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08-16 投稿


cannikin 发音


英:  美:

cannikin 中文意思翻译



cannikin 词性/词形变化,cannikin变形

形容词最高级: canniest |形容词比较级: cannier |名词: canniness |副词: cannily |

cannikin 短语词组

1、cannikin law ─── 木桶定律

2、cannikin test cannikin ─── 试验

3、cannikin blast ─── 坎尼金爆破

4、cannikin lake ─── 卡纳金湖

5、cannikin shot ─── 炮弹

cannikin 相似词语短语

1、canikins ─── n.小罐;小杯(等于cannikin)

2、cannikins ─── n.小杯;小罐

3、canakin ─── n.小盏;小罐

4、mannikins ─── n.侏儒;矮人

5、pannikin ─── n.小盘;小平底锅;小杯

6、canikin ─── n.小罐;小杯(等于cannikin)

7、pannikins ─── n.小盘;小平底锅;小杯

8、cannabin ─── n.大麻脂;毒麻脂

9、mannikin ─── n.侏儒;矮人

cannikin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is one of the best materials used to make cannikin. ─── 是木桶之最佳用材之一。

2、The still has one cannikin clear alcohol Taiwan rice wine that follow soup base and goes up, action is the effect that promotes a crude drug, make soup more sweet thick. ─── 随汤底而上的还有一小杯清醇的台湾米酒,作用是提升药材的功效,使汤更加香浓。

3、The "Cannikin" Phenomenon of Matrix Organization and Its Solution ─── 矩阵制组织结构中的"木桶"现象以及解决途径

4、Daily one cannikin adds saline touch, before feeding hollow take, a day 2. ─── 每日一小杯加盐少许,食前空腹服,一日2次。

5、Vodka drinks a way best is to pour on one cannikin, quaff, then mind warms one blast meaning, passion came. ─── 伏特加最好的喝法是倒上一小杯,一饮而尽,于是心头一阵暖意,激情来了。

6、The flavor contains the fragrance of new oak cannikin, leaving long-lasting fragrance. ─── 果味中饱含新橡木桶的清香,形成丰饶,甜美而宜人的口味,回味悠长醇美。

7、Attendant:Is what you want a cup still a cannikin still a bottle to pack in the big cup? ─── 服务员:您要的是大杯中杯还是小杯还是瓶装?

8、Drink one cannikin vinegar, can help you digest, return the soft profit that the skin that can let you changes. ─── 喝一小杯醋,就可以帮助你消化,还可以让你的肌肤变的柔润。

9、Want to drink on one cannikin everyday only, because of,can reduce carbohydrate or adipose the bear of the peptic that cause! ─── 只要天天喝上一小杯,就能减轻因碳水化合物或脂肪引起的消化器官的负荷!

10、The "Cannikin" Phenomenon of Matrix Organization and Its Solution ─── 矩阵制组织结构中的“木桶”现象以及解决途径

11、They cheered up for this beautiful party with flushed faces and more colorful roses reflected upon the cannikin. ─── 贵宾举杯邀友,醉红了笑脸,泛在水杯中的玖瑰更显艳丽。

12、Cannikin yoghurt (125 milliliter) drink two cups. ─── 小杯酸奶(125毫升)就喝两杯。

13、Pack with molding tool or cannikin son, put into refrigerator to refrigerate for more than two hour. ─── 用模具或是小杯子装著,放入冰箱冷藏两小时以上即可。

14、He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin . ─── 他从酒桶里倒了一些白兰地到一只小锡杯里。

15、The shortest pice of a cannikin decide the cotent of it ,the thinnest tache decide the strength of a shackles and the worst diathesis decide the develop of a man. ─── 一只木桶,最短的一片决定它的容量;一条铁链,最薄弱的环节决定它的强度;一个人,最差的素质决定他的发展!

16、Method: Add one cannikin red wine 2 move to to 3 ladle honey thick after stiff condition, even apply is on the face, after working 8 minutes, wash clean with Wen Shui. ─── 方法:将一小杯红酒加2到3勺子蜂蜜调至浓稠的状态后,均匀的敷在脸上,八分干后用温水洗干净。

17、He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin. ─── 他从酒桶里倒了些白兰地。

18、Full-bodied dark alcohol body sets off purple luster and the mixed scent of cannikin and berry. ─── 浓郁的深暗色酒体,掩映出亮紫色泽。散发着木桶发酵的复杂气息与浆果的混合芳香。

19、Above all, look for a gone hairdressing bottle or a cannikin, pour a few pearl powder to be in container first, deserve to mix with a few milk again smooth. ─── 首先,找个用完的美容瓶或一只小杯,先倒一些珍珠粉在容器里,再配以少量牛奶混合调匀。

20、Brown, and clear stripes.It is the best material used to make cannikin. ─── 该木材带棕色的光泽、条纹清晰,是木桶用才之最佳材料。

21、5. Cannikin yoghurt (125 milliliter) drink two cups. ─── 小杯酸奶(125毫升)就喝两杯。

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