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deputies 发音

英:[?d?pj?tiz]  美:[?d?pj?tiz]

英:  美:

deputies 中文意思翻译



deputies 短语词组

1、deputies la ─── 洛杉矶代表

2、chamber of deputies ─── [法] 下议院, 众议院

3、deputies union ─── 代表工会

4、deputies syn ─── 代表syn

5、deputies ambushed ─── 副手伏击

6、deputies crossword ─── 副手纵横字谜

7、deputies meme ─── 梅因议员

8、deputies drive ─── 副驾驶

deputies 词性/词形变化,deputies变形

名词复数: deputies |

deputies 相似词语短语

1、deities ─── n.神明,神灵(deity的复数)

2、deputes ─── v.向(某人)授权;委派(某人);n.受权人

3、dauties ─── 死亡

4、deputizes ─── vi.代理;代表;vt.指定…为代理;授权…为代表

5、bepities ─── 定义

6、deputises ─── vt.委...为代表;vi.担任代表

7、deputized ─── v.充当代表;临时代理;让(某人)作代表(deputize的过去式及过去分词)

8、beauties ─── n.美丽,美的东西;美人(beauty的复数);美容化妆

9、deputised ─── vt.委...为代表;vi.担任代表

deputies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asan's birthrate is 1.08, much lower even than the low national average, according to Ko Bun-Ja, one of Yu's deputies who is helping organize the event. ─── 协助于洋申筹备这次活动的助理高本家也指出,牙山出生率只有1.08,远低于韩国已经偏低的全国出生率。

2、In Poland, the deputies were after absconding with money, he discovered, was arrested. ─── 于波、蔡敏作案后携款潜逃,后被查获归案。

3、Mr Fini responded by taking 33 deputies with him to form a new parliamentary group, thus depriving Mr Berlusconi of a majority. ─── 菲尼率领33名众议员组成新的议会团体做为回应,使贝鲁斯科尼阵营在议会失去了多数优势。

4、Deputies are given authorization to make arrests. ─── 副警长们被授予拘捕权。

5、A The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Mr Joseph Yam, delivering a speech at the Sixth Meeting of Finance and Central Bank Deputies Manila Framework Group. ─── A香港金融管理局总裁任志刚在第六届马尼拉方案小组副财长及副行长会议上致辞。

6、The 8-year contribution of HGSS for girl secondary education keeps impressing more people.More deputies to the people's congress and officials hear the advocacy. ─── 女高坚持8年拓荒的高中助女学公益行动,将越来越得到更多人的认同,也势必让更多的政协代表、人大代表、政府官员听到、看到相关建议。

7、Each of the 55 ethnic minorities has its own deputies and CPPCC National Committee members. ─── 55个少数民族都有自己的代表和委员。

8、Prosecutions in the High court of Justiciary are conducted by the Lord Advocate or one of his deputies. ─── 向高等刑事法院的诉讼是由检察长或者他的一个代表提出的。

9、In China, it is often the deputies who are punished in corruption cases while the top cadres are exonerated. ─── 在中国,经常是副职官员在贪污受贿案中下马,而高层官员则可以免责。

10、The electoral units have the power, through procedures prescribed by law, to recall deputies they elected. ─── 原选举单位有权依照法律规定的程序罢免本单位选出的代表。

11、A considerable percentage of people's deputies and officials at various levels are women. ─── 在各级人民代表和领导工作人员中,妇女都占有相当的比例。

12、One of the deputies was badly mishandled and dragged down the stairs by his feet, while the other was found lying in the street in a pool of blood. ─── 其中一名代表受到了粗鲁待遇,被人拽着双腿拖下楼梯,人们发现另一个代表躺在大街上的一滩血泊中。

13、Until his appearance in the Chamber of Deputies for the vote, he had been invisible for a week. ─── 直到他现身众议院参与投票为止,他已经“隐身”有一个星期之久。

14、She walked past sheriff's deputies into a sport utility vehicle where her parents waited. ─── 她在警长代理人护送下坐进一辆休旅车,车内坐着她的父母。

15、Deputies to the people's congresses representing counties and townships are elected directly by their constituencies. ─── 县乡人大代表是按选区直接选举产生的。

16、Political parties and people's organizations may either jointly or separately recommend candidates for deputies. ─── 各政党、各人民团体,可以联合或者单独推荐代表候选人。

17、Deputies had to become genuine representatives of the people. ─── 代表们必须成为真正的人民代表。

18、In return, Mr Sarkozy has offered not to run Gaullist candidates against these deputies in June. ─── 作为回报,萨尔科齐先生提出六月份人民运动联盟候选人不会反对这些代理人。

19、Top legislator Wu Bangguo hailed the high support rate of the deputies for the law as epitomizing the "common will and strong resolve" of the entire Chinese people. ─── 国家以最大的诚意,尽最大的努力,实现和平统一。国家和平统一后,台湾可以实行不同于大陆的制度,高度自治。

20、"The first Sheriff of Los Angeles County was George T.Burrill and his staff consisted of two Deputies. ─── "我费尽千辛万苦才在LAPD官方网站找到的,大意就是George T.

21、"Quiet down a bit, fellows. Order. We must keep order!" one of the deputies shouted. ─── “同学们,安静点,秩序,我们要保持秩序

22、Not only do deputies to the People's Congress have the right to elect, they also have the right of recall. ─── 人大代表不但有选举权,还有罢免权。

23、Four armed deputies surrounded Camillo Stela and escorted him through a door near the front of the courtroom that led to the witness room. ─── 四个武装法警簇拥着卡米罗·斯特拉,护送他穿过审判庭前端的一扇边门,走进证人室。

24、The Kazakh public prosecutor said it was suing the former regional health director and his two deputies for gross negligence. ─── 哈萨克斯坦公诉人说他正在起诉前任地区卫生长官和他的两个副手,因其犯有显而易见的渎职罪。

25、But the former president's deputies appeared to retain partial control of the military, which guarded the capital Conakry. ─── 但几内亚前总统的副手似乎保持着对军方的部分控制,这些军队保卫着该国首都科纳克里。

26、At the Fourth Session of the Ninth NPC held in March 2001,the deputies raised 1,040 proposals,a record number since the Sixth NPC. ─── 2001年3月举行的九届全国人大四次会议期间,代表共提出1040件议案,是六届全国人大以来提出议案最多的一年。

27、The convener of a group shall be elected at a group meeting of deputies. ─── 代表小组会议推选小组召集人。

28、The deputies called upon the mayor to invite his cooperation in their work. ─── 代表们拜访了市长,请他在工作上给予合作。

29、The NPC pays close attention to safeguarding the rights of its deputies,and earnestly and promptly handles proposals and suggestions made by its deputies. ─── 全国人大注意保障代表的权利,对代表们提出的建议和意见认真及时地处理。

30、A few minutes later a cruiser arrived, and the deputies approached the offending car. ─── 几分钟后,巡逻队赶来了,巡警们接近这辆违规的车。

31、It marked the arrival of the spring of science that six thousand deputies converged in Beijing. ─── 六千名代表汇集北京,标志着科学的春天的到来。

32、The ratio of women deputies in local people's congresses is higher than the last congress. ─── 地方各级人大代表中的女性比例都比上届有所提高。

33、However, the result of votes indicates Zhu Rongji is still well respected by deputies notwithstanding he may lose his power soon. ─── 不过,表决结果显示,朱?基没有因为即将失去权力而被人大代表冷落。

34、There shall be an appropriate number of deputies elected from the minority nationalities in each administrative area. ─── 各行政区域内的少数民族应当有适当的代表名额。

35、Fellow Deputies, It is our unshakable goal to maintain the long-term stability and prosperity of Hong Kong and Macao. ─── 各位代表,维护香港、澳门长期稳定和繁荣发展,是我们坚定不移的目标。

36、"Fellows, the Department Chief is going to say a few words to us," announced one of the deputies. ─── “同学们,现在赵科长来给我们讲话,”一个代表的声音响起来。

37、It became necessary to keep an eye upon the deputies. ─── 不得不把代表们都看管起来。

38、Fellow deputies, none of these achievements of the past year came easily. ─── 各位代表,一年来各方面取得的成绩,确实来之不易。

39、Linus Torvalds continues to coordinate the work of several hundred developers with the help of a few trusty deputies. ─── 在几个可信赖的副手帮助下,Linus Torvalds一直协调著数百位开发人员的工作。

40、Many deputies who graduated from PKU present at the conference and participate in the discussion. ─── 多名北大校友作为两会代表、委员出席会议并参与议题的讨论。

41、A system that tolerates the sovereign or people's deputies to administer at will is a bad system. ─── 二是行政体现人民意愿和利益的手段,即强调人民代表权力的代议制民主。分权制衡保障执政者遵循社会基本道德准则;

42、Deputies were given authority to make arrests. ─── 代表们被授予拘捕权

43、Deputies say Vicente Ignacio Beltran Moreno abducted the teen at gunpoint and tied him to a tree. ─── 代理人表示比森特?伊格纳西奥?贝尔德兰?莫蕾诺用枪绑架这名少年并把他绑在树上。

44、And once his deputies get soon-to-be-offered PDA devices that connect to the system, they plan to scan the irises of people they pull over and suspect of having committed a crime. ─── 他的下属很快就会被配给可以和资料库连线的PDA,一旦设备到手,他们就会开始扫描他们怀疑可能有犯罪行为的人的虹膜。

45、The actual number of deputies present at today's meeting is 1,141, which constitutes a quorum. ─── 今天会议实到的代表一千一百四十一人,合于法定人数。

46、He talks of travelling less, and delegating more authority to his deputies. ─── 他说要减少旅行,还有要授予他的副手们更多的权力。

47、Most deputies of the tibetan nationality to the congress were emancipated serfs and slaves, as well as patriots from the upper strata and religious figures. ─── 参加大会的藏族代表绝大多数是翻身农奴和奴隶,也有上层爱国人士和宗教界人士。

48、With his poll ratings in free fall and his deputies defecting from the party, Papandreou seems to be running out of options. ─── 随着自由落体,从党背叛他的副手他的民意支持率,帕潘德里欧似乎正在运行的选项了。

49、Borden said he believes the only reason the deputies didn't shoot him was because they saw a cameraman. ─── 伯登说,他认为自己没吃枪子儿的惟一原因是警察们看见了摄影师。

50、The deputies may vote for or against any of the candidates that have been determined, or may instead elect any other deputies or voters or abstain from voting. ─── 代表对于确定的候选人,可以投赞成票,可以投反对票,可以另选其他任何代表或者选民,也可以弃权。

51、The factory manager negotiated with deputies. ─── 厂长跟代表们进行了谈判。

52、Deputies in Mr Sarkozy's own party, lobbied by food producers and small shopkeepers, want to dilute the text. ─── 在萨科齐总统领导的党派内,众议员受到食品生产商和小店主的游说,想要对新法的条款加以修改。

53、If satisfied the minimum criteria, both of the due diligence on the people's deputies unfair, but also on behalf of all the humiliation. ─── 假如只满足于最低准则,既对本就勤勉的人大代表不公平,也是对所有代表的羞辱。

54、Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a matter against any man, the law is open, and there are deputies: let them implead one another. ─── 38若是底米丢和他同行的人,有控告人的事,自有放告的日子。(或作自有公堂)也有方伯,可以彼此对告。

55、Deputies to the NPC have increased their enthusiasm for participating in the exercise of state power. ─── 人大代表参与行使国家权力的热情进一步提高。

56、Federal officials have discussed possible replacements for Mr. Pandit and his deputies, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 知情人士说,联邦官员讨论过撤换潘伟迪及其副手们的可能性。

57、His nomination triggered an uproar, but the majlis signalled its defiance as deputies chanted "death to Israel" when Vahidi addressed the chamber. ─── 他的提名引起骚动,但是,当瓦海德在议会发言时,议会代表高呼“打倒以色列”以表示对骚动的轻视。

58、The size of an electoral district shall be determined according to the principle that one to three deputies may be elected from each electoral district. ─── 八、选区的大小,按照每一选区选一至三名代表划分。

59、Deputies elected from different electoral districts or electoral units may deliberate on and jointly nominate candidates. ─── 不同选区或者选举单位选出的代表可以酝酿、联合提出候选人。

60、Third, we need to improve services to deputies to help them better carry out their duties. ─── 三是如何进一步提高服务保障水平,更好地发挥代表作用;

61、Most CDU deputies in the Bundestag want tax cuts. ─── 众议院的大部分CDU成员希望减税。

62、The deputies in North Carolina found the kids' mother and another person dead in the father's home. ─── 北卡罗莱那的代表在父亲的家中发现了孩子的死去的母亲和另一个人。

63、He is THE doer for the Minister and his Deputies at MLR. ─── 他是一个实干家,是MLR的代理。

64、LAS CRUCES, New Mexico (AP) -- A woman in New Mexico tried to escape from jail guards using baby powder, cocoa butter and lots of socks, deputies said. ─── 在新墨西哥州,一女囚使用婴儿粉、可可油及一些袜子企图越狱,代理人(?)说。

65、The leader of the DTP, Ahmet Turk, addressing his parliamentary deputies angrily attacked the raids. ─── 他说,这个以全国第4大党为打击目标的行动不但违法,并且违反民主。

66、Regional parties and single-mandate seats that let in independent deputies were scrapped. ─── 区域党派席位与单独指派的席位都被取消,因为这些席位的人可以引人自己独立的助手。

67、In addition, NPC deputies and CPPCC members are being served home dishes, such as dumplings, scalded Shanghai greens and home style fried tofu. ─── 代表和委员的伙食以家常菜为主,饺子、白灼菜心、家常豆腐等上了餐桌。

68、The deputies discussed and passed the resolution. ─── 代表们讨论并且通过了大会的决议。

69、Any citizen or unit may demand the recall of deputies who break the law, violate discipline or seriously neglect their duty. ─── 任何公民或单位对违法乱纪或者严重失职的代表都可以提出罢免的要求。

70、Deputies to the people's congresses,representing people of every profession and social stratum,exercise state power and are responsible to the people and supervised by the people. ─── 人大代表代表各行各业各阶层的广大人民参加行使国家权力,对人民负责,受人民监督。

71、He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies. ─── 他已赢得相当一部分左翼代表的支持。

72、Deputies then used a Taser to help control the man, authorities said. Paramedics at the scene began treating Welch, who was not breathing and did not have a pulse. ─── 于是,副警长开枪控制局面。紧急医护人员当场开始治疗没有呼吸和脉搏的韦尔奇。

73、He said that he had never dreamed he would be sitting here discussing state affairs with the other deputies. ─── 他说,他做梦也没想到会坐在这里和其他代表一起讨论国家大事。

74、Merriman was arrested Sunday and accused of choking MTV star Tila Tequila.Police say deputies determined Tequila had been drinking. ─── 加利福尼亚运输官员说在周二的早高峰之前要及时修好桥并保证它顺利开通是一个很大的挑战。

75、Deputies begin to leave the main hall of the Shanghai Exhibition Center at the end of the Congress yesterday. ─── 代表们在昨日会议结束时相继离开上海展览中心的中央大厅。

76、A stream of deputies spoke about their dead colleague and many expressed determination to resolve the country's political and sectarian problems. ─── 一些代表们谈到了他们已故的同僚,许多表示下定决心解决国家的政治和宗教问题。

77、With respect to a candidate that has been determined, deputies may vote for or against, or vote another person instead, or abstain from voting. ─── 代表对确定的候选人,可以投赞成票,可以投反对票,可以另选他人,也可以弃权。

78、It also elects the President of the Republic of Albania, the Supreme Court, the Attorney-General and his deputies. ─── 它制定国内外政策,选举议长和副议长,选举总统、高等法院院长和总检察长和副总检察长。

79、In Poland, the deputies had absconded after Juankuan. ─── 于波、蔡敏作案后卷款潜逃。

80、Liu Qi Mayor attentively listened to the deputies, and for Finance Street building plans. ─── 刘淇市长认真听取了代表们建议,并为金融街建设出谋划策。

81、Asan's birthrate is 1.08, much lower even than the low national average, according to Ko Bun-Ja, one of deputies helping organize the event. ─── 据协助组织这次活动的代表 Ko Bun-Ja,牙山市的生育率是1.08,甚至远远低于全国平均水平。

82、Mafia deputies in the Italian Parliament launched a bureaucratic counterattack against the planners. ─── 在意大利议会里的地下黑帮势力的代表死抠条文、照章办事,向设计人员发起了有根有据的反击。

83、While Uganda's President, Yoweri Museverni, did remove health minister J im Muhwezi and his two deputies. ─── 乌干达总统,YM,确实免除了卫生部达成JM和他的两位追随者的职位。

84、In Florida, two sheriff's deputies from Okaloosa County near Pensacola have been shot and killed by a man who was later shot by other deputies. ─── 在枪击案发生后不久,佐治亚大学就向整个校园发出了警报,在网站上贴出津汗的照片,要求学生遇到他时必须极其小心并向警方报告。

85、The company has set up several branches in GuangZhou, ShenZhen, ShangHai,WuHan,WenZhou, receving many prise of many deputies and customers. ─── 公司现在已在包括广州、深圳、上海、武汉、温州等地均设有办事处及代理商,深得广大经销商和客户的赞誉。

86、Dane County sheriff's deputies used snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles to check on motorists caught in the I-90 backup, McMenamin said. ─── 丹麦县治安官的副手用snowmobiles和各种地形的车辆,检查驾驶人被夹在一90备份, mcmenamin说。

87、Chinese citizens concerned about issues like the global economic crisis will be able to engage various development and reform commissions' deputies, authorities said. ─── 中国公民关注的全球经济危机问题会使国家进行若干发展和任命改革.官方说.

88、Such units shall have the power to recall the deputies they elect. ─── 原选举单位有权罢免自己选出的代表。

89、Women deputies to people's congresses at various levels have played an important role in legislative work and the administration of other state and social affairs. ─── 人大女代表在立法以及国家和社会事务管理中发挥了重要作用。

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