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08-16 投稿


completive 发音

英:[k?m?plit?v]  美:[k?m?pli?t?v]

英:  美:

completive 中文意思翻译



completive 短语词组

1、completive cargo ─── 因不满载而以降低运费承揽装运的货物

2、completive selection ─── 完全选择

3、completive fragment ─── 完整的碎片

4、completive rate ─── 完成率

completive 相似词语短语

1、complicative ─── 复杂的;并发症;复杂化;复合物

2、compulsative ─── 强迫性的

3、completist ─── n.完美主义者

4、complete ─── adj.完整的;完全的;彻底的;vt.完成,使完满;完成或结束;填写(表格)

5、compellative ─── n.名称;称号

6、comparative ─── adj.比较的;相当的;n.比较级;对手

7、completing ─── v.完成;使完整(complete的ing形式)

8、competitive ─── adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的

9、completion ─── n.完成,结束;实现,竣工

completive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、completive consistency matrix ─── 完全一致性矩阵

2、When searching for the most skilled individual to fill a vacant cubicle, recruitment software that delivers results expediently gives the company utilizing it more of a completive edge. ─── 所有 工作在米尼亚波尼斯 产生要求一个平民填装他们,虽然一些也许要求支持军事行动的新的雇员工作。

3、Choose LS;choose the trustful quality, the completive price and the good after-sell service.Choose LS choose your best. ─── 选择联盛公司,就选择里值得信赖的品质,竞争力的价格,良好的售后服务。

4、According to actual circumstances of and main tasks faced by competitive sport in China, strategies for non-equilibrium development should be a scientific choice for completive sport in China. ─── 根据我国竞技体育的实际以及面临的主要任务,非均衡发展战略应当是我国竞技体育的科学选择。

5、for a corporation to survive and develop in the new completive surrounding , keeping low cost priority is an essential way. ─── 在新的竞争条件下,企业要生存和发展,保持低成本竞争优势是其不可偏废的策略。

6、This technology aims to improve dual-band antenna. Moreover, it can be adopted by domestic component and vehicle industries to enhance completive advantage. ─── 本技术以改善双频天线设计为目标,目前尚无相关技术运用,可提供国内零组件及整车业者之产品开发运用,进一步提升产品与技术竞争力。

7、ferud's complet adiuvant arthritis ─── 佐剂关节炎

8、Combien de tissu faut-il pour un complet? ─── 做一套西服需要多少料子?

9、new teaching building is completive. ─── 新教学楼落成。

10、They advance a more sicence, more completive assume for department buget system construction in terms of long-term object of pubilic finance. ─── 了取得的经验和存在的问题,并面向公共财政框架的远期目标,提出了更加科学、完整的部门预算编制体系建设的探索方向。

11、Our company insist in carrying out all-round brand strategy.Set up a market completive strength for designing.Producing. ─── 公司坚持全面实施品牌战略,建立起具有强大市场竞争力的设计、制造、营销网络,管理运用无差错管理模式;

12、Methods: 14 cases (24 feet) of rigid clubfoot were treated by complet e subtalar release. ─── 方法:距下完全松解术治疗重度先天性马蹄内翻足14例24足。

13、industrial completive power; ─── 产业竞争力;

14、French sculptor Bartholdi spend 10 years to complet the the hard work of sculpture. ─── 法国著名雕塑家巴托尔迪历时10年艰辛完成了雕像的雕塑工作,

15、completive clause ─── 补语分句

16、Defect and Completive Approach to Administration Hearing System ─── 试谈我国行政听证制度的缺陷及完善途径

17、No matter which payment method that you choose, please add your product and complet the order form. ─── 无论您用任何一种付款方法,请先把所订购货品加入购物车中,并填上购物表格。

18、they advance a more sicence,more completive assume for department buget system construction in terms of long-term object of pubilic finance. ─── 了取得的经验和存在的问题,并面向公共财政框架的远期目标,提出了更加科学、完整的部门预算编制体系建设的探索方向。

19、The new teaching building is completive. ─── 新教学楼落成。

20、Please comment on the applicant’s strengths and ability to complet a BSM/MSM degree.Please also add any statements concerning his or her potential for leadership roles in the future. ─── 请就申请人攻读这个学位的能力做评价,并说明申请人在将来是否有担任领导职务的潜能。

21、Our products with high qualtity, completive styles and the quantity of it, is up to more than 20 millon pairs per year. ─── 本公司产品质量可靠,品种齐全,年产量达2000多万双。

22、completive cargo ─── 因不满载而以降低运费承揽装运的货物

23、Also it is vey hard to complet sticker set because it is too hard to get Skywarp. ─── 即便你购买一盒(48包,336张卡片),你可能也不会得到完整的一套.

24、The individuality of anchorperson is the reflection of complet nature and character's charm. ─── 摘要主持人的个性就是个人综合素质和人格魅力的浓缩,它与节目在受众中的传播效果息息相关。

25、The Completive Aspect in Chinese and Translation of Buddhist Sutra ─── 汉语完成貌句式和佛经翻译

26、Result: It was found that nearly no complet ed cells exist after ultramicro_porphyrized under a microscope. ─── 结果:蒲公英经超微粉碎后,显微镜下观察基本无完整细胞存在。

27、Keywords Medical scientific research project;Completive rate;Influencing factor;Countermeasure of administration; ─── 医学科研课题;结题率;影响因素;管理对策;

28、completive interjection ─── 补足叹词

29、completive rate ─── 填载运费

30、Choose LS; choose the trustful quality, the completive price and the good after-sell service. Choose LS choose your best. ─── 选择联盛公司,就选择里值得信赖的品质,竞争力的价格,良好的售后服务。

31、We will try our best to develop our efficiency and completive to be the most famous power –machine manufacturer in China. ─── 我们在不断努力,把公司打造成最具影响力的、最具竞争力的品牌动力机械制造商。

32、We always adhere to provide stability quality, completive price, the quickly delivery date, honest attitude! ─── 我们始终坚持稳定的质量,最具竞争力的价格,最快的交货期,守信的经营理念!

33、Although I learn Chinese ,as a 21th centre student , we must learn more than others that could have the advantage of completive. ─── 虽然我是学中文的,作为21世纪的学生,我们只有学的比别人更多才有竞争优势。

34、industrial completive power ─── 产业竞争力

35、completive market mode' ─── 完全市场模式

36、Research on Competitive Intelligence of the Same-region Real-estate Intermixes And Completive Intelligence System ─── 同城域房地产企业竞争情报与竞争情报系统研究

37、Although I learn Chinese , as a 21th centre student , we must learn more than others that could have the advantage of completive . ─── 虽然我是学中文的,作为21世纪的学生,我们只有学的比别人更多才有竞争优势。

38、completive model ─── 完全模型

39、weak complet space ─── 弱完备空间

40、In the early Priabonian seawater complet ely withdrew from this area. ─── 至Priabonian早期,海水完全退出本区。

41、Completive learning helps to achieve students' personal distinctions and improve their individual development. ─── 竞争性学习有助于突出学生的个人能力和有利于他们的个人发展。

42、By means of complet marketing alH round quality marketing ,rela- ttons marketing and technical innovations the enterprises realize their new pursuit for marketing. ─── 通过以顾客满意为中心的整合营销、全面质量营销、关系营销、科技创新等途径和方法实现营销新追求。

43、complet manueal of sidel 65 wks and 66 dks drive the full source code, has been tested. ─── (译):完整manueal的西得乐的65周和66 dks驱动器的全部源代码,已经过测试。

44、Attention is paid to the theoretical research, the talent selection index system and the formation of the basic children completive training network with the support of the social forces. ─── 注重选材理论的研究,建立和完善选材指标体系;发挥社会力量,形成基层少儿竞训网络。

45、Love deeply and ardently, even if there is a pain, but this is the way to make your life complet. ─── 深情热烈的爱,也许你会受伤,这是使人生完整的唯一方法。

46、As a manufacturer of promising quality, delivery and completive pricing, Daiwa ever can provide you a one stop professional service to your satisfaction. ─── 集团向来都坚守品质,并保持最具竞争性的价格;并必能为你提供一站式满意的专业服务。

47、Especially in this knowledge-based economy, more and more enterprises realize that the human resource is the most important weapon in this high developed and completive world. ─── 企业领导不能正确认识培训,进而在企业中缺乏一种学习的氛围是造成这一状况的重要原因。

48、Facing the more and more completive surroundings the competition is becoming a cut-throat one, which makes it urgent to solve the issue that how to gain and maintain the competitive edge. ─── 面对日益激烈的竞争环境,企业作为一个组织,如何取得竞争优势,如何维持竞争优势?越来越多的企业意识到,人才流失是企业资本的流失,必然影响到企业的生存与发展。

49、the construction and operation of the completive VR system are given to benefit the relative research in the future. ─── 完全虚拟实境之设备建构与沟通操作等。

50、They are random chromosome segregation.random chromo- tid segregation and complet equational segregation. ─── 同时也讨论了“双减数值”以及利用它测定基因与着丝点之间重组值的方法。

51、Est-ce que je peux essayer ce complet? ─── 我能试这套西装吗?

52、completive inspection ─── 澈查

53、Most Important link of the logistics management of supply chain formed and supply chain management is relying on manual to complet. ─── 而为物流领域供应链的形成和供应链管理重要的物流管理环节,很多是靠人工来完成。

54、completive fragment ─── 补足性片断

55、74. The main clinical symptoms were:the difficult defecation ,elongation of defecation anus distentin and non - complet defecation . dejecta turns small, &hemorrhoids. ─── 主要临床症状:均有排便困难,排便时间明显延长,伴有肛门坠胀,有排便不尽感,粪便条变细,合并痔疮。

56、completive intelligence ─── 竞争情报

57、A contrast is often made between business, which is completive and government, which is monopoly . ─── 对比通常发生在商界和政界之间:也就是竞争性和垄断性。

58、They are good in quality and completive in price . ─── 他们是在良好的质量和竞争力的代价。

59、Overjet for complet mouth cavity artificial tooth; repair ─── 主题词全口覆盖;义齿;修复

60、The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprises is strengthen. ─── 高质量的工程不仅给投资方、社会带来了潜在的效益,而且也将给建设企业带来良好的信誉,从而增强企业的竞争能力。

61、completive aspect ─── 完成体

62、A completive algorithm is presented to implement this idea. ─── 文章给出了算法的完整步骤。

63、Long-Ray Technology Ltd. has a completive team inclusive of management/sales/service and technical support. We can accept more kinds of business base on different currency or delivery method. ─── 乐瑞科技拥有完善的管理、市场营销、销售及技术工程师队伍,可以处理多种币种和交货方式的业务。

64、Based on the expe ri ment and research,friction characters of PTFE soft belt were discussed complet ely. ─── 在理论和实验分析的基础上,对PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)软带的摩擦学特性进行了全面论述。

65、No exception, supply chain has been a most useful weapon that helps Heng Di to achieve to its significant success in high completive market. ─── 毫不例外,供应链管理也是亨地在高度商业竞争中取得成功的有力武器。

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