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08-16 投稿


softening 发音

英:['s?fn??]  美:['s?fn??]

英:  美:

softening 中文意思翻译



softening 反义词

sharpen |harden

softening 同义词

in | touch | mollify | affect | ease | soft-pedal | palliate | silence | give | mitigate | melt | calm | smooth down | allay | compose | ease up | give in | tone | disarm | alleviate | muffle | smooth | throttle | diminish | reduce | relent | assent | assuage | buffer | relieve | lighten | deaden | slacker | pacify | damp | accede | mellow | placate | offset | soothe | turn down | yield | mince | cushion | break | water | mute | qualify | turn | ripen | appease | loosen | up | temper | lessen | attemper | move | tone down | dampen | agree | consent | lower | slacken | abate | mash |relax | down | acquiesce | moderate | weaken

softening 词性/词形变化,softening变形

动词现在分词: softening |名词: softener |动词过去分词: softened |动词第三人称单数: softens |动词过去式: softened |

softening 短语词组

1、softening of terms ─── [化] 放宽条件 ─── [经] 放宽条件

2、softening (of water) ─── [化] 软化

3、softening agent HC ─── [化] 柔软剂HC

4、cloth softening ─── [建] 布帛软化

5、softening agent ─── [化] 软化剂

6、oil for softening leather ─── [化] 软皮白油

7、softening under load ─── [机] 受压软化

8、softening temperature ─── [化] 软化温度

9、asphalt softening point ─── [机] 沥青软化点

10、softening anneal ─── [机] 软化退火

11、thermal softening ─── [化] 热软化

12、softening point ─── [化] 软化点

13、strain softening ─── [化] 应变软化

14、thermostable softening agent TN ─── [化] 耐高温柔软剂TN

15、softening agent PEN ─── [化] 柔软剂PEN

16、softening agent EST ─── [化] 柔软剂EST

17、Vicat softening point ─── [化] 维卡耐热度

18、softening agent for fibres ─── [化] 纤维柔软剂

19、oil CWJ-3 for softening leather ─── [化] 软皮白油CWJ-3

softening 相似词语短语

1、softening up ─── 使软化

2、stoutening ─── vt.使…变坚定;使…变牢固;使…变结实;vi.变得肥胖;变得结实;变得坚定

3、unsoftening ─── 不柔和

4、resoftening ─── 推理;

5、softling ─── 柔软

6、soddening ─── adj.浸透的;浑身湿透的;浸过酒的;vt.使浸透;使迷糊

7、moistening ─── v.湿润;润湿;给湿(moisten的现在分词)

8、smartening ─── vt.使整洁;使漂亮潇洒;使更敏捷;使更聪明;vi.打扮;变得更轻快;变得更聪明;变得更剧烈

9、shortening ─── n.(制作油酥点心用的)起酥油;缩短;缩略词;v.(使)缩短,变短,缩写;缩帆;(赌博赔率)缩小;使(元音、音节)发短音(shorten的现在分词)

softening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And ruffles will be absolutely everywhere, softening the neckline of a blouse or adorning the hem of a peasant skirt. ─── 同时作为装饰的褶边当然是必不可少的,适当的使用褶边可以让女士衬衫的领口看上去更柔和一些,也可以作为乡土式衬衫的修饰。

2、You cannot call your bed ' Soften Comfy ' - it is a registered trademark . ─── 你不能将你们的床叫“软舒”床,因为该商标已注册。

3、You know how to soften a blow. ─── 你知道如何舒缓紧张的气氛。

4、And a suggestion was made about proper softening annealing process. ─── 在此基础上,提出了合理的软化退火工艺。

5、And he said he expected the much younger, more liberal wife to have a softening effect on her husband's conservative ideology. ─── 他表示他期望这个年龄更轻、思想更开明的妻子对其夫保守的思想产生软化作用。

6、When he lost his job he was offered a cash payment to soften the blow. ─── 他丟掉工作的时候得到一笔现金作为安慰。

7、The softening, subduing influence of the Holy Spirit impressed his heart. ─── 圣灵温良驯服的影响感动了他。

8、Monomer-free unsaturated polyester resin with high softening point. ─── 固体不饱和聚酯树脂,具有较高的软化点。

9、To reduce the rigidity of; soften. ─── 使柔软减少坚硬度;使柔软

10、His face seemed to soften a little. ─── 他的脸色看上去显得温和些了。

11、Contains Verbena oil to spread out a slight natural fragrance, and lets your skin relax and softening. ─── 另含马鞭草植物精油,散发淡淡天然香味,同时享受芳香作用的效果,使肌肤放松、柔软。

12、She began to soften; she felt sorry. ─── 她软下来,心里感到内疚。

13、Exhaling again, soften and rotate your trunk to the right. ─── 呼气,放松躯干并进一步转动向右。

14、Plastics will soften when exposed to heat. ─── 塑料适当加热就可以软化。

15、So the next time your spouse offers an apology, soften your edges and open your heart. ─── 因此,下一回你的伴侣道歉时,你可一定得温和一些,并且和他(她)敞开你的心扉。

16、He needed clouds, trees and net curtains veiling the light, softening it and making it move. ─── 他需要云、树以及网状的窗帘来减弱光线,使之柔和,让其移动。

17、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin ,keep the skin wet and whiten . ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

18、Electrodeionization(EDI) water softening technology was invented. ─── 发明了电去离子(EDI)软水技术。

19、Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics (08. ─── 塑料的维卡软化温度的试验方法(08。

20、He had employed his influence in softening the consequences of that insurrection to the gentlemen. ─── 他曾运用他的影响,使那些参加起义的绅士所受到的处分,得以减轻。

21、Use the softening and soothing effect of the current planetary alignment to lull you and your partner into a deeper sense of security. ─── 用现在的行星带来的温柔和平和的力量把你和另一半带入一种更深层次的安全之中吧。

22、Any resultant softening or gumming of the coating surface shall indicate a lack of cure. ─── 任何由此引起的软化或是胶质化都表明硬化不彻底。

23、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin, keep the skin wet and whiten. ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

24、She felt herself softening towards him. ─── 她感觉自己对他逐渐温和起来。

25、Shea Butter - Moisturises and helps soften the skin. ─── 乳木果-有效滋润及软化肌肤。

26、A good book can soften the stiff soul and refresh the sackless thinking. ─── 一本好书可以使僵硬的灵魂变得柔软,使麻木的思想重获新生!

27、Refrigeration delayed the softening of the fruit or he observed the softening of iron by heat. ─── 冷藏延缓了水果的软化过程。

28、He might think my brain was softening or something of the kind. ─── 他也许会觉得我婆婆妈妈的,已经成了个软心肠的人了。

29、The Holy Ghost will soften his heart. ─── 圣灵会软化他的心。

30、It is as if everyone involved, every aspect of this issue, is softening. ─── 与这事相关的每一个人及每一方面变得越来越柔软。

31、Soften aged horniness, promote skin absorption, and make skin clear. ─── *软化老化角质,改善皮肤吸收能力,肌肤无比晶莹剔透。

32、One surprising result of the crisis has been a softening of opposition to the idea of adopting Europe's single currency, the euro. ─── 经济危机带来了一个相当令人吃惊的结果,它软化了对采用欧洲单一货币——欧元的反对意见。

33、Paters and Potters add water to soften the clay. ─── 制陶工人会加一些水来软化黏土。

34、With bisabolol extract for further soothing and softening. ─── 其中还含有红没药精华,具有舒缓与柔肤的功效。

35、Don't soften your heart; he was shedding crocodile tears. ─── 千万别心软,他那是鳄鱼眼泪!

36、He added a few words of courtesy to soften the tone of his speech. ─── 为了缓和他演说的语气,他加了几句客气话。

37、Addition of alkali hromates to flour also prevents excessive softening of gluten during dough making. ─── 在制作面团的过程中向面粉中添加碱性溴酸盐也会阻止面筋的过度软化。

38、To make less brilliant; soften. ─── 减弱使减少光亮;减弱

39、Are you sure you can soften father up? ─── 你有把握说服父亲吗?

40、To soften the surface of(leather) by raising a nap. ─── 使柔软通过使布料起绒来弄软皮革表面

41、He inclined his head and toasted her. Her expression did not soften. ─── 他偏偏脑袋,举杯向她致意。她的表情没有丝毫缓和。

42、By the heat of the sun wax be soften , and yet clay be harden . ─── 太阳的热可使蜡软化,但也可粘土变硬。

43、Lisa: [softening]At least not until tomorrow night. ─── 丽萨:[温柔地]不会等到明天晚上。

44、When am I going to see you again ? Lisa: [angry] Not for a long time. . . Lisa: [softening]At least not until tomorrow night. ─── 什么时候可以再见你?丽萨:[生气地]不会太久…….丽萨:[温柔地]不会等到明天晚上。

45、She would not soften at all. ─── 她的气决不会消掉。

46、May PMI showed a softening in economic activities, probably caused by the tightening measures in bank credits. ─── 5月PMI表示经济行为正在转弱,很可能是由于银行采取的紧缩政策。

47、Linseed oil will soften stiff leather. ─── 亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。

48、The lower limit of temperature at which this occurs is known as the softening point or critical temperature. ─── 呈现这一性质的温度下限称为软化点或临界温度。

49、Pastern? (Potters) and(add) water to soften the clay. ─── 制陶工加水使其变的更加柔软。

50、You go in and soften father up ,and then I will ask him for the money . ─── 你进去先用好话软化父亲,然后,我再去向他要钱。

51、Low temperature coating of plastics housing or softening ,embossing or foaming. ─── 塑胶外壳及低温涂装及软化、压花、发泡;

52、Does your body soften as your lips shape his name? ─── 你说他名字时的身体柔软吗?

53、Still, there are little tricks to soften the blow. ─── 不过,还是有一些小技巧来降低打击程度的。

54、He stared at her, so she apologized, and a softening, he collapsed completely, in particular, her tears Ningmou. ─── 他瞪着她,她这样一道歉,一软化,使他完全崩溃了,尤其,她那含泪凝眸。

55、Her softening voice chimed in beautifully with the echo of the music. ─── 她柔和的嗓音与乐曲的回声美妙地融为一体。

56、Her story should soften the stoniest of hearts. ─── 她的事情会使心情最冷酷无情的人也为之感动的。

57、Contains ceramides that moisturize and soften skin. ─── 含有丰富的分子丁。

58、He stared at her, so she apologized , and a softening, he collapsed completely, in particular, her tears Ningmou. ─── 他瞪着她,她这样一道歉,一软化,使他完全崩溃了,尤其,她那含泪凝眸。

59、You go in and soften father up,and then I'll ask him for the money. ─── 你进去先用好话软化父亲,然后,我再去向他要钱。

60、He observed the softening of iron by heat. ─── 他观察铁块受热软化的过程。

61、Until a few months ago, other regions seemed to be holding up and softening the blow of the U. ─── 就在几个月前,其他市场似乎还表现稳定,缓解了美国市场下滑带来的冲击。

62、Area rugs help soften the look for a cozier feel. ─── 地毯的颜色使整个风格柔和起来,带来更温暖舒适的感觉。

63、The embedded softening surface is used to simulate the propagation of fracture in rocks. ─── 利用单元中嵌合无厚度不连续面的方法,模拟断裂面的形成过程。

64、James sent a bunch of flowers to soften her up before asking her pardon. ─── 为了使他消气,詹姆斯给她送了一束花,然后才去请她原谅。

65、Efficacy: Shea butter possesses the efficacy of protecting, nourishing, relieving, moisturizing and softening skin. ─── 功效:乳木果油为肌肤带来保护、滋养、舒缓、保湿及柔肤功效。

66、Don't conceal or soften anything in it. ─── 不要隐瞒;不要吱唔;直说。

67、This machine has the following functions: Hair Removing, Skin softening, speckle eliminating and col... ─── 发布者:张联沛所在地:广东广州市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

68、The more you soften a request, the more polite it becomes. ─── 你愈使请求柔婉,请求就愈变为客气。

69、But shame was his loom, and the softening of the sinews was his thread. ─── 但北风以羞耻当织机,软弱的肌肉当纱线。

70、The products can raise softening point and improve flowing ability and adding adhering ability greatly. ─── 在提升软化点,改善流动性和增加接着能力方面有明显特点。

71、"Yet you are a lover to soften the heart with gauntness. ─── “你也算得上是个肯为爱情憔悴的小伙子了。”

72、You are a born diplomat. You know how to soften a blow. ─── 8分:你是一个天生的外交官。你知道如何舒缓紧张的气氛。

73、If a discussion starts to become worse, try to change it by softening your tone or lowering your voice. ─── 如果讨论开始变得更糟,试着通过柔化语调或降低声音来改变现状。

74、His face seems to soften up a little. ─── 他脸色看上去温和点了。

75、Confecting in synthetic resin, gravure inks should the softening point of high resin. ─── 在不合解树脂配制不凸版油墨洋,不该采取强硬不面矮的树脂。

76、"Cloths and canopies may be used to soften sunlight. ─── 也可用衣物或遮阳伞来减低阳光的强度。

77、Spray on the face and body as often as desired, removes dryness, supplement water, can substitutes for softening water. ─── 可随时直接喷于脸部和身体,解除干燥、补充水分;可替代柔肤水使用。

78、Hard times continued to revive popular demands for regulating business and softening the harsh edges of laissez-faire capitalism. ─── 艰难的时期继续恢复了人们对规范商业和缓和自由资本主义的尖锐的要求。

79、The front bumper is integrated into the design, further softening the look. ─── 前保险杠融入设计整体,看上去更加和谐。

80、The CT showed that the white matter loose and softening with lateral ventricle enlargement. ─── (2 )脑CT均表现有不同程度的白质疏松 (LA)及深部白质软化灶、侧脑室扩大。

81、Recycled-refreshed wax with qualifed ash content,softening point and viscosity can be used to produce the pattern. ─── 再生模料必须检测其灰分、软化点、粘度和针入度,合格后才能用于生产。

82、Poters and Potters add water to soft in soften the claywhich . ─── 制陶工人会加些水来软化粘土。

83、She felt herself softening towards him. ─── 她感觉自己对他逐渐温和起来。

84、FSS finishing agent consists of three parts,an elastic agent, a softening agent and a fluffing agent. ─── FSS整理剂主要由三个部分组成,即弹性剂、柔软剂和蓬松剂。

85、Luxurious life will soften our will. ─── 奢侈的生活会使人们的意志消沉。

86、He also spelt out PhRMA's softening stance toward health-care reforms that the group has hitherto opposed. ─── 他还详细地说明了美国药品研究与制造商协会对医疗改革的态度有所缓和,之前这家机构一直持反对态度。

87、In the heat the frozen ground began to soften. ─── 冰冻的地面受热后开始融化。

88、Business was strong until the middle of September, then began softening. ─── 九月中旬以前生意兴隆,之后就开始疲软了。

89、To soften(someone's feelings); make gentle or tender. ─── 使软化使(某人的感情)软化;使变得温和或温柔

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