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08-16 投稿


crazily 发音

英:[?kre?z?li]  美:[?kre?z?li]

英:  美:

crazily 中文意思翻译



crazily 短语词组

1、crazily means ─── 疯狂地意味着

2、crazily fast ─── 疯狂地快

3、crazily easy ─── 极其容易

4、crazily def ─── 疯狂地定义

crazily 反义词


crazily 同义词

mad | ridiculous | loony | strange | screwball | peculiar | eccentric | brainsick | cracked | wild | lunatic | weirdo | fond | preposterous | senseless | funny | gaga | outrageous | passionate | silly | keen |daft | nutcase | deranged | queer | demented | disturbed | unwise | looney | dotty | softheaded | sick | avid | odd | foolish | irrational | curious | mental | zany | half-baked | devoted | quaint | stupid | insane | unbalanced | unhinged | singular | enthusiastic | lost

crazily 词性/词形变化,crazily变形

形容词比较级: crazier |名词复数: crazies |形容词最高级: craziest |名词: craziness |副词: crazily |

crazily 相似词语短语

1、crackly ─── adj.容易破裂的

2、crankily ─── adv.任性地;暴躁地;摇晃不定地;古怪地

3、crankly ─── 古怪地

4、craftily ─── adv.狡猾地;熟练地;诡诈地

5、crabbily ─── adv.固执地,执拗地;暴躁地;乖戾地

6、craggily ─── 摇摇欲坠

7、Brazil ─── n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家)

8、cozily ─── adv.舒适地;安乐地;安逸地

9、brazils ─── n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家)

crazily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We must study English and other languages crazily. ─── 我们必须疯狂学习英语和其他语言。

2、If. I could be the other me, I'll behave crazily, by ignoring the secular. But. I couldn't. ─── 如果我可以做另外一个自己,我会让自己疯狂,不理世俗的眼光。可惜,我不可以。

3、Si Shuai explained regarding this, after match goal, the main force players considered only counter-attack crazily blindly, actually did not have to carry out his pre-game plan arrangement faithfully. ─── 斯帅对此解释说,对手进球后本队球员只顾盲目地疯狂反扑,却没有忠实执行他赛前的计划安排。

4、According to CCTV news report, Monding these team beat a dog, is at midnight secretly traces to house, suddenly crazily knocks the wash bowl, which hears to have the dog to call, flushes kills the dog immediately. ─── 剧cctv上新闻的报道,牟定的这些打狗队,是深夜时候偷偷摸到住户家,突然狂敲脸盆,听到哪家有狗叫,就冲进去立刻将狗打死。

5、I spared one eveing and celebrated my girlfrind's birthday the day before yesterday.I might have eaten too much cake and played too crazily,and I caught a cough that evening. ─── 前天女友过生日,吃了些蛋糕,又玩得太疯,结果晚上许是着凉了,睡觉时接连地打了好几个喷嚏。

6、We are the persons who crazily collect your magazines, posters, advertisements, interviews, videos and even the MV you participated! ─── 是疯狂收集李俊基的杂志、海报、广告、采访、视频连参演的MV都不放过人!

7、The reason is The humanity crazily kills The wild biology,Ecological environment pollution and destroy by, Making more and more species already or being extermination. ─── 由于人类对野生生物的狂捕杀,对生态环境的污染和破坏,使得地球上越来越多的物种已经或正在遭遇灭顶之灾。

8、Answer your teacher's questions crazily from now on! ─── 现在就开始疯狂回答老师的提问!

9、Overburdening yourself to strive crazily for what you don't need will only raise your stress levels. ─── 加重负担疯狂的追逐你不需要的东西只会加大你的压力。

10、If you can manage your time well,you will have a successful life,try using all you time to practice English crazily. ─── 如果你能合理的支配时间,你一定会有一个成功的人生。

11、s neighbor, not long ago lost a fight with commissary in charge of study, now on each physical education hugs commissary in charge of study to put in order crazily. ─── 体育课代表邻座,不久前和学习委员打架打输了,现在每次体育课就抱着学习委员狂整。

12、And I promise once I have spare time I will read English aloud and crazily. ─── 我承诺,一有零碎时间,我就会大声地、疯狂地朗读英语。

13、There is a famous butterfly athlete who crazily loves butterfly . ─── 有一位蝶泳名将很喜欢蝴蝶!

14、Start behaving crazily ─── 变得狂热;发疯似的.

15、Cars were carreening crazily through the streets. ─── 汽车在街道上疯狂地横冲直撞。

16、He spoke English crazily in street lead many people around him and the police came. ─── 他在大街上疯狂地练习口语引来众人围观,甚至招来警查。

17、Not so much learn crazily every day as go down to think of one's purpose which he fights for,think it clearly, then work hard on it. ─── “与其每天都这么疯狂的学习,不如静下心来想想自己奋斗的目标到底是什么,想清楚了,再去努力。”

18、However I was still seen through . He picked up the clip on the ground, and yelled at me crazily : "Fucking ! STOP ! Give it back to me ! " ─── 可是还是被他看穿了。他拎起丢在地上的夹子,冲着我气急败坏地喊:小兔崽子,你给我站住,把东西还给我!

19、Patric - the Ewing two th substitution went on stage hits 9 minutes then to obtain 7 points, this 7 points came from Nix to pursue the minute fourth latter half crazily completely. ─── 帕特里克-尤因二世替补上场打了9分钟便得到7分,这7分全部来自尼克斯疯狂追分的第四节后半段。

20、What strength is impelling the train which does not permit to turn around crazily to move towards abyss? ─── 是什么力量在推动着这辆不准掉头的列车疯狂地走向深渊呢?

21、Therefore in this week date to Genoa's competition, Mei Acha the field has integrated about 66000 fans crazily, watches the Chinese rice to Genoa's competition . ─── 现在国米能做到前2点,却做不到第3点,比赛踢得漂亮,很多时候不是用钱能买的来的。

22、If you believe in yourself and practice crazily every day, you will make it.You will conquer English. ─── 如果你相信自己并能每天疯狂操练,你就能成功,你将会征服英语。

23、After fumbling, Tianjin initiated has counter-attacked crazily. ─── 失球后,天津发起了疯狂地反扑。

24、I will read English loudly and crazily whenever i have a spare time. ─── 一有零碎时间,我就会大声地疯狂地朗读英语.

25、Beams from the flashlights bounced crazily among the trees, and the search party crashed through the undergrowth, stumbling over stumps and fallen logs, passing me by. ─── 手电筒的光芒疯狂地在树林里跳跃,搜寻人员经过我的身旁,他们在灌木丛中跌跌撞撞,在树桩和倒下的树干间磕磕碰碰。

26、Foreigen hot-money speculated in our stock market and the share prices crazily rose, which lead to the Chinese lay people roll in stock market. And then... ─── 先是境外热线爆炒中国股市,股价飙升,引起全民炒股,当中国老百姓全面接盘之后......

27、They pursue those which are unattainable and fantastic crazily. ─── 他们狂热地追求着一些不可得的、虚无缥缈的东西。

28、I will practice English as crazily as possible every day! ─── 我会每天都尽可能疯狂地操练英语!

29、It helps if you can conquer your shyness and yell out English crazily. ─── 如果你能够克服你的羞涩,疯狂大喊英语,将会对你有好处。

30、Why are they crying crazily? ─── 为什么大家都在疯狂地叫?

31、Therefore the people to avoid the poison gas attack, starts to purchase the gas mask and the native manufacture medicine crazily. ─── 于是人们为了躲避毒气侵袭,开始疯狂购买防毒面具和土制药物。

32、As the audience wave the wands, the display screen shows a sea of lights dancing crazily in the dark, like a candlelight parade gone punk. ─── 观众挥舞纸棒时,在黑暗中疯狂跳动的光的海洋在显示屏上显现,好似过去蓬克迷游行时的烛光。

33、Directions for Use : Squeeze this product into the pet toy “Doy Chasing Mouse”. Your dog or cat will crazily love to lick and eat it. ─── 使用方法:将本产品挤入爱漫“狗拿耗子”宠物玩具中,狗狗和猫咪会疯狂舔食,爱不释口。

34、What strength is impelling the train which does not permit to turn around crazily to move towards abyss? ─── 是什么力量在推动着这辆不准掉头的列车疯狂地走向深渊呢?

35、Love my man more very much, love crazily, love dinkum and truely. ─── 很多爱我的男人,爱得发狂,爱得纯粹而真实。

36、Presently, facing "crazily pursues" of the entire society to the foreign language, the political education must reveal the cultural line heritance value and establish the leadership culture idea; ─── 当前,面对全社会汁外语的“疯狂追逐”,思想政治教育必须彰显文化传承的价值,确立主导文化理念;

37、In his opinion, only then discounts crazily when the market the big markdown sale, we only then have the opportunity low price to buy up the low-price quality merchandise the good thing; ─── 1957年到1966年十年道琼斯指数出现了一波大牛市,从最低416点上涨到最高的1001点,上涨2.22倍。1967年,电子股火爆,引发股市更加疯狂。巴菲特却开始感到恐慌。

38、When you are falling in love with someone crazily, you don&r... ─── 当你疯狂地爱着一个人而所有人都说你是错的,你不必相信自己是对的。

39、We are the persons who crazily showed people around all the things about Junki, hoping they would also fall in love with you! ─── 是拿着俊基所有东西,疯狂给周围人看,希望周围人也爱上俊基的人!

40、You just swear at me crazily ─── 你却只是疯狂地诅咒我

41、The students ran crazily fast in the direction of the canteen after class. ─── 下课后学生们发疯似地跑向了食堂.

42、He crazily fell in love with her. ─── 他疯狂地爱上了她。

43、Do you like coffee? Do you drink crazily before exams? ─── 喜欢喝咖啡吗?考试前狂喝吗?

44、The sail of the little boat swung crazily from one side to the other. ─── 这艘小船的船帆发疯似地左右摇晃着。

45、I won't. How can I forget you after studying crazily together? ─── 不会的.经过在一起疯狂地学习,我怎能忘记你呢?

46、The crowd shouted crazily:” hail to the king!” ─── 人群狂热地叫喊着:“国王万岁!”

47、Leo: Recently, it is crazily said that Yike Zeng will go to study in Beijing International Studies University. ─── 最近网上疯传曾轶可要去北京第二外国语学院读书了。

48、I am just a man in the street, but meanwhile, I am an out of common man because I have my own dream and fight for it crazily. ─── 朋友,请记住:你可以是个凡人,但你可以让自己的一生过得不平凡!

49、I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes before going to bed every night. ─── 我承诺,我会在每晚临睡前大声地、疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。

50、She longed for that controls own destiny, falls in love with the married man crazily and gives birth to the illegitimate child for it. ─── 她渴望主宰自己的命运,疯狂地爱上有妇之夫并为其生下私生子。

51、I think no matter it is in Shenzhen or in Changsha or anywhere else, I'll pursue English crazily like always. ─── 我想不管我是在深圳还是在长沙,或者又是在其他地方,我对英语的疯狂追求将一如既往!

52、A drunkard came home and had just laid down when a woman crazily smacked him. ─── 一个酒鬼回家刚躺下,就挨了女人没头没脑一阵揍。

53、To much of the world, that looks like a crazily disproportionate response. ─── 对世界大部国家来说,以色列的这种反应似乎有点过激了。

54、The ball bounced crazily over his shoulder into the net. ─── 球不可思议地弹过他的肩膀,钻进了球网。

55、The kids were running around crazily, working off their surplus energy. ─── 孩子们到处疯跑消耗过剩的精力。

56、She longed for that controls own destiny, falls in love with the married man crazily and gives birth to the illegitimate child for it. ─── 她渴望主宰自己的命运,疯狂地爱上有妇之夫并为其生下私生子。

57、The tone of violin turned to a climax, a gust of desire emerged from mind crazily, stronger and stronger, uncontrolledly. ─── 琴声转至高潮,一股强烈的思念与欲说还休疯狂地涌上心头。

58、He loses himselt as he revenges crazily and tortures others. ─── 他疯狂地复仇,折磨其他人的同时也丧失了自我。

59、Sometimes a voice from my heart has counseled me, crazily ─── 有时候,心里有一个声音狂乱地怂勇我。

60、I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30minutes before going to bed every night. ─── 我承诺,我会在每晚临睡前默默地或大声地疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。

61、The first special product of nurturing bone in China, from Xining to globe, let earthman nurture bone crazily. ─── 中国第一个养骨产品,开始辐射全球,让地球人疯狂养骨。

62、The weekend evening, the free ball that I also go, dance for several hours crazily. ─── 周末晚上,我还去免费的舞会,疯狂地跳舞几个小时。

63、In addition, Hua Yi treated Lin Xinru like a tool to make money, crazily accepting advertisements for her, once setting a record of 10 advertisements within 30 days. ─── 此外,华谊把林心如当成了一个赚钱工具,疯狂地为其接广告,曾创下30天拍摄10个广告的纪录。

64、Inner-party cannot tolerate has the objection, encounters crazily discredits chases down and kills. ─── 党内看不过去而有异议者,都遭到疯狂的抹黑追杀。

65、She behaved insanely; he behaves crazily when he is off his medication; the witch cackled madly; screaming dementedly ─── 她举止疯狂;断了药的时候他就举止疯狂;巫婆疯狂地咯咯大笑;发狂地尖叫

66、They love each other crazily, while in a coming year they hate each other deeply. ─── 当时爱得死去活来,过不了几年,可能恨得水深火热。

67、In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day. ─── 换句话说,你应该每天疯狂读英语

68、My horse suddenly started going mad, tilting his head and showing his yellow big teeth, crazily shouting a series of dirty words.I was frightened to fall off his back. ─── 我的马突然发狂,头一歪露出他的黄板大牙,疯狂地骂起一连串的脏话,我吓得从马背上摔下来。

69、He took it outside, strapped the harness to himself, and began, furiously and crazily, in front of a group of astonished peasants, to plough the land. ─── 他发现了一把锈迹斑斑的锄头,他用皮绳捆住挽具,走出去和一堆农民一起疯狂的充满干劲的锄地,那些农民都感到非常吃惊。

70、Find your passion, and pursue it crazily. ─── 找到你的激情,并忘我地追求它。

71、The arcrobats carry a bunch of porcelain plates on their head crazily. ─── 杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠瓷碟。

72、she behaved insanely; he behaves crazily when he is off his medication; the witch cackled madly; screaming dementedly. ─── 她举止疯狂;断了药的时候他就举止疯狂;巫婆疯狂地咯咯大笑;发狂地尖叫。

73、As the audience wave the wands, the display screen shows a sea of lights dancing crazily in the dark, like a candlelight parade gone punk. ─── 更重要的是,计算机要合计红色和绿色纸棒的总数,并以此数值来控制软件。

74、I practice crazily every day. I'm sure to succeed. ─── 我每天疯狂操练,我一定成功!

75、Sometimes a voice from my heart has counseled me, crazily. ─── 有时候,心里有一个声音狂乱地怂勇我。

76、it was said palm oil can help weight loss, so many obese women rushed crazily to buy it. ─── 听说棕榈油可以减肥, 广大 肥胖女士疯狂抢购。

77、He beat time on the accelerator. The car jerked crazily. ─── 他用脚在加速器上打拍子。汽车疯了一样一冲一冲地前进着。

78、The teenagers shook their long, black hair and gesticulated crazily. ─── 那群十几岁的青少年甩动着长长的黑发,怪怪地比着手势。

79、She would also like to practise English crazily with us and be a friend of us. ─── 她也很愿意和我们一起疯狂地练习英语并成为我们的朋友。

80、After the decision i began to read novels crazily in order to compensation or last dinner . ─── 决定了之后我开始疯狂地看小说,说是为了补偿也好最后的晚餐也罢总之我看得昏天黑地。

81、Obviously, the drawer intends to remind us how crazily these youngsters adore their icons. ─── 显然,作者打算提醒我们,这些青年人多么狂热地崇敬他们的偶像。

82、If Warner Music's owners manage to get that much, there can only be two explanations: either Time Warner sold at a crazily low price, or the fund-management industry is full of greater fools. ─── 如果华纳音乐的股东们最终只得到了那么一点,只能有两种解释:要么时代华纳疯狂的低价抛售股票,要么那些基金管理公司全是傻瓜。

83、Around each year birthday, Looney can score point crazily, in October scores point many, just like already became a law. ─── 每一年的生日前后,鲁尼都会疯狂进球,10月进球多,俨然已经成为一个定律。

84、Wanna crazily record down, da every dead juvenility time point of mine ─── 想要疯狂地记录下,我每一个时点死掉的青春

85、Now, crazily, battleax already becomes one kind of belief.Crazily, battleax save the world! ─── 现在,狂战斧已经成为一种信念:狂战斧拯救世界!

86、Because the bank starts to undersell crazily cancels redeems the power the house, since American vacant room rate already close half century's maximum level. ─── 由于银行开始疯狂地抛售取消赎回权的房屋,美国空房率已接近半个世纪以来的最高水平。

87、Paying for e-mail has become a fashion.The websites were scolded crazily when they ran scare to start declaring to collect fee from the next day. ─── 电子邮箱收费已经成了潮流,想当初网站们战战兢兢地宣布:“明天我要收费了......”被网民骂的狗血喷头;

88、I will practice crazily whenever and wherever I can. ─── 我将随时随地的疯狂操练。

89、She sat down again as the room began to swim crazily around her. ─── 当她头昏眼花觉得房子开始疯狂摇晃时,她又坐下来。


Adv 形式是crazily,例如:

The three of us set off, our wheels skidding crazily under that drenching rain



去y变i再加ly,crazily adv.(动作)疯狂地,出乎意料地

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