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leguminous 发音

英:[l??ɡju?m?n?s]  美:[l??ɡju?m?n?s]

英:  美:

leguminous 中文意思翻译



leguminous 常用词组

leguminous plant ─── 豆科植物;豆科桢物

leguminous 短语词组

1、leguminous def ─── 豆科植物

2、leguminous crop ─── 豆类作物 ─── 豆科作物

3、leguminous means ─── 豆科植物

4、leguminous plant ─── 豆科植物

5、leguminous foods ─── 豆科食品

6、leguminous crops ─── 豆科作物

7、leguminous nes ─── 豆科植物

8、leguminous cotyledons ─── [机] 豆瓦松

9、leguminous plants ─── [机] 豆科植物

10、leguminous forage crops ─── 豆科牧草作物

11、leguminous fodder crops ─── 豆科饲料作物

12、leguminous herbs ─── 豆科草本植物

13、leguminous lshikawa ─── 豆科香川

14、leguminous seed ─── 豆科种子

15、leguminous plant crossword ─── 豆科植物纵横字谜

16、leguminous grass ─── 豆科草

17、leguminous flour ─── 豆科面粉

leguminous 相似词语短语

1、nonleguminous ─── 非豆科

2、cacuminous ─── 无花果的

3、albuminous ─── adj.含白朊的;多胚乳的;含白蛋白的

4、luminous ─── adj.发光的;明亮的;清楚的

5、bituminous ─── adj.沥青的,含沥青的

6、aeruginous ─── adj.铜绿色的

7、acuminous ─── adj.敏锐的;锐利的;尖的

8、ceruminous ─── adj.耳垢的;盯聍的;耳蜡的

9、aluminous ─── adj.铝的;明矾的;矾土的

leguminous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Th1 ways increasing the nitrogen content of soils are to grow leguminous crop, to edvelop animal husbandry and to add chemical fertilizers. ─── 种植豆科作物、发展畜牧业和施用化肥,是提高土壤氮素含量的途径。

2、Leguminous tree was the best while plant fruit tree alone was poor for improving soil. ─── 其中豆科树种(大叶相思)改良土壤效果最好,单一种果措施则相对较差。

3、The results show that:1) the restored plant communities composed of Leguminous and Gramineous species have a better coverage than those composed of either Leguminous or Gramineous only; ─── 结果表明:1)禾草和豆科植物混合播种,坡面覆盖效果优于由纯禾草或者纯豆科植物构成的群落;2)护坡群落的变化表现出向当地自然群落的趋同,有利于护坡植物群落最终实现结构稳定;

4、Chicken series、Leguminous goods series、Meat&Marine Lives、Vegetarian series、Chili Sauce、Easy food-preserved fruit、Celebrity Pinang. ─── 简四毛熟食主要有:鸡脯系列、豆制品系列、肉食水产系列、素食系列、辣酱系列、休闲果脯系列、名人槟榔系列。

5、leguminous creeping cover ─── 匍匐豆科覆盖

6、Jamaica, American, or green ebony comes from Brya ebenus, a leguminous tree or shrub. ─── 牙买加乌木、美洲乌木或绿乌木取自Brya ebenus,一种豆科乔木或灌木。

7、It was based on mixed farming and was centered around grazing cattle, leguminous forage and green manure crops, grown in rotation with cereals, root crops and oil seeds. ─── 它是以间作农业为基础,即以放牧为中心,豆科牧草、绿肥作物与禾谷类、块根类及油料作物进行轮作。

8、Endomitosis occurs regularly in certain tissues, such as the phloem cells of some leguminous plants. ─── 核内有丝分裂通常发生在特定组织中,如一些豆科植物的韧皮部细胞。

9、Small genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees. ─── 热带和亚热带的豆科的草本或灌木或乔木的小属。

10、Besides, the extension of leguminous green manure in summer and winter, the selection and utilization of suitable weeds and minimization of the application of herbicides were conducted. ─── 至于植生方法除在不同地区推广栽培夏冬作豆科绿肥外,同时推广适生草类选留与利用,以减少杀草剂的使用,增加草生栽培的效果。

11、The study was conducted to investigate and collect the rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China: the symbiotic resources with leguminous plants, and analyze the characteristics of their nodules and their resistances to adversities. ─── 摘要对帕米尔高原进行了根瘤菌-豆科植物共生资源的调查与收集,分析了根瘤的特徵和根瘤菌的抗逆性。

12、leguminous bacteria ─── 根瘤菌

13、genus of South African leguminous shrubs often placed in genus Sophora. ─── 南非的豆科灌木的属,经常分在槐属里。

14、A technic of winter barley and leguminous green manure intercropping and double cropping ─── 冬青稞套、复种豆科绿肥一举五得技术

15、A Study of Leguminous forage Intercropped in young Litchi orchard ─── 幼龄荔枝园间作热带豆科牧草试验初报

16、important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop ─── 欧洲重要的豆科草料植物,三叶,蓝紫色花,作为牧草和甘草作物广泛种植

17、The results showed that: (1) gramineous forage species were highest in height and cover in different treatment areas, while leguminous species had the highest density; ─── (2)禾本科牧草在不同的处理区中的重要值最高,豆科牧草最低;

18、Seed or pod of certain leguminous plants (see legume). ─── 某些豆科植物的种子或荚果。

19、Study on the Relationship between the Original Moisture and the Nutrient Components of Four Leguminous Grass ─── 四种豆科牧草初水分与营养成分关系的研究

20、Production, Scientific Research Status and Superior Regional Distribution of Leguminous Crops in Sichuan Province ─── 四川省豆类作物生产、科研现状与优势区域布局

21、Bitter ginseng is leguminous vivacious fallen leaves inferior the root that bush plant joins painstakingly. ─── 苦参为豆科多年生落叶亚灌木植物苦参的根。

22、(Sweet legumin of 2) heparin and benzyl acetone: Can improve Gao Ning position of blood, and prevent kidney spherule sclerosis and new moon bodily form to become. ─── ( 2)肝素与苄丙酮香豆素:可以改善血液的高凝状态,而防止肾小球硬化及新月体形成。

23、Observing the Transfer Cells in the Epidermal Cells of Roots of Leguminous Plants with Semi-thin Sections ─── 塑料半薄切片法观察豆科植物根表面传递细胞

24、Several problems of developing the technical industry of fine leguminous herbage powder ─── 关于发展优质豆科草粉新技术产业的若干问题

25、Leguminous tree was the best while plant fruit tree alone was poor for improving soil. ─── 其中豆科树种(大叶相思)改良土壤效果最好,单一种果措施则相对较差。

26、Abstract: The wild leguminous forage germplasm resources in rangeland of north part of Chifeng were investigated. ─── 摘 要: 对赤峰北部野生豆科牧草种质资源进行了调查研究。

27、A small knoblike outgrowth, as those found on the roots of many leguminous plants. ─── 节、瘤小的球状长出物,长于许多豆科植物的根部

28、Soybeans are leguminous plants ─── 大豆是豆料作物。

29、The crop has been grown for many years on these soils on the residual nitrogen present in the soil from the native, leguminous vegetation. ─── 在这种土壤里已经种植多年高粱了,依靠天然和豆科植物残存于土壤中的氮养分。

30、Leguminous grasses ─── 牧草

31、A review will be established in this paper to introduce the perception mechanism, signal transduction ways and feedback regulation of rhizobium Nod factor in leguminous plants. ─── 就豆科植物根瘤菌结瘤因子感知机制、信号转导途径及反馈调控等方面的研究进展进行了全面阐述。

32、Study on the Relationship between Chromosome Numbers and Nodulation of 18 Species of Leguminous Trees ─── 18种豆科树种染色体数目与结瘤关系的研究

33、any of several leguminous plants of western North America causing locoism in livestock. ─── 北美西部导致牲畜产生疯草病的几种豆科植物的任何一种。

34、One excellent example of a symbiotic relationship is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants. ─── 反映共生关系的一个好例子就是豆类植物的根瘤。

35、Rhizobia are able to induce the organogenesis of root nodules on leguminous plants and reduce atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. ─── 根瘤菌与豆科植物共生固氮而在农业和生态环境中具有重要作用。

36、The leguminous forage grew strong especially during the dry winter and spring seasons. ─── 温带豆科牧草冬春期表现较好。

37、It was very important to take the corresponding fertilization methods according to different forages, because of different characteristics among gramineous grass, leguminous grass and mixed grasses. ─── 提出了禾本科牧草、豆科牧草及混播牧草特点各异,针对不同的牧草采取相应的施肥方法具有十分重要的意义。

38、Effect of Climatic Factors on Nitrogen Fixation in Three Leguminous Trees ─── 气候因子对三种豆科树种固氮的影响

39、Effects of different culture medium on the anther culture of three species of leguminous verbiage ─── 不同培养基对三种豆科牧草花药培养影响的研究

40、Cassia seed is the seed of leguminous plant thereof, and can be used to relieve hypertension, liver heat and apoplexy, and improve vision etc. ─── 决明子为豆科植物决明子的成熟种子,据医书记载,决明子对高血压、肝热、目、头风等有一定的疗效。

41、It was suggested that the lack of these leguminous nodulin genes in rice might result in its disablility for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. ─── 推测可能是由于水稻中缺少了这些豆科结瘤素基因,导致水稻不能结瘤固氮。

42、small genus of Australian evergreen leguminous shrubs or subshrubs. ─── 澳大利亚长青的豆科类的灌木和半灌木的小属。

43、any leguminous plant having leaves divided into three leaflets. ─── 任意一种叶子长成三个小叶的豆科植物。

44、The leguminous lectin played an important role in the recognition of Rhizobia. ─── 豆科植物凝集素在对根瘤菌的识别中起重要作用。

45、any of several leguminous plants of the genus Lotus ─── 一种睡莲属豆类植物

46、any of several leguminous plants of western North America causing locoism in livestock ─── 北美西部导致牲畜产生疯草病的几种豆科植物的任何一种

47、A southeast Asian annual leguminous plant (Glycine max), widely cultivated for forage and soil improvement and for its nutritious seeds. ─── 大豆:一种产于亚洲东南部的年生豆科植物(大豆大豆属),作为饲料和土壤肥料而被广泛种植,其种子富含营养

48、Nodules are not found on all species of legumes , nor are all species of Rhizobium capable of making nodules on leguminous plants. ─── 不是所有的豆类植物中都能找到根瘤,也不是所有的根瘤菌都能在豆类植物中形成根瘤。

49、Tropical leguminous forage ─── 热带豆科牧草

50、small genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees ─── 热带和亚热带的豆科的草本或灌木或乔木的小属

51、A small, rounded prominence or process, such as a wartlike excrescence on the roots of some leguminous plants or a knoblike process in the skin or on a bone. ─── 根瘤一种球状的小突出物或隆起物,如某些豆科植物根上的肉赘状瘤或皮肤或骨头上的圆丘状的隆起物

52、Any of several leguminous plants of the genus Lotus. ─── 睡莲一种白脉根属植物,睡莲

53、small genus of Australian evergreen leguminous shrubs or subshrubs ─── 澳大利亚长青的豆科类的灌木和半灌木的小属

54、A leguminous plant(Lens culinaris)native to southwest Asia,having flat pods containing lens - shaped,edible seeds. ─── 小扁豆,兵豆一种豆科植物(兵豆兵豆属),原产于亚洲西南地区,长有扁平的豆荚,内含可食用的透镜形种子

55、Influence of heat and smoke treatments on the germination of six leguminous shrubby species Mercedes Rivas, Otilia Reyes and Mercedes Casal ─── 热量和烟雾治疗对六种豆科灌木种类萌芽的影响

56、Any of several other leguminous plants, such as the rose acacia. ─── 刺槐,毛洋槐豆科植物的一种,如毛洋槐

57、Among all the rhizobial strains 12 were nodulated on all of the 4 leguminous species,29 on locust, silk tree and soybean,and 4 on locust,silk tree and pea simultaneously. ─── 其中有12个菌株可同时在这4种豆科植物上结瘤,29个菌株可同时在刺槐、合欢和大豆上结瘤,4个可同时在刺槐、合欢和豌豆上结瘤,说明豆科树种根瘤菌具有较广泛的共生寄主范围。

58、The results showed that leguminous sp. seeds conserved 5 years keeped high germination percentage, and most leguminous sp. had germination ability over 10 years of conservasion time, but for grass sp. ─── 结果表明:室温贮存5年,豆科绝大多数能保持较高的发芽率,贮存10年,多数具有一定发芽率,加大用种量还可在生产中使用;

59、In addition to corn, leguminous plants and fruit, agriculture now provided wine and oil, the preparation of which had been learned. ─── 农业现在除了提供谷物、豆科植物和水果以外,也提供植物油和葡萄酒,这些东西人们已经学会了制造。

60、In the absence of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, the effective use of phosphate and potash fertilizers is largely limited to leguminous crops only (forage crops, green manure crops or pulses). ─── 在没有氮化肥配合的条件下,磷、钾肥的有效利用仅仅局限于豆类作物如牧草、绿肥和豆类等等。


62、Isoflavonoids are a kind of substances in leguminous plants which have biological activityand faintish estrogenic activity.Daidzein is one of the most classes in these substances. ─── 异黄酮类化合物是一种存在于豆科植物中的生物活性物质,具有较弱的雌激素样活性,而大豆黄酮是此类化合物中存在较广、近年来研究也较多的一种。

63、important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop. ─── 欧洲重要的豆科草料植物,三叶,蓝紫色花,作为牧草和甘草作物广泛种植。

64、Also in this paper the reasonable exploitation utility and conservation policies were discussed on the leguminous resources in Xishuangbanna. ─── 同时探讨了西双版纳豆科植物资源合理开发利用和积极保护的对策和相应措施。

65、Nodules are not found on all species of legumes, nor are all species of Rhizobium capable of making nodules on leguminous plants. ─── 不是所有的豆类植物中都能找到根瘤,也不是所有的根瘤菌都能在豆类植物中形成根瘤。

66、Biomass and nutrient concentrations of three green manure leguminous plants and their effects on soil nutrients at northeastern edge of Ulanbuhe Desert ─── 乌兰布和沙漠东北缘三种豆科绿肥植物生物量和养分含量及其对土壤肥力的影响

67、Assessment of Leguminous Forage Germplasm Resources in Xishuangbanna Thai Prefecture, Yunnan Province ─── 云南省西双版纳傣族自治州豆科饲用植物资源及其评价

68、A leguminous plant(Lens culinaris) native to southwest Asia, having flat pods containing lens-shaped, edible seeds. ─── 小扁豆,兵豆一种豆科植物(兵豆兵豆属),原产于亚洲西南地区,长有扁平的豆荚,内含可食用的透镜形种子

69、high carbohydrate diet containing leguminous fibre ─── 含豆类纤维的高碳水化物膳食

70、A southeast Asian annual leguminous plant (Glycine max), widely cultivated for forage and soil improvement and for its nutritious seeds. ─── 一种产于亚洲东南部的年生豆科植物(大豆大豆属),作为饲料和土壤肥料而被广泛种植,其种子富含营养。

71、The wild leguminous forage germplasm resources in rangeland ofnorth part of Chifeng were investigated. ─── 对赤峰北部野生豆科牧草种质资源进行了调查研究。

72、any leguminous plant having leaves divided into three leaflets ─── 任意一种叶子长成三个小叶的豆科植物

73、The percentage of leguminous plant was a significant index for evaluating the ecological benefit in a slope community. ─── 豆科植物在群落中所占比例是评价护坡群落生态效益的重要指标;

74、Keywords The upper reaches of Minjiang River;the dry valley;vegetation restoration;drought stress;leguminous shrub species;drought resistance; ─── 关键词岷江上游;干旱河谷;植被恢复;干旱胁迫;豆科灌木;抗旱性;

75、Investigation of rhizobium resources of leguminous plants and their ecological distribution in Ningxia ─── 宁夏豆科植物根瘤菌资源调查及其生态分布

76、Study on the wild Leguminous Forage Resources in Xiangxi Autonomous region ─── 湘西自治州野生豆科牧草资源研究

77、8.Bacteroid A modified bacterial cell in a root nodule, typically a cell of the bacterium Rhizobium in the root nudule of a leguminous plant (family Fabaceae). ─── 类细菌:在根瘤中经过修饰的细菌细胞,比较典型的是在豆科植物根瘤中的根瘤菌(蝶形花科)。

78、a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum. ─── 一种多变的一年生藤本作物。

79、Nutrients contain soy content (calcium, isoflavone) from pueraria mirifica tuber, a leguminous plant. ─── 含植物天然激素-大豆异黄酮。

80、Keywords Na_2SeO_3;recombinant human serum albumin;Pichia pastoris;leguminous plants;Se-containing proteins; ─── 亚硒酸钠;重组人血清白蛋白;毕赤酵母;豆科植物;硒蛋白;

81、Abstract Medicago truncatula is an important leguminous model plant that is widely used in physiological, genetic and molecular studies of the legumes. ─── 摘要 截型苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)是豆科模式植物,被广泛用于豆科作物的生理、遗传和分子生物学研究。

82、Pesticide residue of export leguminous vegetable and its control strategy ─── 出口豆类蔬菜农药残留问题与对策

83、Diversity of Leguminous Rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China ─── 中国帕米尔高原豆科植物根瘤菌多样性研究

84、A small,rounded prominence or process,such as a wartlike excrescence on the roots of some leguminous plants or a knoblike process in the skin or on a bone. ─── 根瘤一种球状的小突出物或隆起物,如某些豆科植物根上的肉赘状瘤或皮肤或骨头上的圆丘状的隆起物。

85、A small knoblike outgrowth,as those found on the roots of many leguminous plants. ─── 节、瘤小的球状长出物,长于许多豆科植物的根部。

86、Guar gum splits belong to one-year life leguminous plants,grow in India-Pakistan land under halfaridity condition. ─── 瓜尔豆是属于豆科的一年生植物,在半干燥条件下广泛种植一印巴大陆各地。

87、Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants. ─── 类杆细菌一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌

88、Testing of Seed Borne Fungi of Major Leguminous Plants from China and Disinfection Effect of Several Fungicides to Seed Pathogens ─── 五种豆科林草种子带菌检测及药剂消毒处理效果

89、Animal study III was conducted to examine the effects of the fermentation products of A. blazei- leguminous . ─── 动物试验III:研究以豆科植物为发酵基质之巴西洋菇大量发酵产物之抗动脉硬化能力。

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