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08-16 投稿


amplificatory 发音

英:[['?mpl?f?ke?t?r?]]  美:[['?mpl?f?ke?t?r?]]

英:  美:

amplificatory 中文意思翻译



amplificatory 短语词组

1、amplificatory meaning ─── 扩大意义

amplificatory 相似词语短语

1、simplificators ─── 简化器

2、simplificator ─── 简化器

3、modificatory ─── adj.变更的;修改的;修饰的

4、amelioratory ─── 改良的

5、amplification ─── n.[电子]放大(率);扩大;详述

6、amplifications ─── n.[电子]放大(率);扩大;详述

7、qualificatory ─── adj.限定的;赋予资格的

8、applicatory ─── adj.适用的;有用的;可应用的

9、implicatory ─── 牵连词

amplificatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The characters of earthquake response such as structure displacement, interstory drift, action of earthquake, the amplificatory coefficient of acceleration and the rule of strain are discussed. ─── 讨论了结构在各楼层的水平位移、层间位移、加速度放大系数及构件应变分布等结构地震反应特征;

2、I found the blade is better than that I imaged before after polishing with sand paper.The tip still has the amplificatory part saved. ─── 细纱纸轻打后发现刃质运比象想的要好,刀尖经还保留放大的部位。

3、This dissertation designs the main circuits used in the system including interface circuit of thermal resistance, driving circuit of electric valve, amplificatory and modulation circuit of signal. ─── 独立完成了热电阻接口电路、电动阀驱动电路、信号放大和调理电路等主要电路的设计和搭建,并对所有的测控仪器进行了严格的标定和校准。

4、Though the time delay is short, the phenomena combining the effect of amplificatory and delay is very meaningful. ─── 虽然延迟较短,这种将放大效应与慢光效应结合为一体的现象是非常有意义的。

5、Amplificatory property ─── 放大特性

6、An Approach for Designing Interactive Model of Transistor's Amplificatory Property ─── 晶体管放大特性的交互设计

7、in the amplificatory State will find collesting unevenness, filled with small white spots. ─── 在放不小状况下会不收幻想不天不匀,充斥了宏大的不黑色斑不背。

8、The Drawing of AC Load Line in Amplificatory Circuit ─── 放大电路交流负载线的作法

9、Second quadrochromatic and then copy its density to be consistent with the requirements, you can only copy a full size, it is inappropriate to amplificatory addressed, serious distortion. ─── 用二次草稿再复制其密度给求给不合歧,只能原不小复制,不适宜不扩不小办理,否则惨重逼真。

10、In the copy of the whole process, the bounds of the image layers, the transition width is to gradually expanded, especially the amplificatory replication. ─── 在复制表示的残历程洋,图像条理界限的过渡宽度,是给逐步增宽的,格边是不收不小复制。

11、” This way, we have chosen to display ” “ full window, to display the file amplificatory standard around the entire shear plate. ─── 这样便拔取了“残窗口表现”不收不小不本准,表现文件边际的合座剪切板。

12、In resolving the efficiency, portrait in sculpture in foreign countries is to portrait amplificatory first corrosion magnify, hand-carved repair and aspects that the portrait as a template; ─── 在处置效果题目上,国际在雕镂人像时是不兵人像放不小不后腐化放不小的图像铜版,手工修雕后不兵该放不小的人像铜版息为模版;

13、3、 The advanced negative rear angle and double toggle clamping unit has the bigger power amplificatory multiple. It also make the mold plate moving faster and balanced . ─── 先进负后角双曲肘合模机构,增力倍数大、开模移模速度快而平稳;

14、The ORC equalization has amplificatory effect on the noise, and the controlled equalization needs a threshold determined by the channel fading, these are very difficult to be implemented. ─── 均衡有正交性恢复(ORC)均衡、受控均衡(CE)等,但是ORC均衡对噪声有放大效应,而受控均衡需要根据信道的衰落情况来确定其阈值,在实现中比较复杂。

15、The transfer of earthquake wave in ground soil is related to soil characteristic, excitation magnitude, etc.. It is not always amplificatory, but likely to be filter and isolation. ─── 表明地基土层对地震动的影响与场地土特性、地震动大小等有关,不一定是放大作用,也可能起滤波和隔震作用。

16、Hydraulic- mechanic Transmission Integrated System Based on Three Classes Force Amplificatory Structure and Shank- less Piston Cylinder ─── 基于三级力放大机构与无杆活塞缸的液压-机械集成传动系统

17、The structure has the advantages of brief construction, big amplificatory coefficient and easy manufacturing techniques. ─── 该机构具有结构简单紧凑、增力系数大、制造工艺简便等优点。

18、image of frost layer is analyzed for founding frost structure model. ─── 分析实验获取的霜层显微图像,为建立霜层结构模型提供基础。

19、The amplificatory image of frost layer is analyzed for founding frost structure model. ─── 分析实验获取的霜层显微图像,为建立霜层结构模型提供基础。

20、In General, is the color that's literally knock-out part of the proper overprinter amplificatory, reduces the level of difficulty. ─── 凡是都是不兵底色版上的镂空部不不分当不播不小,贬低套印难度。

21、business card printing and membership card making products the best secondary quadrochromatic is more than 150 eye screen printing, and it is not a amplificatory; ─── 制卡和会员卡制作品等二不主草稿最坏是网线150纲以上印品,且最坏不给不收不小搁置;

22、50 on the basis of further from application development to amplificatory to 戓 pilot-scale in mass production. ─── 50基础上从应用开发进一步放大为到中试规模戓大规模生产。

23、Based on the amplificatory principle of flexible organ, the structure form which is piezoelectric ceramics driver pulsing flexible organ is adopted to design the implement organ of micro-manipulator. ─── 基于柔性机构的放大原理,论文采用压电陶瓷驱动器加柔性机构的结构形式来设计微操作器的执行机构;

24、This way, we have chosen to display " " full window, to display the file amplificatory standard around the entire shear plate. ─── 这样便拔取了“残窗口表现”不收不小不本准,表现文件边际的合座剪切板。

25、The picture is not enough amplificatory itselfin pixels at the edge of the pharmacologicasl. ─── 图片像素不敷,不扩大后边缘不离呈现狗牙状。

26、Study on Amplificatory Method of Biologic Electrical Signal Based on Optical Fiber Isolation and Communication ─── 基于光纤隔离与通讯的生物电信号放大方法研究

27、Power Amplificatory Circuit ─── 功率放大电路

28、Study on Amplificatory Method of Biologic Electrical Signal Based on Optical Fiber Isolation and Communication ─── 基于光纤隔离与通讯的生物电信号放大方法研究

29、Key Question of Evaporative Cooling for Large Hydrogenerator--Comparison and correctional recommendation of amplificatory multiple of two-phase flow frictional resistance inside the stator's hollow conductors ─── 大型蒸发冷却水轮发电机的关键问题--定子空心导线内两相流摩擦阻力放大倍数的比较及修正建议

30、An Approach for Designing Interactive Model of Transistor's Amplificatory Property ─── 晶体管放大特性的交互设计

31、The amplificatory image of frost layer is analyzed for founding frost structure model. ─── 分析实验获取的霜层显微图像,为建立霜层结构模型提供基础。

32、Meaning: no direct investment guidance fund cultural and creative firms through venture capital companies, motivewas capital of amplificatory, led to more social investment. ─── 意义:引导基金不直接投资文化创意企业,而要通过创投公司来做,是为了实现资金的二次放大,带动更多社会投资。

33、A amplificatory and communication method of faint biologic electrical signal in flesh with optical fiber isolation and communication technology is introduced. ─── 主要叙述了一种采用光纤隔离与通讯技术对人体内微弱生物电信息进行放大和传输的方法,并将此成功地应用于脑电信号的提取中。

34、The structure has the advantages of brief construction,big amplificatory coefficient and easy manufacturing techniques. ─── 该机构具有结构简单紧凑、增力系数大、制造工艺简便等优点。

35、This safety assessment is instructive for solving the problems in the well during drilling, and it is the key point for this assessment to acquire the dynamic amplificatory coefficient of derricks. ─── 动态应力应变法作为井架承载能力安全评价的一种科学、合理、全面的方法,动力放大系数的获得是该方法的关键之处。

36、Hydraulic- mechanic Transmission Integrated System Based on Three Classes Force Amplificatory Structure and Shank- less Piston Cylinder ─── 基于三级力放大机构与无杆活塞缸的液压-机械集成传动系统

37、The result showed that samples of amplificatory experiment could also form solid solution.The catalysts prepared by the samples have a good effect on treating various deleterious matters. ─── 结果表明,放大实验得到的样品依然可以形成比较好的固溶体,而将样品制成的催化剂对CO、HC和NOx都能起到比较好的处理效果。

38、when internal forces of main girder of bridge analyzed under live load designed were calculated, an amplificatory coefficient 1.20 should be considered; ─── 对于所研究的斜拉桥,在设计活载作用下,内力增大系数取为1.20较为合理;

39、This style is the amplificatory version which you have chosen. ─── 生活小百科网:这款就是您选中的那款的放大版!

40、The output of samples was 10 times, and amplificatory experiment was processed after analyzing the result of all above experimental condition. ─── 综合各种实验条件下的结果,并将最优化的实验结果的样品产量提高了10倍进行了放大实验。



生命科学中引伸至诸如级联机理、气体放大作用、个体或细胞的增殖、分子的体外增殖,即基因扩增(gene amplification)等。




n. [电子] 放大(率);扩大;详述


After the computer installs the software, you can use the function of amplification.



amplification factor[计]放大系数;放大因数

power amplification功率放大(系数)

signal amplification信号放大


n. 添加;[数] 加法;增加物


School-age children need to learn simple additions.



in addition另外,此外

addition to sth增加

with the addition of外加

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