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08-16 投稿


insensibly 发音

英:[?n?sens?bli]  美:[?n?sens?bli]

英:  美:

insensibly 中文意思翻译



insensibly 网络释义

adv. 不知不觉地;徐徐地;极细微地

insensibly 同义词

indiscernible | unresponsive | inert | unknowing | knocked out | comatose | unconscious | numb | undetectable | asleep | unaffected | oblivious | apathetic | senseless | distracted | abstracted | stony |unaware | inappreciable | anesthetic | imperceptible | unfeeling | indistinguishable | insentient | invisible | insensitive

insensibly 短语词组

1、insensibly one begins to twist facts ─── 人们不知不觉地开始歪曲事实

2、insensibly synonym ─── 无意识同义词

3、insensibly def ─── 不知 ─── 不觉地

4、insensibly bound ─── 不知 ─── 不觉地被束缚

5、insensibly meaning ─── 不知 ─── 不觉的意义

6、insensibly define ─── 不知 ─── 不觉地定义

insensibly 词性/词形变化,insensibly变形

副词: insensibly |名词: insensibility |

insensibly 反义词


insensibly 相似词语短语

1、unsensibly ─── 不知不觉地

2、sensibly ─── adv.明显地;容易感知地;聪明地

3、indefensibly ─── adv.无法辩护地;不能防御地

4、insensible ─── adj.昏迷的;无知觉的;麻木不仁的

5、indelibly ─── adv.不能消灭地

6、insensibility ─── n.不关心,不在乎;无感觉

7、insensately ─── 无感觉地;无理性地

8、unsensible ─── adj.没有感觉的;无法感应;无知觉的

9、defensibly ─── adv.可防御地;可辩护地;可保卫地

insensibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The door of toilet often lies in damp environment, doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly, if be enchased in the lower part of doorcase,go up stainless steel piece OK and moistureproof. ─── 卫生间的门经常处在潮湿的环境中,门框下方不知不觉地会腐朽,假如在门框的下方镶嵌上不锈钢片就可以防潮了。

2、One can distinguish on its ruins three sorts of lesions, all three of which cut into it at different depths; first, time,which has insensibly notched its surface here and there, and gnawed it everywhere; ─── 从这种艺术的废墟上,可以发现有三种因素不同程度地破坏了这种艺术: 首先是光阴,岁月不知不觉地腐蚀着其外表,留下了疏疏落落的缺口和斑斑锈迹;

3、As standard of living rise, put on insensibly in people home some be called " vogue " small electric equipment. ─── 随着生活水平的提高,人们家中不知不觉添上了些被称为“时尚”的小电器。

4、For it is this which principally hinders us from reflecting upon ourselves and which makes us insensibly ruin ourselves. ─── 因为正是消遣首当其冲地防碍我们的想到自己,并使我们在不知不觉中毁掉自己。

5、Insensibly all throughout the day, the family that I change fool! ─── 一整天都是傻呼呼,家里人都以为我变傻子!

6、insensibly men came to feel that a building might have dignity and mystery, might impress by its grace and beauty ─── 人们逐渐感到,一座建筑物可能具有威严和神秘的气氛,使人对它的庄严和华丽留下深刻的印象。

7、Ramble ramble come to man underwear ministry insensibly. ─── 逛著逛著不知不觉来到男士内衣部。

8、In addition, people can realize the truth and reasons on thinking. Also, it can prevent people from confusing insensibly. ─── 在思维上,更能令人悟出真理,真源。使人免陷于烦恼的泥泞之中而不自知,(迷失真我所需)。

9、Science is altering our life and arts insensibly at the same time. ─── 科学改变着我们的生活,也在不知不觉地改变着我们的艺术。

10、It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. ─── 未见事实遽下结论,大错特错。如此,硬抝事实以迁就成见,而非就事论事。

11、The passionate rebellion after her child's death had ceased insensibly, and in her misery, in her loneliness, she had found a new faith. ─── 孩子死后她对宗教的强烈不满不知不觉地消失了,她在悲凉,孤寂之中,得到了新的虔诚。

12、Nearby of the dragon Qi, convert Long Qi's substitute already in her heart and insensibly. ─── 身边的这个龙琦,已经在她的心中,不知不觉地成了龙琦的替身。

13、The really governing conditions of life do not graduate away quite insensibly like heat or moisture. ─── 真正支配生活的条件,不是象温度或温度那样地于完全不知不觉中逐渐消失。

14、When user visit these are hanged when the horse knows a website, can be gotten on by installation insensibly feline tinea downloads implement. ─── 当用户访问这些被挂马知名网站时,就会不知不觉被安装上猫癣下载器。

15、insensibly my eyelids grew heavy, deep sleep stole over me, and having no suspicion of anything wrong, I sought not to shake it off ─── 我的眼皮在不知不觉中变得沉重起来,我困极了,我当时并没怀疑会出什么事,所以也就不想去摆脱睡意的侵袭了。

16、When we link to people with whom we disagree, are we cursing insensibly at them or engaging in a rational back-and-forth? ─── 当我们连结到我们不喜欢的人的时候,我们是咒骂他们、还是理性对话?

17、Some good friends become distant insensibly, even you do not know why. ─── 隃罏有些好朋友,真的是不知不觉就疏远了,你连原因都不知道是什么。

18、Insensibly men came to feel that a building might have dignity and mystery, might impress by its grace and beauty. ─── 人们逐渐感到,一座建筑物可能具有威严和神秘的气氛,使人对它的庄严和华丽留下深刻的印象。

19、Time is gradual past, insensibly angel asleep, probably very daytime work too tired. ─── 时间渐渐过去,不知不觉地天使睡着了,可能很白天工作太累了吧。

20、Minimum younger sister's Lucy arrives at a coat alone before the cabinet, she draws back a cabinet door, pushing away a built-up coat, walking into the wardrobe of utter darkness insensibly. ─── 最小的妹妹露西独自来到一个大衣柜前,她拉开柜门,推开层层大衣,不知不觉地走进了漆黑的衣柜。

21、last night,while i am driving to work,The memory about you burst into my brain like tidewater,and the tears insensibly moist my face. ─── 昨晚,我驾车去工作时,关于你的记忆突然如潮水般涌上心头,泪水不知不觉打湿了我的脸颊。

22、More and more recreational food enter the market nowadays, the life food habit of people already began change insensibly. ─── 如今越来越多的休闲食品进入市场,人们的生活饮食习惯已不知不觉开始了变化。

23、The door of toilet often is in damp environment, its doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly. ─── 卫生间的门经常在潮湿的环境中,其门框下方不知不觉会腐朽。

24、When we would pursue virtues to their extremes on either side, vices present themselves, which insinuate themselves insensibly there, in their insensible journey towards the infinitely little ; ─── 当我们追求德行,一直达到它的两个极端时,邪恶就会出现。在通向无限小的难以觉察的道路上,邪恶在不知不觉中暗暗滋长;

25、The really governing conditions of life do not graduate away quite insensibly like heat or moisture ─── 真正支配生活的条件,不是象温度或湿度那样地于完全不知不觉中逐渐消失。

26、The passionate rebellion after her child's death had ceased insensibly, and in her misery, in her loneliness, she had found a new faith ─── 孩子死后她对宗教的强烈不满不知不觉地消失了,她在悲凉,孤寂之中,得到了新的虔诚。

27、Insensibly the formal content of class began. ─── 今天的水果是什么?你喜欢吃吗?

28、Science is altering our life and arts insensibly at the same time. ─── 科学改变着我们的生活,也在不知不觉地改变着我们的艺术。

29、Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. ─── 不易察觉地你开始扭转事实适合理论, 代替理论适合事实。

30、The third,it could make you happy to make friends,you may talk,and to make you happy insensibly. ─── 第三,交朋友能令你快乐,可以相互聊天,令你不知不觉就快乐起来。

31、That is to say, although infrared ray is cut off by cloud layer,won't feel body of burning sun bright, but ultraviolet ray or caused harm to the skin insensibly. ─── 也就是说,虽然红外线被云层阻隔不会觉得烈日灼身,可紫外线还是不知不觉对皮肤造成了伤害。

32、Was brought up insensibly, what to want to feel? My feeling is old, you! ─── 不知不觉的长大了,要什么感觉吗?我的感觉就是老了,你呢!

33、However, the vessel and the swimmer insensibly neared one another, and in one of its tacks the tartan bore down within a quarter of a mile of him ─── 总之,他和帆船正慢慢地在接近,只要它再往岸边靠近一些,帆船就会接近到离他四分之一哩以内了。

34、Tom presently began to drift insensibly back into the concerns of this life again. ─── 不久,汤姆不知不觉地关心起眼前的现实来。

35、The really governing conditions of life do not graduate away quite insensibly like heat or moisture. ─── 真正支配生活的条件,不是象温度或湿度那样地于完全不知不觉中逐渐消失。

36、These seasons of silence had insensibly been growing more and more frequent of late ─── 近来这种沉默的局面不知不觉地越来越常见了。

37、insensibly the lawyer melted ─── 不知不觉地,律师全身舒畅起来。

38、To revel in conceit or self-importance, usually insensibly. ─── 他唱歌时自我陶醉的样子真可笑。

39、During this period his friendly relations with the little Vesta insensibly strengthened. ─── 在这期间,他跟小味丝搭的亲善关系不知不觉地日渐加强起来。

40、Publicize a job to provincial Party committee from unit be transferred to civilian work, passed 3 years again insensibly. ─── 从部队转业到省委宣传部工作,不知不觉又过了3年。

41、Insensibly, and without her suspecting the fact, the blackness departed from her spirit. ─── 伤感已在不知不觉中从她心里无影无踪地消逝了。

42、Tom presently began to drift insensibly back into the concerns of this life again. ─── 不久,汤姆不知不觉地关心起眼前的现实来。

43、Sometimes, I fell time passed insensibly, but I did nothing. ─── 有时我感到生命从我身边悄悄消逝,而我则一事无成!

44、The subject, therefore, insensibly changed from the business of antiquity, to that which brought us to the fair ─── 我们的话题不知不觉的从上古谈到现在赶集的事。

45、while that is filling the alienation is insensibly going on, and when filled it is complete. ─── 随着争执越装越多,疏离感就会不知不觉的增长,口袋满了,疏离也成为现实。

46、insensibly back into the concerns of this life again. ─── 不知不觉地关心起眼前的现实来。

47、The possibility produces good opinion to her insensibly, because you had been been used to on the side have she ah!Wish she is happy! ─── 为什么老是想起她她的笑脸她的声音想忘也忘不了我不想她在我的大脑里但又希望永远能留在里面我是什么了?

48、It is remarkable how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten track for ourselves. ─── 他将要越过一条看不见的界线,他将要把一些事物抛在后面;

49、" acturallly, what you can not do? we were born to prove that we have special talents given by god, when we find our strongpoint, we insensibly give hope to others . ─── 我们生来就是要证明自己有上帝赋予的特殊才能,当我们发现自己的闪光点时,我们不知不觉也给于了别人同样的希望。

50、Two 3 good friends are right sit prattle, the setting sun outside the window falls gradually, the days afternoon escapes insensibly. ─── 两三好友对坐闲聊,窗外斜阳渐落,一个下午的时光溜走得不知不觉。

51、One can distinguish on its ruins three sorts of lesions,all three of which cut into it at different depths;first,time,which has insensibly notched its surface here and there,and gnawed it everywhere; ─── 从这种艺术的废墟上,可以发现有三种因素不同程度地破坏了这种艺术:首先是光阴,岁月不知不觉地腐蚀着其外表,留下了疏疏落落的缺口和斑斑锈迹;

52、By reading the books we like, we can insensibly improve our reading skills and acquire some knowledge of English, such as grammar, sentence structures and vocabulary. ─── 当然这是一个夸张的说法,可是带出的讯息十分明确,就是同学平日的浸淫的重要性。

53、It is remarkable how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten track for ourselves. ─── 想到我们在形成某种定式并熟习于此的时候是何等轻易并且不为自己所察觉,这可真令人惊异。

54、Actually real love is revealed insensibly, however appropriate action and language expression way are very important also. ─── 其实真正的爱是不知不觉流露出的,然而恰当的行动及语言表达方式也很重要。

55、Tom presently began to drift insensibly back into the concerns of this life again. ─── 不久,汤姆又不知不觉地回到了现实生活中来。

56、Right now, I am bending over to read a book on desk, drowsiness comes over, I entered sweet dreamland insensibly. ─── 此时,我正趴在书桌上看书,睡意袭来,我便不知不觉地进入了甜蜜的梦乡。

57、Most people in our country give priority to their children's education. But some people insensibly consider it secondary. ─── 我国大部分人将孩子们的教育放在优先位置。但是有些无知的人认为那是次要的。

58、Insensibly, the program has finally come to the last day of training. ─── 时间眨眼即逝,为期六个星期的暑假课程已于八月廿七日正式结束。

59、Unpacking and decryption (if required) are performed automatically and insensibly for application. ─── 解压缩和解密(如果需要)都是在后台自动进行的,无需您的干预。

60、The door of toilet often is in damp environment, its doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly. ─── 卫生间的门经常在潮湿的环境中,其门框下方不知不觉会腐朽。

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