── 作为增强材料和绝缘胶粘材料重新利用或作阻火剂的。

51、Q. My child is allergic to wheat. Can he take Gummy Vites? ─── 我的孩子过敏,能吃小熊糖吗?

52、A simple and practical process for producing gummy sand was designed and some bey character and equipment characteristics were introduced also in this paper. ─── 根据树脂砂工艺线的特征和要求,设计了一套经济而简易实用的树脂砂生产工艺线。

53、gummy residue ─── 胶质残余

54、Our sister company Gislaved Gummi (Qingdao)Co.,Ltd which belongs to HEXPOL Group is hiring the following positio...... ... ─── 公司名称:海克斯波聚合材料(青岛)有限公司工作地点:山东省青岛市发布时间:2009-6-13

55、Zhang Y P,Kyle M M,Anagnostou K,Zitter T A.1997.Screening melon (Cucumis melo L.) for resistance to gummy stem blight caused by Didymella bryoniaein the greenhouse and field.HortScience,32:117-121. ─── 尹文山,吴明珠.2000.甜瓜的种质资源与品种.见:中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,中国园艺学会西甜瓜专业委员会,中国园艺学会西甜瓜协会主编.中国西瓜甜瓜.北京:中国农业出版社.

56、Q. I love the Gummy Vites myself. Do you have anything for adults? ─── 我喜欢小熊糖,有没有成人吃的?

57、At presentproduces the mechanical variety includes: Becoming spongy machine,pingqie machine, turns on lathe cutting machine, the punching machine,sets up cutting machine, the flame assembly, the gummy assembly, thebreaker and so on. ─── 目前生产的机械品种有:发泡机、平切机、旋切机、打孔机、立切机、火焰复合机、胶粘复合机、破碎机等。

58、A gummy substance obtained from certain plants. ─── 粘胶从某些植物上得到的粘性物质

59、reddish-brown dried gummy exudation from any of several trees of the genus Eucalyptus especially Eucalyptus camaldulensis. ─── 任何属于桉属植物的树流出的干而黏的红棕色分泌物。

60、I just asked you if I can eat gummy, you said 'en. ─── 我问你我可以不可以吃糖,你说嗯。”

61、The Introducing of Preventing Block for Gummy Sand Equipment ─── 引进树脂砂设备防堵塞措施

62、In particular, the production pingqie machine andthe gummy assembly and does the powder type gummy assembly theperformance to seize first the status in the colleague industry. ─── 尤其是,生产的平切机和胶粘复合机及干粉式胶粘复合机的性能在同行业中占领先地位。

63、Method:By using UV to check gummy of armillarisin a injection and survey its hue,PH and gummy. ─── 方法:考察亮菌甲素注射液的色泽、PH值和含量等项目,用紫外分光光度法测定亮菌甲素注射液的含量。

64、Evaluation and correlation of gummy stem blight resistance of netted melon between seedling and mature-plant stages ─── 网纹甜瓜苗期和成株期蔓枯病抗性的鉴定和相关性

65、Keywords nitrophosphate;calcium nitrate;ultrafine precipitation;zigzag filter;gummy matter; ─── 硝酸磷肥;硝酸钙;微细沉淀物;蛇形槽过滤机;胶状物质;

66、Q. My child just ate a handful of Gummy Vites. Do I need to take her to the doctor? ─── 我的孩子吃维生素多了,我要带她去看医生吗?

67、"Nutritionally there is little difference between a gummy bear and a bite of fruit leather, " she said. ─── “在营养学上,一颗小熊软糖和少量水果干其实几乎没什么差别。”她表示。

68、Shake with ice and pour into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with gummy fish. ─── 加冰摇匀倒入鸡尾酒杯中塑料鱼装饰。

69、Medicine and gummy bears are both encased in carnauba wax and neither has a mind blowing, jaw dropping look. ─── 在医药与树脂轴承都可能有棕梠蜡存在,且不一定会有落滴形外观存在。

70、Objective:To investigate and evaluate the treatment effects of implant anchorage and J hook in gummy smile. ─── 目的:研究和比较露龈微笑的正畸治疗方法中种植体支抗和J钩的治疗效果和优缺点。

71、Marinated in lye, this gummy fish takes days to prepare and is described as one of the most vile-tasting foodstuffs ever created. ─── 用碱液腌制,这种胶状鱼需要几天时间准备,并被描述为有史以来最邪恶的美味食品。

72、Gummi Feet? ─── |丫丫胶皮糖?

73、gummy precipitation ─── 胶质沉淀

74、Jason: Yes well it seems she has reasons to believe that Kevin thought that she looks like a gummy bear. ─── 杰森:对,她完全有理由相信凯文说她长的像个橡皮熊一样。

75、gummi arabicum ─── [医] 阿拉伯胶

76、The Design and Making of Wood Model for Gummy Sand ─── 树脂砂用木模的设计与制作

77、The greatest thing was the little gummy in the middle. ─── 最好的一点是,它中心有小小的橡皮糖。

78、Got any gummy humans? ─── 你有胶水吗?人类?

79、Its gummy substance can lubricate the intestine to help the stool elimination and promotes healthier intestine. ─── 它的胶粘质能润滑肠道以帮助排除宿便,促进肠道健康。

80、gummy ankles ─── 肿胀的足踝

81、The candy would best be gummi bears and book shall be Japanese mystery short-stories translated in Chinese. ─── 糖果最好是橡皮糖,书最好是日本推理短篇小说。

82、mucilago gummi arabici ─── [医] 阿拉伯胶浆

83、Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth ─── 斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。

84、In washing my clothes my mother found the gummy weds and scolded me to break me of the habit. ─── 妈妈给我洗衣服时,发现了粘在一起的一些小块块,就把我给训了,要我改掉这个恶习。

85、We hope you will contribute unstintingly to the Gummy Bears Overtime Fund. ─── 我们希望你们不要吝啬地继续为笨蛋熊超时工作基金做贡献。

86、i love u gummy bebear. ─── 心情: blissful 17 小时前发布。

87、Carol: Said said I look like a gummy bear. ─── 卡罗尔:说,说我长的像个橡皮熊。

88、large genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America ─── 产生胶或胶脂的草本植物的一个大属,主要产于北美洲西部和中美洲

89、gummy matter ─── 胶质






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