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08-16 投稿


perpetrating 发音

英:[?p??p?tre?t??]  美:[?p??rp?tre?t??]

英:  美:

perpetrating 中文意思翻译



perpetrating 短语词组

1、perpetrating def ─── 犯罪定义

2、perpetrating mean ─── 实施手段

3、perpetrating act ─── 实施行为

4、perpetrating fraud ─── 实施欺诈

5、perpetrating define ─── 犯罪定义

6、perpetrating abuse ─── 虐待

perpetrating 词性/词形变化,perpetrating变形

动词过去分词: perpetrated |动词第三人称单数: perpetrates |动词过去式: perpetrated |名词: perpetration |动词现在分词: perpetrating |

perpetrating 相似词语短语

1、perseverating ─── vi.患持续言语症;表现固执

2、impetrating ─── vt.恳求;以恳求获得

3、perpetuating ─── adj.永存的;不灭的;v.永久存在;保持(perpetuate的ing形式)

4、perlustrating ─── 仔细巡视;彻底调查

5、perennating ─── 多年生

6、cerebrating ─── vi.思考,思索;用脑筋

7、penetrating ─── adj.渗透的;尖锐的;有洞察力的;v.穿透;贯穿(penetrate的ing形式)

8、palpebrating ─── 眼睑

9、perpetration ─── n.犯罪;做坏事

perpetrating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、it is also to propose correcting one injustice by perpetrating another. ─── 这是用新的不公平修正原来的不公平。

2、The act stipulated in specific provisions of criminal law for most crimes is single, but the perpetrating act of some crimes is composed by multiple acts. ─── 刑法分则对于绝大多数犯罪在犯罪客观方面预设的行为均为单数,但是也有少数犯罪的实行行为是由数个行为单元所组成。

3、ON the Relativity of Perpetrating Act ─── 论实行行为的相对性

4、The act of perpetrating in this crime is a single one. ─── 绑架罪的实行行为是单一行为而不是复合行为。

5、By emitting greenhouse gases, are the rich perpetrating an injustice on the world's poor? ─── 富人是否因为排放温室气体,而对世界的穷人造成不公?

6、They are perpetrating fraud against the people. ─── 这些企业有意在欺诈人民。

7、the pattern of perpetrating act ─── 实行行为方式

8、For they are so utterly devoid of conscience that they are even creating "friction" and perpetrating massacres and splits after our national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory. ─── 因为这类坏蛋,已经丧尽天良,当一个民族敌人深入国土的时候,他们还要闹磨擦,闹惨案,闹分裂。

9、Were they not equally at fault for perpetrating a giant charade that was bound to end in tears? ─── 难道他们不应该同样对此负责?他们参与的规模巨大的数字游戏注定酿成泪水和痛苦。

10、The individual perpetrating the shame artificially inflates themselves with the power and chi of another. ─── 犯下羞辱的个体们人工地用他人的力量和气来膨胀自己。

11、The new reforms on basic education are perpetrating intensely, the same with language education. ─── 新一轮的基础教育改革正如火如荼地进行着,语文教育也不例外。

12、5.Please treat this as my final demand for you to cease and desist perpetrating any conduct of a threatening nature upon me. ─── 请你停止对我实施任何意在威胁的行为,这是我对你最后的请求。

13、Does he feel responsible for perpetrating the new supremacy of the geek? ─── 我问他有没有觉得要为当下刮起的极客风付上点责任?

14、On the judgment of the ending of the act of perpetrating and the division of the types of the act of suspension ─── 论实行行为终了的判断与中止行为类型的划分

15、“We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama's relationship with Acorn, which is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating the greatest fraud in voter history. ─── 他还提到奥巴马和公民组织“现在就进行社区改革组织协会”的关连,这个组织受到了在选民登记中作弊的指控。

16、Although our country has legal means to punish duty criminals, it has little effect to persuade people from perpetrating a crime.The law did not have effect until people committed duty crime. ─── 尽管国家运用法律手段惩治职务犯罪,但在犯罪前,法律的预防作用微乎其微,直到职务犯罪查处了,法律的作用才显现出来。

17、Back in 1996, while perpetrating a crime... ─── |回溯下1966年 "龙卷风"的一起犯罪事件...

18、When someone else is perpetrating the very acts they claim to despise, we may feel confused, sensing that there's something crazy going on, unable to pinpoint exactly what.I have some recommendations. ─── 当别人在犯下他们口口声声说自己轻视的行为时,我们也许会感到迷惑,感觉正在进行的事情有点疯狂,可又说不出那是什么。

19、fraud (as by use of forged documents or false claims or perjury) that misleads a court or jury and induces a finding for the one perpetrating the fraud. ─── 用伪证误导法庭或者陪审团的欺骗行为。

20、It was 7am: I remembered that I always got into the office early when perpetrating my own frauds. ─── 那是早上7点:我记得自己当年诈骗的时候,去办公室总是很早。

21、Advocating the Concept of Perpetrating Act ─── 实行行为观念之提倡

22、The concept of concurrence of plural acts is theoretically acceptable and reasonable.The essence of imaginary coincidental offense is concurrence of plural perpetrating acts,... ─── 究其原因,在于现行理论对想象竞合犯的行为结构和罪数本质存在误解。

23、Some want to punish China for its association with the Sudanese government, which is perpetrating atrocities in Darfur. ─── 有人想惩罚中国和苏丹政府串通一气蹂躏达尔富尔。

24、"We had that as a possible reason (for perpetrating the crime), and didn't find any cases," he said. ─── “我们找到了一个可能的原因(为犯下的罪行),但没有找到相关的案例”他说。

25、Please treat this as my final demand for you to cease and desist perpetrating any conduct of a threatening nature upon me. ─── 请你停止对我实施任何意在威胁的行为,这是我对你最后的请求。

26、Both sides accuse each other of perpetrating atrocities and have denied their own involvement. ─── 由于战区阻止记者进入,所以各方声明的真实性还难以确认。

27、For they are so utterly devoid of conscience that they are even creating"friction"and perpetrating massacres and splits after our national enemy has penetrated deep into our territory. ─── 因为这类坏蛋,已经丧尽天良,当一个民族敌人深入国土的时候,他们还要闹磨擦,闹惨案,闹分裂。

28、10.Google has a tradition of perpetrating April Fools’ Day hoaxes. ─── 10. 谷歌有个在愚人节捉弄人的传统。

29、" You may find a person perpetrating to be single, but they're married,"says Michael Brown, founder of Atlanta based Blacksingles.com. ─── “你可能会在网上遇到装成单身的已婚者或只想在网上玩玩的人,”亚特兰大blacksingles.com网站的创始人米歇尔·布朗说。

30、We will keep perpetrating the myth that somehow, there is a lifestyle we can lead or a belief we can embrace which will somehow render us superhuman. ─── 我们将继续编造骗人的神话:在某种情况下,我们能通过采取某种生活方式或者接受某种信仰而成为超人。

31、act of perpetrating ─── 实行行为

32、The more likely route to a prosecution, if there is to be one, is to show that they aided their father in perpetrating the Ponzi scheme. ─── 如果要控告他们的话,比较可能的方案就是证明他们帮助其父实施骗局。

33、The establishment of transformation crime should build on the existence of perpetrating act, preparatory crime is impossible to become transformation crime. ─── 第三部分转化条件方面问题的分析。

34、emitting greenhouse gases, are the rich perpetrating an injustice on the world's poor? ─── 既得利益者们排放温室气体的行为正在向穷人的身上施加一种不公正么?

35、non - perpetrating act ─── 非实行行为

36、This videotographer escaped, before those perpetrating the certain death of those on the plane were aware they were being filmed. ─── 谋杀了飞机上乘客的那些人在意识到他们行为被拍摄下来之前,拍影片的人已经逃跑了。

37、It proposes that the initiation of the punishment should be limited within the perpetrating act, and the punishment should not be initiated without the perpetrating act. ─── 实行行为是犯罪构成的核心要素,因而本文提倡刑法立法及司法实践应当树立实行行为的观念,即刑罚发动以实行行为为限,没有实行行为就不得动用刑罚。

38、plural perpetrating acts ─── 数行为

39、Gathering a crowd is a preparatory act instead of an act of perpetrating; ─── 聚众行为不是实行行为,而是斗殴行为的预备行为或斗殴的辅助行为;

40、Charged with perpetrating what may be the biggest financial scam in history, Mr Madoff used fund-managers as “feeders” to promote his investment scheme among the well-heeled in America and Europe. ─── 这个可能是历史上最大的金融骗局充满了邪恶。麦道夫先生利用一些基金经理作为在美国和欧洲的富人中推广其投资计划的“诱饵”。

41、And I know we've all seen images enough to make us numb, of the tragedies that we're perpetrating on the planet. ─── 我们看到过很多关于地球生态遭到破坏的图片,多到足以使我们麻木。

42、What other kingdoms hold responsibility for perpetrating global harm? ─── 其他王国对被犯下的全球性伤害承担什么责任?

43、By emitting greenhouse gases, are the rich perpetrating an injustice on the world’s poor? ─── 既得利益者们排放温室气体的行为正在向穷人的身上施加一种不公正么?

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