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08-16 投稿


fetation 发音

英:[[fi:'te???n]]  美:[[fi:'te???n]]

英:  美:

fetation 中文意思翻译



fetation 短语词组

1、fetation and oophoroma ─── 胎儿和卵巢瘤

2、fetation definition ─── 胎儿定义

3、ectopic fetation ─── [医] 异位妊娠

4、fetation means ─── 受孕方式

5、extrauterine fetation ─── [医] 子宫外妊娠

6、multiple fetation ─── [医] 多胎妊娠

fetation 相似词语短语

1、reptation ─── n.表层塌滑

2、peltation ─── 投掷

3、gestation ─── n.酝酿;怀孕;妊娠期

4、mentation ─── n.心理状态;精神作用;精神活动

5、dentation ─── n.齿状;齿状突起

6、acetation ─── 缩醛化

7、flotation ─── n.浮选(等于floatation)

8、restation ─── 恢复

9、foetation ─── 胎儿

fetation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods Causes of ectopic fetation in 399 patients were retrospectively categorized and analyzed. ─── 方法:采取回顾性分析的方法,对399例异位妊娠的病因进行分类。

2、In order to probe into effects of zoology environment and weather on fetation of Hynobius Leechii Boulenger,we have observed fetation of Hynobius Leechii Boulenger in Xiuyan and Qianshan area. ─── 为探讨地域生态环境和气候等因素对胚胎发育的影响,对千山区和岫岩区东北小鲵胚胎发育进行了观察。

3、Due to eyes characters of anatomical structure and optical function, it plays more important roles in eyes stasis, fetation, differentiation, proliferation and tumor incidence. ─── 由于眼组织功能和解剖结构的特殊性,使得这一结构在眼的稳态、胚胎发育、分化增殖,乃至肿瘤的发生方面起着更为重要的作用。

4、Methods:sera tests for TORCH were carried out in 54 pregnant women with abnormal fetation history and in 54 normal gravidas using immunological techniques. ─── 方法:对54例有不良妊娠分娩史的妇女进行血清TORCH系列检测,与无不良妊娠分娩史的孕妇进行对照。

5、Causes of ectopic fetation in 399 patients were retrospectively categorized and analyzed. ─── 例患者异位妊娠的原因被回顾性分类并分析了。

6、We have planned to buy a car next year, but for my fetation, the planned had been delayed to the next next next next year. ─── 我们原计划明年买辆车,但现在我们的天使到来了,买车的计划于是无限期搁置。

7、extrauterine fetation ─── [医] 子宫外妊娠

8、Results According to history of fetation, 62 patients were primary infertility and 118 patients were secondary infertility. ─── 结果对180例患者根据有无妊娠史分为原发性不孕62例,继发性不孕118例。

9、Due to eye s characters of anatomical structure and optical function, it plays more important roles in eye s stasis, fetation , differentiation , proliferation and tumor incidence. ─── 由于眼组织功能和解剖结构的特殊性,使得这一结构在眼的稳态、胚胎发育、分化增殖,乃至肿瘤的发生方面起着更为重要的作用。

10、Objective To explore the fetation adverse effects of hair curling solution and mousse in mice. ─── 目的探讨烫发液和摩丝对孕鼠受孕及胚胎发育的毒性影响。

11、Sun attached great importance to women and children's care especially.As woman is easier fall ill than man, in addition, catamenia, fetation let them hard to make recovery from illness. ─── 孙氏特别重视妇幼的养护,因为妇人体质比起男人较易感病,再加上有月水期,以及姙娠等问题,遇病要痊愈并不容易。

12、This paper consists of two main parts, the first part is about the fetation of Cynoglossus semilaevis and the second part is about the Cynoglossus semilaevis juvenile nutritional needs. ─── 本文主要分为两部分,第一部分是对半滑舌鳎胚胎发育的研究,第二部分是对半滑舌鳎幼鱼营养需求的研究。

13、Most proteins in seeds are stored for the purpose of fetation, for instance: wheat, corn, rice and broomcorn , etc. ─── 植物种子大部分的蛋白质主要为储备以供胚胎发育之用,如麦、玉米、稻米及高粱等。

14、Before baby was borned that have been ten months when woman fetation. ─── 在小孩出生前,妇女要怀孕十个月。

15、ectopic fetation ─── [医] 异位妊娠

16、Keywords High iodine;Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA);Docosahexenoic acid(DHA);Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA);Fetation; ─── 高碘;多不饱和脂肪酸;廿二碳六稀酸;廿碳五稀酸;胚胎发育;

17、Results According to history of fetation, 62 patients were primary infertility and 118 patients were secondary infertility. ─── 结果对180例患者根据有无妊娠史分为原发性不孕62例,继发性不孕118例。

18、Objective To explore the fetation adverse effects of fabric softener on mice firstly. ─── 首次探讨衣物柔顺剂对孕鼠受孕及其胎鼠的发育的影响。

19、Women are more easily suffered from diseases such as menstruation,leucorrhea,fetation,labour induced by seven emotions than man,not less than 2.2 times according to some statistics. ─── 妇女七情病的比例倍于男性,有统计不小于2.2倍,主要体现在经、带、胎、产和杂病诸方面。

20、Objective To explore the fetation adverse effects of hair curling solution and mousse in mice. ─── 目的探讨烫发液和摩丝对孕鼠受孕及胚胎发育的毒性影响。

21、Most proteins in seeds are stored for the purpose of fetation, for instance: wheat, corn, rice and broomcorn, etc. ─── 植物种子大部分的蛋白质主要为储备以供胚胎发育之用,如麦、玉米、稻米及高粱等。

22、Keywords hair curling solution;mousse;fetation;malformation; ─── 关键词烫发液;摩丝;胚胎发育;畸形;

23、Advanced Research on Heat Shock Proteins and the Application during Fetation ─── 热休克蛋白的研究进展及其在胚胎发育中的作用

24、Advanced Research on Heat Shock Proteins and the Application during Fetation ─── 热休克蛋白的研究进展及其在胚胎发育中的作用

25、fetation meter ─── 妊娠检查仪

26、Results The major diseases for in-patients were as follows: fetation partus and puerperium complication, damage and toxication, tumor, respiratory and digestive system etc. ─── 结果妊娠分娩及产褥期并发症、损伤和中毒、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病和消化系统疾病等为本院住院患者的主要病种。

27、Objective A cross-sectional study on causes of ectopic fetation. ─── 目的:探讨异位妊娠的致病因素。

28、Methods Data of 3 777 infertile couples were collected.Data of infertile men were analyzed, including male physical examination, semen fetation and gene tests. ─── 方法:收集3 777对不孕夫妇的孕产史及不孕不育病因检查结果,对男性不育患者资料进行分析,包括男性生殖专科体格检查、精液常规分析、遗传学检查等。

29、The Analysis of the Effect of Acridine Orange and Dimethyl Sulfoxide upon the Fetation of Silkworm, Bombyx mori ─── 吖啶橙和二甲基亚枫对蚕胚胎发育影响的分析

30、Keywords Investigation;Ectopic fetation;Correlated factors; ─── 关键词探讨;异位妊娠;相关因素;

31、Methods Causes of ectopic fetation in 399 patients were retrospectively categorized and analyzed. ─── 方法:采取回顾性分析的方法,对399例异位妊娠的病因进行分类。

32、CHEN Zu-qiang,WANG Fu-xiong.The discussion of the fetation and the positional systems of the Pseudotaxus chienii[J].Acta Phytotaxon Sin,1978,16(2):1-9. ─── [8]陈祖锵,王伏雄.白豆杉的胚胎发育及其系统位置的商酌[J].植物分类学报,1978,16(2):1-9.

33、The Analysis of the Effect of Acridine Orange and Dimethyl Sulfoxide upon the Fetation of Silkworm, Bombyx mori ─── 吖啶橙和二甲基亚枫对蚕胚胎发育影响的分析

34、multiple fetation ─── [医] 多胎妊娠

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