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08-16 投稿


earthiness 发音

英:[???rθin?s]  美:[???θin?s]

英:  美:

earthiness 中文意思翻译



earthiness 短语词组

1、earthiness vertalen ─── 翻译土性

2、earthiness definition ─── 土性定义

3、earthiness meaning ─── 土的意义

4、earthiness cigar ─── 土味雪茄

5、earthiness flavor ─── 土味

6、earthiness syn ─── 土性syn

7、earthiness in edmund ─── 埃德蒙的朴实

8、earthiness synonym ─── 土性同义词

9、earthiness sweetheart ─── 朴实的甜心

10、earthiness of something ─── 某物的朴实性

earthiness 相似词语短语

1、wealthiness ─── 富裕

2、artiness ─── 艺术性

3、healthiness ─── n.健康;健全

4、artsiness ─── 艺术性

5、earliness ─── n.早熟

6、deathiness ─── 死亡

7、earthiest ─── adj.土的;土质的;朴实的;粗俗的(earthy的变形)

8、swarthiness ─── n.黑黝黝

9、earthliness ─── n.世俗

earthiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“There's an earthiness about beets that somehow goes with cocoa,” Rose explains later. ─── 罗斯随后解释说“甜菜根有着一种泥土的芬芳,和可可豆很好地搭配在了一起。”

2、Erwin Stoff said:“We felt that Olympia [Dukakis] would provide a certain earthiness that would help ground the movie. ─── 埃文.斯托夫:“我们都觉得奥林匹亚.杜卡基斯会提供一些质朴率真的东西来帮助这部电影打下基础。

3、Tasting:With its earthiness, with its abundance of fruit and the brightness of sunshine, this Chenin Blanc is a remarkable reflection of the African continent. ─── 品尝概要:庄园的土壤特性和充沛的阳光,让这款白翠柠葡萄酒充满迷人的果香,极具南非大陆的特色。

4、10.As an individuality succumbs to earthiness, abandoning intellect for emotion and emotion for sensuality, it becomes more and more one-sided. ─── 当个性屈从于尘世,放弃理智和感性,它就变得越来越片面。

5、The taste of a truffle is often compared to garlic blended with an earthiness or pungent mushroom flavor. ─── 块菌的味道常被比作大蒜味并混有泥土之芬芳或辛辣的蘑菇香味。

6、10.Deep ruby color and rich, spice filled aromas of cherry, cranberry and a touch of earthiness lead to sweet tannins complementing enticing silky flavors and a beautiful, long finish. ─── 馥郁的樱桃和蔓越莓香味伴随着丰富的香料味道,土质和圆润单宁加强了丝般的口感和悠长美妙的回味。

7、This Shiraz wine shows distinctive earthiness with blackberry and plum flavours. ─── 这瓶设拉子葡萄酒显示其所生长土壤的与众不同品质伴随着黑莓和李子果香。

8、The group once again guessed the origin correctly, the earthiness of P2 gave the origin away. ─── 因P2的泥土气色把产地表露无为,令我们再次估中酒的来源。

9、The flavour was mysteriously hard to pin down: traces of chocolate, hints of earthiness and a slight mustiness around the edges. ─── 要想用言语描述它的风味实在困难:丝丝巧克力的浓滑、淡淡的泥土味和轻微的中药味。

10、, "heart of stone" or "stony silence"). 4. earthiness. ─── 3,冷漠无情(比如铁石心肠、冷漠);4,土性。

11、The color, which represents wholesomeness and earthiness, also shows up in man-made goods from clothing to chocolate. ─── 棕象征着健康和土质的,在人工制品也广泛可见,比如衣服,巧克力,等等。

12、It is aromatically complex and rich on the palate.Cherry flavours mix with traditional earthiness and finish with a black pepper spice. ─── 它口感丰富,传统的泥土味与黑胡椒香料的混合味体现了红酒的品质和价值。

13、Brown speaks of home, hearth and a certain earthiness. ─── 棕色常常讲述着关于家、壁炉和地板的故事。

14、You can taste the wind and rain of India's stormy season in each cup through its earthiness . ─── 尝起来有土味,能闻到印度多雨季节风和雨的味道。

15、His sense of humor and genuine down-to- earthiness is going to make it so much fun to work with him. ─── 他的幽默感和不浮夸的个性会让我们的合作充满乐趣。

16、You can taste the wind and rain of India's stormy season in each cup through its earthiness. ─── 尝起来有土味,能闻到印度多雨季节风和雨的味道。

17、The color, which represents wholesomeness and earthiness, also shows up in man-made goods from clothing to chocolate. ─── 棕象征着健康和土质的,在人工制品也广泛可见,比如衣服,巧克力,等等。

18、Those of Earth Mother nature tend to attract others who are lacking the earthiness themselves;these others then tend to ground into or through them, feeling safe thereafter. ─── 这些人总是吸引那些缺乏朴实者到身边,后者总倾向于根植到他们身上或透过他们而根植,从而感到安全。

19、Conceptual Model of an Earthiness Landslide and the Prediction of Landslide Hidden Danger Regions ─── 土质滑坡地质概念模型及隐患区的预测

20、Characterized by intensity of feeling and earthiness in its earliest stages, soul music was found most commonly in Southern US. ─── 在早期。灵魂音乐的特点是具有朴实强烈的感情色彩,当时它在南美最受人们的欢迎。

21、Ripe intense flavours reminiscent of blackcurrants on the nose.This super-ripe wine has upfront fruit alongside firm tannins and an earthiness. ─── 这款超级成熟的葡萄酒带有水果香味伴随强劲的单宁。

22、The flavour was mysteriously hard to pin down: traces of chocolate, hints of earthiness and a slight mustiness around the edges. ─── 要想用言语描述它的风味实在困难:丝丝巧克力的浓滑、淡淡的泥土味和轻微的中药味。

23、It is deep and dark with rich aromas of black cherry and subtle notes of vanilla and earthiness. ─── 馥郁的黑樱桃香味和微妙的香草与土质的结合。

24、Classic hints of menthol and earthiness are combined with a touch of American oak to provide a pleasing complexity. ─── 经典的薄荷醇香和泥土清香由一缕美国橡树香味完美地结合在一起。

25、The Engineering Practice of Highwall Slope Father in Complex Earthiness ─── 复杂土质高边坡治理的工程实践

26、Refuse to earthiness, accept poverty in quiet in the heart of one party sukhavati keep. ─── 拒绝尘世,接受清贫,在宁静中守着心灵的一方净土。

27、as if it had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm her imperviousness. ─── 仿佛她的尊严就需要同世俗的接触来重新肯定她那不受任何影响的性格。

28、It has found reasonable ways brought roadbed to resultant stabilization owning to synthesize many factors such as earthiness,hydroclimate,wheather etc to find self weight and external load of roadbed. ─── 本文结合大齐公路施工实例,论述了合理的通车碾压工后沉降期及相应制约因素,综合了土质水文、气候天气等制约因素,以寻找路基自重外荷载作用,使路基达到最终稳定的合理途径。

29、There is also a hint of earthiness and mint on the nose. ─── 是专家们高度评价的优质红葡萄酒。

30、The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day. ─── 劳动者,在晚上凝望着火,常把白天积聚起来的杂乱而又粗俗的思想,都放到火里去洗炼。

31、Though at first the souls but lightly inhabited bodies and remembered their identities, gradually, life after life, they descended into earthiness, into less mentality, less consciousness of the mind force. ─── 虽然起初灵魂只是稍微居住于体内,并记得它们的身份,但是渐渐地,一生又一生之后,它们沉沦于世俗生活,越来越没有灵性,头脑的意识力量越来越小。

32、He loved Gerard's peasant earthiness. ─── 他喜欢杰勒德身上那种农民的朴实。

33、The Merlot has found particularly suitable conditions in Argentina to make this wine an excellent expression of its fruit and earthiness and still maintaining its delicacy. ─── 其梅洛特采自于阿根廷特有的地理环境中,使其在水果、土质上有极好的表现并始终保持着其微妙的感觉。

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