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08-16 投稿


perplex 发音

英:[p?'pleks]  美:[p?'pl?ks]

英:  美:

perplex 中文意思翻译



perplex 短语词组

1、perplex dj ─── 困惑dj

2、perplex synonym ─── 混淆同义词

3、perplex with ─── 困惑

4、perplex definition ─── 困惑的定义

5、perplex crossword ─── 迷惑纵横字谜

6、perplex meaning in hindi ─── 印地语的困惑意义

7、perplex heal ─── 困惑治疗

8、perplex meaning ─── 迷惑意义

perplex 词性/词形变化,perplex变形

动词过去分词: perplexed |动词现在分词: perplexing |动词第三人称单数: perplexes |动词过去式: perplexed |副词: perplexingly |

perplex 反义词


perplex 同义词

permanence |eternity | sempiternity | imperishability | endlessness | timelessness | all time | infinity

perplex 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I love you, but you of nearby have Lao to pull the prison prison occupies, bitterness long for, all day long perplex, "shear continuously, the reason returns in disorder". ─── 我爱你,但你的身边却有劳拉牢牢占据,相思之苦,终日困扰,“剪不断,理还乱”。

2、In reality, careers and the workplace perplex me entirely. ─── 实际上,事业和职场这两样东西我完全搞不懂。

3、In our country, rural medical problems are always to perplex a common problem ,not only in academic circles, but also in policy making. ─── 农村医疗问题一直是困扰我国社会的一个普遍问题,不管是在学术界还是在政策制定领域都对其进行过深入研究,但收效甚微。

4、By undue profoundity we perplex and enfeeble thought. ─── 过于认为奥妙,我们思想反而模糊不清。

5、To bewilder; perplex. ─── 使迷惑;使困惑

6、Comprehensive little educational data, tutorial, law court of the state in letting is no longer little teach and perplex; ─── 全面的少儿教育资料、教程,让中国家庭不再为少儿教育而困扰;

7、I will meet one day the life within me,the joy that hides in ma life,though the days perplex my path with their idle dust. ─── 终有一天,我会遇见我内心的生命,遇见隐藏在我生命中的欢乐,尽管岁月用它那懒散的尘埃模糊了我的道路。

8、Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and, to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. ─── 这个问题连最有见识的人都困惑难解,何况年轻的亚瑟,对于他这是个无法回答的问题。

9、If not be handled properly, it will perplex even injure the good-neighbourliness and friendly relation between two parties by the root over a long period of time. ─── 若处理不当,将会长期困扰甚至从根本上损害双方来之不易的睦邻友好关系。

10、The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. ─── 差异的多寡是件极为微妙的事务,这极容易使一个英国人在审视美国时大惑不解。

11、Since 8 0 time, corruption is a when perplex Chinese reform and development serious problem all the time, accordingly, undertake study to have great sense undoubtedly to it. ─── 自 8 0年代以来 ,腐败一直是困扰中国改革与发展的一个重要问题 ,因此 ,对它进行研究无疑具有重大意义。

12、Don't perplex the issue. ─── 不要使问题复杂化了。

13、Well-known, at present cigarette machine most perplex people have two big problems, it is noise, it is pollution of oily be soiled. ─── 众所周知,目前烟机最困扰人们的有两大问题,一是噪音,一是油渍污染。

14、Zhang Chaoyang says, do not suffer financial crisis to perplex, life, want on one hand successful, in the meantime, fill interest, work glad, keep health, optimistic, keep young as much important. ─── 张朝阳说,不要受金融危机困扰,人生,一方面要有成就,同时,充满兴趣、活得高兴,保持健康、保持乐观、保持年轻也同样重要。

15、And on all occasions call on the gods, and do not perplex thyself about the length of time in which thou shalt do this;for even three hours so spent are sufficient. ─── 在所有情况下都向诸神祈祷,不要迷惑你在这上究竟应该花多少时间,就算只花三个小时也是足够的了。

16、In Implementing the New Curriculum Efforts Should Be Made to Walk Out of Zones Strewn with Contradictions Between Theory and Practice That Perplex Us ─── 新课程实施:走出理论与实践矛盾的困惑地带

17、It seems to me that they do so on the understanding that these problems that perplex us are deep, substantive, and really matter. ─── 在我看来,他们之所以关心此类问题,正是因为这些困扰我们的问题是如此的深邃、实在,而且很关键。

18、In fact, these year of idea bottleneck that another when will perplex Liu Youtao the biggest question is medium and small businesses. ─── 事实上,这些年来困扰刘有涛的另一个最大问题就是中小企业的观念瓶颈。

19、The Perplex and Benefit Brought by the Development of Biology ─── 生物技术发展带来的困惑与利益

20、This performance is full of uniquely imaginative dance, building blocks and clown dialog, and "silk unreeling." The plot will force you to think, and perplex you at times. ─── 本演出是一齣充满特异想像的舞蹈,积木与小丑对话,抽丝剥茧,令你时而沈思,时而展眉,随著情节次第舒展。

21、It is not worth while to perplex the reader with inquiries into the abstract nature of evidence(Joseph Butler.To mystify is to perplex by defying or seeming to defy comprehension: ─── 没有必要用对证据抽象本性的调查来迷惑读者(约瑟夫 巴特勒)。Mystify是指通过藐视或看起来象是藐视理解力来使人迷惑:

22、a way to puzzle its competitors, but it could also perplex shareholders. ─── 摸不清头绪的手法,但也可能让股东感到困惑。

23、Not sold to the life of slavery for daily bread, or harrast with perplex'd circumstances, which rob the soul of peace, and the body of rest; not enrag'd with the passion of envy, or secret burning lust of ambition for great things; ─── 他们既不必为每日生计劳作,或为窘境所迫,以至伤身烦神;也不会因妒火攻心,或利欲薰心而狂躁不安。

24、Don't perplex her with the question. ─── 你不要以这个问题困惑她。

25、That did not perplex Heidi though, for she saw two glasses standing behind. ─── 这并没有使难倒海蒂,因为她看到后面摆着两个玻璃杯。

26、In addition, liao Yonggong points out, the lack of effective quality control method is to perplex the one catastrophe that PDDS develops Chinese traditional medicine to inscribe at present. ─── 此外,廖永红指出,有效的质量控制方法的缺乏是目前困扰中药PDDS开发的一大难题。

27、But the assessment method for consumer perceptions of service and the critical factor to make the customer perceived quality produce a essential leap have been the qualitative problem that perplex the researchers and practice men. ─── 然而,对于服务质量的衡量及评价方法乃至如何发现使顾客感知服务质量产生质的飞跃的关键要素问题,一直困扰着理论研究者和实践开发者。

28、Perplex and ununderstandable ─── 大惑不解

29、If not be handled properly,it will perplex even injure the good-neighbourliness an... ─── 若处理不当,将会长期困扰甚至从根本上损害双方来之不易的睦邻友好关系。

30、The thesis holds that, after the reforms and opening, the worrying to the orders and the safe of their living environmental, the bewilderment to their adscription, perplex the farmers profoundly. ─── 本文认为,改革开放以来,对生存环境的秩序和安全的忧虑,对自身归属的困惑,深深地困扰着农民。

31、perplex the reader ─── 使读者感到困惑

32、For political reasons, in the history of imperial examinations in Ming dynasty, the palace examination in the second year of Jianwen Emperor became a perplex puzzle. ─── 在明代科举考试史上,由于政治上的原因,建文二年的殿试变得扑朔迷离,疑案在悬。

33、But law environmental problem of development of small and medium-sized enterprises perplex and hinder further development of small and medium-sized enterprises seriously. ─── 但是 ,中小企业发展的法律环境问题却严重困扰和阻碍着中小企业的进一步发展。

34、Plus this bunch of people who are trying to pile useless work on the State just for the sake of xenophobia, who pretend to be called “patriots”, perplex me very much indeed. ─── 我对这些只因为”无端仇视外国人”的理由,试著让国家从事多馀工作又被称为”爱国者”的人,感到十分的困扰。

35、Even before the harassment stories reared their head, his popularity was beginning to perplex professional political analysts. ─── 甚至在骚扰事件出现之前,他的支持率就已经开始使的专业的职业分析师们困惑了。

36、Do not perplex the issue . ─── 不要把这问题弄得更复杂。

37、But I won't go down on what I said I won't retract convictions read I may perplex, but I'm not blind ─── 但我不会收回我曾经说过的话我不会放弃我的信念我也许被迷惑,但我不是瞎子

38、He thought it an assumption, and would perplex you with all the airs and humors of an insulted beauty ─── 这时他就会认为你是个傲慢自负的人,就会像一个受到侮辱的美人似地忽儿傲慢异常,忽儿做出百般娇嗔的姿态,使你不知如何是好。

39、The disease, which affects young children of both sexes, has continued to perplex doctors and public health workers. ─── 在男女儿童身上发生的这种疾病一直让医生和公共卫生工作人员感到困惑。

40、The "non-market economy" standards perplex Chinese enterprises still because the reformation of socialist market economy in China is not finished yet. ─── “非市场经济”标准依然困扰着中国企业,因为中国的社会主义市场经济改革尚未完成。

41、Problem of commodity house empty buy, it is to perplex our country real estate at present, especially a when residential industry can grow continuously outstanding issue. ─── 商品住宅空置问题,是目前困扰我国房地产业,特别是住宅产业可持续发展的一个突出问题。

42、When mankind investigates the human survival and development in 21 centuries, the poverty is a problem to perplex the world still. ─── 当人类把探索的目光投入21世纪人类生存与发展未来的时候,贫困仍旧是困扰着世界的问题。

43、It is an unavoidable course that student injure accident in running a school, it is also a serious problem perplex school, infect education order. ─── 学生伤害事故是学校办学过程中不可避免的一个事实,也是困扰学校工作、影响教育教学秩序的严重问题。

44、Though some entries may perplex and infuriate linguistic purists, the dictionary's publishers say words are only included if they are well-known and have proven they can pass the test of time. ─── 虽然当中有些词可能会让语言学家觉得困惑甚至生气,不过字典编辑部说,明间会证明这些词语的作用的。

45、However, the business enterprise information turns after all should how to do to have been decision to perplex business enterprise leader however. ─── 然而,企业信息化到底应该如何去做却一直是困扰企业领导人的决策。

46、The readers continuously atrophy to have become to perplex the report a great hard nut to crack of the industry. ─── 读者群不断萎缩已成为困扰报业的一大难题。

47、perplex a person with a difficult question ─── 用难题把人难倒

48、New economic crimes are taking place for new economic system replaces old economic system which perplex the economic environment day after day. ─── 在经济高速发展,特别是在新旧体制转换的过程中,由于经济环境日趋复杂,出现了一些新型的经济犯罪案例。

49、A number of factors perplex quantitative evaluation of the relative importance of various entry pathways. ─── 由于多种因素的并存,仅凭数量难以断定哪种渠道更值得关注。

50、or harrast with perplex'd Circumstances, ─── 或为窘境所迫,

51、This problem is hard enough to perplex even the teacher. ─── 这个问题确实很难,以至于老师都迷惑不解。

52、Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. ─── 即便是知识最渊博的人也会被这样的问题难住,对于年轻的亚瑟而言,这问题就更没法回答了。

53、How can you just eliminate perplex the trouble in my heart? ─── 如何才能排除困扰我心中的烦恼呢?

54、And yet here I was perplex'd again, for I neither knew how to grind or make meal of my corn, or indeed how to clean it and part it; nor if made into meal, how to make bread of it, ─── 因为我既不知道怎样把谷粒磨成粉,甚至根本不知道怎样脱谷,怎样筛去秕糠;即使能把谷粒磨成粉,我也不知道怎样把粉做成面包;

55、Win a small business enterprise margin difficult, not only perplex the development of the business enterprise oneself, also serious check and supervision place economy of development. ─── 中小企业融资难,不仅困扰着企业自身的发展,也严重制约了地方经济的发展。

56、The article in process of seasonable deliver goods, deliver goods damages somewhat or cannot send the problem such as the fault to perplex consumer and businessman ceaselessly goods. ─── 不能及时送货、送货过程中物品有所损坏或将货物送错等问题不断困扰消费者与商家。

57、This maker continues to perplex me with this wine. ─── 这个制造商继续用酒困扰我。

58、The most crucial is, base material still should accord with environmental protection requirement, especially adhesive, the harmful gas that they release will perplex your bedroom for a long time. ─── 最要害的一点是,基材还应符合环保要求,尤其是胶粘剂等,它们释放的有害气体将长期困扰你的居室。

59、It is not worth while to perplex the reader with inquiries into the aBstract nature of evidence ─── 没有必要用对证据抽象本性的调查来迷惑读者

60、Why can feeling always let me bring harm to perplex? ─── 为什么感情总会让我带来伤害困扰呢?

61、Though some entries may perplex and infuriate lingusitic pursits, the dictionary's publishers say words are only included if they are well-known and have proven they can pass the test of time. ─── 虽然当中有些词可能会让语言学家觉得困惑甚至生气,不过字典编辑部说,只有流行的词才会被纳入字典,时间会证明这些词语的作用的。

62、This problem is hard enough to perplex the teacher. ─── 这个问题够难的,连老师也答不出来。

63、2.This problem is hard enough to perplex even the teacher. ─── 这个问题确实很难,以至于老师都迷惑不解。

64、perplex a man with questions ─── 以问题使人困窘

65、But we at enjoy an automobile to bring of fast and convenient of in the meantime, the activity beginning of our oneself is perplex by it. ─── 但是我们在享受汽车带来的迅捷与便利的同时,我们自身的活动开始为它所困扰。

66、The disease, which affects young children of both sexes, has continued to perplex doctors and public health workers. ─── 在男女儿童身上发生的这种疾病一直让医生和公共卫生工作人员感到困惑。

67、Associated press says, although Gu Ge searchs engine with fast, stability celebrated, dan Gu song still cannot be avoided suffer breakdown to perplex. ─── 美联社说,尽管谷歌搜索引擎以快速、稳定著称,但谷歌仍无法免受故障困扰。

68、Xmas wrecks perplex and vex. Xmas wrecks perplex and vex. ─── 圣诞节使人困惑又使人恼火.

69、secondly, the irrationality of eros will perplex the rational civilization forever. ─── 其次,人不仅仅是逻各斯的动物,非理性的厄洛斯永远困扰着人类的理性文明。

70、I slightly smile as usual, break rein of perplex in my heart. ─── 习惯性的,露出微微的浅笑,挣脱了心里的迷惘。

71、It also probes into the issues such as enterprise reform,especially the three issues that perplex us in the sustainable development of our papermaking industry:fund,resources and pollution. ─── 阐述了企业改革的问题;深入探讨了困扰我国造纸工业可持续发展的资金、资源和污染三大难题。

72、perplex and break ─── 困惑与断裂

73、secondly,the irrationality of eros will perplex the rational civilization forever. ─── 其次,人不仅仅是逻各斯的动物,非理性的厄洛斯永远困扰着人类的理性文明。

74、Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and, to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. ─── 这个问题连最有见识的人都困惑难解,何况年轻的亚瑟,对于他这是个无法回答的问题。

75、The online archives, which will be updated as new cases are reported, catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from the easily dismissed to a handful that continue to perplex even hard-nosed scientists. ─── 网上档案,将更新为新举报、目录格物下,从一小撮轻易解雇惑,甚至继续强硬科学家.

76、We're dismal enough without conjuring up ghosts and visions to perplex us. ─── 用不着招神现鬼来缠我们,我们已够惨的啦。

77、Today, I seem to realize my dream which perplex me all the time. ─── 今天,我似乎可以实现这个一直困扰我的梦想。

78、1.to confuse; to baffle; to perplex; to bewilder; to fake 2.in a fog3.mystification; puzzle; fog; delusion; bewilderment ─── 迷惑

79、The new tax laws perplex me. ─── 新税收法律使我很费解。

80、1.to be confused; to be lost 2.to be fascinated by; to be crazy about3.a fan; an enthusiast4.to perplex; to fascinate ─── 迷

81、To puzzle; perplex. ─── 使困惑使困惑;使复杂化

82、I have no wish to perplex the issue. ─── 我不想使问题复杂化。

83、Nobody would argue that one of your greatest strengths is your intellect and your ability to examine the facts of situations that perplex others. ─── 你最突出的优点就是,你的智力与能力总是能辨别出让别人困惑的状况的真相。这一点没人争得过你。

84、perplex an issue ─── 使问题复杂化

85、But what perplex SAAS enterprise truly is changeover collects fees rate is too minor. ─── 但真正困扰SAAS企业的是转换收费率过小。

86、confuse, perplex, bewilder, puzzle, confound The police were baffled by the false clues left by the clever thief. ─── 警方被聪明的小偷留下的假线索迷惑住了。

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