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08-16 投稿


arraignment 发音

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英:  美:

arraignment 中文意思翻译



arraignment 词性/词形变化,arraignment变形


arraignment 短语词组

1、arraignment hearing ─── 提审听证会

2、arraignment and plea definition ─── 提审与抗辩定义

3、arraignment of government officals ─── [法] 弹劾政府官员

4、arraignment of defendant ─── [法] 传唤被告, 提审被告

5、right of arraignment ─── [法] 提审权

6、arraignment citation ─── 传讯

7、arraignment for probation violation ─── 违反缓刑传讯

8、arraignment summons ─── 传讯 ─── 传票

9、arraignment meaning ─── 提审含义

10、arraignment felony ─── 提审重罪

arraignment 相似词语短语

1、arrangements ─── n.安排;准备;整理(arrangement的复数)

2、alignment ─── n.队列,成直线;校准;结盟

3、arraigning ─── vt.传讯,控告;责难,指责

4、arraignments ─── n.传讯;提讯;提问;责难

5、deraignment ─── n.抗辩

6、arrangement ─── n.布置;整理;准备;安排

7、arraigned ─── v.提审;挑毛病;谴责(arraign的过去式和过去分词)

8、darraignment ─── 黑暗

9、arraigner ─── 提审人

arraignment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr Brown is not the first politician to grab credit in good times and deflect the buck in bad ones, nor the only current leader to arraign hostile global forces for domestic woe. ─── 要说繁荣期利用信贷,衰弱期逃避责任,布朗也谈不上开先河;

2、presence fight in arraign ─── 讯问在场权

3、Tiffany Hall appeared at an arraignment hearing through a video conference from the St. ─── 她被指控杀死了一个她的正在怀孕中的朋友并将胎儿从其子宫里刨出。

4、The woman accused of slashing a young mother's throat and kidnapping her baby convulsed in sobs during her arraignment in Missouri. 36-year-old Shannon Torrez has pleaded not guilty. ─── 密苏里州36岁的杜兰丝被控割伤一名年轻母亲的喉咙并绑架了她的婴儿,在传讯期间她抽搐呜咽,恳求不要判她有罪。

5、Arraignment - The initial appearance before a judge in a criminal case. ─── ) 传讯。在刑诉判决前的初次出庭。

6、Thus, in the immediate sequel to Jesus's life and arraignment of the “commandments of men,” the Pharisees, like the Levites earlier, intensified the racial and tribal nature and rigour of the Law; ─── 因此,在当前的续集耶稣的生命和提审的“戒律的男人,”法利赛一样,利此前,加剧了种族和部落的性质和严谨的法律;

7、The head of the International Monetary Fund is awaiting arraignment Sunday in New York City. ─── 国际货币基金组织领导人周日在纽约等待被提审。

8、pending arraignment ─── 待审; 等待起诉

9、Wyatt asks the desk clerk which courthouse he is being transferred to for arraignment. ─── 他向接待警员询问了马宏将在哪个法庭接受传讯。

10、In the weeks since Roulet's arraignment the state's discovery file grew thicker as scientific reports filtered in, ─── 明明是说州警方面不断收到科学报告,调查的档案越来越厚。

11、At the arraignment, Ms. Beldini said she didn't violate taxpayers' trust and declined to comment further while leaving the courthouse. Mr. Elwell and his lawyer declined to comment. ─── 贝尔蒂尼在传讯中表示,她没有辜负纳税人的信任,并在离开法院时拒绝进一步置评。埃尔维尔和他的律师均拒绝置评。

12、the diffusion of information and arraignment of all abuses at the bar of the public reason; ─── 传播知识并以公众理智为依据谴责一切弊端;

13、right of arraignment ─── [法] 提审权

14、His arraignment is scheduled for later today. ─── 他将于今天晚些时候被提审。

15、Drew will be summoned to appear for an arraignment in a US District Court in Los Angeles in June. ─── 提请将传召出庭一提审,在美国联邦地方法院在美国洛杉矶6月。

16、They are scheduled for arraignment October 5th. ─── 传讯他们的时间安排在十月五日。

17、" The words of Christ were an arraignment of the whole system of Pharisaism. ─── 他声明:拉比们把自己的规条放在上帝的诫命之上,无异于抬举自己,贬低上帝。

18、‘You arraign me?’ ─── ‘你审我吗?’

19、arraign v. ─── 提讯;

20、Arraign sb on a charge of murder ─── 控告某人犯谋杀罪

21、Corrupt cops false testimony at your arraignment ─── 腐败捉作伪证,你在提审

22、His name wasn't released and the boy isn't in custody, but he must show up for a November arraignment. ─── 目前男孩姓名没有被公开,他没有遭到拘押,但他将于11月被传讯。

23、His name wasn't released and the boy isn't in custody, but he must show up for a November arraignment. ─── 目前男孩姓名没有被公开,他没有遭到拘押,但他将于11月被传讯。

24、Mao La is again fourth answer: "Arrived after you are dead Acheron, angel can come arraign you. ─── 毛拉再丁答:“你们死后到了阴间,天使就会来提审你们。

25、The defendant's first opportunity to ask the court to appoint a lawyer is usually at his or her first court appearance , often called the arraignment. ─── 译:被告人通常在其第一次出庭时有机会请求法院为其指派一名律师,第一次出庭常成为“传讯”。

26、but if he judges it best to leave the condemned to suffer the righteous sentence, none may arraign him at their bar. ─── 那些论及人有权利配受圣洁上帝体恤之言论是愚蠢、不知羞耻的。

27、A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf Monday at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud. ─── 周一有人在佛拉明罕地方法院代表波克,在提讯时就包括身分诈欺等罪名,答辩无罪。

28、A man who identified himself as Tim Anderson, boyfriend of Massachusetts Institute of Technology sophomore Star Simpson, sits in court during her arraignment Friday, Sept. 21, 2007. ─── 就在今年一月份底,波士顿市内发现了数十个闪烁电子装置,这曾造成全城恐慌,高速公路、桥梁以及公交都一度中断。

29、On Philosophic Base of Ecological Aesthetic: Intersubjectivity--A Arraignment of Practice Aesthetic ─── 简析生态美学的哲学基础:主体间性--对实践美学的一种质疑

30、At an arraignment, the charges against the defendant are read, a lawyer is appointed if the defendant cannot afford one, and the defendant's plea is entered. ─── 传讯,被告的费用被免除。如果被告无力支付,为被告指定律师。

31、This unique arraignment weighs just 56 kg (the total car weighs 1350 kg) and offers up to four times the rigidity of traditional supercars. ─── 这种独特的传讯仅重56公斤(总车重一三五零千克),并提供最高达4倍的僵化传统的超级跑车。

32、Madoff could plead guilty at an arraignment hearing set for Thursday, or he could deny the charges at that time and seek a jury trial. ─── 马多夫在周四将进行的聆讯中可能会表示认罪,但也有可能否认指控并要求陪审团审理。

33、When Simpson was asked at his 1994 arraignment on twin murder charges if he was guilty, he didn't just say, not guilty. ─── 在1994年双胞胎谋杀指控的提审时被问他是否有罪,他不只说,没罪。

34、Refusing to plead when under arraignment. ─── 故意不答辨当被指控时拒不答辩的

35、On counsel lawyer's presence rights in arraign ─── 试论辩护律师的讯问在场权

36、The man accused of killing a Wesleyan University student was arraign ed Friday. ─── 被指控杀害卫斯廉大学学生的男子周五被起诉。

37、814.An indictment or information is presented to the court, and a formal arraignment on the charges is held. ─── 起诉方向法院提供起诉状,(法院)根据控诉正式传讯被告。

38、Arraignment for a Michigan man charged with murdering his wife and dismembering her body. ─── 一名密西根男子出庭受审,他被指控谋杀他的妻子并肢解其尸体。

39、The singer created a fan frenzy while standing on top of an SUV during his 2004 arraignment on child molestation charges in Santa Maria, Calif. ─── 杰克逊2004年因娈童指控被传讯期间,在加州圣塔玛丽亚站在一辆SUV车顶引发歌迷狂乱。

40、arraignment of defendant ─── [法] 传唤被告, 提审被告

41、His arraignment is scheduled for later today. ─── 他将于今天晚些时候被提审。

42、After Nashiri's arraignment a military judge is expected to set the schedule for the trial. ─── 对纳希里进行初审之后,一名军事法官将为军事审判安排时间。

43、And the family wanted to eat their own personally packet dumplings, talking arraignment! ─── 就想和家人一起吃吃自己亲手包的粽子,说说话也好啊!

44、He be arraign for high treason . ─── 他被控叛国罪。

45、A defendant who refuses to plead when under arraignment. ─── 当被指控时拒不答辩的被告。

46、'The forensic evidence, we believe, will not be consistent with a forcible encounter, ' he said at the arraignment hearing. ─── 他在提审听证会上说,我们认为,法庭的证据不会与强行侵犯相符。

47、The arraignment of Dominique Strauss-Kahn on charges including attempted rape and sexual abuse of a hotel housekeeper has stunned France. ─── 因受到包括企图强奸和性侵害一位酒店女服务员的指控,多米尼克·施特劳斯·卡恩的受审震惊了法国。

48、The following morning, we sat in the Maui courthouse and awaited arraignment. ─── 第二天早上,我们坐在毛伊岛法院里等待父亲被提讯。

49、to accuse sb. of; to charge; to arraign; to impeach sb. of (or with); to indict sb. for (or on); to lay sth. to sb.'s charge; to swear an accusation against; to bring a charge against; to put sb. in the dock ─── 指控

50、arraignment of government officals ─── [法] 弹劾政府官员

51、Arraignment is when the charges against the juvenile will be read, and the judge will ask how the juvenile pleads. ─── 提审会宣读对其的指控,法官会要求他自己进行抗辩。

52、the arraignment of the suspects ─── 对嫌犯的传讯

53、She was remanded to juvenile detention at her arraignment yesterday. ─── 她昨天被送回了对少年拘留在她的传讯。

54、IMF officials had been waiting for the arraignment before holding a board meeting. ─── 国际货币基金组织官员在召开执行董事会会议之前,一直在等待有关传讯的消息。

55、None of the defendants entered pleas at at the arraignment, which was held at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ─── 军方辩护律师将声称,至少有一个案子的证据将因为审讯人员对疑犯使用了水刑而失效。

56、a defendant who refuses to plead when under arraignment ─── 当被指控时拒不答辩的被告



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