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08-16 投稿


conditioning 发音

英:[k?n?d???n??]  美:[k?n?d???n??]

英:  美:

conditioning 中文意思翻译




conditioning 网络释义

n. 调节;条件作用;整修;训练,健身训练v. 以…为条件(condition的ing形式)

conditioning 短语词组

1、conditioning of goods ─── [经] 货物的外表状况

2、boiler water conditioning ─── [化] 锅炉水处理

3、air conditioning ─── 用空调设备调节空气, 空调设备 [计] 空调; 空气调节

4、conditioning chamber ─── [建] 调理室

5、aversive conditioning ─── 厌恶条件作用

6、air conditioning equipment ─── [化] 空调机; 空调器; 空调装置

7、air-conditioning ─── [医] 空气调节

8、conditioning stimulus ─── [医] 条件制约刺激物

9、air conditioning plant ─── [化] 空调装置; 空气调节装置

10、colour conditioning ─── [机] 色彩调节

11、air conditioning unit ─── [化] 空调机组; 空气调节机组

12、classical conditioning ─── 经典的条件作用

13、air conditioning system ─── [计] 空调系统

14、circuit conditioning ─── [电] 电路调整

15、air-conditioning apparatus ─── [医] 空气调节器

16、conditioning agent ─── [化] 调节剂

17、air conditioning apparatus ─── [机] 空气调节装置

18、air conditioning machinery ─── [机] 空气调节机

19、color conditioning ─── [机] 色彩调节

conditioning 常用词组

air conditioning ─── 空调;空气调节

signal conditioning ─── 信号调节;信号波形加工

air conditioning equipment ─── 空调装置;空调机

conditioning 词性/词形变化,conditioning变形

现在分词:conditioning 原型:conditioning

conditioning 相似词语短语

1、condition ─── n.条件;情况;环境;身份;vt.决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件

2、air conditioning ─── 空调;[建]空气调节

3、conditionating ─── 条件性

4、reconditioning ─── v.修复(机器);修补翻新(recondition的现在分词)

5、renditioning ─── 返回

6、preconditioning ─── n.预处理;前条件作用

7、air-conditioning ─── 空调;[建]空气调节

8、deconditioning ─── n.去适应作用(指长期失重后,心血管机能的一种改变)

9、auditioning ─── n.(对演艺人员的)面试,试演;听觉,听能;v.试演,试唱;对(某人)进行面试,让(某人)试演(或试唱、试音)

conditioning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From air conditioning and broadband access to a DVD player and a television. ─── 从空调,宽带接入到DVD播放器,电视机都一应俱全。

2、He ordered several extras, such as a radio and air conditioning on his new car. ─── 他还为新汽车订购了几样东西:收音机和空气调节器。

3、However, LTP could not be induced if using free-Ca~ 2+ ACSF while giving conditioning stimulation. ─── 但用无Ca2+的ACSF替代正常ACSF后,在MGB难以诱导出LTP。

4、Yao then worked on conditioning with Macha after practice. ─── 在和国家队一起训练之后还要和马察再留下训练。

5、It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room. ─── 气温是90度,空调几乎没有使房间凉快下来。

6、Laser Conditioning on Optical Thin. ─── 光学薄膜元件的激光预处理技术。

7、The long distance buses that connect all countries in the region are very comfortable with air conditioning and TV. ─── 带空调和电视的长途汽车非常舒适便捷,是这一地区的跨国交通工具。

8、He plans to spend most of the summer in Charlotte, improving his conditioning. ─── 他计划夏天大部分时间待在夏洛特,以便改进自己的状态。

9、Install the A/C condenser (refer to Group 24, Heating and Air Conditioning). ─── 安装A/C 容电器(请参阅单元24,加热和空调)。

10、Operant conditioning forms an association between a behavior and a consequence. ─── 增强训练法就是行为和结果之间的联系。

11、Air conditioning design for injection workshop in Beijing Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ─── 北京双鹤药业输液车间空调工程设计。

12、From air conditioning in industry, for the quality of the product, to air conditioning for comfort was but a step. ─── 从工业上的空气调节装置的性能特点到用于调节空气令人舒适仅仅只是一个踏步。

13、Experience in the Air Conditioning industry in a Design engineering or design CAD position. Would be preferred. ─── 从事过空调行业的工程设计或CAD设计。

14、Indoor sunstroke prevention opens air conditioning less. ─── 室内防暑少开空调。

15、Last year, we also bought a home air conditioning. ─── 去年,我们家还买了空调。

16、Suzhou Dongcheng Air Conditioning Engineering Co., Ltd. is its affiliated company. ─── 属下单位有东城冷气工程有限公司。

17、If you are comfortably cool in a tropical climate, your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators. ─── 如果你在炎热的气候里感到舒适凉爽,那么你家的空调器可能也是靠燃油发电机工作的。

18、Presents the common fresh air handling modes of VRV air conditioning systems. ─── 介绍了VRV空调常见的新风处理方式。

19、Hence, we had a job for as long as there was no air conditioning. ─── 于是,在还没有空调的时代,我们就有事可干了。

20、Why can be big Mu finger ached by the air cooling of air conditioning? ─── 为什么大拇手指受到空调的冷风就会疼痛呢?

21、Air conditioning is a most important service to a fibre-drawing department. ─── 对于拉丝车间来说,空调是最重要的服务设施。

22、The amp draw signal is sent to the ADI board for conditioning. ─── 安培绘制信号馈送给数字交替反转板进行调整。

23、They are conditioning the horse for a race. ─── 他们在训练那匹马以参加比赛。

24、School children have been evacuated from this Phoenix school after a body was found in an air conditioning duct above the cafeteria. ─── 在食堂空调排泄管里发现一具尸体后,菲尼克斯学校里的学生都被疏散了。

25、But what about conditioning the execution of a command to the successful exit from the preceding one? ─── 但是,如果命令的执行以前一个命令的成功退出为条件时该怎么办呢?

26、He was criticized by his manager because he forgot to turn off the air conditioning when leaving the office. ─── 他离开办公室时忘了把空调关掉,为此受到了经理的批评。

27、Later, the government begins to popularize air conditioning burning gas. ─── 之后,政府开始推广燃气空调。

28、National Center of Quality Supervision and Inspection and Testing for Air Conditioning Equipments. ─── 国家空调设备质量监督检验中心。

29、Variable Air Volume ?VAV? System is a energy-saving air conditioning system. ─── 变风量系统是国外较为流行的节能空调系统,国内也开始大量采用。

30、Do you know who turned the air conditioning on? ─── 你知道是谁把冷气打开的吗?

31、It is possible to design good heating ventilating and air conditioning systems at a reasonable cost. ─── 人们可以用合理的造价设计一个良好的采暖通风和空气调节系统。

32、Tearless coat brighlening shampoo. A mild coconut oil conditioning shampoo that makes while and light coats sparkle . ─── 含椰子油成份及浓郁蛋白质,不涩眼及放敏感,能令毛色富有光泽及更加雪白,适用于白色或浅色皮毛之犬猫用。

33、In its time the private house had luxuries such as a lift, air conditioning and billiards room. ─── 当时的这一私人住宅就拥有了诸如电梯、空调和台球室这样豪华的设施。


35、Signal conditioning is becoming more prevalent. ─── 信号调节变得越来越普遍。

36、Controlled the air conditioning button which on the stage arranged in turn to let me associate the candied fruit. ─── 中控台上依次排列的空调按钮让我联想起了糖葫芦。

37、The electricity was cut off this morning, so the air- conditioning could not work. ─── 今天早上停电了,空调机无法工作。

38、Conditioning the hair remoes tangles, particularly at the ends of the hair. ─── 头发应该每天用洗发香波洗,并充分冲洗。

39、All rooms are equipped with IDD, DDD, STV, minibar and air conditioning. ─── 商务中心为客人提供便捷的传真、复印、打字、票务、快件等服务。

40、Crabtree &Evelyn Jojoba Oil Conditioning Bath &Massage Oil - 200 ml. ─── 产品类别:按摩油香精售价:$650重量:0.75磅

41、Hence,we had a job for as long as there was no air conditioning. ─── 于是,在还没有空调的时代,我们就有事可干了。

42、"The key was conditioning," Rockets forward Juwan Howard said. ─── "关键是空调,"火箭推进婉霍华德说.

43、Building subway in subtropics,to reduce the power consumption for air conditioning is a complicated matter. ─── 亚热带地区修建地铁,必须解决环境控制空调能耗大的难题。

44、Be thankful for air conditioning when it is very hot. ─── 在炎热的日子里感谢空调。

45、Gary Condit, a California Democrat. ─── 利维与加州民主党众议员加里-康迪特有不正当关系。

46、Publishes his findings regarding classical conditioning. ─── 发表他关于条件反射的发现。

47、Air conditioning units can be seen on top of the White House. ─── 在白宫屋顶可以看到空调的设施。

48、Excuse me, but can you do something about the air conditioning in my room? ─── 对不起,能否请你修修我房间里的空调?

49、Counterconditioning:Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response. ─── 对抗条件反射作用:意在用肯定反应代替对某刺激产生的否定反应的条件反射作用.

50、Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society, or are we born with it? ─── 个性是受父母和社会熏陶的结果,还是我们生而有之?

51、Add 1/4 teaspoon per cup to shampoos for conditioning action. ─── 加1/4韩茶匙入约一杯水中来清洗头发作护发之用。

52、There are two corollaries of operant conditioning" Aversion therapy and desensitization. ─── 使事情发生动作的条件有2种推论,厌恶疗法及减敏。

53、A car equipped with air conditioning. ─── 一辆备有空调的小轿车。

54、During warm weather the same ductwork can be used for air conditioning. ─── 当天气暖和的时候,该管道系统也可以用于空调。

55、An air conditioning is very essential in July in Beijing. ─── 在七月的北京有台冷气机是十分必要的。

56、Your habit, your conditioning, is to scramble to reestablish, somehow, a sense of Identity. ─── 你的习性使你不由自主地想要重建存在感。

57、Grammatical analysis doesn't require specialized cognitive software, they say; it boils down to operant conditioning. ─── 他们认为,语法分析不需要专门的认知能力;说到底,语法分析只是操作性条件反射。

58、In 2001, TROX Air Conditioning Components (Suzhou) Co. ─── 2001年,妥思空调设备(苏州)有限公司正式注册。

59、Air conditioning cools down the indoors but heats up the environment. ─── 冷气机使室内凉快,却使大环境发烧。

60、All the big shopping centers have central air conditioning. ─── 大型购物场所都拥有中央空调。

61、Knowledge of Air conditioning system. ─── 具备空调系统知识。

62、Internet-based ANN solution for air conditioning load prediction. ─── 基于互联网的神经网络空调负荷预测解决方案。

63、You will know what that puppy will grow up to be in terms of size, personality, conditioning and grooming needs. ─── 可以预见,你希望你的狗需要标准的大小、性格、训练及美容。

64、Description: Webasfo AG ---- Parking heater,air conditioning system,sunroof. ─── ------驻车加热器、空调系统、天窗。

65、I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on. ─── 当空调被关上时,我可能冻死在这间办公室里。

66、Excellent physical conditioning is required for Both the driver and the passenger in sidecar racing. ─── 在侧三轮车赛中,车手和搭档的体力都要极好。

67、Skinner is considered to be the father of operant conditioning and programmed instruction. ─── 10岁时 父母双亡。

68、It has automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes and air conditioning. ─── 具有自动传动系统、动力方向盘、动力煞车和空调系统。

69、Behavioral modification especially through experience or conditioning. ─── 学习尤指通过体验或环境影响造成的行为变化

70、Presents the calculation method of the air conditioning load. ─── 介绍了地铁车站空调负荷的计算方法。

71、Strongback Structure composite supports fairings and auxiliary power unit and air conditioning system doors. ─── 复合材料定位板支撑的整流罩和辅助动力装置及空气调节系统舱门。

72、If there is no air conditioning, how cold people and how hot? ─── 如果没有空调,人们会多么地寒冷和多么地炎热?

73、He equipped his car with air conditioning. ─── 他给他的汽车装了空调。

74、Before the meeting, one of her aides cautioned: "Ms. Dong mostly likes to talk about air-conditioning. " ─── 采访她之前,她的一名助手提醒道:“董女士对空调的话题永远乐此不疲。”

75、In the BBT the beer is stored for a short time, before it is sent to conditioning. ─── 啤酒去包装以前,其在清酒罐中作短时间停留。

76、Unlike many fad treatments, caviar is actually proven to work as a conditioning therapy. ─── 与很多流行的护发用品不同的是,鱼子酱被证明具有护理治疗的功效。

77、Hey, can a brother get some air conditioning up here, coach? ─── 嘿,教管,能不能找人装个空调?

78、Today a 1967 Cougar in good condit is a collector's item. ─── 到今天,一辆没有破损的1967年生产的美洲豹车是汽车搜集家的一项瑰集品。

79、Fie specimens of each thickness are tested after conditioning for7 days at70 degrees C. ─── 同一厚度另取5个试片为一组在70℃放置7天后再测试。

80、To collocating with sunscreen or whitener, it could acquire the best effect on conditioning and whitening. ─── 可与防晒美白修护精华搭配使用,防护,调理,彻底美白效果更好。

81、You can't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning. ─── 你不能开窗,因为那样会破坏空调。

82、Using warm water,wash hair with a mild conditioning shampoo. ─── 使用温水和中性洗发水清洗发片。

83、There is truth for each perceiver according to the karmic patterns conditioning his perceptions. ─── 但业力制约每个人的认知模式,却是事实。


85、We wanted to reduce the cost of heating and air-conditioning. ─── 我们想减少供暖与空调的开支。

86、Develop for use on ventilation, high velocity, and high or medium pressure air conditioning systems. ─── 开发用于通风、高速及高压或中等压力空气调节系统。

87、My father was stationed at Hickam AFB in 1989.We took the house out on Apollo Avenue because it had air conditioning. ─── 1989年,我父亲驻扎在海卡姆空军基地,我们租下了阿波罗大道旁的一幢房子,因为那儿有空调。

88、No one to repair it, but the general can not air conditioning, so people do not know which hired the office of a large candy jar the water. ─── 没人来修,但总不能不开空调,于是不知道办公室哪个人找来了一个大糖果罐接水。

89、Origin Ira Condit, Riverside 1956. ─── 原籍爱尔兰共和军康迪,1956河沿.

cut your air conditioning load?






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