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08-16 投稿


adducing 发音

英:[??dju?s??]  美:[??du?s??]

英:  美:

adducing 中文意思翻译



adducing 词性/词形变化,adducing变形

形容词: adduceable |动词过去分词: adduced |动词第三人称单数: adduces |动词现在分词: adducing |动词过去式: adduced |

adducing 短语词组

1、adducing evidence ─── 引证证据

2、burden of adducing evidence ─── [法] 举证责任

3、order of adducing ─── [法] 引证程序, 援引程序

adducing 相似词语短语

1、educing ─── v.使(潜在的事物)显出,引出,进化;(从数据中)演绎出

2、adducent ─── adj.内收的

3、addicting ─── n.吸毒成瘾的人;入迷的人;v.使沉迷;使上瘾

4、deducing ─── n.推导;推论;v.推论;推断(deduce的ing形式)

5、-ducing ─── ducing

6、abducing ─── vt.使外展;把…引开

7、addling ─── vt.使腐坏;使混乱;vi.变质;变混乱;adj.腐坏的;糊涂的,昏乱的

8、adding ─── v.增加(add的ing形式);n.(Adding)人名;(瑞典)阿丁

9、adducting ─── n.[化学]加合物;vt.使内收

adducing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Improving the System of Time -limitation for Adducing Evidence in Our Civil Law ─── 论我国民事举证时限制度的完善

2、A party concerned, if applying for an expertise, shall file it within the time limit for adducing evidence, unless the party concerned applies for the re-expertise. ─── 当事人申请鉴定,应当在举证期限内提出。当事人申请重新鉴定的除外。

3、Centralized contentious procedure and segmented contentious procedure require differently in system of time limit of adducing evidence. ─── 集中型诉讼程序和分段式诉讼程序对举证时限制度的要求不同。

4、The evidential burden or the burden of adducing evidence ─── 与说服责任或证明负担

5、limitation of adducing evidence ─── 民事诉讼

6、Invalidity of evidence is the core question in system of time limit of adducing evidence.Essence of invalidity of evidence is to lose weight of proof. ─── 证据失权是举证时限制度中最核心的问题,证据失权的本质是丧失证明权。

7、order of adducing ─── [法] 引证程序, 援引程序

8、The new evidence in the course of the first instance includes: (a) evidence newly discovered after expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence for the first instance; ─── 一、 一审程序中的新的证据包括:(1) 当事人在一审举证期限届满后新发现的证据;

9、Time limit system of adducing evidence opposes litigants to adduce evidence slackly and abuse rights.It only demands the litigants try their best to adduce evidence in time. ─── 举证时限制度反对当事人懈怠举证和滥用权利,它要求并且仅要求当事人竭尽合理的努力及时提出证据。

10、To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; prove ─── 通过推理或引证说明真实性;证明.

11、burden of adducing evidence ─── [法] 举证责任

12、If the party concerned changes his claim, the people's court shall designate the time limit for adducing evidence anew. ─── 当事人变更诉讼请求的,人民法院应当重新指定举证期限。

13、Scope of Adducing Evidence and Way of Obtaining Evidence for Both Patients and Medical Care Providers in Medical Lawsuit ─── 医疗诉讼中医患双方的举证范围和取证方式

14、The time limit for adducing evidence may be negotiated by the parties concerned, and shall be accepted by the people's court. ─── 举证期限可以由当事人协商一致,并经人民法院认可。

15、A party concerned, if applying to the people's court for the evidence preservation, shall not be later than seven days before expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence. ─── 当事人向人民法院申请保全证据,不得迟于举证期限届满前七日。

16、Abstract: Limitation of adducing evidence plays an important role in deciding whether the litigants should bear the risk of unfair decision. ─── 文章快照: 一、举证时限概述人们常说,“打官司就是打证据”,的确,证据在诉讼中的地位可谓举足轻重。

17、Scope of Adducing Evidence and Way of Obtaining Evidence for Both Patients and Medical Care Providers in Medical Lawsuit ─── 医疗诉讼中医患双方的举证范围和取证方式

18、b) if it is the best evidence that the person adducing it could reasonably be expected to obtain, on the grounds that it is not in its original form. ─── 如果它是举证人按合理预期所能得以的最佳证据,以它并不是原样为由。

19、It also expounds the measure of protecting the minor on the trial with high-tech instruments and the problems in choosing the way of adducing proof. ─── 阐述了运用高科技手段在庭审中保护未成年人的具体措施以及未成年人言词证据举证方式选择中应注意的问题。

20、A Positive Analysis of Time Limit Institution of Adducing Evidence ─── 举证时限制度的实证分析

21、How to Intensify Capabilities of Parties Adducing Evidences and Regulate Functions of People's Courts Investigating and Collecting Evidences ─── 切实强化当事人举证能力进一步规范人民法院调查收集证据职能

22、system of time limit for adducing evidence ─── 随时提出主义

23、His friends thought he had become an atheist and piously circulated gossip adducing unmentionable motives for his unbelief.His moral character was maligned. ─── 他的朋友认为他已经成为无神论者,传播闲话说他为了自己的不信而引证不宜说出口的动机。

24、Any sanction to bar the defaulting party from adducing the relevant evidence may not help the innocent party, as he may be deprived of the benefit of documents damaging to the defaulting party's case. ─── 禁止违约方出具相关证据的任何惩处可能无助于守约方,因为他可能被剥夺了获得对违约方案情不利的文件。

25、But, because of like this or so of reasons,the current system of the limit institution of adducing evidence is meeting bigger resistance when it is put into practice. ─── 但是,由于这样或那样的原因,现行举证时限制度的实施阻力较大。

26、After adducing many facts and listing some statistical Numbers, he drove his contention to home in the end. ─── 在举出许多实事并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。

27、To show to be true by reasoning or adducing evidence; ─── prove: 证实,论证:通过推理或引证说明真实性;

28、time limit of adducing evidence ─── 举证时限

29、The article introduced the legal responsibility and its scope, the historical of conduct standard and the function of expert evidence adducing in judging hospital staff dereliction of duty in USA. ─── 本文介绍美国法律责任及责任范围的确定、职业行为标准的历史发展过程、专家举证在法庭判定医护人员失职的程序中的作用。

30、Article 6 Where a labor dispute arises, a party shall be responsible for adducing evidence to back up its claims. ─── 第五条发生劳动争议,当事人不愿协商、协商不成或者达成和解协议后不履行的,可以向调解组织申请调解;

31、In view of the kind of circumstance, perfecting the current system of the limit institution of adducing evidence is our inevitable choice. ─── 有鉴于此,完善现行举证时限制度已经成为我们的必然选择。

32、has been expounded in culture by the method of analyzing and adducing case. ─── 通过分析和举出案例的方法进行了阐述。

33、In view of the kind of circumstance, perfecting the current system of the limit institution of adducing evidence is our inevitable choice. ─── 有鉴于此,完善现行举证时限制度已经成为我们的必然选择。

34、Reasonable Relation Between Parties'Bargaining and Court's Appointing Term of Adducing Evidence ─── 民事诉讼中当事人商定举证期限与法院指定举证期限之应然关系

35、The Discussion on System of Limitation of Adducing Evidence in Civil Action in China ─── 我国民事诉讼举证时限制度探析

36、The new proof found by the parties is the merit that the litigants didn't know during time limit for adducing evidence or that came into being after the first trial. ─── 在举证时限问题中,当事人新发现的证据即指举证期限内当事人所不知道的和一审程序后才产生的事实。

37、responsibility of adducing evidence ─── 举证责任

38、The application for adding or changing the claim, or lodges a counterclaim shall be filed before expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence. ─── 当事人增加、变更诉讼请求或者提起反诉的,应当在举证期限届满前提出。

39、doctrine of adducing evidence at any moment ─── 适时提出主义

40、The value analysis of three kind of action burden of adducing evidence ─── 三种诉讼举证责任的价值分析

41、However,The network is a blades sword, at the time of bringing huge opportunity for the human being society, also adducing tough problem for us. ─── 然而,利弊本是双刃剑,互联网给人们带来快捷高效的同时,也给司法界带来不少的困扰。

42、If the party concerned changes his claim, the people's court shall designate the time limit for adducing evidence anew. ─── 当事人变更诉讼请求的,人民法院应当重新指定举证期限。

43、The time limit for adducing evidence may be negotiated by the parties concerned, and shall be accepted by the people's court. ─── 举证期限可以由当事人协商一致,并经人民法院认可。

44、A party concerned, if applying for a witness's appearance in court, shall file the application 10 days before expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence with permission of the people's court. ─── 证人因出庭作证而支出的合理费用,由提供证人的一方当事人先行支付,由败诉一方当事人承担。

45、On Legal Value of Time Limit for Adducing Evidence ─── 论举证时限的法律价值

46、According to the acquired datas and related theories, this text will dissertate the disadvantage of the limit institution of adducing evidence at present. ─── 依据获得的数据和相关的理论,本文论述了现行举证时限制度的缺陷。

47、Article 6 Where a labor dispute arises, a party shall be responsible for adducing evidence to back up its claims. ─── 第六条【举证责任】发生劳动争议,当事人对自己提出的主张,有责任提供证据。

48、establishing responsibility system of adducing evidence and standards of proof which are different with review of legality . ─── 确立区别于合法性审查的举证责任制度和标准证明。

49、If the evidence provided by a party concerned after expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence is not the new evidence, the peoples' court shall not accept it. ─── 当事人举证期限届满后提供的证据不是新的证据的,人民法院不予采纳。

50、establishing responsibility system of adducing evidence and standards of proof which are different with review of legality . ─── 确立区别于合法性审查的举证责任制度和标准证明。

51、On System of Time Limit for Adducing Evidence ─── 浅析举证时限制度

52、and (b) evidence that cannot be provided by a party concerned within the time limit for adducing evidence and still cannot be provided during the extension approved by the people's court. ─── (2) 当事人确因客观原因无法在举证期限内提供,经法院准许,在延长的期限内仍无法提供的证据。

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